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AMA About Gymcelling



Nov 8, 2017
Don't have a photo because my phone is broken. But I have a legit 9.5 physique. 5'10" 180, less than 10% body fat, good lifting and athleticism stats. So if anyone here wants advice on gymcelling, I'll answer any questions.
whats your diet brah
and whats your training look like brah
how long have u been gymceling and what was ur start weight
1) Are you lifting for strength or aesthetics?
2) Are you natty or enhanced?
3) What are your lifts? (in terms of squat, bench, and deadlift)
weservenomsg said:
whats your diet brah
and whats your training look like brah
how long have u been gymceling and what was ur start weight

Don't really have a specific diet. I just eat a lot, and involve a lot of protein. Try to avoid unnatural sugars and saturated fats

Training: I workout like 11 times a week. To gain muscle I'd advise drop sets. So hypothetically bench 200 as many reps as possible, IMMEDIATELY drop to 185 when you run out of steam and do as many as possible, IMMEDIATELY drop to 170 and do as many as possible. Rest, reset. This shocks the muscles into growth. Also, vary your exercises to shock the muscles. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is great to burn fat and get toned.

Gymcelling: 6.5 years.
https://incels.is/showthread.php?tid=819 tbh
idkwattodowithlife said:
1) Are you lifting for strength or aesthetics?
2) Are you natty or enhanced?
3) What are your lifts? (in terms of squat, bench, and deadlift)

1. Athleticism. I love to play sports. Athleticism also involves explosiveness, speed, agility, etc. Some exercises are designed for that.

2. Natty, although I take Creatine.

3. Max bench I've done is 255, although I could probably hit 260-265. Max squat I've hit is 315, but I deep squat instead of parallel squat, so the stats are off (Deep squat works IT bands whereas parallel doesn't, but i's harder so the weight will be less). Don't test deadlift.
ItheIthe said:
1. Athleticism. I love to play sports. Athleticism also involves explosiveness, speed, agility, etc. Some exercises are designed for that.

2. Natty, although I take Creatine.

3. Max bench I've done is 255, although I could probably hit 260-265. Max squat I've hit is 315, but I deep squat instead of parallel squat, so the stats are off (Deep squat works IT bands whereas parallel doesn't, but i's harder so the weight will be less). Don't test deadlift.

>255lb bench

post your photo, you sound fake, muh speed, agility
kino said:
>255lb bench

post your photo, you sound fake, muh speed, agility

Yeah, 255 for someone who is 180 is good.
kino said:
>255lb bench

post your photo, you sound fake, muh speed, agility

he's 180 lbs, retard
I'm trying to bulk right now but I feel like I'm just getting fat. I'm supposed to eat 3000 calories a day according to the online calculators. I'm 5'7 and 159 lbs. What can I do?
NegroKing said:
I'm trying to bulk right now but I feel like I'm just getting fat. I'm supposed to eat 3000 calories a day according to the online calculators. I'm 5'7 and 159 lbs. What can I do?

I honestly don't count calories, I just eat a lot. But I also am active to the extreme. There's a lot of things you can do. You could try a full body program, or do splits. Either way I'd exercise each muscle group at least twice a week. You could try drop sets, which I detailed in a previous post. Or you could drop by set and week. That would look like this:

Monday Bench Press: 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps (Increase weight each time)
Next Monday Bench: 10, 8, 6 (Keep increasing)
Next Monday Bench: 8, 6, 4
Next Monday Bench: 6, 4, 2

That program allows you to increase weight each week while also increasing weight each set. It gives you high reps and low reps. I believe I incorporating both. So if you are doing a low rep/high weight workout, I'd finish off with at least one high rep/low weight body weight exercise.
Teach us how to cope
How much did you weigh before ever touching a weight?
Gotten any more attention from girls after you got ripped?
can't have a 9,5 physique if ur 5'10 :(
GeneticFilth said:
How much did you weigh before ever touching a weight?

I started during puberty so it's irrelevant. But I was normal size.

LeagueEuW said:
Gotten any more attention from girls after you got ripped?

I have been complimented on my physique but no girls chase me. I don't care, though. Then again I'm anti-social and put forth no effort so who knows?
I don't have the discipline nor the motivation to cut down bro. I'm 5'11 188lbs rn. I'm a solid size but also fucking chubby. I'm disgusted but my appetite is too strong I can't stop myself. Also I always have this nagging sound in my head saying "Stop coping you fuck, what does it matter if you're lean? Not like any bitch is gonna want you anyways." Can't get rid of it. Any advice?
Masculinist said:
I don't have the discipline nor the motivation to cut down bro. I'm 5'11 188lbs rn. I'm a solid size but also fucking chubby. I'm disgusted but my appetite is too strong I can't stop myself. Also I always have this nagging sound in my head saying "Stop coping you fuck, what does it matter if you're lean? Not like any bitch is gonna want you anyways." Can't get rid of it. Any advice?

Success is the greatest motivator. Once you hit the gym and start seeing results, you will want to keep going. The first step truly is the hardest, you just need to find a way to motivate yourself. Maybe take gym clothes to work and refuse to go home until you hit the gym first. Try to get a lifting partner so that you can motivate each other.As for eating I would replace all unhealthy food with healthy food. You can still eat a lot, but it will be good for you.
Looking to cut fat and lean out but I'm way too busy with wagecucking and school so hitting the gym isn't ideal for me. Is there anyway to lean by just dieting. Like low calorie diets etc. I'm 6'2 and 210 pounds for reference.
Wagecuck123 said:
Looking to cut fat and lean out but I'm way too busy with wagecucking and school so hitting the gym isn't ideal for me. Is there anyway to lean by just dieting. Like low calorie diets etc. I'm 6'2 and 210 pounds for reference.

I don't really think it's about calories as much as it is whether or not you're eating healthy. Healthy foods are naturally lower in calories, but eating junk food, just in smaller portions, still isn't good. So eating healthy in general should make you better.

Even if you don't have time for the gym, try 5-10 minutes of HIIT training at home per day. HIIT training is doing as many of one exercise as you can in a short period of time. So imagine doing as many burpees as possible for 30 seconds. 45 second break. Then as many crunches as possible in 30 seconds, 45 second break. And so on. It's a great way to burn fat and proven to be more effective than long distance cardio.
5'10? Wear shoe lifts and tall shoes and you're 6'1 which is much better

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