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Discussion Are You a Regular Incel or a Legit Truecel?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 35725
  • Start date

Are You a Regular Incel or a Legit Truecel?

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White people try to claim Egypt now too
Same as the Arabs that are in the country now. Even Coptic is the same language as Ancient Egyptian, and is part of the Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semetic) language family so as the Berber, Arabic and Ethiopian languages.

But is it true that blacks (Nubians/Sudanese) were always in Egypt since ancient times?
Are you actually 5'7" or are you larping 2" in your real height like most guys do?
Are you actually 5'7" or are you larping 2" in your real height like most guys do?
Actually 171 cm (5'7") when standing barefoot.

There is actually no incentive to LARP as taller than you really are on an incel forum; if anything, the opposite is true here.

I should be LARPing as 5'9" in real life, but my honesty gets the best of me.
Actually 171 cm (5'7") when standing barefoot.

There is actually no incentive to LARP as taller than you really are on an incel forum; if anything, the opposite is true here.

I should be LARPing as 5'9" in real life, but my honesty gets the best of me.
My drivers license says 5'8 but I'm 5'6.5
Low tier normie face and I'm an ethnic but I could ascend if I go under the knife. All my falios and flaws are quite fixable it seems. Regular incel I guess
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Truecel, i wouldn't go 34 years without any female attention if i wasn't. I probably dont even know how ugly i am because im used to my face.
not going to vote because it's a false dichotomy and a purity spiral

we are a continuum of degrees of control and opportunity
My drivers license says 5'8 but I'm 5'6.5
I used to claim to be 174 cm (5'8.5"), but that was when I truly believed that I was 174 cm, as I was incorrectly told that it was my real height.

As I've only recently taken the heightpill, I've only recently accurately measured myself, several times to be sure, and it's always 171 cm. :fuk:
why are you even surprised that a fakecel is lying here?

this forum is full of mentally unstable people, wouldnt be surprised there'd be lying psychopath here
I'm more amused by his posts than I am surprised by them, but generally speaking. one would think that actual psychopaths would have more interesting communities to troll and more productive avenues for callous exploitation than this community of atomized, dejected, unmotivated, and (for the most part) economically struggling loners.
A manlet who once managed to ascend can still be an incel for the rest of his life, but a tallfag can have sex today and indeed every day because he possesses the trait that foids consider to be the most attractive in a potential mate. If you are tall, you can do no wrong. If you are short, you can do no right. All tallfags can get laid by virtue of being tallfags alone. An ugly tallfag has a dramatically higher SMV than a handsome manlet. If you are 5'7", your overall SMV will never be higher than 4/10, no matter how handsome you are. If you are 6'2", your overall SMV will never be lower than 5.5/10, even if your entire face was burned off in a horrific fire catastrophe. Height >>> everything else combined and squared.
Absolutely true. :blackpill:
I'm more amused by his posts than I am surprised by them, but generally speaking. one would think that actual psychopaths would have more interesting communities to troll and more productive avenues for callous exploitation than this community of atomized, dejected, unmotivated, and (for the most part) economically struggling loners.
I noticed that people from this forum spoke about the blackpill but that they did not believe in it really. They hope that they will ascend. They don't like to read testimonies of oldcels and protocels who confirm them that there is really no hope for an incel. That his life will really be so awful as they describe at this forum if they do not rope before. :blackpill:

They think that the truth is a troll. :forcedsmile:
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I am a regular 3/10 Incel. My giga main issue is my recessed chin.

This guy mogs me and I'm an oldcel..
Just a regular victim of hypergamy and Chad only. I would Have gotten a gf in 1990s.
I’m truecel, I’m hideous, short and have no friends and no female interactions
Id say just regular incel tbh.
I have some positive traits but they are outweighed by my negative traits
I shit in a bag im literally subhuman and shouldnt even be alive, yet here i am for no other reason but to wageslave and suffer
I shit in a bag im literally subhuman and shouldnt even be alive, yet here i am for no other reason but to wageslave and suffer
You are an ostomite?
Im hoping to ascend in my mid thirties as a professor, possibly in asia. If this doesnt succeeed im defenetely a trucel. Until then im coping and maxxing.
What specifically is wrong with your appearance? Are you a manlet? An acnescarcel? Recessedjawcel? Framecel?
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What specifically is wrong with your appearance? Are you a manlet? An acnescarcel? Recessedjawcel? Framecel?
he's a rich, unironic 6 ft chang larping as one of us.
I don't think he's ever listed his actual flaws aside from a meme response of "everything"
I shit in a bag im literally subhuman and shouldnt even be alive, yet here i am for no other reason but to wageslave and suffer
JFL at not throwing the bag at foids in public before changing it.
It's honestly hard to tell. If I say truecel, I'll be underselling myself but if I say regular incel I would just enter cope territory.
he's a rich, unironic 6 ft chang larping as one of us.
I don't think he's ever listed his actual flaws aside from a meme response of "everything"
He’s high IQ I he is a high quality poster for the most part but jfl 6ft rich hookermaxxed chang.
I'm defo not truecel level. I'm a short low tier normie with bad social skills who has lived 25 years on this gay earth and has basically nothing to show for it. I'm a regular incel imo
same but 22. Pain tbh:feelsbadman:
Regular incel. But if you believe your able to ascend someday, you might be a fakecel pos. Basically saying “Yeah I think I’m ugly, but I will fuck bitches later” I wish I could say I’m able to ascend someday..

In the end I have no hope at all for myself and I know it
What happen dude? You had IBD?
Yeah, crohns disease. None of the meds worked so basically the surgeon had to remove my large intestine, otherwise i was shitting blood constantly and would have died if it werent for blood transfusions. My abdomen felt like it was on fire fore months and had constant bloody diarrhea until we gave up on the 4 different meds they tried and went for surgery

I have an origin story thread with all the details but im in class and cant really search for it on mobile rn
I want to believe i'm regular :feelsrope:
Legit truecel

40 yo, 5'4", prognathism
(This poll is not intended for all the 10/10 giga-Chad fakecels who are occupying this space)

As we know, there are two categories of incels: regular incels, i.e. men who can't get into a relationship or have non-paid sex despite actively trying for at least 6 months, and truecels, i.e. men who will never, under any reasonable circumstances, be able to ascend, no matter what course of action they take.

I classify myself in the regular incel category, as I'm a 5'7" unattractive manchild loser, but I believe that with sufficient effort, I will eventually be able to ascend.

I classify the stereotypical 5'2" bald janitor of Indian extraction as a truecel, because such a person should reasonably expect lifelong indefinite involuntary celibacy.

Where do you classify yourselves, brocels?
Do autistic, ugly and stupid ogrecels count as truecels?
Do autistic, ugly and stupid ogrecels count as truecels?
What is your height, and how would you rate your face?

Success is primarily correlated with looks, so if you're only moderately ugly rather than extremely ugly, probably not a truecel; however, if you're ugly and autistic, then you may still be a truecel despite not totally looking like crap, because it's a crippling combination. But I tend to dismiss "mentalceldom," as mentalcels -- especially tall mentalcels -- always sooner or later reveal themselves as fakecels.
I am a 20+ 5'3(Leaning towards 5'2) ethnicel with mental illnesses and stuttering problems. Women and Chads often denigrate me for my short height, race, and "strange" autistic behavior. I haven't had any actual friends or acquaintances in about sixteen years.

From my viewpoint, "Truecel" is accurate.
What is your height, and how would you rate your face?

Success is primarily correlated with looks, so if you're only moderately ugly rather than extremely ugly, probably not a truecel; however, if you're ugly and autistic, then you may still be a truecel despite not totally looking like crap, because it's a crippling combination. But I tend to dismiss "mentalceldom," as mentalcels -- especially tall mentalcels -- always sooner or later reveal themselves as fakecels.
5'10" and yes I'm not Two-face from Batman but I am ugly and autistic
5'10" and yes I'm not Two-face from Batman but I am ugly and autistic
Since you aren't tall, you are ugly, and you are autistic, I can believe that you're a truecel, as it's a triple-bad combo.

However, what do you think?

Do you believe that you will never, under any reasonable circumstances, be able to ascend?
Since you aren't tall, you are ugly, and you are autistic, I can believe that you're a truecel, as it's a triple-bad combo.

However, what do you think?

Do you believe that you will never, under any reasonable circumstances, be able to ascend?
Yes. I can barely speak a sentence without tripping over my own words. I've had women scream the moment they laid eyes on me.
Yes. I can barely speak a sentence without tripping over my own words. I've had women scream the moment they laid eyes on me.
Well, if you have no prospects of ever overcoming this debilitating speech impediment, then I guess it's over. :fuk::fuk::fuk:

Have you tried somehow improving your communication skills, aided by professional help?
I really don't know, just can't predict if I have a chance of ascending or if I'll be forever doomed
If you are a tallfag, you aren’t Incel period unless you are actually deformed and even then idk we need to purge all these fake cels and fbi cel infiltrators :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
If you are a tallfag, you aren’t Incel period unless you are actually deformed and even then idk we need to purge all these fake cels and fbi cel infiltrators :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

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