This is a picture of a palestinian man. You can see how he has a very intense tan. Around his neck area you can see just how much whiter his skin color is. That is his real skin tone. Many Arabs are assumed to be browner than they are because the sun and heat of the desert essentially gives them a permanent tan.
View attachment 1189077
This is a picture of a palestinian man. You can see how he has a very intense tan. Around his neck area you can see just how much whiter his skin color is. That is his real skin tone. Many Arabs are assumed to be browner than they are because the sun and heat of the desert essentially gives them a permanent tan.
View attachment 1189077
This is a picture of a palestinian man. You can see how he has a very intense tan. Around his neck area you can see just how much whiter his skin color is. That is his real skin tone. Many Arabs are assumed to be browner than they are because the sun and heat of the desert essentially gives them a permanent tan.
View attachment 1189077
There seems to be two types of Arabs, one will simply not tan, I have relatives like this who have a darker skin tone then me(type 3) those are supposed to easily tan, but there's not even a tan on their lower arms lol. Then there's people like me who tan quite easily, because, both my parents tan, but I don't care because, my undertone is rosy red unlike, shitskin chinksects, who have very sick yellow undertones. And would look like if they worked for hours under the sun and didn't hide all day in their basements and apply 100 skin whitening creams.

As for the dark Palestinian man, that's not natural, a Levantine usually, won't become that dark, the reason you see a lot of Palestinians, Syrians etc especially, in war zones who are that dark, is because, they don't get good nutrition due to war and as a result become, anaemic, and become yellow, I read a good percentage of gazan children have Anemia now, because, of a lack of good food, and thus they become yellow(undertones) and if they are predisposed to tan they become dark, because, of the yellow undertones as a result of their Anemia.
Sure, some people have a hard time digesting b12 rich foods and get anemic, but most people in Gaza are simply not getting good nutrition. I'm not saying there aren't Gazans with yellow undertones, bit the the vast majority of Gazans don't have very yellow undertones unlike Asians. Also even if an Arab is predisposed to tan, we still don't get as dark as Asians, because, most of us have good undertones, when I look at pictures of myself as a child when I used to spend a lot of time outside without sunscreen, I would still not get very dark and my undertones would make my tan attractive, unlike, Asians who dread getting tanned
Also what contributes to darkening of the skin is primarily,the sun and how close your country is to the equator, Lebanon and palestine are much further away from the equator then countries like Japan, thus, the sun won't make our skin as dark as Asians. That's why we don't have to hide from the sun like chinksects.