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Advice from a nonvirgin



Dec 3, 2017
inb4 get out normie REEEEEEEEEEE
Using a throwaway because I still want to participate here without you screaming about me being a "sexhaver".

I had a girlfriend 8 years ago when I was 23. We were together for a year, she was my first girlfriend, my first kiss, I lost my virginity to her and she to me (and I still have the sheets to prove it because apparently I'm a sentimental shit and a hoarder). Since then I've been on 3-4 dates with other girls and that's it, so it's a 7 year dry spell. And guess what... it doesn't bother me... that much. Of course I'd like to be in a relationship again (or at least have sex) some day, but even if it never happens I don't despair about it because...

IT WASN'T ALL THAT. It was nice having sex, having a girlfriend was even nicer but it seemed so much more important and profound before I hooked up with that girl than after she dumped me. And it was really amazing how quickly I got used to being a guy that has a girlfriend. Like after a week it was like all those years of loneliness and rejection before just didn't matter. Before her I was seriously contemplating suicide and thought my feelings were important and real. Afterwards it seemed ridiculous that I obsessed over it so much. In fact (this is a true story, I swear on my pup's grave) a year ago this ex-girlfriend contacted me again. She found me on Facebook and she asked me about my life (I told her I hadn't been with anyone since her) and she told me about her life (she told me about a couple of abusive boyfriends since she was with me). She wanted to see me, I guess she wanted to hook up again because she was all sentimental about our time together and asked me about all my sex kinks I've been into since I was with her and I can't imagine she just wanted to catch up. But... Dishonored 2 had just come out and I just got a 1070 and I had a weekend free to play the game. So I kind of blew her off and I guess that hurt her and she hadn't contacted me since. Four playthroughs of Dishonored 2 so far, both Corvo and Emily, both high and low chaos.

So enough of my life story. My advice would be to do whatever you can to get ONE girl. Looksmax, get rejected 1000 times (not on Tinder, by actually going out and trying), anything you can. I know you guys say AWALT but it's more like 99%WALT and there are some girls who are not that obsessed with looks. My ex for example, she's a Stacy through and through, but boyfriends (at least the ones she had on her Facebook photos) were all sub-6 guys (I was easily the ugliest). And yeah, she's unusual in that respect but I doubt she's unique because I know of a few other examples of girls hooking up with shitty looking guys. Believing it's always about money or dick size or whatever is a cope, it's absolving yourself of the responsibility to go out and try and keep getting rejected until you find a girl like that.

Anyway, get ONE girl and then see how important all that sex/relatioship stuff feels in retrospect. When I say it isn't all that, I'm speaking from personal experience but I'd have never accepted someone else telling me that. I had to have experienced it to know it. By getting one girl in any way you can, you'll get a sense of perspective and maybe you won't be feeling so shitty all the time. Remember, I was 23 before I got that one girl and no girls for 7 years (and counting) after that. It doesn't get easier after that one girl, but you get a sense of what you've been missing and in my case it wasn't all that. I want another girl the same way I want a yacht, but just because I may never have one doesn't make me feel miserable.

Anyway, that's it.
If you are younger than 20, you don't belong here so fuck off. 7 year dry spell>some teenager who never gets rejected because he never tries.
lmao just have sex with 1 girl bro top kek, thanks for the advice!
What a retarded post
"just get laid bro then you'll get laid haha XD"
Fuarrk an oldcel 38 yr old that had sex last when he was 31 telling us it's not all bad

that's some bluepill shit
his ex-gf must have been freakin GORGEOUS in other words the memories are enough to last him until death, only explanation
Berdea said:
What a retarded post
"just get laid bro then you'll get laid haha XD"

What a retarded reply. It's not "just get laid bro then you'll get laid", it's "do everything you can to get laid" (because you're NOT, and if you're saying you are you're a fucking liar, I'd bet a thousand dollars you weren't rejected by more than 10 girls in real life this year) and then you'll know that not getting laid isn't something that should be making you miserable. At least it wasn't in my case.

And I'm just going to keep registering until admins leave me alone or make the registration process too complicated to bother.

NekoStance said:
Fuarrk an oldcel 38 yr old that had sex last when he was 31 telling us it's not all bad

that's some bluepill shit
his ex-gf must have been freakin GORGEOUS in other words the memories are enough to last him until death, only explanation

31 year old, got laid when I was 23.
failednormie239 said:
Berdea said:
What a retarded post
"just get laid bro then you'll get laid haha XD"
What a retarded reply. It's not "just get laid bro then you'll get laid", it's "do everything you can to get laid" (because you're NOT, and if you're saying you are you're a fucking liar, I'd bet a thousand dollars you weren't rejected by more than 10 girls in real life this year) and then you'll know that not getting laid isn't something that should be making you miserable. At least it wasn't in my case.
And I'm just going to keep registering until admins leave me alone or make the registration process too complicated to bother.

NekoStance said:
Fuarrk an oldcel 38 yr old that had sex last when he was 31 telling us it's not all bad
that's some bluepill shit
his ex-gf must have been freakin GORGEOUS in other words the memories are enough to last him until death, only explanation
31 year old, got laid when I was 23.

Oh ok

But my point still stands though
but you shouldn't be banned if last time you had sex was 8 years ago when you were 23
failednormie239 said:
What a retarded reply. It's not "just get laid bro then you'll get laid", it's "do everything you can to get laid" (because you're NOT, and if you're saying you are you're a fucking liar, I'd bet a thousand dollars you weren't rejected by more than 10 girls in real life this year) and then you'll know that not getting laid isn't something that should be making you miserable. At least it wasn't in my case.

And I'm just going to keep registering until admins leave me alone or make the registration process too complicated to bother.

31 year old, got laid when I was 23.

I don't imagine that just getting laid will solve all my problems, it seems only you were retarded enough to believe it is solely about sex.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
get rejected 1000 times

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Are you serious? Don't you realize how psychologically damaging it is to get rejected consistently 20 times? Humans for most of our history lived in tribes of about 150 people (Dunbar's number), and there probably weren't even 20 young single women in the tribe at any one time that a young man could court. [/font]
This guy sounds like a date rapist.

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