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JFL 16 yo roastie so desperate for attention she posts selfies to fucking Reddit

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6214
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Deleted member 6214

May 2, 2018

What is the actual point of posting this?

The amount of desperation here is baffling, the validation from Insta, Snapchat and Facebook wasn't enough. Gotta post my selfies on Reddit too, to suck up any last remaining bits of validation too!

Fucking roastie whore, probably taken roughly ~10 cocks (since the age of 12), and is a Chlamydia survivor
If you could get validation from the opposite sex on tap wouldn't you?

Why on earth would I post my selfie to reddit of all places

What am i trying to attract, 300lb sjw landwhales?
Look at the kilos of fakeup.

Oops, the dang mirror is dirty again:soy:
not a single person called her out for this behaviour in the comments, jfl i hate le reddit :soy:
Imagine you could get literally hundreds of girls to fawn over you with one picture. Even if they're 5's and below.

Wouldn't you?

I could do that on instagram bro

i'm being 100% honest, i'd never post my selfie on reddit, no matter how good looking i was
If you could get validation from the opposite sex on tap wouldn't you?
attention whoring like that shows you have no self respect, i doubt most incels would do it even if they looked good idk
Her outfit is ugly. Also, 24 upboats, that’s unlikely that it’s ever not 4-5 digits.

She probably has tons of orbiters and Chads at school, yet she craves more.

Low key foid worship thread.
Doubt it.
She is set for life and knows it, this is all just a form of bragging at this point.
wow, just wow. this is child pornography! there must be a huge anti-jesus pedo conspiracy going on!!!!

did you get warned for you avi OP?
wow, just wow. this is child pornography! there must be a huge anti-jesus pedo conspiracy going on!!!!

did you get warned for you avi OP?

Lmao yeah, fking mods man
Doubt it.
So you think selfies of random foids belong in Incel Discussion? Because I could post a thousand threads a day then.
Needs numales to worship her after chad crushes her ego and holes
So you think selfies of random foids belong in Incel Discussion? Because I could post a thousand threads a day then.
I mean it’s not just like “look at this foid I found look how hot she is.” I just don’t think it counts as worship.
I mean it’s not just like “look at this foid I found look how hot she is.” I just don’t think it counts as worship.
That would be against forum rules, that's why I said low-key. He wanted us to see her.
Never mind that he objects to how desperate for attention she is... by giving her attention.
Pointless thread.
That would be against forum rules, that's why I said low-key. He wanted us to see her.
Never mind that he objects to how desperate for attention she is... by giving her attention.
Pointless thread.

Calling a roastie ugly isn't positive attention

But i do understand your point, too late to delete it now though
The worst part is cucks giving her the attention she craves.

Death to cucks.
I don't see where you called her ugly. And she's not.

I'm 100% certain she is ugly under that makeup. Most females are. It's clear she's wearing tonnes of it in the pic.
This foid is on incelstears.
I'm 100% certain she is ugly under that makeup. Most females are. It's clear she's wearing tonnes of it in the pic.
Foids fraud their looks on a daily basis. 90% of foids look bad without fakeup
This foid is on incelstears.

Foids fraud their looks on a daily basis. 90% of foids look bad without fakeup

Yeah thats how I found her. Jfl, she's telling us that looks don't matter and we can all fuck women if we tried, yet she is here posting her pics on reddit looking for compliments and validation. "looks dont matter sweetie!!! :soy::soy::y'all::y'all:"
bitch is on 20 layers of makeup, which are slowly destroying her face
she'll look 40 when she reaches the age of 25 lmao :feelshaha:
bitch is on 20 layers of makeup, which are slowly destroying her face
she'll look 40 when she reaches the age of 25 lmao :feelshaha:

Most white women at 25 look 40. Not even joking one bit.
She looks like she stole some middle aged indian man's hairline.
Most white women at 25 look 40. Not even joking one bit.
Besides makeup, you also need to take into account the lifestyle they lead: alcohol and tobacco abuse, hard partying, consumption of more and more extreme drugs, etc
As the Great Eggman would say “When she was 13 or 14 years old, she was and still is getting gangbanged by the football team in the locker room”.
As the Great Eggman would say “When she was 13 or 14 years old, she was and still is getting gangbanged by the football team in the locker room”.
'Words to live by'
I'm pretty sure if you were 16 and good looking you'd do the same. Don't understand the obsession people have with harassing someone online, I mean this is a kid we're talking about. Can't really see the "cope" side of it. Not too long ago, there was another 16 year old with mental illness that people on here got obsessed about too.

In the end, her bad experiences with with people like us will probably shape her views in future. We talk about getting bullied by girls, called ugly etc. yet we don't realise that sometimes their actions are influenced by those like us.
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As long as that mirror shows your reflection it can never be nasty! :soy::soy::soy:
All of these teenage white femoids look the same.
She needs chad

Probably all the men in her city are too ugly for her
Reported for foid worship to the fbi, see you in court boyo.
Its halarious because this does nothing for people but hate themselves more. It's been shown that this kind of attention whoring behavior online only makes people more shallow, envious, and pathetic.
when i look a those self absorbed cunts it makes me sick. looooook at alllll the idiots and losers complimenting them.
16 can't be roasty unless she was fooling around since 13 which in our modern degenerate age is possible i guess
16 can't be roasty unless she was fooling around since 13 which in our modern degenerate age is possible i guess
13 is old for that. Most girls start riding at 11, sometimes even younger.
She's just a child. Leave her alone.
this oum dumpster is also happens to be a cucktears user

Once she reaches 18, she will be making millions from e-whoring and doing bbbjs for (((clients))). She's probably getting raped by a Jewish millionaire as we speak.
stop fapping to her dirty pedophiles 16 years old is still a child cant even talk

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