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Discussion Analysis: U.S. Secret Service publishes report on Tallahassee Hot Yoga shooting and "misogynist extremism"



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
Earlier this week, the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), the social science research component of the U.S. Secret Service, released a case study highlighting Scott Beierle’s 2018 shooting of a yoga studio. I highly recommend reading it here.

This is not the first NTAC report I have referenced on incels.is. Shortly after the high school shooting in Oxford, Michigan last year, I wrote about NTAC’s research on school shootings; they concluded that well over two-thirds of American K-12 school shooters were bullied. You can read that thread here:

I have also reviewed portions of a Tallahassee Police Department supplemental field case report on Beierle.

The shooting

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On November 2nd, 2018, 40-year-old Scott Beierle walked into a Florida yoga studio at 5:17 pm. He signed up for the 5:30 pm class and asked an employee when the more crowded classes were held, seemingly disappointed that relatively few people had registered for the class. After pacing around for several minutes, he joined the class at 5:29 pm. At 5:35 pm, Beierle then put on hearing protection, pulled out a 9mm Glock 17 and shot six individuals. His gun jammed; when he cleared it, he then turned the gun on himself.

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Of the six individuals Beierle shot, two of them later died (pictured here). The medical examiner indicated that Maura Binkley, 21, died from a single gunshot wound in the back of her head. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, died from two gunshot wounds: one which entered through her lower back area; the other which entered her left rear shoulder blade area.

The life of “Yogacel”

Scott Beierle grew up in upstate New York. In high school, he was disciplined for groping a female classmate after she declined his invitation to go to a school dance. After the 2018 shooting, a former classmate came forward to say that he had regularly stalked her during their time in high school. In college, Beierle was fired from his part-time job at an insurance call center for harassing a coworker and stalking her at the gym. Law enforcement was involved, but the coworker declined to press charges. He also harassed a classmate at his university; she reported him to school officials, who simply told Beierle to leave her alone. Throughout this time, he had few friendships and no romantic relationships.

After graduation, Beierle found work as a public school teacher in Maryland. Soon after, he was investigated by the county police department after a female high school student reported that he had touched her arm, asked if she would pose in Playboy, and suggested that she wear low-cut shirts. The case was not fully investigated and he taught at the school for another year. Throughout this time period, Beierle also encountered similar issues with his family. Beierle was once kicked out of his niece’s birthday party after other parents complained that he was inappropriately touching the backsides of girls as he helped them from a waterslide. On another occasion, Beierle was caught entering his sister-in-law’s bedroom and standing over her as she slept.

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After he left teaching in Maryland, Beierle joined the United States Army in 2008 and was commissioned as an officer. He was assigned to the 1st Armored Division, then operating at the U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach in Germany. The following year, four enlisted women complained about his behaviour. Beierle was not recommended for promotion to first lieutenant; instead, the Army determined that Beierle was guilty of “conduct unbecoming an officer” and “fraternizing with an enlisted person”. He was honorably discharged in 2010 for unacceptable conduct.

In 2011, Beierle enrolled in graduate school at Florida State University. There, he spooked his roommates with his behavior. His roommates, assuming that Beierle suffered from PTSD, compared him to Ted Bundy and would not leave any of their guests alone with him. He was then arrested by police for battery after groping two women at the FSU dining hall. Though the charges were later dropped for lack of evidence, he remained permanently banned from the dining hall. One year after Beierle graduated from FSU, he was reported by a campus employee for following a female volleyball coach multiple times; he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing, but the charges were dropped after he completed a diversion program. He was banned from campus entirely.

Starting from 2015, Beierle was hired as a substitute teacher for a Florida school district. He had failed the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, and the teachers who interviewed him were so concerned by his erratic behavior that they locked the door after he left the interview. He was hired anyway: the following year, Beierle was fired for conducting online searches for pornography involving yoga and cheerleaders during work, on work devices. Soon after he was fired from substitute teaching, Beierle was arrested and charged with battery for slapping, grabbing, and shaking the backside of a woman who was sunbathing next to a pool at their apartment complex in Tallahassee. The charges were dropped after he completed court-mandated sex addiction therapy. Nevertheless, he was evicted. Beierle moved to Deltona, Florida, where he lived with his landlord until the 2018 shooting. Beierle’s family would later say that Beierle spoke highly of his landlord, who regularly bought Beierle clothes and food out of concern.

In 2017, Beierle found employment as a full-time middle school teacher. Three sisters who attended the school said he made them feel uncomfortable, that he would stare at female but not male students. Although he was fired after two weeks for classroom performance issues, he was allowed to continue work in the district as a substitute teacher. After the attack, his former students would describe him as someone who gave a “psychopath vibe” and was “really creepy”. In May 2018, he was fired after asking a female middle school student if she was ticklish and touching her stomach.

From the mid-2010s up to the shooting, Beierle regularly sought and attended dates with women; all ended in failure. He also composed and uploaded music that others would later describe contained “red flags”: lyrics included, for example, “blow off the head of a cunt”. He revered Elliot Rodger, the 2014 Isla Vista shooter.

Beierle also regularly recorded videos where he shared his thoughts on women, racial minorities, and politics, for example:

On the day of the shooting, he left the following two notes in a hotel room:
“If I can’t find one decent female to live with, I will find many indecent females to die with. If they are intent on denying me life, I will have no choice, but to deny them life. At least I will no longer have to live under the reign of a monkey. America deserves a thousand 9/11s for this outrage.”

“Their arrogance, indifference and treachery will finally be exposed, and punished. If I can’t make a living, I will make a killing. I realize now, more than ever, that I don’t belong in a society bent on emasculation, mongrelization, and niggerization. I will be successful with females: if I can’t be successful at being positive, I will be successful at being negative. This is in their court, however. This is not what I wanted. No kid sits in their room at night dreaming of this. It has come to this though, and I simply have no choice at this point. It is a moral imperative.”

But was Beierle actually an incel or a failed, redpilled normie?

At 6’2 and 240 pounds, Beierle was neither a manlet nor a framelet. He was white. He held positions of responsibility throughout his life: he was the senior class vice president in high school, an Eagle Scout, and won an athletic award in football. Later in life, he earned a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees. He was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and a public school teacher.

Based on the case report from the Tallahassee Police Department, Beierle referenced “Tonya” in a video he recorded in 2013, a German woman he dated while he was in the Army. Beierle said she was “the best I was able to do” and was the only female he did not resent, and described how “Tonya” broke up with him. However, none of Beierle’s relatives could corroborate “Tonya’s” existence.

These new details from the NTAC report would not comport with any consensus that Beierle was “involuntary celibate”, certainly not to the degree that most .is members are.

FBI tip ignored: so-called “warning signs” protected by the First Amendment

In conducting a threat assessment, the U.S. Secret Service said near the beginning of the report, “the identified behaviors involve activities that are protected by the Constitution and should be viewed with those protections in mind.”


Indeed, according to the NTAC report, the wife of one of Scott Beierle’s childhood friends filed a tip to the FBI three months before the 2018 shooting. She was reportedly concerned by the violent and misogynistic content of Beierle’s songs. The FBI deemed the tip non-actionable, because “even violently themed lyrics are protected speech unless they target a particular person, place or event,” said an FBI official interviewed by the Washington Post. “In this situation, there wasn’t a specific threat.”

This isn’t news to anyone who even remotely understands First Amendment jurisprudence, of course. Speech that espouses hatred is not entitled to any less constitutional protection than speech that does not.

No, it wasn’t terrorism

In policy or law, it’s important to pay attention to what people say—but it’s equally important to pay attention to what people don’t say.

And what the U.S. Secret Service didn’t do was describe the Hot Yoga incident as “terrorism”, despite calls by SJWs to label “misogynist extremism” as such. Nor was Elliot Rodger’s 2014 shooting or Roy Den Hollander’s 2020 shooting described as “terrorism”. Indeed, not once did the words “terror”, “terrorist”, or “terrorism” appear in the 28-page, 10,230-word report.

The NTAC report is emblematic of American law enforcement’s broad refusal to describe incels or “misogynists” as terrorists, and rightly so. While self-described “CVE practitioners”—from feminazi activists to far-left academics—argue that inceldom should be considered terrorism, government officials and lawyers are reluctant to cave into SJW hysteria and make such a classification. A similar dynamic unfolded across the pond last year: after Jake Davison killed his mother and four others with a shotgun in Plymouth, England, SJWs sought to have the incident classified as “incel terrorism”, only to be rebuffed by senior officials at UK Counter Terrorism Policing.

In any case, the reasoning is technical but straightforward: very broadly speaking, terrorism is the use of mass violence to further a political or religious cause, and (accusations of) “misogyny” in and of itself is neither explicitly political nor religious. A term as loaded as “terrorism” is and should be a legal, not political, decision.


Secret service uniformed division 04 rtr jc 201113 1605306840548 hpMain 16x9t 992

This U.S. Secret Service report is high on descriptive detail—most of it was devoted toward examining Beierle’s life and background—but very light on policy prescriptions. Although they created a panel to explain the origins of the incel community, NTAC researchers tried to frame the Hot Yoga shooting within a broader understanding of “misogynist extremism” as opposed to singling out the incel community. They concluded by noting that when conducting a threat assessment, “the individual’s behavior should remain the primary focus,” regardless of any self-affixed ideological labels, adding that “there is no one profile of an individual who plans or executes an act of targeted violence. Attackers vary in age, race, sex, education level, employment history and other characteristics.”

This is evidently not the searing denunciation of the incel community that some SJWs were hoping for. The report’s overall lukewarm tone is not indicative of any impending crackdown on incel communities, nor does it lay down a research framework for such a crackdown in the future. In fact, the report does not mention incel communities or online radicalization at all. Indeed, NTAC’s explicit invocation of our constitutional right to shitpost and their refusal to denote “misogynist extremism” as “terrorism” suggests that federal law enforcement will proceed rationally and preserve the status quo.

@foofuufou @sckicksal345 @Intellau_Celistic @Indari @Mulattocel @SoloAlex @Moeggels @Mentally lost cel @Pancakecel @shii410 @racoon4 @Angrycel @Restart80 @IncelKing @faded @Ehwhatever @Ellsworth @ballistictesticles @Lonely4Ever @based_meme @gigacel123 @PointOfNoReturn @Subhuman Niceguy @erenyeager @ERadicator @Robtical @Transcended Trucel @Escthectrler @Lv99_BixNood @Caesercel @incelerated @Glerforpus @Defetivecuckachu @SlayerSlayer @Justdone
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Seems like a bullied normie cel like Me

He looks Chad lite at first pic

Can’t believe this good looking people go er too, then how tf are we still alive
Chad going ER? Soyciety blames incels :feelsclown:
Once again first reply, I just broke this thread's hymen. Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

It's Over , you might as well just go post on IncelTears and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pump and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.

Fuck... I got cucked by @Mentally lost cel .
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Ey. I'm not a burgercel nor do I have nothing to do with any kind of extremism, be it political or ideological. I am a simple middle class Croat who can't get some pussy. No worries here mr feds.
Oh thank god I was hoping somebody smart would summarize this. I just don't care enough about Beierle to read the whole thing, although I was curious about some of the specifics.

It's wild to me to think that this dude got so many achievements despite being so far out of sync with society. Compared to many of us, I consider myself pretty functional in society, but the idea of doing half the shit he did (master's degrees, for example) seems out of reach to me. He really strikes me as a failed normie more than an incel proper, but I can sympathize with him nonetheless.
@PPEcel The case report imgur isn't loading properly. Something might be wrong with the link or the upload.
Scott Beierle could have easily SEAmaxxed. I know for a fact that many young, rice foids would have lined up for him. He was tall and white. I really believe that his problem was that he wasn't neurotypical.
I thought it said Yoda studio and I looked at your avi :feelskek:
If you view the linked the video you can see he equated race mixing to beastiality, at least from what I understand.
Even so, he likely could have gotten a white Becky had he been NT. I think the NTpill is legit and even a tall, white guy can have his SMV damaged alot by not being NT.
Seems like a bullied normie cel like Me

He looks Chad lite at first pic

Can’t believe this good looking people go er too, then how tf are we still alive
I’ve wondered this myself many times. I think it’s a matter of perspective and coping abilities. Our brains are just wired uniquely for some we can cope for others it drives them to insanity, suicide, and other acts of violence. I equate to the ironic situation of a starving child in Africa clinging to life with everything he has as opposed to a pretty, white girl in a developed country that kills herself due to lack of social media influence. Both things absurdly are real life occurrences on this earth and it’s the reason why perspective is one of the hardest things to learn in life
I hate reading shit like this. For every Bierle there's probably thousands of innocent guys that get lumped in with him on account of being a little "wEiRd".
suggests that federal law enforcement will proceed rationally and preserve the status quo.
not in my case
If they aren't calling inkwells a terrorist group, then why is that the headline? Why are all these news organizations reporting it so? You know no one actually believes that. You know these glowie cucks are dying for an excuse to persecute a dirty inkler
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Sounds like a failed normalfag. I don't know how you fuck up that badly if everyone said he had shooter vibes. The fact that he joins the army just give me the idea that he knew what he was looking for. I would not like to enforce the idea of bad personality but this guy definitely had bad history since the beginning.
I’ve wondered this myself many times. I think it’s a matter of perspective and coping abilities. Our brains are just wired uniquely for some we can cope for others it drives them to insanity, suicide, and other acts of violence. I equate to the ironic situation of a starving child in Africa clinging to life with everything he has as opposed to a pretty, white girl in a developed country that kills herself due to lack of social media influence. Both things absurdly are real life occurrences on this earth and it’s the reason why perspective is one of the hardest things to learn in life
Sounds like a failed normalfag. I don't know how you fuck up that badly if everyone said he had shooter vibes. The fact that he joins the army just give me the idea that he knew what he was looking for. I would not like to enforce the idea of bad personality but this guy definitely had bad history since the beginning.
The NTpill is real. Looks and height first, but being non neurotypical can really decimate your SMV as a man.
Good on the Feds for realizing incels aren't worth targeting. Can't believe I wrote that. This guy seems to be a failed normie but there's an argument about what constitutes an incel on this forum. There's the fact he may have had a girlfriend too. Absolutely right he doesn't fit the mold here which a good thing since it supports that we aren't a threat... At least anymore than normies.

As for his problem? He sure isn't Chad, just tall. His face is low to mid tier normie but he's a clear mentalcel. Maybe high functioning autism or more likely ASPD imo. Dunno exactly but he should've had an okay chance with a low tier Becky or Latina/noodle if he had normal social skills
:feelswhat: Big tough looking jock cel... that's a bit different.

I've known a few weirdos who were really into guns and the military, and I've known a couple of overly sex-obsessed guys. Always skinny little framelets.

Oh and a great big dollup of casual racism.

Mentalcel for sure.
Do they know how much sex he had?
Do they know how much sex he had?
You can tell just by looking at his face, this faggot isn't one of us even if he's killed 6 gorillian normies (in GTA V:enchanced and expanded)
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Wtf is casual racism sounds like a cuck term
Seethe faggot.

Putting a swastika on your forum user sig makes you a tryhard. Not a nazi.
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Earlier this week, the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), the social science research component of the U.S. Secret Service, released a case study highlighting Scott Beierle’s 2018 shooting of a yoga studio. I highly recommend reading it here.

This is not the first NTAC report I have referenced on incels.is. Shortly after the high school shooting in Oxford, Michigan last year, I wrote about NTAC’s research on school shootings; they concluded that well over two-thirds of American K-12 school shooters were bullied. You can read that thread here:

I have also reviewed portions of a Tallahassee Police Department supplemental field case report on Beierle.

The shooting

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On November 2nd, 2018, 40-year-old Scott Beierle walked into a Florida yoga studio at 5:17 pm. He signed up for the 5:30 pm class and asked an employee when the more crowded classes were held, seemingly disappointed that relatively few people had registered for the class. After pacing around for several minutes, he joined the class at 5:29 pm. At 5:35 pm, Beierle then put on hearing protection, pulled out a 9mm Glock 17 and shot six individuals. His gun jammed; when he cleared it, he then turned the gun on himself.

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Of the six individuals Beierle shot, two of them later died (pictured here). The medical examiner indicated that Maura Binkley, 21, died from a single gunshot wound in the back of her head. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, died from two gunshot wounds: one which entered through her lower back area; the other which entered her left rear shoulder blade area.

The life of “Yogacel”

Scott Beierle grew up in upstate New York. In high school, he was disciplined for groping a female classmate after she declined his invitation to go to a school dance. After the 2018 shooting, a former classmate came forward to say that he had regularly stalked her during their time in high school. In college, Beierle was fired from his part-time job at an insurance call center for harassing a coworker and stalking her at the gym. Law enforcement was involved, but the coworker declined to press charges. He also harassed a classmate at his university; she reported him to school officials, who simply told Beierle to leave her alone. Throughout this time, he had few friendships and no romantic relationships.

After graduation, Beierle found work as a public school teacher in Maryland. Soon after, he was investigated by the county police department after a female high school student reported that he had touched her arm, asked if she would pose in Playboy, and suggested that she wear low-cut shirts. The case was not fully investigated and he taught at the school for another year. Throughout this time period, Beierle also encountered similar issues with his family. Beierle was once kicked out of his niece’s birthday party after other parents complained that he was inappropriately touching the backsides of girls as he helped them from a waterslide. On another occasion, Beierle was caught entering his sister-in-law’s bedroom and standing over her as she slept.

View attachment 590039

After he left teaching in Maryland, Beierle joined the United States Army in 2008 and was commissioned as an officer. He was assigned to the 1st Armored Division, then operating at the U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach in Germany. The following year, four enlisted women complained about his behaviour. Beierle was not recommended for promotion to first lieutenant; instead, the Army determined that Beierle was guilty of “conduct unbecoming an officer” and “fraternizing with an enlisted person”. He was honorably discharged in 2010 for unacceptable conduct.

In 2011, Beierle enrolled in graduate school at Florida State University. There, he spooked his roommates with his behavior. His roommates, assuming that Beierle suffered from PTSD, compared him to Ted Bundy and would not leave any of their guests alone with him. He was then arrested by police for battery after groping two women at the FSU dining hall. Though the charges were later dropped for lack of evidence, he remained permanently banned from the dining hall. One year after Beierle graduated from FSU, he was reported by a campus employee for following a female volleyball coach multiple times; he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing, but the charges were dropped after he completed a diversion program. He was banned from campus entirely.

Starting from 2015, Beierle was hired as a substitute teacher for a Florida school district. He had failed the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, and the teachers who interviewed him were so concerned by his erratic behavior that they locked the door after he left the interview. He was hired anyway: the following year, Beierle was fired for conducting online searches for pornography involving yoga and cheerleaders during work, on work devices. Soon after he was fired from substitute teaching, Beierle was arrested and charged with battery for slapping, grabbing, and shaking the backside of a woman who was sunbathing next to a pool at their apartment complex in Tallahassee. The charges were dropped after he completed court-mandated sex addiction therapy. Nevertheless, he was evicted. Beierle moved to Deltona, Florida, where he lived with his landlord until the 2018 shooting. Beierle’s family would later say that Beierle spoke highly of his landlord, who regularly bought Beierle clothes and food out of concern.

In 2017, Beierle found employment as a full-time middle school teacher. Three sisters who attended the school said he made them feel uncomfortable, that he would stare at female but not male students. Although he was fired after two weeks for classroom performance issues, he was allowed to continue work in the district as a substitute teacher. After the attack, his former students would describe him as someone who gave a “psychopath vibe” and was “really creepy”. In May 2018, he was fired after asking a female middle school student if she was ticklish and touching her stomach.

From the mid-2010s up to the shooting, Beierle regularly sought and attended dates with women; all ended in failure. He also composed and uploaded music that others would later describe contained “red flags”: lyrics included, for example, “blow off the head of a cunt”. He revered Elliot Rodger, the 2014 Isla Vista shooter.

Beierle also regularly recorded videos where he shared his thoughts on women, racial minorities, and politics, for example:

On the day of the shooting, he left the following two notes in a hotel room:

But was Beierle actually an incel or a failed, redpilled normie?

At 6’2 and 240 pounds, Beierle was neither a manlet nor a framelet. He was white. He held positions of responsibility throughout his life: he was the senior class vice president in high school, an Eagle Scout, and won an athletic award in football. Later in life, he earned a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees. He was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and a public school teacher.

Based on the case report from the Tallahassee Police Department, Beierle referenced “Tonya” in a video he recorded in 2013, a German woman he dated while he was in the Army. Beierle said she was “the best I was able to do” and was the only female he did not resent, and described how “Tonya” broke up with him. However, none of Beierle’s relatives could corroborate “Tonya’s” existence.

These new details from the NTAC report would not comport with any consensus that Beierle was “involuntary celibate”, certainly not to the degree that most .is members are.

FBI tip ignored: so-called “warning signs” protected by the First Amendment

In conducting a threat assessment, the U.S. Secret Service said near the beginning of the report, “the identified behaviors involve activities that are protected by the Constitution and should be viewed with those protections in mind.”

View attachment 590047

Indeed, according to the NTAC report, the wife of one of Scott Beierle’s childhood friends filed a tip to the FBI three months before the 2018 shooting. She was reportedly concerned by the violent and misogynistic content of Beierle’s songs. The FBI deemed the tip non-actionable, because “even violently themed lyrics are protected speech unless they target a particular person, place or event,” said an FBI official interviewed by the Washington Post. “In this situation, there wasn’t a specific threat.”

This isn’t news to anyone who even remotely understands First Amendment jurisprudence, of course. Speech that espouses hatred is not entitled to any less constitutional protection than speech that does not.

No, it wasn’t terrorism

In policy or law, it’s important to pay attention to what people say—but it’s equally important to pay attention to what people don’t say.

And what the U.S. Secret Service didn’t do was describe the Hot Yoga incident as “terrorism”, despite calls by SJWs to label “misogynist extremism” as such. Nor was Elliot Rodger’s 2014 shooting or Roy Den Hollander’s 2020 shooting described as “terrorism”. Indeed, not once did the words “terror”, “terrorist”, or “terrorism” appear in the 28-page, 10,230-word report.

The NTAC report is emblematic of American law enforcement’s broad refusal to describe incels or “misogynists” as terrorists, and rightly so. While self-described “CVE practitioners”—from feminazi activists to far-left academics—argue that inceldom should be considered terrorism, government officials and lawyers are reluctant to cave into SJW hysteria and make such a classification. A similar dynamic unfolded across the pond last year: after Jake Davison killed his mother and four others with a shotgun in Plymouth, England, SJWs sought to have the incident classified as “incel terrorism”, only to be rebuffed by senior officials at UK Counter Terrorism Policing.

In any case, the reasoning is technical but straightforward: very broadly speaking, terrorism is the use of mass violence to further a political or religious cause, and (accusations of) “misogyny” in and of itself is neither explicitly political nor religious. A term as loaded as “terrorism” is and should be a legal, not political, decision.


View attachment 590046

This U.S. Secret Service report is high on descriptive detail—most of it was devoted toward examining Beierle’s life and background—but very light on policy prescriptions. Although they created a panel to explain the origins of the incel community, NTAC researchers tried to frame the Hot Yoga shooting within a broader understanding of “misogynist extremism” as opposed to singling out the incel community. They concluded by noting that when conducting a threat assessment, “the individual’s behavior should remain the primary focus,” regardless of any self-affixed ideological labels, adding that “there is no one profile of an individual who plans or executes an act of targeted violence. Attackers vary in age, race, sex, education level, employment history and other characteristics.”

This is evidently not the searing denunciation of the incel community that some SJWs were hoping for. The report’s overall lukewarm tone is not indicative of any impending crackdown on incel communities, nor does it lay down a research framework for such a crackdown in the future. In fact, the report does not mention incel communities or online radicalization at all. Indeed, NTAC’s explicit invocation of our constitutional right to shitpost and their refusal to denote “misogynist extremism” as “terrorism” suggests that federal law enforcement will proceed rationally and preserve the status quo.

@foofuufou @sckicksal345 @Intellau_Celistic @Indari @Mulattocel @SoloAlex @Moeggels @Mentally lost cel @Pancakecel @shii410 @racoon4 @Angrycel @Restart80 @IncelKing @faded @Ehwhatever @Ellsworth @ballistictesticles @Lonely4Ever @based_meme @gigacel123 @PointOfNoReturn @Subhuman Niceguy @erenyeager @ERadicator @Robtical @Transcended Trucel @Escthectrler @Lv99_BixNood @Caesercel @incelerated @Glerforpus @Defetivecuckachu @SlayerSlayer @Justdone

its so weird that this guy looks like a Chadlite and had problems fucking bitches. It's like playing a simulation of Chad at max difficulty. Unbelieveable
Yoga cel is not truecel normies are the most dangerous
reminder: holes created incels and can stop inceldom at any time
Lol, I just guessed because his big head makes him look short.
Nah he just has big bones and massive frame. Bigger bones equals bigger skull.
I’ve wondered this myself many times. I think it’s a matter of perspective and coping abilities. Our brains are just wired uniquely for some we can cope for others it drives them to insanity, suicide, and other acts of violence. I equate to the ironic situation of a starving child in Africa clinging to life with everything he has as opposed to a pretty, white girl in a developed country that kills herself due to lack of social media influence. Both things absurdly are real life occurrences on this earth and it’s the reason why perspective is one of the hardest things to learn in life
Then we are the survivors of this hellish world
I think Figs are at more risk of getting beaten to death by the Chad she is in a relationship with then succumbing to any glowie sponsored "muhsoggyknee" events. :feelswhat:
The funny part of his story is how he continued to get hired to various positions even though he had been dismissed from all his previous workplaces due to harassment, stalking, etc. I thought American companies take background checks very seriously and the legal records are very transparent.
The funny part of his story is how he continued to get hired to various positions even though he had been dismissed from all his previous workplaces due to harassment, stalking, etc. I thought American companies take background checks very seriously and the legal records are very transparent.
He had graduate degrees and was an honorably discharged Army officer.

Sure, he was arrested on multiple occasions but never actually convicted of anything.
His disease was of the mind and soul. Great write up, PPEcel.
He's an equivalent to some fakecels who post here.
Here let me summarize the entire bullshit semantics of the glow niggas report, it goes as something along with the following.

"Oh shit, the dollar is tanking to the point of complete currency destruction and our entire national economy has been hollowed out by outsourcing along with inflation to which we will inevitably collapse, we don't know what to do with the 55-60% of adult men in the United States whose lives we have utterly destroyed over several decades leaving them penniless to the point of existential penury where they have virtually zero prospects of sexual opportunity. Normally we would start a military draft and send these bastards to war, but in an unsurprising note none of them seem very patriotic to fight for our morally and financially bankrupted political system, not to mention also, China, Russia, and all of its national allies would basically send our asses back in body bags." :feelsclown:

Yeah, I think that about summarizes all of current glow nigga doublespeak, you motherfuckers! :feelsjuice::yes:

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Here let me summarize the entire bullshit semantics of the glow niggas report, it goes as something along with the following.

"Oh shit, the dollar is tanking to the point of complete currency destruction and our entire national economy has been hollowed out by outsourcing along with inflation to which we will inevitably collapse, we don't know what to do with the 55-60% of adult men in the United States whose lives we have utterly destroyed over several decades leaving them penniless to the point of existential penury where they have virtually zero prospects of sexual opportunity. Normally we would start a military draft and send these bastards to war, but in an unsurprising note none of them seem very patriotic to fight for our morally and financially bankrupted political system, not to mention also, China, Russia, and all of its national allies would basically send our asses back in body bags." :feelsclown:

Yeah, I think that about summarizes all of current glow nigga doublespeak, you motherfuckers! :feelsjuice::yes:

View attachment 590974
Nice summary indeed
Nice summary indeed
You just need to learn how to interpret their lies, deception, and propaganda channels by reading through the lines thinking as they do, and once achieved their true intentions or motivations behind all the falsities become very obvious. :feelsjuice::yes:
isn't it funny how they didn't bother to add :
served in the military as a theme
isn't it funny how they didn't bother to add :
served in the military as a theme
It's an embarrassment for them considering how many ex-soldiers we have had gone rogue around here over the years, so naturally, they want some distance for public relations purposes. :feelsjuice::yes:
It's an embarrassment for them considering how many ex-soldiers we have had gone rogue around here over the years, so naturally, they want some distance for public relations purposes. :feelsjuice::yes:
the military is the worst place to be an incel, much worse than collage
because the chadrones, stacies, tallfags, and minorities both have authority they abuse over the soldiercel
and they fuck and discuss their fucking non stop
the military is the worst place to be an incel, much worse than collage
because the chadrones, stacies, tallfags, and minorities both have authority they abuse over the soldiercel
and they fuck and discuss their fucking non stop
Fighting for banksters, Wallstreet, and corporate CEOS abroad is a terrible career choice, that's all it is anymore. :feelsthink:
Beierle was once kicked out of his niece’s birthday party after other parents complained that he was inappropriately touching the backsides of girls as he helped them from a waterslide. On another occasion, Beierle was caught entering his sister-in-law’s bedroom and standing over her as she slept.
The following year, four enlisted women complained about his behaviour.
One year after Beierle graduated from FSU, he was reported by a campus employee for following a female volleyball coach multiple times
What zero pussy does to a mf
Beierle also regularly recorded videos where he shared his thoughts on women, racial minorities, and politics, for example:
Why do whitecels have such a tendency to resort to racism to cope for being incel? Do they think if it wasn't for brown people suddenly white women would change their mating behaviors? JFL, the only way to change their behavior is to take away their freedoms entirely.
Sounds like a failed normalfag. I don't know how you fuck up that badly if everyone said he had shooter vibes. The fact that he joins the army just give me the idea that he knew what he was looking for. I would not like to enforce the idea of bad personality but this guy definitely had bad history since the beginning.
i was told i had shooter vibes while serving in the same army.
Hell, in basic training, one drill sergeant kept saying shit like, “that private(me) scares me.”:feelsdevil:
What zero pussy does to a mf

Why do whitecels have such a tendency to resort to racism to cope for being incel? Do they think if it wasn't for brown people suddenly white women would change their mating behaviors? JFL, the only way to change their behavior is to take away their freedoms entirely.

because they're delusional and think that women would somehow find them attractive even if every single ethnic was deported
Earlier this week, the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), the social science research component of the U.S. Secret Service, released a case study highlighting Scott Beierle’s 2018 shooting of a yoga studio. I highly recommend reading it here.

This is not the first NTAC report I have referenced on incels.is. Shortly after the high school shooting in Oxford, Michigan last year, I wrote about NTAC’s research on school shootings; they concluded that well over two-thirds of American K-12 school shooters were bullied. You can read that thread here:

I have also reviewed portions of a Tallahassee Police Department supplemental field case report on Beierle.

The shooting

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On November 2nd, 2018, 40-year-old Scott Beierle walked into a Florida yoga studio at 5:17 pm. He signed up for the 5:30 pm class and asked an employee when the more crowded classes were held, seemingly disappointed that relatively few people had registered for the class. After pacing around for several minutes, he joined the class at 5:29 pm. At 5:35 pm, Beierle then put on hearing protection, pulled out a 9mm Glock 17 and shot six individuals. His gun jammed; when he cleared it, he then turned the gun on himself.

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Of the six individuals Beierle shot, two of them later died (pictured here). The medical examiner indicated that Maura Binkley, 21, died from a single gunshot wound in the back of her head. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, died from two gunshot wounds: one which entered through her lower back area; the other which entered her left rear shoulder blade area.

The life of “Yogacel”

Scott Beierle grew up in upstate New York. In high school, he was disciplined for groping a female classmate after she declined his invitation to go to a school dance. After the 2018 shooting, a former classmate came forward to say that he had regularly stalked her during their time in high school. In college, Beierle was fired from his part-time job at an insurance call center for harassing a coworker and stalking her at the gym. Law enforcement was involved, but the coworker declined to press charges. He also harassed a classmate at his university; she reported him to school officials, who simply told Beierle to leave her alone. Throughout this time, he had few friendships and no romantic relationships.

After graduation, Beierle found work as a public school teacher in Maryland. Soon after, he was investigated by the county police department after a female high school student reported that he had touched her arm, asked if she would pose in Playboy, and suggested that she wear low-cut shirts. The case was not fully investigated and he taught at the school for another year. Throughout this time period, Beierle also encountered similar issues with his family. Beierle was once kicked out of his niece’s birthday party after other parents complained that he was inappropriately touching the backsides of girls as he helped them from a waterslide. On another occasion, Beierle was caught entering his sister-in-law’s bedroom and standing over her as she slept.

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After he left teaching in Maryland, Beierle joined the United States Army in 2008 and was commissioned as an officer. He was assigned to the 1st Armored Division, then operating at the U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach in Germany. The following year, four enlisted women complained about his behaviour. Beierle was not recommended for promotion to first lieutenant; instead, the Army determined that Beierle was guilty of “conduct unbecoming an officer” and “fraternizing with an enlisted person”. He was honorably discharged in 2010 for unacceptable conduct.

In 2011, Beierle enrolled in graduate school at Florida State University. There, he spooked his roommates with his behavior. His roommates, assuming that Beierle suffered from PTSD, compared him to Ted Bundy and would not leave any of their guests alone with him. He was then arrested by police for battery after groping two women at the FSU dining hall. Though the charges were later dropped for lack of evidence, he remained permanently banned from the dining hall. One year after Beierle graduated from FSU, he was reported by a campus employee for following a female volleyball coach multiple times; he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing, but the charges were dropped after he completed a diversion program. He was banned from campus entirely.

Starting from 2015, Beierle was hired as a substitute teacher for a Florida school district. He had failed the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, and the teachers who interviewed him were so concerned by his erratic behavior that they locked the door after he left the interview. He was hired anyway: the following year, Beierle was fired for conducting online searches for pornography involving yoga and cheerleaders during work, on work devices. Soon after he was fired from substitute teaching, Beierle was arrested and charged with battery for slapping, grabbing, and shaking the backside of a woman who was sunbathing next to a pool at their apartment complex in Tallahassee. The charges were dropped after he completed court-mandated sex addiction therapy. Nevertheless, he was evicted. Beierle moved to Deltona, Florida, where he lived with his landlord until the 2018 shooting. Beierle’s family would later say that Beierle spoke highly of his landlord, who regularly bought Beierle clothes and food out of concern.

In 2017, Beierle found employment as a full-time middle school teacher. Three sisters who attended the school said he made them feel uncomfortable, that he would stare at female but not male students. Although he was fired after two weeks for classroom performance issues, he was allowed to continue work in the district as a substitute teacher. After the attack, his former students would describe him as someone who gave a “psychopath vibe” and was “really creepy”. In May 2018, he was fired after asking a female middle school student if she was ticklish and touching her stomach.

From the mid-2010s up to the shooting, Beierle regularly sought and attended dates with women; all ended in failure. He also composed and uploaded music that others would later describe contained “red flags”: lyrics included, for example, “blow off the head of a cunt”. He revered Elliot Rodger, the 2014 Isla Vista shooter.

Beierle also regularly recorded videos where he shared his thoughts on women, racial minorities, and politics, for example:

On the day of the shooting, he left the following two notes in a hotel room:

But was Beierle actually an incel or a failed, redpilled normie?

At 6’2 and 240 pounds, Beierle was neither a manlet nor a framelet. He was white. He held positions of responsibility throughout his life: he was the senior class vice president in high school, an Eagle Scout, and won an athletic award in football. Later in life, he earned a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees. He was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and a public school teacher.

Based on the case report from the Tallahassee Police Department, Beierle referenced “Tonya” in a video he recorded in 2013, a German woman he dated while he was in the Army. Beierle said she was “the best I was able to do” and was the only female he did not resent, and described how “Tonya” broke up with him. However, none of Beierle’s relatives could corroborate “Tonya’s” existence.

These new details from the NTAC report would not comport with any consensus that Beierle was “involuntary celibate”, certainly not to the degree that most .is members are.

FBI tip ignored: so-called “warning signs” protected by the First Amendment

In conducting a threat assessment, the U.S. Secret Service said near the beginning of the report, “the identified behaviors involve activities that are protected by the Constitution and should be viewed with those protections in mind.”

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Indeed, according to the NTAC report, the wife of one of Scott Beierle’s childhood friends filed a tip to the FBI three months before the 2018 shooting. She was reportedly concerned by the violent and misogynistic content of Beierle’s songs. The FBI deemed the tip non-actionable, because “even violently themed lyrics are protected speech unless they target a particular person, place or event,” said an FBI official interviewed by the Washington Post. “In this situation, there wasn’t a specific threat.”

This isn’t news to anyone who even remotely understands First Amendment jurisprudence, of course. Speech that espouses hatred is not entitled to any less constitutional protection than speech that does not.

No, it wasn’t terrorism

In policy or law, it’s important to pay attention to what people say—but it’s equally important to pay attention to what people don’t say.

And what the U.S. Secret Service didn’t do was describe the Hot Yoga incident as “terrorism”, despite calls by SJWs to label “misogynist extremism” as such. Nor was Elliot Rodger’s 2014 shooting or Roy Den Hollander’s 2020 shooting described as “terrorism”. Indeed, not once did the words “terror”, “terrorist”, or “terrorism” appear in the 28-page, 10,230-word report.

The NTAC report is emblematic of American law enforcement’s broad refusal to describe incels or “misogynists” as terrorists, and rightly so. While self-described “CVE practitioners”—from feminazi activists to far-left academics—argue that inceldom should be considered terrorism, government officials and lawyers are reluctant to cave into SJW hysteria and make such a classification. A similar dynamic unfolded across the pond last year: after Jake Davison killed his mother and four others with a shotgun in Plymouth, England, SJWs sought to have the incident classified as “incel terrorism”, only to be rebuffed by senior officials at UK Counter Terrorism Policing.

In any case, the reasoning is technical but straightforward: very broadly speaking, terrorism is the use of mass violence to further a political or religious cause, and (accusations of) “misogyny” in and of itself is neither explicitly political nor religious. A term as loaded as “terrorism” is and should be a legal, not political, decision.


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This U.S. Secret Service report is high on descriptive detail—most of it was devoted toward examining Beierle’s life and background—but very light on policy prescriptions. Although they created a panel to explain the origins of the incel community, NTAC researchers tried to frame the Hot Yoga shooting within a broader understanding of “misogynist extremism” as opposed to singling out the incel community. They concluded by noting that when conducting a threat assessment, “the individual’s behavior should remain the primary focus,” regardless of any self-affixed ideological labels, adding that “there is no one profile of an individual who plans or executes an act of targeted violence. Attackers vary in age, race, sex, education level, employment history and other characteristics.”

This is evidently not the searing denunciation of the incel community that some SJWs were hoping for. The report’s overall lukewarm tone is not indicative of any impending crackdown on incel communities, nor does it lay down a research framework for such a crackdown in the future. In fact, the report does not mention incel communities or online radicalization at all. Indeed, NTAC’s explicit invocation of our constitutional right to shitpost and their refusal to denote “misogynist extremism” as “terrorism” suggests that federal law enforcement will proceed rationally and preserve the status quo.

@foofuufou @sckicksal345 @Intellau_Celistic @Indari @Mulattocel @SoloAlex @Moeggels @Mentally lost cel @Pancakecel @shii410 @racoon4 @Angrycel @Restart80 @IncelKing @faded @Ehwhatever @Ellsworth @ballistictesticles @Lonely4Ever @based_meme @gigacel123 @PointOfNoReturn @Subhuman Niceguy @erenyeager @ERadicator @Robtical @Transcended Trucel @Escthectrler @Lv99_BixNood @Caesercel @incelerated @Glerforpus @Defetivecuckachu @SlayerSlayer @Justdone

Fucking sluts doing hot yoga preparing to be fucked by chads :feelsree:. They got what they deserved :lul:

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