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Arranged marriage is a cope.



Feb 9, 2018
I always see fellow ethnicels saying that they’re planning to get an arranged marriage in the future, but i’m here to tell you that even arranged marriage is a cope. I don’t know how it is for curries and other ethnics, but atleast in Somali culture, before agreeing to the marriage the man and woman have to meet face to face in the womans house under parental supervision. The woman, after meeting the man then has the choice to decline the marriage or go through with it. It’s not forced as is portrayed in the media. Now, realistically, do you think after meeting me, a socially retarded truecel that any woman would agree to the marriage? No. She would decline instantly.
My only cope is to marry a poor girl from back home and bring her here but I would live my life knowing that she’s just using me for my passport and doesn’t love me at all. 
It’s over.
Only Low IQ white ppl think all arranged marriages are forced.
We ethnics are idd fucked.
how do you "meet" the girl, like is it from family connections ?
Ethniccels could run arrange marriage game. Wanting sex is reaches far above cope, its almost everyone's end goal in life to have sex, and kids (to spread on our genes further). I think sometimes Incels have a way of being prudent on self-improvement.

Luckily I'm white (as I don't have the desire to get married myself) and my culture isn't too stern on getting arrange marriages, but we'd probably benefit from it, i.e. birth rates.

Your probably missing out on the validation of being desired. Nothing feels better than attracting her from the get-go and of course in-conjunction of having the feeling of being wanted.
Yup. And that's why i'll always be incel in an Islamic third world country. I'm just too trash to be with a women whether it's arranged marriage or not.
SOMCEL said:
I always see fellow ethnicels saying that they’re planning to get an arranged marriage in the future, but i’m here to tell you that even arranged marriage is a cope. I don’t know how it is for curries and other ethnics, but atleast in Somali culture, before agreeing to the marriage the man and woman have to meet face to face in the womans house under parental supervision. The woman, after meeting the man then has the choice to decline the marriage or go through with it. It’s not forced as is portrayed in the media. Now, realistically, do you think after meeting me, a socially retarded truecel that any woman would agree to the marriage? No. She would decline instantly.
My only cope is to marry a poor girl from back home and bring her here but I would live my life knowing that she’s just using me for my passport and doesn’t love me at all. 
It’s over.

Lol deluded westernised fucker no such thing as love. Either your good looking enough to attract a woman or betabux. I'm not sure how it is with Somalians but with pakistanjs there is parental approval or pressure. If you have a good job and standing in the community the parents will push the idea of marriage on her. Find a girl from your tribe
Pre Marital sex and haram dating is bigger cope for ethnics/deathniks
helloissame said:
Lol deluded westernised fucker no such thing as love. Either your good looking enough to attract a woman or betabux. I'm not sure how it is with Somalians but with pakistanjs there is parental approval or pressure. If you have a good job and standing in the community the parents will push the idea of marriage on her. Find a girl from your tribe
There is parental pressure but still its hard for incels, even the girls parents usually dont want her to get with an ugly guy especially because there are so many guys chasing after her. If you marry a poor girl from 3rd world its highly likely she’ll leave you as soon as she gets her visa, ive seen this happen
Love is bs but it’s natural to crave it
Arranged marriage worked out for my parents
If you guys can't even attract a woman on your own, let alone deal with rejection. What in the world makes you think you can support a wife and kids? I'm not shitting on you guys, but the whole marriage to get laid will only drag more people into misery.
Yeah but shouldn't you be able to find a arranged wife if you study hard and get a good job, and looksmax a bit? Sounds a lot easier than finding a gf in the West, at least for high inhibition mentalcels. I wish I had the opportunity to have an arranged marriage!

Robinxyz said:
I'm not shitting on you guys, but the whole marriage to get laid will only drag more people into misery.

I don't want a marriage to get laid, I also want a partner and eventually start a family
Arranged marriage is cope even if it happens, because;

If you get arranged marriage with a female in your country she has 100% been on the white cock carousel and is now looking for a begabux beta muslim guy now she’s now “found herself” and is ready to be a true muslim, she will be moody and not want to fuck at all, she will also still lust after white dicks

If you get arranged marriage with a female from your original country she will be ok at first but the second she gets citenzenship there she will have a revelation and realize how oppressive her former culture was and how much greater this one is, so she will stand up to her evil husband by sucking a load of white dicks. either way you lose.
yeah because the father has to approve, and your family often needs to submit something financial. so poor ethnicels who are uggo are super fucked
Robinxyz said:
If you guys can't even attract a woman on your own, let alone deal with rejection. What in the world makes you think you can support a wife and kids? I'm not shitting on you guys, but the whole marriage to get laid will only drag more people into misery.

I don’t see why being unable to attract females would impair your ability to raise children?
Krispinwah said:
Arranged marriage is cope even if it happens, because;

If you get arranged marriage with a female in your country she has 100% been on the white cock carousel and is now looking for a begabux beta muslim guy now she’s now “found herself” and is ready to be a true muslim, she will be moody and not want to fuck at all, she will also still lust after white dicks

If you get arranged marriage with a female from your original country she will be ok at first but the second she gets citenzenship there she will have a revelation and realize how oppressive her former culture was and how much greater this one is, so she will stand up to her evil husband by sucking a load of white dicks. either way you lose.
This. Arranged marriage is the biggest cope.
my dad wants me to arranged marriage some fob gookess. JFL

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