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Arab & Islam Copium Megathread

@comradespiderman29 JFL look at this arab kid beating the fuck out of his nigger made/slave :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

@DarkStar Notice how docile the nigger is? Not chimping out or rebelling. Violence is the only way to contorl niggers, cause this nigger knows if she does anything, the Arab family will deport her, or worse. Meanwhile, with whites, some nigger can kill a white child but the cucked white parents won't do shit.

View: https://x.com/windtuttle/status/1835913796487168207
Pajeets all wanting to be arab jfl @comradespiderman29 even I my own life I've seen both indians and pakis try and claim they're arab

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Lebanese kids killed by Israel.
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And American white chimpanzees still think we look like jeets.
JFL lmao :feelsseriously: Thanks for sharing this. But it's more funny when Bangaldeshis larp as arab/persian, because at least pakis are somewhat close to Arabs genetically, though still not the same race.
Pakis look more European than Indians, too. Some Pakis even pass as really Mediterranean lookswise. That's because British India was divided along the religious lines, but the Northwestern British India was mostly Muslim, i.e. modern Pakistan, obviously they must be genetically closer to both Arabs and even Euros. Southern India has Dravidian nations which Indians from Central India bred with hence the curries' non-Euro looks unlike that of Pakistanis'.
JFL iranjeets are so useless
Pakis look more European than Indians, too. Some Pakis even pass as really Mediterranean lookswise. That's because British India was divided along the religious lines, but the Northwestern British India was mostly Muslim, i.e. modern Pakistan, obviously they must be genetically closer to both Arabs and even Euros. Southern India has Dravidian nations which Indians from Central India bred with hence the curries' non-Euro looks unlike that of Pakistanis'.
Pakis have less AASI (subhuman dravidian blood) compared to Indians, and because pakistan is the frontier of india, any race that wants to conquer indian MUST first go through pakistan and/or conquer pakistan before conquering india, so pakis have the blessing of continiously being raped by invading forces from the north west, be it arabs, turks, persians, or aryans. That's why they look way less subhuman. And yeah, some do share very small overlap with europeans and mediteraneans.

JFL iranjeets are so useless

Pakis have less AASI (subhuman dravidian blood) compared to Indians, and because pakistan is the frontier of india, any race that wants to conquer indian MUST first go through pakistan and/or conquer pakistan before conquering india, so pakis have the blessing of continiously being raped by invading forces from the north west, be it arabs, turks, persians, or aryans. That's why they look way less subhuman. And yeah, some do share very small overlap with europeans and mediteraneans.

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Pakis may even have a lil bit higher genotypal IQ than Indians, too. Pakistan economically outperformed India until around 1990. But the rampant cousin marriages must have had a horrible effect on Pakis.
The only way for Hezbollah and Iran to do save face now, is to somehow, provoke Israel into a ground incursion, which israel might loose because, of the terrain. I hate to say it, but Israel is absolutely, winning humiliating Hezbollah, currently. And Iranian niggers will 100% never retaliate.

I wish Sunnis were as powerful as Shias. These niggers are so incompetent.
Pakis may even have a lil bit higher genotypal IQ than Indians, too. Pakistan economically outperformed India until around 1990. But the rampant cousin marriages must have had a horrible effect on Pakis.
Cousin marriage doesn't have anything to do with IQ for the most part, because those type of people eventually end up not being able to breed. But in general, muslims would benefit if they stopped cousin fucking or at least reduced it. JFL there's even a hadith mentioning how fucking cousins too much will make you retarded, so they knew this already even 1400 years ago.

I dont know why pakistan's economy went to shit in the 1990s, but I'm sure america and jews have something to do with it
Always funny seeing a ethnic reinforce white beauty. Just shows I am right. He even mentions how brown is the color poo and how blue is the color of the sky

@comradespiderman29 nigger goes to a Moroccon city and is flabbergasted at how well organized it is, even compares it to Europe. JFL if only he was self aware enough to realize it's because the people there are not black

Another plaestiniam woth platinum blonde hair

The other day I went to the driving center to change my driver's license, and I saw two separate couples, both were some arab guy with a blonde girl, and I could tell they were arabs cause they started talking arab with each other.

And that SAME driving center, I also saw some guy with ice blue eyes sitting close to me whole I was waiting. I thought he was some old european guy, but then he also started speaking Arabic and I guess that means he was just some blue eyed arab
Bruh lol I'm at the mosque right now and right beside me a clearly anglo-looking man dressed in arab clothing sat next to me and he is with three of his kids, who are also dressed in arab clothing, and all three of his kids are blonde blue eyed. Always lifefuel seeing european Muslims, although tbh its not that uncommon for me to see these types ar my mosque
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@Shitskin=Shitlife well well well

Plenty of white girls in the comments agreeing to having a similar experience

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@Shitskin=Shitlife well well well

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Plenty of white girls in the comments agreeing to having a similar experience

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White women are the least likely to mix of all races. They hate browns and deathniks. I could find videos of white girls with pajeets but all of the data and observable reality says white girls hate pajeets. Exceptions prove the rule.
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Another example, of amerimutts purposefully, portraying Arabs as darker then we are. Notice, how the iranians are as dark as yemenis? JFL that's khamenei in the first picture, and he is white as snow in real life. This channel usually, portrays other leaders/races accurately.
@Made in Heaven
Difference is that turks are far likely to be fetishized unlike other ethnics
I’ve never heard of roaches being fetishized except for in Pakistan. If you can’t get laid there what makes you think you will do better in the west?
That's true everywhere in the MENA region. The gulf is full of Ukrainian women now.
Do you live in the gulf? I've heard only UAE really allows Ukranian women. Saudi doesn't have any?
the actual stranger thing
@Made in Heaven

Look at this moron, he thinks all Muslims in Lebanon are palestnians, and that Lebanese Muslims don't exist. And that all all palestnians are brown. I swear, the total lack of their knowledge, of the middle East pisses me off. More proof that white nationalists simply, think of Christianity as the white man's religion. Notice, how he refers to me as "white" in the end? Lmao.

View: https://x.com/MykaG11887/status/1843953187499426163

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@Made in Heaven

@Made in Heaven kikes and their white overlords are committing white genocide.

View: https://x.com/sahouraxo/status/1844759512114184555

She kinda looks like my sister minus the blue eyes and big ears.

The white arabs in the levant have been being killed off for the past 70 years, in palestine, lebanon, Syria. Meanwhile, yemen, Saudi and Egypt are being flooded by shitskins from Sudan, India, and Vietnam, meaning not only are we losing the few white, blue eyed arabs around, even the brown arabs are becoming even MORE brown because they keep importing Ethiopian niggers and Pajeets into their countries. It's so over
Holy fuck he really is a chaddam.

The only cope I have at this point Is that a sizable amount of europeans have converted to islam as a result of this war, so it sort of helps "balance it out"
They don't physically compare to light levantine chaddams. There's something more special about being a light middle easterner than a generic european.

Not to mention those converts aren't repopulating the Levant. They're usually marrying blacks and south asians, not Arabs
They don't physically compare to light levantine chaddams. There's something more special about being a light middle easterner than a generic european.
idk man, that lebanese guy looks very eastern european facially
Not to mention those converts aren't repopulating the Levant. They're usually marrying blacks and south asians, not Arabs
Repopulating the levant is something that will have to be dealt with later, my point is that at least these blue eyed Arab muslims are being "replaced" by blue eyed european muslim conversions.

And most european muslims I see tend to marry whoever is around them in their country

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