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This thread is to discuss books: Either those you have read, will read, wish to read, or recommend others to read.
“Red Shambhala” is derived from a book by Russian historian Andrei Znamenski. In it, he describes how the Buddhist Shambhala myth was used in the early 20th century to promote various spiritual, social and geopolitical agendas in Inner-Asia. For instance, while some Bolshevik diplomats and Bolshevik secret police officers tried to use native prophecies to anchor Communism in the Tibetan-Mongolian world, others felt that although one can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, the Russian Civil War (1917-1922) resulted in millions of broken eggs without having created an edible omelette. Hence, they were interested in linking Communism with Buddhism and ran some of the first scientific experiments on meditation in a secret laboratory in Moscow. Unsurprisingly, they later got murdered during the Yezhovshchina, the “Great Purge” of Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, I do find that idea, that title, fascinating. A red Shambhala. (My second “Christian” blog I named after that Ingmar Bergman movie “Smultronstället”, which literally means “The wild strawberry patch” but idiomatically signifies an underrated gem of a place, often with personal or sentimental value.)
Alaine de Botton is a cuck. Reading his books is accepting bluepill brainwashing. You can cope in other ways.
Idk I haven't read that book, but I've watched his youtube channel some years ago and he was just incredibly cucked.This in no way whatsoever describes the book I linked to in the OP.
Idk I haven't read that book, but I've watched his youtube channel some years ago and he was just incredibly cucked.
It's just a general impression I got. His beta cuck demeanor, the fact that he's openly a pervert, and all the bad philosophy that could only come out of a retarded cuck's mouth.How so?
It's just a general impression I got.
His beta cuck demeanor, the fact that he's openly a pervert,
and all the bad philosophy that could only come out of a retarded cuck's mouth.
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As someone who is not where he would like to be professionally and who is bothered that so many are doing better, I cope with this book titled Status Anxiety by Alaine De Button. The audiobook of it is on youtube. High IQ and therapeutic, and incels might find it helpful since many of us regard ourselves as low status because of our inceldom or looks or NEET status etc.
Dude I already said that I watched his videos years ago, which is when I came to the conclusion that he was a cuck. I don't remember everything that irked me about him, I don't remember all the arguments against him.Well don't elaborate by any means what's cucky about him.
How is he a pervert? Again, lame use of "beta cuck" without elaboration. It's people like you that make these words lose meaning.
I'd be glad to have a discussion about any of his philosophy that you think is retarded or bad.
Dude I already said that I watched his videos years ago, which is when I came to the conclusion that he was a cuck. I don't remember everything that irked me about him, I don't remember all the arguments against him.
And I'm not going to waste hours of my life listening to his bullshit again just because someone on an incel forum questioned my intellectual fortitude and challenged me to a debate on Alain de fucking Botton. I don't ever want to discuss him, I just gave my opinion, take it or leave it.
And that's your opinion. I'm glad we both know how opinions work.It was a bad opinion.
And that's your opinion. I'm glad we both know how opinions work.
I think Houellebecq's works should be required course for any incel, especially Atomized and Whatever.
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As someone who is not where he would like to be professionally and who is bothered that so many are doing better, I cope with this book titled Status Anxiety by Alaine De Button. The audiobook of it is on youtube. High IQ and therapeutic, and incels might find it helpful since many of us regard ourselves as low status because of our inceldom or looks or NEET status etc.
My nigga. Never read the middle one, any tips on which companions should be read first, or should I just dive in?-100 years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
-Phenomenology of spirit by Georg Hegel
-Beyond good and evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Opinion on him? Might investigateMichel Houellebecq
Fuck Eric Blair, Stalin did nothing wrong, read Grover FurrObviously I recommend Hoellebecq's novels, mainly "Atomised", "Whatever" (very blackpilled novel where we met the incel character Tisserand) and "Submission" (where we can see how liberal and secularized France submit herself to Sharia also because sexually frustrated men can achieve one or more wives in this way).
I advice also very interesting dystopian novels like Orwell's ones ("1984" and "Animal farm") and above all "Brave New World" by Huxley, where we can see a very likely future society, where sexuality is polygamous and moral-free since childhood and humanity is divided into classes based on beauty and intelligence both scientifically determined (obviously top classes are beautiful and intelligent and selected for high-level jobs, while lower ones are at the bottom of the society).
Then, some of my favorite books are all Tolkien's and Asimov's works, the best choices if you like respectively fantasy and/or sci-fi.
About politics, I can suggest a lot of stuff both on Fascist/NatSoc and Socialist/Communist sides, but about contemporary writers I recommend the (relatively mainstream, at least here) hegelo-marxist Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro, one of the few who condemn the today promiscuous sexuality from the left.
I would be really glad to read some book advices by @IntolerantSocialist however!
Depends on what is your taste? If u like old school existentialism/nihilism/aesthetics then do read Hegel, but if u want to start from a lighter note then read Albert Camus or Jean-Satre(Myth of Sisyphus and Being and nothingness respectively), personally I read French enlightenment philosophers like, John Locke, Voltaire etc, but if u want book recommendations PM me.My nigga. Never read the middle one, any tips on which companions should be read first, or should I just dive in?
Post about books you like here. can mods sticky this?
As someone who is not where he would like to be professionally and who is bothered that so many are doing better, I cope with this book titled Status Anxiety by Alaine De Button. The audiobook of it is on youtube. High IQ and therapeutic, and incels might find it helpful since many of us regard ourselves as low status because of our inceldom or looks or NEET status etc.
I think Houellebecq's works should be required course for any incel, especially Atomized and Whatever.
Some great authors
Stephen King
Junji Ito
Dean Koontz
As for actual books there are FAR too many to name just a few
Can someone recommend me some books? I want something on those topics:
A victim gets revenge on his bully(would be great if the revenge would be brutal).
Books similar to "How to win friends and influence people" that you specifically like.
Some psychology books.
Blackpilled books, preferably blackpill of our nature and lookism.
Obviously I recommend Hoellebecq's novels, mainly "Atomised", "Whatever" (very blackpilled novel where we met the incel character Tisserand) and "Submission" (where we can see how liberal and secularized France submit herself to Sharia also because sexually frustrated men can achieve one or more wives in this way).
I advice also very interesting dystopian novels like Orwell's ones ("1984" and "Animal farm") and above all "Brave New World" by Huxley, where we can see a very likely future society, where sexuality is polygamous and moral-free since childhood and humanity is divided into classes based on beauty and intelligence both scientifically determined (obviously top classes are beautiful and intelligent and selected for high-level jobs, while lower ones are at the bottom of the society).
Then, some of my favorite books are all Tolkien's and Asimov's works, the best choices if you like respectively fantasy and/or sci-fi.
About politics, I can suggest a lot of stuff both on Fascist/NatSoc and Socialist/Communist sides, but about contemporary writers I recommend the (relatively mainstream, at least here) hegelo-marxist Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro, one of the few who condemn the today promiscuous sexuality from the left.
I would be really glad to read some book advices by @IntolerantSocialist however!
You're a very good reader I see! I have read almost them all, had Kojeve in my reading list yet (his works were translated in Italian luckily) and will check Althusser soon, thanks for mentioning him!shit man, dis mah thread
Sorel and Bakunin have books, relating to "propaganda by the deed" (Siege before Siege existed)
Camatte was a Marxist-Leninist/Council Comm who went Anprim to escape consumerism
Hegel is mandatory but its best to read quotes by him than his entire books. too much autism for me and I am autistic. Hegel also inspired Caesar's Legion. also the Dialectic is good for manipulation.
De Maistre/Evola/Guenon for neoreaction, the latter two for Astral Projection
Alexandre Kojeve (even though he created the EU) did not only a book on Hegel, but Kant as well as a harsh immolation of Spinoza and Descartes. not sure of its availability in NOT French.
Nietszche is all around good
Machiavelli - The Prince, OG Pragmatism and cutthroatness
any writings from Marcion Of Sinope are good, if they can be retrieved.
Plato -The Republic, mandatory
Aristotle was pretty harsh on women
Pol Pot's red book, and Ted K's manifesto
Louis Althusser was anti-humanist Orthodox Marxist wife strangler
Gramsci is good even though a lot of Dark Enlightenment types misinterpret his ideas. The Prison Notebooks are a good start
Martin Heidegger is good
Werner Sombart, another good author
I like Arthur Schopenhauer but he was a proto-MGTOW.
Albert Camus is decent if only for absurdism
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan, but that's all I've ever read
Oswald Spengler is mostly hard to interpret and is mostly based on historical accounts
Gottfried Feder, economics
Ernst Niekisch, if you can find the translation project
Ernst Junger for combat theory
Max Stirner because he's funny as hell
and lastly, Leo Strauss and Sigmund Freud for being the token jews.
avoid Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Paul-Sartre, all trash. Orwell was a turncoat and his books were trash too.
not a Russell fan either, sorry OP
bluepilled copeing by normie fag
My favorite book is Neuromancer, anyone ever read it?
Always wanted to read it but never got to it. There is an audio drama on YouTube though that seems to be pretty cool:
I'm loving this thread. So much new reading material for me!