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Serious Are there any people here with actuamalformations/deformities?



Jan 1, 2018
I've seen a lot of people claiming they are genetic trash but are they?
Is there anyone here who has actual deformations that are the result of poor genetic quality, deformities such as scolliosis or marfan syndrome etc.
If so, talk about your experiences with such and how you cope with it.
Does starting to go bald at 14 count?
I have a very mild degree of scoliosis, does that count
Development of mandible ppt 37 638 1
This is what I have, without a doubt. My entire lower face just lacks in size and protrusion. Teeth are crammed due to V shapped jaw. Chin also small AND overbite.
I have a 26” head circumference which distorts my face due to compact temples.
Is there anyone here who has actual deformations that are the result of poor genetic quality
Well I was born Black, that counts right?
How do I cope with this particular deformity? Escape to video game and anime worlds where everything is just white anyways.
How would you suggest dealing with such a condition?
Surgery perhaps?

Yes I would need maxillofacial surgery which widens the jaw. Would need another surgery to make it longer. It would cost about 10 Grand maybe 20 grand for both which I am broke poor so is my family. But I recently got a new job so every pay check I am putting in a fund to hopefully get this surgery. Hope to fucking god I can.

Also the part that really pisses me off, if you look at the pic of that guy and cover up the lower half of his face. He looks like someone who is attractive, but when you see the lower face it brings him down to a 2. Its the same with me, the upper half of my head is attractive, I would probably be a chad without those malformed jaws. But with everything put together I am a 2
Most physical deformities are ultimately benign. This doesn't mean they aren't socially-annihilating.
Being ugly+ balding meant I'd take all the pills at a very early age. I'd never seen a person as socially defeated as me at that age. It gets somewhat better with time...
Yes I would need maxillofacial surgery which widens the jaw. Would need another surgery to make it longer. It would cost about 10 Grand maybe 20 grand for both which I am broke poor so is my family. But I recently got a new job so every pay check I am putting in a fund to hopefully get this surgery. Hope to fucking god I can.
Ay good luck with that friend, do you feel that such an underdevelloped jaw and chin affects your breathing, maybe apnea?
i have an underbite
Most physical deformities are ultimately benign. This doesn't mean they aren't socially-annihilating.
Being ugly+ balding meant I'd take all the pills at a very early age. I'd never seen a person as socially defeated as me at that age. It gets somewhat better with time...
Not really, a lot of physical deformities alter the body in such a way that it ruins it in a way that is more than aesthetic which means that it's not benign, FOP is one of the most extreme examples of this, though i agree that due to the judgemental nature of people, deformities regardless of how benign they are, are mocked and put into the same bag.
I have midface hypoplasia and a recessed lower jaw with an overbite. I'm also going bald and have crippling back pain. All at the sweet age of 19.
Ay good luck with that friend, do you feel that such an underdevelloped jaw and chin affects your breathing, maybe apnea?

Naw, I sleep and breath just fine. Affects every other part of my life though, how I am treated, how seriously people take any of my concerns (not serious at all) and obviously complete rejection from women. I even been rejected by fat women. Kid of funny though, when I was 14 I looked normal but its like my jaw never grew since I was 14 so every year after that I got less and less attractive. All my experience with women (such as kissing two) was when I was 14. But by the time I was 16 I was incel cause I never changed and women dont like baby faces
No, just my mental health due to the ostracizing I’ve dealt with because of it.
If so then the problem lies within people who mocking you over it, it's not a deformity if it doesn't involve some degree of physical ailment but i understand that people have bullied you for it and this led you to believe you're deformed, you are not actually deformed.
Naw, I sleep and breath just fine. Affects every other part of my life though, how I am treated, how seriously people take any of my concerns (not serious at all) and obviously complete rejection from women. I even been rejected by fat women. Kid of funny though, when I was 14 I looked normal but its like my jaw never grew since I was 14 so every year after that I got less and less attractive. All my experience with women (such as kissing two) was when I was 14. But by the time I was 16 I was incel cause I never changed and women dont like baby faces
It's not a deformity if it never affected your health in any way, the problem lies within others and not yourself.
I have midface hypoplasia and a recessed lower jaw with an overbite. I'm also going bald and have crippling back pain. All at the sweet age of 19.
You'd want to look more into what this back pain is, this is could be serious.
Theres a very slight curve in the spine

Its so mild that the doctor didnt even give a back brace
Is the spine curved horizontally or vertically?
Does it affect your health in any way?
Not a deformation if it doesn't.
Well I was born Black, that counts right?
How do I cope with this particular deformity? Escape to video game and anime worlds where everything is just white anyways.
No it doesn't.
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I have a colostomy bag as a result of surgery due to Crohn's disease, which is a partially genetic illness. I cope by wearing loose clothing so people cant see it through my clothes.

And also drugs
I have a colostomy bag as a result of surgery due to Crohn's disease, which is a partially genetic illness. I cope by wearing loose clothing so people cant see it through my clothes.


Finally a real problem.

Do you find all the fakecels on this site frustrating as fuck?
I have a colostomy bag as a result of surgery due to Crohn's disease, which is a partially genetic illness. I cope by wearing loose clothing so people cant see it through my clothes.

And also drugs
Finally, someone with a genetic disorder.

Finally a real problem.

Do you find all the fakecels on this site frustrating as fuck?
Yeah but for me specifically I get kinda peeved when people say "face is all the matters bruh," and im like naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bitch please.
It's not a deformity if it never affected your health in any way, the problem lies within others and not yourself.

Im pretty sure it still counts as a deformity regaurdless if it effects my health or not. The definition of deformity is something that never formed properly or fully. People can have deformed ears and not have negative health impacts
Im pretty sure it still counts as a deformity regaurdless if it effects my health or not. The definition of deformity is something that never formed properly or fully. People can have deformed ears and not have negative health impacts
A deformity should be something that impacts health and/or bodily function in a negative way, a club foot for example, we can use this definition to see about who has poor genes or not, an oddly shapen(deformed in your definition) ears or a nose can be seen as a variation as they formed in an unusual shape but the club foot is not, it's indeed a deformity because it hasn't formed proprely and makes walking hard for the afflicted person, the difference between the two is one has just looks odd and the other looks odd but makes the sufferer's life more difficult is a sense that it restricts movement which is a bodily function.
Webbed toes on right foot, deformed very small fingers on right hand. I'm genetic biohazard.
Webbed toes on right foot, deformed very small fingers on right hand. I'm genetic biohazard.
This is the closest to a deformation next to @PoodankMcGee even if there is a mile between both.
yes my dick too big

(not srs)
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I have Pectus carinatum. Looks like this but not as protruded.
I have a genetic condition called alopecia universalis which has caused every single hair on my body to fall out. Also it caused my toe and fingernails to severely crack and chip away to the point that there is nearly nothing left. Very thick paddings of skin have formed to replace where my nails used to be.

The lack of eyelashes causes dust to constant get into my eyes, causing them to water constantly and always be red. Also the lack of hair in my nostrils and ears causes dust and particles to get in easily. Therefore I constantly have a runny nose and allergies.

My distorted nails also easily caught on things (eg clothes) causing the nail to tear and draw blood on occasion. Having no nails has also made it impossible grip onto certain things and open then (eg plastic wrappers on snacks etc).
I have a colostomy bag as a result of surgery due to Crohn's disease, which is a partially genetic illness. I cope by wearing loose clothing so people cant see it through my clothes.

And also drugs
Damn even if you had Chad looks it'd be over.
I have a genetic condition called alopecia universalis which has caused every single hair on my body to fall out. Also it caused my toe and fingernails to severely crack and chip away to the point that there is nearly nothing left. Very thick paddings of skin have formed to replace where my nails used to be.

The lack of eyelashes causes dust to constant get into my eyes, causing them to water constantly and always be red. Also the lack of hair in my nostrils and ears causes dust and particles to get in easily. Therefore I constantly have a runny nose and allergies.

My distorted nails also easily caught on things (eg clothes) causing the nail to tear and draw blood on occasion. Having no nails has also made it impossible grip onto certain things and open then (eg plastic wrappers on snacks etc).
Damn, that must suck, my condolences.
i have severe scoliosis. i don't remember the exact degree of curvature and subtype because i haven't seen a doctor about it in almost a decade. i had to wear a brace when i was younger but it didn't do anything except cause extreme bullying. sometimes i try to walk into a store and the employees ask me to leave because i'm making people upset. i've had trouble walking into malls, restaurants, mcdonalds wendys and one starbucks. i've seen doctors about it and tried to get surgery but no one wants to do it because it's risky. the last doctor i saw told me i shouldtry yoga instead
Well I was born Black, that counts right?

There are guys here with shit like this (quoted below) and you want to fucking talk like being black is that bad, I'd quicker take you for a racist white guy larping is black than an actual black guy

I have a genetic condition called alopecia universalis which has caused every single hair on my body to fall out. Also it caused my toe and fingernails to severely crack and chip away to the point that there is nearly nothing left. Very thick paddings of skin have formed to replace where my nails used to be.

The lack of eyelashes causes dust to constant get into my eyes, causing them to water constantly and always be red. Also the lack of hair in my nostrils and ears causes dust and particles to get in easily. Therefore I constantly have a runny nose and allergies.

My distorted nails also easily caught on things (eg clothes) causing the nail to tear and draw blood on occasion. Having no nails has also made it impossible grip onto certain things and open then (eg plastic wrappers on snacks etc).

I have a colostomy bag as a result of surgery due to Crohn's disease, which is a partially genetic illness. I cope by wearing loose clothing so people cant see it through my clothes.

And also drugs
i have severe scoliosis. i don't remember the exact degree of curvature and subtype because i haven't seen a doctor about it in almost a decade. i had to wear a brace when i was younger but it didn't do anything except cause extreme bullying. sometimes i try to walk into a store and the employees ask me to leave because i'm making people upset. i've had trouble walking into malls, restaurants, mcdonalds wendys and one starbucks. i've seen doctors about it and tried to get surgery but no one wants to do it because it's risky. the last doctor i saw told me i shouldtry yoga instead
This makes me even more misanthropic, being kicked out of stores because of the way you look to some assholes who couldn't help not being a bunch of easily scared morons is fucked up.

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