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Theory A theory on why the ugliest white men are likelier to be racist than Chads

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Ok so why won't ethnic immigrant incels move back to where they came from without all the feminism?

The main inter-ethnic immigration movements are the islamization of Europe and asian women then I guess (and the open borders of the US). Both include gender disparity. In any case the immediate effect of the migration creates incels, in the case of the asians in their home country, but still. Even if the other country has their incels paired, which they don't of course, one country is always left depleted.

As for (2.8.1) normies and Chads are normies, incels are not, that's 2/3 and when you round up immigrants are normies more than not. (that may become relevant as governments tend to be either a strong yes or strong no towards immigration and so determining which is a bigger 2/3 or 1/3 becomes relevant :feelsthink: )

As for the rest of the thread theres like 7 pages so I didn't read it but I fully support Incelistan. :feelsthink:
Ethnics move to the West because trying to improve their own country gets them assassinated by the Freemasonic elite using the CIA

Thanks for supporting Incelistan bro
I think you're a goofy weasel and now you're tipping your hand. "Neo-Nazi" is a meaningless term.
hes a literal shtiskin ethnic. hes as retarded as they come. stop engaging with it
  1. Ugly poor people have less to lose.
    1. If a mayocel and a Chad are equally racist, the mayocel can be publicly racist without losing career opportunities or friends because he doesn't have any
    2. Chad is more likely to be an international businessman or celebrity, where being openly racist can draw the ire of ethnics as well as white people who don't want a repeat of WW2
  2. The Sexual Market Value (SMV) and the Job Market Value (JMV) of mayocels overlap with that of ethnic Chads and normies
    1. Chad is going to become a film star whether he's in Nazi Germany or SJW California. He doesn't feel threatened by ethnics.
    2. Mayocels are more likely to be unemployed or working low status jobs
    3. Consumerism and hypergamy increases the Looks, Money, Status required to get women of any race, but paticularly white women
    4. Most immigrants are men, creating a surplus of males and increasing competition for sexual access for both ethnic and white women
    5. Being ethnic gives a failo / horn effect to SMV which means ethnics date uglier chicks in the West if at all compared to back home
    6. Ethnics face a combination of race and looks discrimination in the job market, which means ethnics that would be doctors in India end up being cab drivers in the West due to lower JMV
    7. This gives mayocels an overlapping SMV and JMV with ethnic normies and Chads, forcing them to compete for the same jobs and women
    8. Ethnics end up competing for the same low status jobs as mayocels
      1. Ethnics are often normie or even Chad back home, and so are more NT and confident compared to mayocels
      2. Ethnics are usually from more expressive cultures compared to Germanic or Japanese cultures
      3. Ethnics are often from families considered rich in the third world, and so are better prepared culturally to climb the corporate ladder than poor mayocels despite racist discrimination
      4. Ethnics may or may not have been exposed to microplastics, which may give them more testosterone
      5. Ethnics may come from societies with more physical labour and younger age of motherhood, making them healthier than some mayocels
      6. Ethnics may be more comfortable with low pay, harder work, and longer work hours because they come from countries with more income inequality and weaker labour rights thanks to the CIA and white countries exploiting the entire world
      7. Ethnics may be more comfortable greencardmaxxing a woman from their own culture
      8. Ethnics may be better at avoiding gold diggers and low quality women from their own culture as they are socially immersed and know local signposts of social proof
      9. Mayocels are more likely to get burnt by golddiggers and are more likely to betabuxx literal prostitutes because they have the social skills of infants in the foreign third world context
      10. FOB ethnic women may be more comfortable with a poor standard of living in the West because of the West's safety or because being poor in the West is better than third world living
      11. Ethnics MAY or MAY NOT feel less emasculated in low status jobs because their native culture is more hierarchal
      12. Ethnics MAY or MAY NOT feel less emasculated in low status jobs because they can blame racist discrimination by whites and centuries of colonialsm and imperialism for their current predicament
    9. Childless white women benefit from immigration, so they have an incentive to virtue signal in support of it so that the immigrant ethniccels pay taxes that allow white women to have consumerist spending binge sprees
    10. Capitalists get to eat their cake and have it too by letting white women be consumerists instead of birthing children, and filling in the gaps left behind by unborn white children with immigrants
    11. Immigrants have their schooling paid for by their home country, so the capitalists don't have to pay higher wages and taxes to raise the next generation of white children
  3. This creates a situation where:
    1. There's serious competition between mayocels and ethnic normies / Chads.
    2. White women who are both racist and left wing will virtue signal while marrying Low Tier Normie white men, those LTN men will be more likely to virtue signal against racism since they don't feel threatened
    3. Ugly white women who aren't racist will hook up with a desperate ethnic Chad instead of white LTN or mayocels
    4. Ethnics who moneymaxx and are NT may have an easier time betabuxxing a white woman than non-NT mayocels
    5. Mayocels who get one-upped by ethnics will experience great anxiety and become SFcels as a form of terror management
      1. SFcels will cope endlessly about Jews, JustBeEthnic, Oofy Doofy, etc instead of admitting that they're ugly as fuck
      2. SFcels will point at examples of ethnic Chads with ugly white women "Berthas" or examples of ethnics being betabuxx slaves for white Berthas as proof that the media has somehow brainwashed white women to prefer ethnics over whites
        1. SFcels are coping so hard that they don't notice that white Chad has no problem getting laid and has a better life than even ethnic Chad
      3. SFcels will destroy whatever NT / neurotypical traits they have by coping 24/7 on 4chan /pol/ or Trump websites in order to avoid acknowledging their bad looks or lack of work ethic
        1. SFcels who /pol/cope 24/7 lose all sense of perspective and become socially unanchored. This leads them to have a view of reality completely based on warped retarded memes made by SFcels even further down and degenerated than them
        2. This lack of NT makes their already bad lives worse as they can no longer relate to other white people
        3. No longer being connected to white people makes them lose out on their unfair white privilege by a degree since being a schizo loner makes it harder to benefit from nepotism
        4. SFcels will use their own miserable lives to dismiss claims of white privilege by either citing Apex Fallacy or their own failures in life
    6. White normies and mayocels may JBWmaxx to get a foid
      1. If they aren't racist, they can live a NT life and be happy
      2. If they are racist, they'll simmer in their hatred and self-hatred and lash out at their ethnic wives and Hapa kids
      3. If they greencardmaxx, they end up overplaying ther SMV / LMS and end up getting divorced raped quickly, making them more bitter
    7. Some white Beckys go overseas to become famous Bollywood stars or marry billionaire oil sheiks. Some random white Italian-Russian woman literally married the son of the Prime Minister of India, he ended up also becoming the Prime Minister of India.
      1. This makes SFcels seethe and forget that white Chads are still on top
      2. This reduces the amount of white women for mayocels
extremely high i.q post
Most Nazis and Anti-Semites are either low IQ coping white trucels or failed normies that ruined their brain's threat assessment by wasting their adolescence on schizo Nazi websites instead of socialmaxxing and being NT which would have at least allowed them to betabux a low tier foid
So basically neonazism saved their lives
You're just another non-white shit that preaches anti-racism to white people but puts the interests of your own racial group before that of everyone else. White people are slowly becoming wise to your act. You can see that and don't like it.
@mlcurrycel - I don't want this type of reaction^ from white people, do you? Is that part your goal(s)?
1. Beautiful people have a lot less to feel aggrieved about, than ugly people.

Nobody stole their job, nobody stole their wimmins.
1. Beautiful people have a lot less to feel aggrieved about, than ugly people.

Nobody stole their job, nobody stole their wimmins.
I went back and read the OPs title and a few of his points, just because I did want to give him a fair shot. I now realize this is the most masturbatory thread I have ever seen. There is absolutely no reason to even waste time on why normie whites who are mid tier or even low smv are more likely to be racist or meany poos or whatever. You summed up his whole realization with one nice sentence as #1.
Not a single word som
based incelistan government. Im racist because ethnics commit most crimes and coz u guys destroy all the places u enter.
Not Indians. Although they do torment their children because they just don't know what's good quality or bad quality in Western culture.
  1. Ugly poor people have less to lose.
    1. If a mayocel and a Chad are equally racist, the mayocel can be publicly racist without losing career opportunities or friends because he doesn't have any
    2. Chad is more likely to be an international businessman or celebrity, where being openly racist can draw the ire of ethnics as well as white people who don't want a repeat of WW2
  2. The Sexual Market Value (SMV) and the Job Market Value (JMV) of mayocels overlap with that of ethnic Chads and normies
    1. Chad is going to become a film star whether he's in Nazi Germany or SJW California. He doesn't feel threatened by ethnics.
    2. Mayocels are more likely to be unemployed or working low status jobs
    3. Consumerism and hypergamy increases the Looks, Money, Status required to get women of any race, but paticularly white women
    4. Most immigrants are men, creating a surplus of males and increasing competition for sexual access for both ethnic and white women
    5. Being ethnic gives a failo / horn effect to SMV which means ethnics date uglier chicks in the West if at all compared to back home
    6. Ethnics face a combination of race and looks discrimination in the job market, which means ethnics that would be doctors in India end up being cab drivers in the West due to lower JMV
    7. This gives mayocels an overlapping SMV and JMV with ethnic normies and Chads, forcing them to compete for the same jobs and women
    8. Ethnics end up competing for the same low status jobs as mayocels
      1. Ethnics are often normie or even Chad back home, and so are more NT and confident compared to mayocels
      2. Ethnics are usually from more expressive cultures compared to Germanic or Japanese cultures
      3. Ethnics are often from families considered rich in the third world, and so are better prepared culturally to climb the corporate ladder than poor mayocels despite racist discrimination
      4. Ethnics may or may not have been exposed to microplastics, which may give them more testosterone
      5. Ethnics may come from societies with more physical labour and younger age of motherhood, making them healthier than some mayocels
      6. Ethnics may be more comfortable with low pay, harder work, and longer work hours because they come from countries with more income inequality and weaker labour rights thanks to the CIA and white countries exploiting the entire world
      7. Ethnics may be more comfortable greencardmaxxing a woman from their own culture
      8. Ethnics may be better at avoiding gold diggers and low quality women from their own culture as they are socially immersed and know local signposts of social proof
      9. Mayocels are more likely to get burnt by golddiggers and are more likely to betabuxx literal prostitutes because they have the social skills of infants in the foreign third world context
      10. FOB ethnic women may be more comfortable with a poor standard of living in the West because of the West's safety or because being poor in the West is better than third world living
      11. Ethnics MAY or MAY NOT feel less emasculated in low status jobs because their native culture is more hierarchal
      12. Ethnics MAY or MAY NOT feel less emasculated in low status jobs because they can blame racist discrimination by whites and centuries of colonialsm and imperialism for their current predicament
    9. Childless white women benefit from immigration, so they have an incentive to virtue signal in support of it so that the immigrant ethniccels pay taxes that allow white women to have consumerist spending binge sprees
    10. Capitalists get to eat their cake and have it too by letting white women be consumerists instead of birthing children, and filling in the gaps left behind by unborn white children with immigrants
    11. Immigrants have their schooling paid for by their home country, so the capitalists don't have to pay higher wages and taxes to raise the next generation of white children
  3. This creates a situation where:
    1. There's serious competition between mayocels and ethnic normies / Chads.
    2. White women who are both racist and left wing will virtue signal while marrying Low Tier Normie white men, those LTN men will be more likely to virtue signal against racism since they don't feel threatened
    3. Ugly white women who aren't racist will hook up with a desperate ethnic Chad instead of white LTN or mayocels
    4. Ethnics who moneymaxx and are NT may have an easier time betabuxxing a white woman than non-NT mayocels
    5. Mayocels who get one-upped by ethnics will experience great anxiety and become SFcels as a form of terror management
      1. SFcels will cope endlessly about Jews, JustBeEthnic, Oofy Doofy, etc instead of admitting that they're ugly as fuck
      2. SFcels will point at examples of ethnic Chads with ugly white women "Berthas" or examples of ethnics being betabuxx slaves for white Berthas as proof that the media has somehow brainwashed white women to prefer ethnics over whites
        1. SFcels are coping so hard that they don't notice that white Chad has no problem getting laid and has a better life than even ethnic Chad
      3. SFcels will destroy whatever NT / neurotypical traits they have by coping 24/7 on 4chan /pol/ or Trump websites in order to avoid acknowledging their bad looks or lack of work ethic
        1. SFcels who /pol/cope 24/7 lose all sense of perspective and become socially unanchored. This leads them to have a view of reality completely based on warped retarded memes made by SFcels even further down and degenerated than them
        2. This lack of NT makes their already bad lives worse as they can no longer relate to other white people
        3. No longer being connected to white people makes them lose out on their unfair white privilege by a degree since being a schizo loner makes it harder to benefit from nepotism
        4. SFcels will use their own miserable lives to dismiss claims of white privilege by either citing Apex Fallacy or their own failures in life
    6. White normies and mayocels may JBWmaxx to get a foid
      1. If they aren't racist, they can live a NT life and be happy
      2. If they are racist, they'll simmer in their hatred and self-hatred and lash out at their ethnic wives and Hapa kids
      3. If they greencardmaxx, they end up overplaying ther SMV / LMS and end up getting divorced raped quickly, making them more bitter
    7. Some white Beckys go overseas to become famous Bollywood stars or marry billionaire oil sheiks. Some random white Italian-Russian woman literally married the son of the Prime Minister of India, he ended up also becoming the Prime Minister of India.
      1. This makes SFcels seethe and forget that white Chads are still on top
      2. This reduces the amount of white women for mayocels
Well thought out thread, I used to cope on 4chan but when you go out in the real world you realize white people are atomized subverted self hating cucked people who can’t even say Nigger jokingly.

They were on top for a very long time but I suppose their time has come.
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