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LifeFuel A Thread for Books

The Trouble with Being Born. Insomnia is really interesting to me lately, and the same is true of pessimism which, if a word could encapsulate a worldview, was pretty much already mine.
I like reading books on evolution and natural selection. Those kind of books offer you a great perspective on life. When I was growing up the people around me were religious people trying to give a meaning to life by serving God. I went along with it because I was child.

The books by Richard Dawkins was a great way for me to learn more about Human biology and sentient life in general. The Blind Watchmaker, Selfish Gene, Climbing Mount Improbable are the ones I have read so far and they are enjoyable to read and learn.

Besides those book I read programming books. The GNU C tutorial is a great book to start learning C, you can find the pdf online. Currently I am reading the Programmer's Guide to nCurses, I am planning on adding Textual User Interfaces to some of my programs.
any book by schopenhauer
the book of disquiet by pessoa is also a beautiful incel book

The Trouble with Being Born. Insomnia is really interesting to me lately, and the same is true of pessimism which, if a word could encapsulate a worldview, was pretty much already mine.
i love that book. cioran is a genius
on the heights of despair" is also really beautiful
reading is for faggots
Nigga i cant fucking """read"""
Finished reading "Hear the Wind Sing" by Haruki Murakami. It's his first novel and it shows. It's not very engaging. I can't relate to the MC at all and the only interesting character, Rat (who is probably an incel), doesn't show up enough. But you might like it if you just want to know about 1970's Japan. Started reading its sequel (Pinball, 1973), but it's not getting any better. Will finish it anyway because it's short, but these aren't books I would recommend.
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Finished reading "Hear the Wind Sing" by Haruki Murakami. It's his first novel and it shows. It's not very engaging. I can't relate to the MC at all and the only interesting character, Rat (who is probably an incel), doesn't show up enough. But you might like it if you just want to know about 1970's Japan. Started reading its sequel (Pinball, 1973), but it's not getting any better. Will finish it anyway because it's short, but these aren't books I would recommend.View attachment 80473
I'm currently reading Thewindupbirdchronicle.
Can't relate to them(Haruko's MCs) because they're sex-haver Changs, but i enjoy Murakami's simplistic prose and surreal shit, try his short stories collections; i would recommend The Elephant Vanishes and Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman.
Nigga i cant fucking """read"""
Try Naked Lunch by William Burroughs, very easy to read and accessible novel that's totally-not-a-fragmented fuckfest guaranteed.


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Anyone read cricket man?
all these highIQcels reading books like we're in 1800
The Trouble with Being Born. Insomnia is really interesting to me lately, and the same is true of pessimism which, if a word could encapsulate a worldview, was pretty much already mine.

Pessimist philosophy is sublime. It's the goddamned truth. I went to sleep many nights listening to the audiobook version of "Studies in Pessimisn" by Arthur Schopenhauer, which is in fact just a selection of essays from his two-volume collection titled Parerga and Paralipomena. This was the book that was published late in Schopenhaeur's life that lifted him from obscurity.

The Studies in Pessimism audiobook is a must for every suffering incel.

don't let them deceive you, they mostly listen to audio books.

...which didn't start being true for me until compulsive internet usage destroyed my attention span, something validated by this (audio) book:

gesta hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum
Nice book,
Not sure what you guys like, and I mostly read studies and essays on the internet, but as for the books read in the past couple of years that I enjoyed or got something out of,
The War That Ended Peace
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
For My Legionaries
The Ego Tunnel
The Poetic Edda

If you like fiction specifically, I'm currently reading Harmony by Project Itoh.
Pessimist philosophy is sublime. It's the goddamned truth. I went to sleep many nights listening to the audiobook version of "Studies in Pessimisn" by Arthur Schopenhauer, which is in fact just a selection of essays from his two-volume collection titled Parerga and Paralipomena. This was the book that was published late in Schopenhaeur's life that lifted him from obscurity.

The Studies in Pessimism audiobook is a must for every suffering incel.

This as well, basically everything Schopenhauer wrote is quality.
gesta hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum
Nice book,
It is one of the most important sources of the medieval history of Northern Europe, and the oldest textual source reporting the discovery of coastal North America.
One Life in Russia by Nikita Sadkov. He's a russian living in exile on the Ukraine. He has a very negative view of Russia and the Russian people. I read some of his blog post and I've talked with him before on anonymous text-boards.

If you have a github account you can read his book on github: https://github.com/saniv/text
If you don't have one then you can download the pdf here: https://anonfile.com/7844b2t2b5/OneLifeInRussia_pdf

I tried uploading to incels.is before but the file size was too large. I might have been the one that made the server go offline on Feb 5 because I kept trying to upload it. I apologize to the admin if I was the one that caused it.
One Life in Russia by Nikita Sadkov. He's a russian living in exile on the Ukraine. He has a very negative view of Russia and the Russian people. I read some of his blog post and I've talked with him before on anonymous text-boards.

If you have a github account you can read his book on github: https://github.com/saniv/text
If you don't have one then you can download the pdf here: https://anonfile.com/7844b2t2b5/OneLifeInRussia_pdf

I tried uploading to incels.is before but the file size was too large. I might have been the one that made the server go offline on Feb 5 because I kept trying to upload it. I apologize to the admin if I was the one that caused it.
I'm going to read this right now as Friday night cope
I'm going to read this right now as Friday night cope
That's good to know. Russia is a pretty interesting country. I had a conversation with a Russian on lolifox and he gave me a link to a book about how Russia's corruption was a result of the Mongol Occupation. I think that was the subject of the book. I will look for the link again, I remember saving it on a text file.
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That's good to know. Russia is a pretty interesting country. I had a conversation with a Russian on lolifox and he gave me a link to a book about how Russia's corruption was a result of the Mongol Occupation. I think that was the subject of the book. I will look for the link again, I remember saving it on a text file.
I finished it,it was pretty depressing.:feelsbadman: And of course it confirmed my suspicions about russian women being the worst kind of scum
Siege By James Mason
Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche (Elizabeth Forster
The myth of the 20th Century By Alfred Rosenberg
The World As Will And Representation By Arthur Schopenhauer
Critique of Judgment By Immanuel Kant
Walden's collective writings
Siege By James Mason
Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche (Elizabeth Forster
The myth of the 20th Century By Alfred Rosenberg
The World As Will And Representation By Arthur Schopenhauer
Critique of Judgment By Immanuel Kant
Walden's collective writings
All of em sound interesting.
Everything written by Cesare Lombroso
I dont like audio books. I like to read them.
Did anyone read this book?


I ordered the book and I hope it's worth my money.
most of you probably already know that, but pretty much everything by Dostoevsky is fire tbhtbh :feelsautistic:
reading Demons right now :feelsokman:
Anyone here read Homo Deus and its prequel Sapiens.
Started reading Infinite Jest, sorry guys, i know Ullysses won but tennis academy autist junkies from malefeminist families ran by single-moms sounds more interesting a read than cuck goes to town while his wife gets fucked.

Does anyone else here beside me and @TheNEET here read fiction, seems like everyone's into the ultra-serious big boy philolsophy stuff.
I like lovecraft.
Started reading Infinite Jest, sorry guys, i know Ullysses won but tennis academy autist junkies from malefeminist families ran by single-moms sounds more interesting a read than cuck goes to town while his wife gets fucked.

Does anyone else here beside me and @TheNEET here read fiction, seems like everyone's into the ultra-serious big boy philolsophy stuff.
I like science fiction(i dont read that much though)
Siege By James Mason
Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche (Elizabeth Forster
The myth of the 20th Century By Alfred Rosenberg
The World As Will And Representation By Arthur Schopenhauer
Critique of Judgment By Immanuel Kant
Walden's collective writings
thanks for this list,fuhrer
Civilization and its Discontents, Freud
The communist manifesto
Sun Tzu the art of war
Lost lives (book containing details of all the victims killed in the Irish conflict)
The right to be lazy
The anarchist cookbook
Recently Ive been reading The last feast of arlequin. It is very impressive story wich i dare to recomend to those of you who apresiate horror fiction that is based on our grotesque and unpleasant reality.
Cupids Poisoned arrow.
Amazon product ASIN B003WUYP9M
Talks about why Orgasm is bad, what it does to the body and mind, how it lowers your human potential, how it causes normies to cheat and get bored of their spouses etc.

Anyone who doubts nofap needs to buy this book.
I own it so I will make a thread with snapshots from it later
I highly recommend August Kubizek's The Young Hitler I Knew, Kubizek was the only friend Hitler had in his late teens and early 20s and the book deals with the relationship between the two and the eccentric personality of the young Hitler. Hitler was pretty much an incel, having a lot of anti-social tendencies and rejected modern art and loosening sexual values (there's a part where he gets secuded by an older woman and runs away) in favour of tradional German values and art. It's also interesting to read because Hitler had already thought of a lot of the foundations on which National-Socialist Germany was built and some of the architectural works he had designed at that age were actually built when he came to power.

Sir John Glubb's Fate of Empires, although it's more of an essay than a book is also interesting. It deals with how most major empires throughout history have dealt with the societal collapse that we are seeing right now in the west. It's similar to the earlier mentioned The Crisis of the Modern World which I also recently read but doesn't have the esoteric stuff and looks at the subject from a purely historical viewpoint.

Another interesting book I recently read was Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness which is a collection of travel logs from serveral medieval Islamic historians who traveled the world and documented the culture and traditions of the people they came across of. It's especially interesting because Ibn Fadlan's travel log is the only (surviving) written description of a Viking funeral.
Anything about Ender Wiggin and company is pretty good. Even the bad stuff is fun (Orson Scott Card)
The Stand (Stephen King)
The Frontiersmen (Allen W. Eckert)
Unbroken: A WW2 story of survival, resilience, and redemption (Lauren Hillenbrand)
Shogun (James Clavell)

Amazing book, this should be a required reading material for elementary schools.

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