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Experiment Are self-hating ethnics based or cucked?

Which one?

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everyone here is self hating
Self hating ethnics are just being honest. I mean, how can you look at this and say "Oh yeah, we're equal! There is only one race! The human race!".

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It's quite based to acknowledge your genetic flaws, but self-hatred is pointless and futile
They're cucked
Also self hatred isn't healthy
If you are ethnic in the west there's no other option than to hate yourself tbh
Cucked. Just because foids hate you, you shouldn’t hate yourself. You should never agree with foids
My self-hatred did not come from widespread casual racism or “lack of media representation” or whatever the fuck else people blame it on

I’m in a majority curry enclave in NJ. I have NEVER experienced racism in person for being curry.

My hatred for my race came not only from recognizing its subhumanity but also from the way other curries treated me
If you're incel you'll always get treated shit even by your own kind, no matter what race
Well yeah. But considering the average curry is also incel tier it’s especially brutal

Curry society is extremely NT supremacist so curries love to punch down at spergy curries like me
I hate my bones, not my race. How the fuck other ethnics hate themselves so much is beyond me. Go outside, get mogged by a chad of your ethnicity. I am getting mogged everyday by kpopmaxxed changs, I would love to be born in their flesh regardless of their non whiteness
I hate my bones, not my race. How the fuck other ethnics hate themselves so much is beyond me. Go outside, get mogged by a chad of your ethnicity. I am getting mogged everyday by kpopmaxxed changs, I would love to be born in their flesh regardless of their non whiteness
In what universe is hating yourself based? :feelshaha:
I hate my bones, not my race.
Bone morphology is a direct result of racial differences. If you are a gook, you are doomed to have non-existent maxilla.
Go outside, get mogged by a chad of your ethnicity.
Chads are ultra rare in my race.
I am getting mogged everyday by kpopmaxxed changs, I would love to be born in their flesh regardless of their non whiteness
They are weak faggots.
In what universe is hating yourself based? :feelshaha:
Recognizing the uncorrectable shortcomings of your people when everyone around you is deluded about it is based.
Recognizing the uncorrectable shortcomings of your people when everyone around you is deluded about it is based.
Acknowledgement of your flaws and shortcomings is not equivalent to hating yourself for them. Those two things aren't even the same thing. JFL
I hate my bones, not my race.
It's not just about bones, the blood matters too. Say, a white passing MENA is not the same as an actual white person even if they both look the same. So you need to see it as a different quality, you need the bones AND the blood if you want to be considered human. The further you stray from whiteness, the more subhuman you are, thats just how it is.
Acknowledgement of your flaws and shortcomings is not equivalent to hating yourself for them.
It is equivalent when you know your shortcomings shape who you are and that there's no way to overcome those in-born deficits.
Acknowledgement of your flaws and shortcomings is not equivalent to hating yourself for them. Those two things aren't even the same thing. JFL
I think the question isnt worded good enough.
They are weak faggots.
Redpilled cope. Nobody gives a fuck about being strong mentally or physically, that's why gymcels and stoicism copers rot while anorexic 50kg methamphetamine addict chads slay
I guess that's your unique experience, best treatment for me have been from my own kind even though it's still been bad. Maybe if you grew up in a non-curry community your animosity towards your own won't be that much because other races treat us like dalits
Can’t relate tbh. Had a good amount of non-curries in my hs and they treated me better than the curries did

I’m also at a mostly white college now and I receive much better treatment than I did at hs

Could be because I’m in NJ which is a liberal cucked state
Redpilled cope. Nobody gives a fuck about being strong mentally or physically, that's why gymcels and stoicism copers rot while anorexic 50kg methamphetamine addict chads slay
Then go to South Korea and take dick up your ass.
It is equivalent when you know your shortcomings shape who you are and that there's no way to overcome those in-born deficits.
No, that's called being black pilled.

Based would be something like calling out the bullshit of some hole who rejected you for those flaws and shortcomings and calling her a whore. In public.
No, that's called being black pilled.

Based would be something like calling out the bullshit of some hole who rejected you for those flaws and shortcomings and calling her a whore. In public.
STFU you retard. You're going back into my Ignore list.
If they aren't in the overwhelming majority why would they risk it, try a 80%+ non-curry school
My current college is 80% white and I’m treated significantly better than I was at hs. People just leave me be for the most part

As I said, could be cause I’m in an especially liberal area of an already liberal cucked country
My current college is 80% white and I’m treated significantly better than I was at hs. People just leave me be for the most part

As I said, could be cause I’m in an especially liberal area of an already liberal cucked country
That's exactly why you're treated better.
Guess I hit the nail on the head there
You could test this and see how the Whites in a highly conservative, republican university treat you, but I think your experiences in high school can already give you a rough idea.
Better to have straightforwardness (higher in a republican area) to know exactly what they think rather than deal with people behind a mask of liberalism
This whole “white liberals are secret racists” thing is the most stupidly overstated thing ever.

Left-wing whites are brainwashed to the extreme, even the ones in Europe who are comparatively less used to ethnics than American whites are
This whole “white liberals are secret racists” thing is the most stupidly overstated thing ever.

Left-wing whites are brainwashed to the extreme, even the ones in Europe who are comparatively less used to ethnics than American whites are
That's true, but the ones who haven't fully drank the liberal Kool aid hide their discrimination very well.

I agree that people should be more honest and upfront. Fuck feelings, people need to hear the truth so they can move on past the delusions and bullshit. As black pillers, we should be very welcoming of brutal honesty.
Self-hating ethnics are the biggest cucks and not better than their female race traitor equivalent.
This whole “white liberals are secret racists” thing is the most stupidly overstated thing ever.

Left-wing whites are brainwashed to the extreme, even the ones in Europe who are comparatively less used to ethnics than American whites are
I assume your subconscious "racist recognize" function isn't as developed as it should be
Imo hating yourself is cucked, if the hatred stems from purely being a shitskin. But hating your race and acknowledging its inferiority isn't cucked.
My self-hatred did not come from widespread casual racism or “lack of media representation” or whatever the fuck else people blame it on

I’m in a majority curry enclave in NJ. I have NEVER experienced racism in person for being curry.

My hatred for my race came not only from recognizing its subhumanity but also from the way other curries treated me
Switch 'curry' with 'Latino', and 'NJ' with 'FL', and this basically describes me
Also, unlike you, I have experienced racism, but never from whites-- I've only received racist behaviors from niggers
I've only received racist behaviors from niggers
Kinda surprised to hear this, I was under the impression that latinos and blacks assimilated with each other fairly well

I didn’t know that many latinos growing up but the ones I did know were thugmaxxers who hung around with the black kids
Self-hating ethnics are the biggest cucks and not better than their female race traitor equivalent.
Cope self hating ethnic males just except that their race is inferior. While self hating ethnic foids just want white Chads.
Kinda surprised to hear this, I was under the impression that latinos and blacks assimilated with each other fairly well

I didn’t know that many latinos growing up but the ones I did know were thugmaxxers who hung around with the black kids
It's different in northeastern states like NJ and NY. Caribbean spics like Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have nigger-like behavior and thus vibe better with blacks; they're basically half to a quarter black anyway

Indigenous descended latinos like Mexicans, central Americans, and andeans are often treated like shit by blacks
It's different in northeastern states like NJ and NY. Caribbean spics like Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have nigger-like behavior and thus vibe better with blacks; they're basically half to a quarter black anyway
Yeah this is true
Indigenous descended latinos like Mexicans, central Americans, and andeans are often treated like shit by blacks
I knew a mexican dude from Cali a while back and he said that where he was at mexicans and ‘gros got along. Guess it’s probably a case by case basis depending on the neighborhood
You shouldn't hate yourself, only your culture and race

Hate everyone except yourself

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