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SuicideFuel Wiping the videos off the internet (and how you can help if you want to.)

Bro wrote a whole essay gawdamn.
Not being rude. I'm an incel but even I'm sick of these threads. Maybe you need to relax. These types of videos die off in a couple of years. Remember the hawk tuah and Cash me outside girls. No one talks about them anymore.
this doesn't solve anything, it doesn't work. don't try to copy some dumb alpha male persona for the sake of it
But I hate being weak, autistic, feminine and a "mommy's boy."

I wanted to be strong and taken seriously but I'm doomed. I have to throw myself off the deep end to at least show the world I'm not a "good boy emotional autist" even if I am. I have to follow Nazism and Traditionalism and Islam and learn about fighting and weapons to try to change who I am, but it's cope because I'll always be seen as autistic and weak.
this doesn't solve anything, it doesn't work. don't try to copy some dumb alpha male persona for the sake of it
Yeah he should pursue his own thing.
Don't force yourself to do activities you don't want do. More likely than not you'll get tired and unmotivated. If you wanna box,kickbox etc do it because you want to not because some cringe alpha male told you so.

Be your own man and follow your own rules
You’re too deep on the spectrum for it to make a difference man. Stop worrying about all this so much and just enjoy any cope you can. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry your life has to be like this.
That's how you know the blackpill is true. I'm autistic autistic. The way I think, I don't even understand the thoughts of a normie or even an incel.

I view happiness as a cope. I view enjoying cope as a cope because fundamentally the world is still unfair.

I'll never stop thinking about this stuff. I would be lying to say I would ever consider coping.

If I was attractive and NT, I would have been making 10k a month, jacked and with a harem. That sounds outlandish but I'm crazy for even still being alive. The only setback is my genetics. I tried and it didn't work. And I'll do whatever I have to do, taking down the videos, moving to a new city.

I was coping, because I said I don't have time to go to the gym, I don't have time to get a job, but I do have time if I'm making all these threads.

I realize I still have to try to ascend. It's meaningless but I have to rush into the battle. My mind is telling me what to do.
You’re too deep on the spectrum for it to make a difference man. Stop worrying about all this so much and just enjoy any cope you can. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry your life has to be like this.

I'm just mentally insane.

The reality is no one can understand me, even other nonNTs.

What's logical to me will make no sense to the average person so there's no point in explaining.

I have a crazy idea. What if I use insanity as an advantage? Use insanity to solve insanity, because my life is insanely shit due to genetics and the FitxFearless video.

Take down the videos, move to a different Country, get the surgeries, my life can never be normal so treat it as a joke until I die. I'm not depressed anymore.

Now is the time to act
Bro wrote a whole essay gawdamn.
Not being rude. I'm an incel but even I'm sick of these threads. Maybe you need to relax. These types of videos die off in a couple of years. Remember the hawk tuah and Cash me outside girls. No one talks about them anymore.
I'll stop making threads.

Relaxing is cope and my life is ruined due to being a global lolcow. I accept the reality that if I died now, people would laugh at my death.

I'll try to take the videos down, and I'll try to rebuild my reputation.

Right now I'm playing it safe. I'm thinking a lot. @Chang.Beijing is right in that my life is fucked no matter what dice I roll.

Maybe I should just go crazy and act on impulse. Act solely based on what I think. I have time because I waste most of it on these threads.

If I think gore is the answer, I watch gore. If I think taking down the videos is the answer, I take down the videos. If I think going ER is the answer, I'm not opposed to any moral system.

I'm giga-autistic so I should just schizomax instead of thinking all day.
I'll stop making threads.

Relaxing is cope and my life is ruined due to being a global lolcow. I accept the reality that if I died now, people would laugh at my death.

I'll try to take the videos down, and I'll try to rebuild my reputation.

Right now I'm playing it safe. I'm thinking a lot. @Chang.Beijing is right in that my life is fucked no matter what dice I roll.

Maybe I should just go crazy and act on impulse. Act solely based on what I think. I have time because I waste most of it on these threads.

If I think gore is the answer, I watch gore. If I think taking down the videos is the answer, I take down the videos. If I think going ER is the answer, I'm not opposed to any moral system.

I'm giga-autistic so I should just schizomax instead of thinking all day.
Holy shit its over
Get your t levels checked maybe?

Are you a framecel do you have gyno? Can you build muscle? Is ur voice subhuman? Can you grow a beard? Some of these are fixable but costs a fuck ton of money

Some of the others arent unfortunately if you wanna be a macho man get ur t levels checked and see how it goes fucking sucks we live in a time where phytoestrogens atrazine flouride the fucking chemicaks in our food is fucking murdering our sperm
This shit fucks with my mind, because now it's confusing. FitxFearless said (I memorized everything he said) "You'll cut your nose off and still get no hoes, none, because they know you're a loser!" You'll cut your ears off, cut your nose off, might as well do everything, reshape your forehead, and what you're going to do after you still get no hoes? What are you going to do?!", so I think I'll get the surgeries but I'll probably feel like shit because those words will still be in my head, and it's just shit
This POS faggot only said that because he needs to sell his redpill skibidi rizzing courses. If you cut your ears/nose or lengthen your legs you WILL get bitches. Foids deeply care about their depressed loser tall attractive boyfrieds and even beckybuxx them while they rot jobless at home playing vidya, I saw this shit countless times even in my own social circle.
Also the real loser in this situation is the grown ass man publically attacking an innocent unfortunate kid to seem cool. This is the real peace of shit disgusting faggot right here.
that generic line "I hope things will get better for you", I hear everyday but it seems bs. Fun and enjoyment don't exist for truecels.

I agree, but that’s why I say things will get better, because even If we don’t ascend we can make our life not that unbearable or miserable. We can at least reduce the suffering, that’s why the emphasis is on the “better”.
It is possible but unlikely as chances are you will fall under the Streisand effect. The best way is to be covert and not relay your actions on here though the cats already out of the bag. From what I understand the take down system is busted so you may be successful in taking down the youtube content.

There could be legal grounds from privacy or likeness being used misused or something but that may depend on your location and you'd need legal advice for that and any potential that could have.

Good luck with it.
Your only hope is to wait it out. Normies will forget. Their memory of it will fade. The video might always be online, but it will never be viral again. Do continue your effort to hide that video however. The sands of time are in your favor in this instance.

It wasn't drugs, it wasn't getting a girl knocked up, but a 7 minute video call that ruined it all. That's fucking brutal.
Holy shit its over

It is over. If a normal person were to swap places with me, they would kill themselves within a week. Even I, who has the will to want to rebuild and doesn't want to kill myself gets suicidal thoughts daily.

It's over but I'm still not giving up. This is what the people who say "just move on" don't understand; the way to solve problems is to solve problems.

So what's the solution for my mental health, suicidal thoughts, humiliation, etc. The reason I'm a truecel isn't being ugly, but being a viral humiliation. It's easy to say "just move on" from the sidelines but I'm the one living in hell everyday. The only "reperation" I could get is getting the videos taken down.

For me to rebuild my life, I have to have the videos taken down, and be relocated in a new area where people don't know me.

And the only revenge I want against FitxFearless is having him delete the videos.
This POS faggot only said that because he needs to sell his redpill skibidi rizzing courses. If you cut your ears/nose or lengthen your legs you WILL get bitches. Foids deeply care about their depressed loser tall attractive boyfrieds and even beckybuxx them while they rot jobless at home playing vidya, I saw this shit countless times even in my own social circle.
Also the real loser in this situation is the grown ass man publically attacking an innocent unfortunate kid to seem cool. This is the real peace of shit disgusting faggot right here.

I do need to looksmax. I agree with you in that I was legally a kid, because I was still 17 when I was setup/peer pressured to go on that call.

I would want justice to happen, for everything. The suicidal thoughts, people not taking me seriously anymore, dead dreams, ruined reputation, the fact I have to skip my brother's graduation. It might seem trivial but I believe 7 minutes, 4 months ago was what completely destroyed my life. It was my biggest mistake listening to people in the discord who were pretending to help, but had malicious intent.

This is the worst thing I've been through. Not bullying in School, not isolation, not a dysfunctional family but the aftermath of this livecall.

The only justice I see is the videos getting removed by FitxFearless. 15 minutes of his time for 4 months of hell and a permantly damaged reputation.

If I went to my High School, the students would snicker. I remember talking to someone on discord a couple months ago and they popped up the video in chat "Oh, I found you." I've gotten dm's posting screenshots of the video telling me to kill myself.

I won't be able to truly forget about this unless I'm away from the people I previously knew, and a bulk of the videos are removed online. Even if the shorts stay up, then it's embarassing but whatever. But the long form video/thumbnail is truly humiliating.

faggot normie
I do need to looksmax. I agree with you in that I was legally a kid, because I was still 17 when I was setup/peer pressured to go on that call.

I would want justice to happen, for everything. The suicidal thoughts, people not taking me seriously anymore, dead dreams, ruined reputation, the fact I have to skip my brother's graduation. It might seem trivial but I believe 7 minutes, 4 months ago was what completely destroyed my life. It was my biggest mistake listening to people in the discord who were pretending to help, but had malicious intent.

This is the worst thing I've been through. Not bullying in School, not isolation, not a dysfunctional family but the aftermath of this livecall.

The only justice I see is the videos getting removed by FitxFearless. 15 minutes of his time for 4 months of hell and a permantly damaged reputation.

If I went to my High School, the students would snicker. I remember talking to someone on discord a couple months ago and they popped up the video in chat "Oh, I found you." I've gotten dm's posting screenshots of the video telling me to kill myself.

I won't be able to truly forget about this unless I'm away from the people I previously knew, and a bulk of the videos are removed online. Even if the shorts stay up, then it's embarassing but whatever. But the long form video/thumbnail is truly humiliating.
I'm not american so I don't know much about your judicial system, is it possible to take legal action in your case due to defamation or something? I think it's pretty legit and he will probably have to compensate the moral damages you've suffered.
You can then work, save up money to move from the town to feel safer, new people, new life, new face after surgeries. It's all achievable, you can do all this probably even before you're 25 and you'll start to enjoy your life
There's always trolls like this. I've had people on instagram dm me a screenshot of the video, then say "kill yourself you west african freak."

I checked the viewcount and now the video is at 122k views. That gives me anxiety. "It will die down, it will die down." Sure doesn't seem like it. It was reposted on twitter on November 2. My brother said his friends were talking about it 2 days ago. 3 days ago, someone in my discord said his University friends were talking about the video, like fuck, this sucks.

Maybe I'll respond to him rationally saying "Yeah, this video did cause emotional distress, that's the point of trying to get the video down, if it didn't matter, I wouldn't try to get it taken down" in a more formal way.

Here's what I responded with:
"I stopped watching anime 4 months ago, but yes, this video did ruin my life. I was hardly a "grown man" because I was 17. I think it's sad and immature to stalk people and expose their personal problems to try to shame them. If you stalked me more, you would realize that I said I want to rebuild my life and reputation. I have to relocate to a different Country, and I would obviously want the videos to be taken down because it was the non-consentually shared public defamation of a 17 year old minor which ruined my entire life and reputation. Stop acting childish, it's not High School. I do have mental and personal problems as a result of this video being widely publicly available which ruined my reputation so obviously I would try to take it down. Trying to shame a mentally ill and damaged person is what's sad. I want to rebuild my life and reputation and you're laughing at someone for wanting to unal!ve? Are you serious?"
Here's what I responded with:
"I stopped watching anime 4 months ago, but yes, this video did ruin my life. I was hardly a "grown man" because I was 17. I think it's sad and immature to stalk people and expose their personal problems to try to shame them. If you stalked me more, you would realize that I said I want to rebuild my life and reputation. I have to relocate to a different Country, and I would obviously want the videos to be taken down because it was the non-consentually shared public defamation of a 17 year old minor which ruined my entire life and reputation. Stop acting childish, it's not High School. I do have mental and personal problems as a result of this video being widely publicly available which ruined my reputation so obviously I would try to take it down. Trying to shame a mentally ill and damaged person is what's sad. I want to rebuild my life and reputation and you're laughing at someone for wanting to unal!ve? Are you serious?"

This is not a good look, fellow incel.
He doesn't give a shit that you do or don't watch anime right now, the statement was true when he made it.
Then you try to victimize yourself by changing events, which is lousy because everyone can check that you were the one who made the choice to go on FitxFearless's call in the main video. Nobody "stalked" you, you EXPOSED yourself to the world.
You don't "have to" move to a different country. This random leap of logic will make the normies reading your post antagonize you even more.

I hope the account you made this comment under isn't affiliated with your surname at all.

My unsolicited advice is that you don't feed the trolls. If normies find out that you made this post they will heckle and abuse you even more, online this time.
I agree, but that’s why I say things will get better, because even If we don’t ascend we can make our life not that unbearable or miserable. We can at least reduce the suffering, that’s why the emphasis is on the “better”.

My bad, I understand that now. I agree with that. With time, my life will likely get better.
I'm not sure i watched your video but fuck this nigga fitxfearless u did good kid.
View attachment 1321451 This is not a good look, fellow incel.
He doesn't give a shit that you do or don't watch anime right now, the statement was true when he made it.
Then you try to victimize yourself by changing events, which is lousy because everyone can check that you were the one who made the choice to go on FitxFearless's call in the main video. Nobody "stalked" you, you EXPOSED yourself to the world.
You don't "have to" move to a different country. This random leap of logic will make the normies reading your post antagonize you even more.

I hope the account you made this comment under isn't affiliated with your surname at all.

My unsolicited advice is that you don't feed the trolls. If normies find out that you made this post they will heckle and abuse you even more, online this time.

Maybe you're missing context of the situation because I disagree with quite a lot with what you're saying. Please respond to this because I want to see your point of view. It seems as if you're antagonizing me for some reason.

When I made this account, I was an anime watcher, but I haven't watched anime in months?

How am I victimizing myself by telling the truth? This did ruin my life and reputation. How am I changing events by saying this ruined my life and I want to rebuild my life?

I didn't choose to go on the call, I was peer pressured by people on discord to go on the call. They said "go on the livestream, he'll give you "help"", "ask fit about the surgery", "say you're 21 because the call is 21+"

I was a gullible 17 year old and I'm austistic. Did I know that the video would be shared and produced for millions of people to see? Obviously not so when the entire discord told me to go on the live, to ask about plastic surgery and lie about my age, I complied. I was obviously nervous on the call. Exposed myself to the world by coersion.

He stalked my .is profile? He's on Youtube. He found my .is profile, started reading my stuff and posted it on youtube to see. Imagine if a normie from your work looked you up to find your .is profile and publicly share it? I consider it stalking to go looking for someone's social media to dig info of them even if .is is technically a public domain.

I obviously don't "have to" but I would heaviliy want to move to a different location because I'm a humiliation in my city. On the bus, I see my old High School classmate and he snickers. I want to rebuild my life.

If normies found out I made this post on .is, that's crazy though. I come here to vent about my situation to at least someone because I have no support group, and people will just share it to try to humiliate me. Isn't that being obsessed? I can't even talk about my problems on an "anonymous" forum without some deranged wacko trying to get dirt on me.

I don't believe it's my fault for responding to someone trying to publicize the struggles I have. "Haha, look at him guys, he texts the suicide hotline and doesn't have friends because he got publicly humiliated for millions to see. Let's laugh at him guys"

This is how the call ruined my life, because I was coerced on discord to go on the call and people want to harass me because of it. I remember there was a guy on Instagram trying to get my address. This is why I want the videos to be taken down. I don't want to be a lolcow. I want to be able to live a relatively normal life without being a global humiliation or wackos left and right trying to get dirt on me.
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Maybe you're missing context of the situation because I disagree with quite a lot with what you're saying. Please respond to this because I want to see your point of view. It seems as if you're antagonizing me for some reason.
I'm not antagonizing you I'm just keeping it 100% real with you. I'm trying to get you to understand that feeding the troll wasn't the brightest idea.
When I made this account, I was an anime watcher, but I haven't watched anime in months?
OK my bad. I concede this point.
How am I victimizing myself by telling the truth? This did ruin my life and reputation. How am I changing events by saying this ruined my life and I want to rebuild my life?
I'm just saying there are a lot of people who are sick and tired of leftists trying to victimize themselves with oppression and things like that. Saying that you are a minor and autistic might unleash that frustration within the normies that read your comment.
I didn't choose to go on the call, I was peer pressured by people on discord to go on the call. They said "go on the livestream, he'll give you "help"", "ask fit about the surgery", "say you're 21 because the call is 21+"

I was a gullible 17 year old and I'm austistic. Did I know that the video would be shared and produced for millions of people to see? Obviously not so when the entire discord told me to go on the live, to ask about plastic surgery and lie about my age, I complied. I was obviously nervous on the call. Exposed myself to the world by coersion.
I know your case, I am autistic as well and I could relate somewhat to you being eviscerated by Fitxfearless as I've been humiliated by taller bullies in school for example. Obviously I didn't get exposed in front of millions but I said I could relate somewhat.

Normal people don't understand coercion. Normies are free will cultists, their ideologies are rooted in free will. If you are on a podcast they think that you are there by choice, that you did this. They will always pretend that people they are predisposed to hate such as ugly men, like you and me, are failing because of our actions. So naturally these animals, because normies are unworthy of being called human beings, will see that you blame your nose and ridicule you for it. There is no room in their model of reality for determinism, genetic or otherwise.
He stalked my .is profile? He's on Youtube. He found my .is profile, started reading my stuff and posted it on youtube to see. Imagine if a normie from your work looked you up to find your .is profile and publicly share it? I consider it stalking to go looking for someone's social media to dig info of them even if .is is technically a public domain.
OK yeah I misunderstood some of the comment somehow I'm beginning to see. You are also right to call him a stalker
I obviously don't "have to" but I would heaviliy want to move to a different location because I'm a humiliation in my city. On the bus, I see my old High School classmate and he snickers. I want to rebuild my life.
This is a very tough situation that you're in. But I'm just going to tell you to dream small. If you lack an income and you didn't land a job in the new country and you don't know the language then moving to a new country is not a real option.

That's the response you wanted. I'm sorry I antagonized you earlier brocel it is very difficult for me to measure my words because I'm autistic so I used abrasive language. I hope you can see my viewpoint that I tried to be neutral to your post as an outsider looking in. Or maybe I'm so biased against you that I just ranted like a madman.
I'm not antagonizing you I'm just keeping it 100% real with you. I'm trying to get you to understand that feeding the troll wasn't the brightest idea.

OK my bad. I concede this point.

I'm just saying there are a lot of people who are sick and tired of leftists trying to victimize themselves with oppression and things like that. Saying that you are a minor and autistic might unleash that frustration within the normies that read your comment.

I know your case, I am autistic as well and I could relate somewhat to you being eviscerated by Fitxfearless as I've been humiliated by taller bullies in school for example. Obviously I didn't get exposed in front of millions but I said I could relate somewhat.

Normal people don't understand coercion. Normies are free will cultists, their ideologies are rooted in free will. If you are on a podcast they think that you are there by choice, that you did this. They will always pretend that people they are predisposed to hate such as ugly men, like you and me, are failing because of our actions. So naturally these animals, because normies are unworthy of being called human beings, will see that you blame your nose and ridicule you for it. There is no room in their model of reality for determinism, genetic or otherwise.

OK yeah I misunderstood some of the comment somehow I'm beginning to see. You are also right to call him a stalker

This is a very tough situation that you're in. But I'm just going to tell you to dream small. If you lack an income and you didn't land a job in the new country and you don't know the language then moving to a new country is not a real option.

That's the response you wanted. I'm sorry I antagonized you earlier brocel it is very difficult for me to measure my words because I'm autistic so I used abrasive language. I hope you can see my viewpoint that I tried to be neutral to your post as an outsider looking in. Or maybe I'm so biased against you that I just ranted like a madman.

I understand your position and I accept your apology.

I want to move to a different Country after I'm financially stable.

I actually believe I should expose the trolls like that. Because they were going to harass me anyways. It's subconsious bias. People subconsciously infantilize me and don't take me seriously because they saw me get humiliated. There's a social hierarchy. It's human nature for the strong to want to bully the weak.

But people don't understand that I'm trying to rebuild my life.
Did my part with the report. Hope it helps you man
@VideoGameCoper @Left4DeadNiggerBoy @Tacomonkey @Orzmund @TheHungariancel @lowz1r @Emba @Chang.Beijing I tagged the users who I liked or are probably interested in the situation I'm currently in. I ramble too much so I'll try to make this short/cut out irrelevant information. This is the actual final plan (Ik I said that a million times). Wipe the videos, relocate. I'm not going to rope or let FitxFearless get away with defamation, then move on like a cuck, whilst my face is still next to the arrow "never had sex" on the thumbnail. It has to be taken down.

The TLDR of the past 4 months; Fitxfearless, viral humilation, entire life got fucked, 4 months wasted. Suicidal thoughts, making 1000+ posts. What am I going to do now? It ruined my life, before I thought "hidden in real life", I'll hide from the public for the rest of my life but that's stupid and will fuel autism. So I'm going to get all the videos wiped and relocate to a different location where I don't see anyone I previously knew.

I thought a lot and had a lot of spergy ideas. It's beginning to actually come into fruition, making suicide now a meaningless option. I would want to wipe as much of the videos off the internet as I can. Why do I have to wipe out the videos? I could just move on? The video ruined my life not just for physical reasons, but people's psychology towards me is different. I'm infantilized, mocked and humiliated by not just normies (brother's school, my University Campus, old High School, people I previously knew, normies on social media who saw it, the 4 - 5 million people, etc), but by even other incels here.

I can relocate to a different Country, but if the videos are still up, even if I approached a girl in that new place, she would see the video and her pussy would dry up. A male friend would see the video, then suddenly starts slapping the back of my head as "a joke." People just don't treat you seriously as a lolcow. Even you, the reader. it's just human psychology. What's the point of spending resources relocating to a different Country, if people can see the videos anyways? I'll be in Mexico (not actually going to Mexico) and still get shit on if the videos are publicly accessible on the internet.

Back on topic, how would I wipe the videos? That's surely impossible, right?

I'll take legal action to take down 5 videos on the official accounts. I want to wipe it completely from FitxFearless's official channels, the Tiktok short, the instagram reel, the youtube video, the youtube short, and the actual livestream (so people don't just go to the official livestream and screen record.) Once it's wiped off the official accounts, I'll go after the reposters/reuploaders.

Here's how you can help me in rebuilding my life and reputation if you wanted to. I don't know how to take legal action to remove the videos off the official accounts so I could learn the process. But you could mass report any upload of the video you find on tiktok or youtube, file the defamation or privacy complaint (if you want), to help me try to take the videos down. Any reupload/repost you see, you could send it to me so I'm aware of the videos still up, so I can try to take them down. I could hire people to try to get the videos taken down. 5 dollars to report the videos on all platforms (tiktok, instagram, youtube), 10 dollars to send an email, etc. If I setup a whole system, and there were hundreds or thousands of people trying to remove the videos, then when I relocate, I'm in the clear. I need a job and some money asap, because I could hire people to help report/take down the videos, use that money to take legal action, hire a professional who takes down videos/helps online footprint as a service, and all these people who want to help through volunteering or payment would go around trying to take down the reposts/reuploads so I could move on as if I never went on the call. No more videos, no more lolcow, no more problems.

Any mention of the FitxFearless video on my public social accounts, I'll delete the comments. We're going to hide it, wipe the videos, relocate to a different city, and pretend the video never happened. That's so Jewish. "Oy, shut it down." but it's the most logical answer. "Avoid the public for the rest of my life," "try to become famous." That's less practical then just taking the videos down. I guess I am incoroporating some of those ideas in this plan as I'm avoiding all the people I previously knew to relocate, and I'm trying to rebuild a reputation (by getting the videos wiped). Help me take legal action, mass report all the videos, report any reupload/repost you see. If people send me the videos that are still up, we'll try to get those videos down. If it was a system of eventually thousands of people, people of my own audience perhaps, and we all try to get the videos wiped off the internet, remove the official videos, remove all the reposts, then the woman I talk to in the future will have no clue of the Fitxfearless video, and she won't ever find the FitxFearless video. Here's how:

  • Contacting as much of the reuploaders as we can and request they take it down. There was someone who reuploaded the video on twitter on Nov 2, but I got him to take it down.
  • Mass reporting/disliking
  • Legal action (I was 17, underage minor, I was coerced by people on discord, they told me to lie about my age and ask about plastic surgery, non-consensual because I didn't know who he was, I thought it would be like a one on one thing, stupid and wouldn't matter, I didn't know it would be posted on all platforms and get millions of views. It's public defamation, it caused extreme emotional distress. That's not even lying so I have excuses to take it down.)
  • Emails to the platforms
  • Complaints
  • Group effort. I'm not going to send 1 or 2 emails alone. I'll have the people who want to, subscribed to my channel or in my discord, reporting the videos, sending me all the videos that are up, I'll have lawyers, I'll hire a professional who specializes in hiding one's online footprint. So it will be a lot of people trying to take down the videos.
Maybe it's the Jewish or Pussy way out, "I should let the videos stay up for redemption" was what someone told me, but this is the deadset plan. I'm firm this is what I want to do, because there's no benefit of the video where I get publicly humiliated staying up. "Being a viral lolcow?", I remember crashing out on Orzmund, I'm not mad or anything now, because he logically thought maybe I did all this for the 15 minute fame, but I didn't know fitxfearless would clip and post the videos because I was setup by people on discord, and after going through public humiliation/being a lolcow, I would rather go back in time and be completely anonymous like a semi normal person. The average incel's life is better than mine, just being ugly, if I could go back to that, it would feel like Heaven compared to now. Being ugly is challenging, but being a lolcow is 200x harder. I have to do all of this, try to take down all the videos, if I didn't fuck up 4 months ago, life would be wayyy different. But I can't change the past so this is what I have to do. Excert maximum effort to try to wipe out all of the videos, relocate to a new area. I don't want to see anyone from my High School or my Uni or Middle School in person ever again.

I would want all of the videos to be removed by 2025 - 2026, and if I get a group of a couple thousand people, anybody who reuploads the video will get mass reported, and if all goes well, the videos will get wiped, I'll be in a different location, and I can pursue the goals of ascending and things of that sort which I had away from everyone I previously knew.
I'm valuing all their opinions, even the bluepilled normies, even the redpillers, even incels.

Every comment sticks in my head. Every laughing emoji, every joke. I always wanted love and validation. I wanted to be seen as something, I wanted people to look upto me, to be proud of me but that was a pipedream.

I hate being autistic, I hate being ugly, I hate being disrespected and treated like a kid. I hate being abnormal. I just hate living. I wish the video never happened. Which is why I want to take down the videos so badly.

Everything was fucking taken. I still have to skip my brother's graduation. Reality is so nonsensical, my video is hell because of a 7 minute call. I hate how people infantilize me and treat me like a little kid. My whole life is ruined because of 7 minutes 4 months ago. The video's "because they know you are a loser" is replaying in my head even as I type this. I apologize, I know you're not a therapist but I can't tell this stuff to chatgpt all the time.

Bro you're not even ugly tho.

You have to realize the parasites, normie Nigger Jewdogs get off on making people miserable

Even your brother makes goes after you because he knows you're not gonna go off on him and it gives them a sense of Superiority

I suggest fighting fire with fire and give me an okay I have a warband that can digitally wreck him
I'm not american so I don't know much about your judicial system, is it possible to take legal action in your case due to defamation or something? I think it's pretty legit and he will probably have to compensate the moral damages you've suffered.
You can then work, save up money to move from the town to feel safer, new people, new life, new face after surgeries. It's all achievable, you can do all this probably even before you're 25 and you'll start to enjoy your life

That's pretty much what I want to do. Legal action, move, looksmax. I don't want to rot or annoy people by making a ton of threads , so this is the final thread/final plan, because besides complaining there's nothing more to discuss about this whole situation.
Bro you're not even ugly tho.

You have to realize the parasites, normie Nigger Jewdogs get off on making people miserable

Even your brother makes goes after you because he knows you're not gonna go off on him and it gives them a sense of Superiority

I suggest fighting fire with fire and give me an okay I have a warband that can digitally wreck him

Wdym by warband that can digitally wreck him?
Wdym by warband that can digitally wreck him?
Undead Chronic and the Red pill Warband that legitimately go after PUAs and other Jewtube grifters especially on these videos.

I guarantee this roach gets obliterated and put in the West Watson grift camp
That's pretty much what I want to do. Legal action, move, looksmax. I don't want to rot or annoy people by making a ton of threads , so this is the final thread/final plan, because besides complaining there's nothing more to discuss about this whole situation.
Okay, I understand. I hope you succeed, just don't give up brocel, you can achieve all this. Think of Sasuke's determination, I used to get inspired by his personality as well, unironically, like a role model or some shit
Once it’s on the internet you can’t get rid of this stuff
The sad thing is that even with lawyers and the court case, the court case would still be public records.
Your only hope is to wait it out. Normies will forget. Their memory of it will fade. The video might always be online, but it will never be viral again. Do continue your effort to hide that video however. The sands of time are in your favor in this instance.

Your only hope is to wait it out. Normies will forget. Their memory of it will fade. The video might always be online, but it will never be viral again. Do continue your effort to hide that video however. The sands of time are in your favor in this instance.


It will never be "viral" again but it will still continue to get a bunch of views. If FitxFearless's channel is growing, and the short has 819k~ views on youtube, you think it won't hit 1 million views? The video was at 112k a month ago, now it's at 125k. Within a year, it will get to 150k. The views only go up, and if it's easily accessible, anyone can pull it up at any time. The reuploads matter less because they're not as searchable, the official videos matter a fuck ton because they're searchable. My life will continue to be in this destroyed state if the videos are still up and easily searchable. I "wait it out" and 7 years from now I'm 25. The videos total count on youtube is 1.5 million, and when you search my name, you see that video. That scenario is a shitty one to be in. Or I can aggressively report all the videos, 7 years from now I'm 25, all of the official videos are removed, and most of the reuploads are too. Then when you search up my name, what pops up is some Linkedin. I fucked up massively by even getting in this situation, but I see the most logical answer as aggressively trying to get as much of the videos removed.

The sad thing is that even with lawyers and the court case, the court case would still be public records.

What negative connotation comes with that? Probably trolling, like if I take it to court, his fans will probably come after me, but I already received the laughter and the hate. I would rather publicly take it to court, and have his fans come after me or reupload the video on their own accounts to troll, or for people to insult me over that decision, because it at least shows I don't like the situation I'm in, I don't like being a lolcow. People will insult me for taking it to court but I view that as justification for the damages it caused to my life.

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