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JFL 1930s Asian-Americans "Equipped with a Penis Impressive Enough to Penetrate All of White America"

anyone who does cuck*t reposts should be 3-day temp banned
Rice want the bbc propaganda for themselves now.
Imagine being so gay you advocate for others to check out "r/bigasiancock" :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: mind broken. Garuntee 99% of people visiting that subreddit are coping ricecels, not women or even gay men

Needless to say, everyone knows chinks have tiny peepers, otherwise, the stereotype wouldn't offend them so much. As for Filipinos, it's definitely possible their Wang size is bigger due to differences in genetics

Also, JFL at east europeans not being allowed to racemix with whites @WorthlessSlavicShit
The biggest cock he could post was maybe 6”, and he’s in some cuckporn where a white guy is forced to be flaccid so the Asian could compete lmao.

Dick coping is low IQ though
Looking at other men's penises and pretending you are them. Ricecels mindbroken
The most insidious thing they did is simply allowing ricecels to immigrate so they can cuck themselves and become incel. Just banning gook immigration altogether would do us a huge favor.
can't ricecels just do the same like white men but with other races like curries? average rice guy is less ugly than shitskinned curry

every race should just colonize the lower tier race at this moment. sexual racial war
just because white women don't want to fuck him
i think them wanting to fuck white women is just like a counter attack to white men fucking noodlewhores. a revenge
ofc if they can't fuck their own women then there's no way they will be able to touch even a low tier white becky unless they get super lucky

Dick coping is low IQ though
not really
if you're handsome white then you won't be extremely affected by the dick pill because no one is considering the fact that you have a small dick but if you're a ricecel even when handsome and have a big dick then you will be affected by the dick pill due to steryotypes

having a big dick isn't just about sex, it's about showing masculinity and dominance
Penismaxxing is based. Try it out.
It's also sooo adorable how this rice nigger is crying about muuuuh rice genociderino!!!! :soy::soy::soy: just because white women don't want to fuck him. Pure fuckinf cringe.

All of those are justified 100%. Why do gooks and chinks feel so entitled to live among white people?
I mean yeah cumskins have no obligation to do anything for us. Also 99% of our problems are of our own making, other conquered races don't get cucked like this. It's a combination of being ugly, weak and low T spineless cucks who let their women do whatever they want.
can't ricecels just do the same like white men but with other races like curries? average rice guy is less ugly than shitskinned curry

every race should just colonize the lower tier race at this moment. sexual racial war
Except thats not true. More curry men marry rice women than the other way around. Tons of Indians ascend with Chinese women in Singapore. And if you want to bring in pakis, the mog is even worse. I saw a reddit post of a Chinese girl in Australia saying how her BF was a pali because she hated her asian features and wanted the caucasion features of her paki BF
i think them wanting to fuck white women is just like a counter attack to white men fucking noodlewhores. a revenge
Of course it is. Everyone can see its a pathetic attempt by rice cucks to restore what little semblance of their masculine pride they have to leech on to.

unfortunately for them, white women stick with white men, and even when they date out, its usually with sand men or black men.

Whats truly funny however is that the japanese and chinese and korean governments could easily just allow wealthy asian men to import white wives to improve their genes, but theyre too arrogant with their heads up their assholes to realize the opportunity in front of them, especially now with so many beautiful blonde russian women trying to leave their shithole. But no, they wont do that.
ofc if they can't fuck their own women then there's no way they will be able to touch even a low tier white becky unless they get super
Exactly. If I was a rice cuck, I would stick to trying to get with indian, black, or dark skinned arab women from like yemen or oman. Because those are really their only chances.
not really
if you're handsome white then you won't be extremely affected by the dick pill because no one is considering the fact that you have a small dick but if you're a ricecel even when handsome and have a big dick then you will be affected by the dick pill due to steryotypes

having a big dick isn't just about sex, it's about showing masculinity and dominance
Anyone saying d size doesn't matter is coping. Even if 4 inches is good enough, the bigger the better its a show of dominance. It gives one confidence
I mean yeah cumskins have no obligation to do anything for us. Also 99% of our problems are of our own making, other conquered races don't get cucked like this. It's a combination of being ugly, weak and low T spineless cucks who let their women do whatever they want.
Yep, it's one of the reasons I've stopped having sympathy for rice monkeys. Like I said above, chinks, gooks, and nips could easily import white women for asian men to marry and fuck, ergo improving their gene pools. They have the money, infrastructure, and status to do so, but instead, these dumbasses send rice women to the west to get folded by white chads.

Or they invite white men to the East as super models for advertisements which just goes to show how insane gooks are. It hurts how dumb you guys are. You have the chance to escape your gookdom, yet not ONE rice country is importing caucasion women.
Except thats not true. More curry men marry rice women than the other way around. Tons of Indians ascend with Chinese women in Singapore. And if you want to bring in pakis, the mog is even worse. I saw a reddit post of a Chinese girl in Australia saying how her BF was a pali because she hated her asian features and wanted the caucasion features of her paki BF
i always just think that since most Chinese and japs are whiter than curries then they can ascend with darker skinned women.
bone structure and other racial features are also important

Whats truly funny however is that the japanese and chinese and korean governments could easily just allow wealthy asian men to import white wives to improve their genes, but theyre too arrogant with their heads up their assholes to realize the opportunity in front of them, especially now with so many beautiful blonde russian women trying to leave their shithole. But no, they wont do that.
yeah that would be a good solution
slavs are especially very easy to pull if you have money and you're not racially a slav also
i always remember @Newbie17 saying that a ton of shit about how slav whores would date other ethnicities just because they wanna try something new and they don't want their own men ( "exotic pill" )
That's a very interesting question for a Turk
i thought he was levantine?
This reddit post is so full of cope I genuinely need to dismantle how retarded it is

  • Brainwash them with western media so they grow up hating themselves.
No one is brainwashing gooks to hate themselves but themselves. Look at anime, k-pop, or any eastern media. Anime is full of characters that look white despite """"""being asian"""""". Like Sailor Moon as an obvious example, but almost all anime characters have caucasoid features. Even dark skinned characters like Marik from Yugioh.

And of course we all know how kpop and kdrama is full of actors who bleach their skin and get surgeries for bigger eyes and sharper noses akin to caucasions . Even in le based chinkland, uigurs are given roles in Chinese movies because of their more eurasian features thanks to their iranian ancestry

In fact, western media PRAISES and fetishizes asian media with muh kimonos muh samurai. Look at the ninja turtles, Jackie Chan, Samurai Jack, American Dragon, etc. It is Asians THEMSELVES who are perpetuating "western beauty standards"
  • Limit them resources available to their communities so they end up fighting amongst themselves.
Asians have plenty of resources. One of the richest in America
  • Enact the toughest immigration laws against them in order to keep perpetuating the status quo.
That would have been a mercy upon asian men. If they were still banned from immigration, they wouldnt be getting cucked on an unprecedented scale. Despite asians being angry about it, the banning of Chinese migrants was fhe biggest mercy the white man ever gave to the yellow man
  • Reward them females with crumbs for rejecting their male counterparts.
Gotta love how this rice cuck still insists on protecting muh precious chink women from any responbility for their white cock worship, as if asian women arent the ones who chade white men, make themselves easy for white men, make themselves avaliable for white men, and outright say they reject asian men for being short, dicklets with childish facial features
  • Make them ALL feel inferior for being born for who they are and not for what they can positively achieve to become.
Feeling inferior means you are inferior. It's the nagging truth of the blackpill in the back of your head wanting to burst out.
  • Dehumanize and objectify ALL of them so they will be justifiably easier to kill off in the event of global war.
No white country does this. Aside from maybe with chinks, but gooks, jungle gooks, and nips are loved culturally by whites, especially since rice men grant them easy access to their women's pussys
Also, JFL at east europeans not being allowed to racemix with whites @WorthlessSlavicShit
Kek:feelshaha:. Funny given the contemporary racial politics for sure, but I won't lie, I would've loved to see something like this get passed somewhere where it's needed, cause at this point, I'm 100% sure that nothing less than threat of police brutality could possibly stop Slavkurvas from throwing their pussies onto westoid cocks:feelsugh::feelsohgod:.

Anyway, in Seattle, Washington, this anti-Filipino sentiment resulted in House Bill 301. This bill proposed banning marriages between whites and “Negroes, Orientals, Malays, and persons of Eastern European extraction.”

The bill, and another similar bill proposed in 1937, were both blocked thanks to the efforts of communities of color in Washington State.

In a nice show of solidarity, African-Americans, Filipino-Americans, and others, banded together to fight the racist, anti-interracial marriage bills.
LMAO. Mofos ended up unknowingly cucking themselves. They thought that if they'll stop this bill, they'd all have 9/10+ DD-titted blonde white women, but instead, they made sure that the future of their ethnic groups will be their female relatives and descendants being bleached again and again by white men:feelsUnreal::feelskek::feelsrope:.

Whats truly funny however is that the japanese and chinese and korean governments could easily just allow wealthy asian men to import white wives to improve their genes, but theyre too arrogant with their heads up their assholes to realize the opportunity in front of them, especially now with so many beautiful blonde russian women trying to leave their shithole. But no, they wont do that.
Yep, it's one of the reasons I've stopped having sympathy for rice monkeys. Like I said above, chinks, gooks, and nips could easily import white women for asian men to marry and fuck, ergo improving their gene pools. They have the money, infrastructure, and status to do so, but instead, these dumbasses send rice women to the west to get folded by white chads.

Or they invite white men to the East as super models for advertisements which just goes to show how insane gooks are. It hurts how dumb you guys are. You have the chance to escape your gookdom, yet not ONE rice country is importing caucasion women.
If you consider Slavs white, then Koreans are kinda doing that:feelsree::reeeeee:.

There's some 14 Korean husband-Russian wife couples for every one Russian husband-Korean wife couples, and Korea has by 2019 become the second most popular country for Russians to emigrate into, just below Germany and above Turkey. Which is pretty interesting, because, as is explained in the third thread I linked, the vast majority of people emigrating from Russia are women, but Germany, the most popular destination for Russian emigrants, actually mostly receives male Russian migrants coming there for work, so, well, you really only need to read the beginning of this paragraph again to get a hint of who's emigrating from Russia to South Korea (and Turkey as well, it's even explicitly mentioned in the third thread that the vast majority of Russian migrants in Turkey are women, which I guess could be lifefuel for you.)

And now you understand why I can see myself welcoming laws banning Slavs/Eastern Europeans from intermarriage with other groups:feelsUgh::feelsUnreal:.
No one is brainwashing gooks to hate themselves but themselves. Look at anime, k-pop, or any eastern media. Anime is full of characters that look white despite """"""being asian"""""". Like Sailor Moon as an obvious example, but almost all anime characters have caucasoid features. Even dark skinned characters like Marik from Yugioh.
good point
gooks themselves are the one worshipping the white race by making all their anime charcters so caucaoid looking
Why do a large number of anime/manga characters who are supposed to be Asian  look Caucasian? - Quora

if you try to make the anime charcters more asian racially you will end up with very weird and ugly looking guys
just look at naruto supposed to be an asian ninja but he have blue eyes and blonde hair.
he even end up with hinata the very asian looking girl which is what asian men hate most ( WMAF couples)
Which Naruto couple matches your love life? Find out with these  fan-favourites - Hindustan Times
That's a very interesting question for a Turk
if southern europeans are white, then so are turks
Main qimg dfbdfe64c3bad4327df5cb214076b30a lq

i always just think that since most Chinese and japs are whiter than curries then they can ascend with darker skinned women.
Perhaps, maybe they could, but rice men are so broken from working like slaves, they won't even fuck their own women in Korea/Japan, so I question how much motivation they would have for darker women

most rice cucks seem contrnt with hentai anyways, so it could also be a facotr of just not caring enough.

in any case, i am just telling you from what ive seen online,
bone structure and other racial features are also important
indian men seem to ascend well with asian women because of bone structure, since they have round eyes, sharp noses, beards, and better jaws than asian men.
yeah that would be a good solution
slavs are especially very easy to pull if you have money and you're not racially a slav also
i always remember @Newbie17 saying that a ton of shit about how slav whores would date other ethnicities just because they wanna try something new and they don't want their own men ( "exotic pill" )
They main factor in slavs being easier is due to their countries being poorer, so they psychology and biologically have far lower standards than western women. But yeah, I have also seen tons of slavs obsess over MENA men. I guess it's the Ottoman conquest altering their minds permanently :feelsthink:
The most insidious thing they did is simply allowing ricecels to immigrate so they can cuck themselves and become incel. Just banning gook immigration altogether would do us a huge favor.
This also why the fuck would any east asian want to live in the west anyway? All east asian countries with the exception of mongolia are better than the west. (Not counting indochina aka 90 IQ south east asians)
This also why the fuck would any east asian want to live in the west anyway? All east asian countries with the exception of mongolia are better than the west. (Not counting indochina aka 90 IQ south east asians)
Asians are white worshipping cucks who'd kill their moms to live among white people, but most east asian countries don't have bettef living standards than the West
Kek:feelshaha:. Funny given the contemporary racial politics for sure, but I won't lie, I would've loved to see something like this get passed somewhere where it's needed, cause at this point, I'm 100% sure that nothing less than threat of police brutality could possibly stop Slavkurvas from throwing their pussies onto westoid cocks:feelsugh::feelsohgod:.

LMAO. Mofos ended up unknowingly cucking themselves. They thought that if they'll stop this bill, they'd all have 9/10+ DD-titted blonde white women, but instead, they made sure that the future of their ethnic groups will be their female relatives and descendants being bleached again and again by white men:feelsUnreal::feelskek::feelsrope:.

If you consider Slavs white, then Koreans are kinda doing that:feelsree::reeeeee:.

There's some 14 Korean husband-Russian wife couples for every one Russian husband-Korean wife couples, and Korea has by 2019 become the second most popular country for Russians to emigrate into, just below Germany and above Turkey. Which is pretty interesting, because, as is explained in the third thread I linked, the vast majority of people emigrating from Russia are women, but Germany, the most popular destination for Russian emigrants, actually mostly receives male Russian migrants coming there for work, so, well, you really only need to read the beginning of this paragraph again to get a hint of who's emigrating from Russia to South Korea (and Turkey as well, it's even explicitly mentioned in the third thread that the vast majority of Russian migrants in Turkey are women, which I guess could be lifefuel for you.)

And now you understand why I can see myself welcoming laws banning Slavs/Eastern Europeans from intermarriage with other groups:feelsUgh::feelsUnreal:.
Yeah , I know there are slavic women going to Korea for marriage, but I meant on a significant level to alter the demographics, and a program supported by the government mind you.

In turkey, back in 2019, my sisters went to a local school in ankara and they told me how soooo many Russian and half Russian students were there with them in the same class. All with blonde hair and shit. I doubt those same numbers exist in Korea.
if southern europeans are white, then so are turks
Cope. Turks originally where central asians that conquered iran lost most of their asian dna in the seljuk empire due to mixing with iranians then conquered the byzantine empire mixed with balkan whites and conquered the middle east and mixed with arabs.
Still whiter than you'll ever be mongol
I'm not mongol. I think. I took a dna test and I'm waiting for the results
That's not the amazing statistic you think it is
It is:feelshaha: that's why you're getting butthurt. And of course, if we count other ethnicities aside from Russian, like Ukrainian women in turkey, the numbers are gonna be higher
Asians are white worshipping cucks who'd kill their moms to live among white people, but most east asian countries don't have bettef living standards than the West
Japan, taiwan and south korea without a doubt do in every conceivable way id argue that china largely does too as at least its low crime and with a rapidly growing gdp will economically be better soon too. Half the chinese who come to canada leave and go back once they realize how much of a economically stagnant, drug and crime ridden shithole canada is.
Why do people on this board always open their mouths when they know nothing? Just stop embarassing yourself
Turks originally where central asians
Turkics are central asians

Turks are modern anatolians who speak turkish dialect
that conquered iran lost most of their asian dna in the seljuk empire due to mixing with iranians then conquered the byzantine empire mixed with balkan whites and conquered the middle east and mixed with arabs.
Bro got his history degree from Ohio University. Turks are overwhelming anatolian-cacausion in terms of genetics. The closest people to them are Armenians, kurds, Georgians, and iranians.
Japan, taiwan and south korea without a doubt do in every conceivable way id argue that china largely does too as at least its low crime and with a rapidly growing gdp will economically be better soon too. Half the chinese who come to canada leave and go back once they realize how much of a economically stagnant, drug and crime ridden shithole canada is.
The west is not just the americas, Northern Europe and Western Europe mog these places for the most part
Why do people on this board always open their mouths when they know nothing? Just stop embarassing yourself

Turkics are central asians

Turks are modern anatolians who speak turkish dialect

Bro got his history degree from Ohio University. Turks are overwhelming anatolian-cacausion in terms of genetics. The closest people to them are Armenians, kurds, Georgians, and iranians.
megali idea is based.
The west is not just the americas, Northern Europe and Western Europe mog these places for the most part
Ik and they dont still most of northern europe is pretty bad for crime and southern europe has been economically stagnant for the better part of two decades. Sk and france and nearly on par GDP per capita except south korea (also one of the faster growing economies globally) you dont need to worry about having your car set on fire in new years riots or any other general riot.
good point
gooks themselves are the one worshipping the white race by making all their anime charcters so caucaoid looking
Why do a large number of anime/manga characters who are supposed to be Asian  look Caucasian? - Quora

if you try to make the anime charcters more asian racially you will end up with very weird and ugly looking guys
just look at naruto supposed to be an asian ninja but he have blue eyes and blonde hair.
he even end up with hinata the very asian looking girl which is what asian men hate most ( WMAF couples)
Which Naruto couple matches your love life? Find out with these  fan-favourites - Hindustan Times
Yep, what's funny is comedic side characters are usually the ones who look Asian, like how Brock looks like a philipino or Choji as well.

So yeah, it's pathetic when yellow niggers whine online about muh eurocentric beauty standards when they're the losers and cucks who worship it the most.

Even in fucking isekai anime, those are literally about asian incels and NEETs dying and being reborn in europe with a Harem of white women KEK of KEKS

Ik and they dont still most of northern europe is pretty bad for crime and southern europe has been economically stagnant for the better part of two decades. Sk and france and nearly on par GDP per capita except south korea (also one of the faster growing economies globally) you dont need to worry about having your car set on fire in new years riots or any other general riot.
Ok, all around, chinks are just cucks
Ok, all around, chinks are just cucks
To say nothing of taxes either which are higher in france so already better off economically in SK. Also agreed.
Yep, what's funny is comedic side characters are usually the ones who look Asian, like how Brock looks like a philipino or Choji as well.

So yeah, it's pathetic when yellow niggers whine online about muh eurocentric beauty standards when they're the losers and cucks who worship it the most.

Even in fucking isekai anime, those are literally about asian incels and NEETs dying and being reborn in europe with a Harem of white women KEK of KEKS

View attachment 763327
They always cope saying shit like, "it's a stylistic choice" just to turn around and make anime like this:

They always cope saying shit like, "it's a stylistic choice" just to turn around and make anime like this:

View attachment 763335
To be fair bad example since its one of the few times such choices are justified since its vikings would be odd to make them anything else.
To be fair bad example since its one of the few times such choices are justified since its vikings would be odd to make them anything else.
I'm talking about making a show abt Vikings in the first place, what does that even have to do with Japan? There are several anime inspired by Europe for no reason, literally no ethnicity does that with their own media
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I'm talking about making a show abt Vikings in the first place, what does that even have to do with Japan, there are several anime inspired by Europe for no reason, literally no ethnicity does that with their own media
Arent most animes based around japan with white looking characters which is objectively much worse. I wont say a viking based anime is cucked unless such settings become normal.
Lol lmao. Greeks will continue to seethe for eternity

This is the swarthoid pushing for the megali idea nowadays


I'm talking about making a show abt Vikings in the first place, what does that even have to do with Japan, there are several anime inspired by Europe for no reason, literally no ethnicity does that with their own media
Holy fuck, YES!!! I wanted to point that out too. No ethnicity makes media about other races aside from japs. They don't even make anime about China or Korea most of the time, yet there is soooooo much anime about fantasy Europe or historic Europe. Only one I can think of his Kingdom, which is about warring states period in china

I have also seen a few MENA anime, like legend of Arslan and Altair record of Battles.

Even full metal alchemist is basically an anime version of the iraq invasion lmao with the Ishvallans clearly meant to be sands

Arent most animes based around japan with white looking characters which is objectively much worse. I wont say a viking based anime is cucked unless such settings become normal.
I never said white looking characters in Japanese settings aren't worse, and this isn't just "a" viking based anime, it is one of many Europe based anime settings, there are several of them based on Germany alone, you can't possibly think that's not cucked

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