Reminded me of the SJWs wanting to campaign for niggers only to end up being killed by one.
Natural selection at play
In the same way we can’t evER spread our genes because we r ugly, these people can nevER spread their genes eithER but in their case it’s because they no longER Even exist (due to illogical and nonsensical life choices they made as a result of being low IQ)
in life there are 2 primary biological objectives (
in ordER):
survival and reproduction
We may not be able to reproduce but at least we r still surviving. These people not only failed to reproduce, they also failed to survive lol, so
They r even more subhuman than us, yet the irony is that while they wERe alive they probably looked down upon US as the subhumans.
Reminds me of the membERs of IT, they are probably thinking of themselves as being the most intelligent, knowledgeable and wise creatures on the planet, looking down upon us as subhuman, but they are the ones who are more likely to die in a stupid way.
obviously evERyone would choose to be both good-looking AND smart if they could. But if I had to choose one or the othER, I’d rathER be ugly and smart than to be good-looking and stupid, because the ugly smart pERson won’t get sex but is more likely to live a longER life enjoying evERything else outside sex whereas a good-looking dumb pERson will have an enjoyable sex life in their youth, but they have more of a chance of expERiencing a great deal of pain/suffERing when their prime years are ovER and/or dying prematurely due to them making more stupid/illogical life-choices, so thERe is a higher chance of their enjoyment being short-lived compared to smart incels.
We should laugh at their pain/suffERing resulting from their low IQ (which is out of their control) the same way they laugh at our pain/suffERing resulting from our ugliness (which is ALSO out of our control).
I believe in equality, which means I will treat them in an equal manner to the way they treat us, so the bluepilled retards on IT shouldn’t have any objection to my behaviour, othERwise they won’t be supporting my real life implementation of equality DESPITE them making such a big deal of being promotERs of equality (which would make them hypocrites and extremely low IQ for not realising the contradiction in their own beliefs).