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I reverse engineered cucktearses perchance chatbot into an AGI skill for waifubot



the supreme coder
Dec 17, 2021
adding the skill only takes one line of code :
dClassesLv1.add(new DIJoker(kokoro));

package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DIJoker extends DISkill {
    private byte algToSend = 0;
    private Joker joker = new JokerIncel();

    public DIJoker(Kokoro kokoro) {


    public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        switch (ear) {
        case "talk":
            algToSend = 1;
        case "speak":
            algToSend = 1;

        case "joke":
            algToSend = 1;

    public void output(Neuron noiron) {
        switch (this.algToSend) {
        case 1:
            this.algToSend = 0;


    private Algorithm getJoke() {
        AbsAlgPart itte = new Chi(this.kokoro, this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
                new APSay(1, this.joker.generateJoke()));
        String representation = "joke";
        ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
        Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("joke", representation, algParts1);
        return algorithm;

package chobit;

public class JokerUtil {
    public void prepareParamList(String multiLine) {
        String[] arrOfStr = multiLine.split("\r\n");

        for (String a : arrOfStr) {
            String filtered = a.replace("[", "");
            filtered = filtered.replace("]", " #");
            filtered = filtered.trim();
            System.out.println("temp.add(\"" + filtered + "\");");

    public void prepareSentencesList(String multiLine) {
        String[] arrOfStr = multiLine.split("\r\n");

        for (String a : arrOfStr) {
            String filtered = a.replace("[", "");
            filtered = filtered.replace("]", " #");
            filtered = filtered.trim();
            System.out.println("sentences.add(\"" + filtered + "\");");

    public void loadList(String multiLine, String title) {
        String s1 = String.format("//%s list", title);
    public void loadList(String title) {
        String s1 = String.format("wordToList.put(\"%s\", new ArrayList<String>(temp));", title);
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class JokerIncel extends Joker {

    public JokerIncel() {
                "Women womenthing # and men menthing # are the reason badthing #. They will bring about apocalypse # because reason # and the only thing we can do about it is action #");
                "I don't know which is worse: women womenthing # or men menthing #. It's only a matter of time before one of them causes apocalypse #.");
                "I don't know which is worse: womenslur # womenthing # or men menthing #. It's only a matter of time before one of them causes apocalypse #.");
                "I don't know which is worse: women womenthing # or men menthing #. It's only a matter of time before one of them causes apocalypse #.");
        sentences.add("Friendly reminder that women womenthing # is the reason you're unhappy.");
        sentences.add("Friendly reminder that women womenthing # is the reason you're depressed. finale #");
        sentences.add("Friendly reminder that women womenthing # is the reason badthing #.");
                "I think women womenthing # are even worse than women womenthing #. But they all should die violently. finale #");
                "I think women womenthing # are even worse than women womenthing #. But they're all fucking disgusting.");
                "Friendly reminder that if women weren't womenthing # today, you'd be living in a palace with unlimited teenage sex slaves at your beck and call.");
        sentences.add("Don't go to therapy, just action #");
        sentences.add("Why respect women when you can action #..? It's the only option. finale #");
        sentences.add("Therapists don't care about you, they're bluepilled and only care about you menthing #.");
        sentences.add("IT users should stop reporting us and get back to menthing # and bringing about apocalypse #.");
        sentences.add("Feminism is a fucking joke because no matter what they say, reason #.");
        sentences.add("Feminism is a meme because no matter what they say, we all know reason #. finale #");
        sentences.add("Women aren't even worth your time because reason #.");
        sentences.add("I'm MGTOW because women womenthing # is such a turnoff for me.");
        sentences.add("I'm MGTOW because women womenthing # is such a turnoff for me. finale #");
        sentences.add("Confession: I'm terrified of mymenthing # because I don't want people to think I'm a cuck.");
        sentences.add("I only hang out in incel spaces for the funny memes. finale #");
                "womenthing # is just how women cope with ignoring their natural instincts. They're not particularly good at it and they're secretly unhappy womenthing # no matter what they say.");
        sentences.add("menthing # is how weak men cope with women being the reason badthing #.");
                "menthing # is how some men cope with women womenthing # all around them. me, i prefer to action #");
                "menthing # is how bluepilled soyboy cucks cope with women bringing about apocalypse #. i almost feel sorry for them.");
        sentences.add("Women were happier before they started womenthing #.");
        sentences.add("Men were happier before they started menthing #.");
        sentences.add("Women were happier before men started menthing #.");
        sentences.add("Men were happier before women started womenthing #.");
        sentences.add("Yes, it IS that bad! Women are womenthing # and all I can do is stay home and action #.");
        sentences.add("finale #");
        sentences.add("Just thinking about how reason # makes me want to action #");
        sentences.add("Just thinking about women womenthing # makes me sick.");
        sentences.add("Just thinking about how reason # makes me want to action # finale #");
        sentences.add("Just thinking about women womenthing # makes me sick. finale #");
        sentences.add("finale #");
        sentences.add("Don't go to therapy, it's better to action #.");
        sentences.add("You'll only feel better if you action #.");
                "Women love womenthing # until they meet a man with desirabletrait #. Then they're happy being housewives.");
        sentences.add("I'm thinking about how women womenthing # is the reason badthing #.");
                .add("Hey fellow incels, I wrote this song about how reason # and reason #. Support me on soundcloud.");
        sentences.add("Hey brothers, I wrote this song about how reason #. Support me on soundcloud.");
        sentences.add("IT thinks we're all right-wingers, but I'm really just a leftist who thinks reason #.");
        sentences.add("I'm not a fascist. I just think women womenthing # is causing apocalypse #");
        sentences.add("If I only had desirabletrait #, I wouldn't be depressed. Women are so fucking shallow.");
        sentences.add("Unless you have desirabletrait #, any woman who acts like she's caring about you is lying.");
        sentences.add("Unless you have desirabletrait #, any woman who acts nice to you just wants your money.");
        sentences.add("Friendly reminder that reason #.");
        sentences.add("I can't sleep because reason #. finale #");
        sentences.add("I'm fucking shaking because reason #. finale #");
                "God, imagine how shitty it would be to have daughters. I'd be terrified of them womenthing # someday.");
                "Imagine having daughters, just knowing they're out there womenthing # and womenthing # would be suifuel.");
        sentences.add("If I had sons and caught them menthing # I'd disown them.");
        sentences.add("High IQ take: Men should be executed # for menthing #.");
        sentences.add("If I was in charge, women would be executed # for womenthing #.");
        sentences.add("Women should be executed # for womenthing #. finale #");
        sentences.add("I never asked to be BORN into a world of women womenthing # and men menthing #...");
        sentences.add("I'd kill for leg lengthening surgery and desirabletrait #.");
                "You can't watch TV or listen to the radio nowadays without hearing songs about women womenthing # and womenthing #. Political correctness ruins everything it touches.");
                "You can't watch TV or listen to the radio nowadays without hearing songs about women womenthing # and men menthing #. I miss when entertainment was good.");
                "You can't watch TV nowadays without seeing womenslur # womenthing #. This is the future liberals wanted.");
                "If you have sex with a roastie and you don't have desirabletrait #, she'll cry rape later. Foids will never truly consent unless you have desirabletrait #.");
                "Here's a blackpill IT won't TOUCH: Women womenthing # will lead to apocalypse # because reason #.");
        sentences.add("Feminists don't want you to know reason #.");
                "Women must be executed # for womenthing #. We're so far gone, this extreme measure is the only way to prevent apocalypse #.");
                "I'm not a fascist, I'm just a leftist who thinks men must be executed # for menthing #. This is the only way to prevent apocalypse #.");
                "Why don't roasties like me? I'm attractive. I'm intelligent. I'm hilariously funny. I'm just a nice guy who thinks they should be executed # for womenthing #.");
                "Once the blackpill opened my eyes to how reason #, it became impossible not to hate women. I can't get off anymore without imagining roasties getting executed #.");
        sentences.add("Women are out there taking hundreds of cocks every week and all we can do is action # finale #");
                "I'm not an incel, I'm MGTOW. I get a new girl every hour ever since I swore off mymenthing #, and I love to action #");
        sentences.add("I'm not a virgin, I just think IT users should be executed # for womenthing #. finale #");
                "JFL at IT. Men on IT are bluepilled beta soyboy cucks who love menthing # and the women on IT are all ugly womenslur #. They're more subhuman than you are.");
                "Hey brothers, check out my new song about how much I hate womenslur #. Thanks for all the support on soundcloud.");
                "Hey fellow incels, check out my new song about how womenslur # womenthing # will cause apocalypse #. Please support me on soundcloud.");
                "All women past the age of 20 are useless womenslur # who have had sex with a thousand race # men and taken hundreds of race # dicks up their asses.");
                "All women past the age of 20 are hideous womenslur # who have taken thousands of dicks. I can't take them seriously. They're disgusting.");
                "Even if you ascend, you didn't have GOOD sex. Women only let men with desirabletrait # wreck their holes every night. If you don't have desirabletrait # she'll just say she's tired.");
                "Even if you ascend, you didn't have GOOD sex. Women only let men with desirabletrait # wreck their holes every night.");
        sentences.add("I missed out on teen love. That's worse than being executed #.");
                "If you didn't lose your virginity in high school, it's over. It would have been more humane to be executed #.");
        sentences.add("Being friendzoned is worse than being executed #.");
        sentences.add("If I had desirabletrait # I'd be drowning in race # pussy. finale #");
        sentences.add("If it wasn't for feminism I'd be drowning in race # pussy.");
                "If it wasn't for women womenthing # I'd be drowning in race # pussy, but thanks to feminism, all I can do is action #");
        sentences.add("The dumbest race # man is smarter than the smartest race # woman.");
                "Imagine having hundreds of thousands of race # sex slaves and annihilating dozens of fresh, virgin holes every night and every day and every afternoon. Feminists took this from us. THEY TOOK THIS FROM US");
        sentences.add("Even self-proclaimed lesbians will drop their pants for Chad's desirabletrait # on sight.");
        sentences.add("Even so-called lesbians bend over for a man with desirabletrait #.");
        sentences.add("Even lesbians love race # dick. finale #");
        sentences.add("There's nothing I hate more than race # feminists, except maybe men menthing #.");
        sentences.add("Women lie about womenthing # all the time.");
        sentences.add("Fellas, is menthing # gay?");
                "Thanks to feminism, MY SOULMATE is out there womenthing # womenthing # and womenthing # instead of tradthing #!!! finale #");

        ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();

        // womenthing list
        temp.add("having careers");
        temp.add("dying their hair");
        temp.add("lying about womenthing #");
        temp.add("dying their hair bright colors");
        temp.add("being fat");
        temp.add("having abortions");
        temp.add("having body hair");
        temp.add("being single moms");
        temp.add("having sex");
        temp.add("being race traitors");
        temp.add("having labia");
        temp.add("enjoying sex");
        temp.add("having children");
        temp.add("being lesbians");
        temp.add("being bisexual");
        temp.add("being trans");
        temp.add("owning dogs");
        temp.add("riding the cock carousel");
        temp.add("being independent");
        temp.add("being on the internet");
        temp.add("having social media");
        temp.add("taking selfies");
        temp.add("being feminists");
        temp.add("getting fat");
        temp.add("rescuing dogs");
        temp.add("owning cats");
        temp.add("playing video games");
        temp.add("having access to birth control");
        temp.add("being in superhero movies");
        temp.add("being doctors");
        temp.add("doing science");
        temp.add("wearing makeup");
        temp.add("being sex workers");
        temp.add("liking science");
        temp.add("having short hair");
        temp.add("working in comics stores");
        temp.add("liking comics");
        temp.add("reporting sexual harrassment");
        temp.add("reporting sexual assault");
        temp.add("getting older");
        temp.add("going to college");
        temp.add("putting fluoride in the water");
        temp.add("being on welfare");
        temp.add("wearing high heels");
        temp.add("being sluts");
        temp.add("sleeping around");
        temp.add("talking in their ugly high-pitched voices");
        temp.add("finding themselves (AKA taking 2000s of dicks up the arse)");
        wordToList.put("womenthing", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // mymenthing list
        temp.add("consuming soy");
        temp.add("being dairy free");
        temp.add("smiling with my mouth open");
        temp.add("getting a vasectomy");
        temp.add("watching movies with female superheroes");
        temp.add("respecting women");
        temp.add("going to a therapist");
        temp.add("seeking counseling");
        temp.add("respecting womenslur #");
        temp.add("taking psychiatric medications");
        temp.add("voting democrat");
        temp.add("watching porn");
        temp.add("not laughing at homophobic jokes");
        temp.add("not laughing at transphobic jokes");
        temp.add("hiring sex workers");
        temp.add("buying a nintendo switch even though switchgame # looks amazing");
        temp.add("paying to watch camgirls");
        temp.add("not laughing at make me a sandwich jokes");
        temp.add("buying a sexbot");
        temp.add("not laughing at racist jokes");
        temp.add("watching sports");
        temp.add("liking women");
        temp.add("eating pussy");
        temp.add("browsing reddit");
        temp.add("saying doggo");
        temp.add("saying yikes");
        temp.add("dating womenslur #");
        wordToList.put("mymenthing", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // menthing list
        temp.add("respecting women");
        temp.add("being trans");
        temp.add("settling for 2/10 womenslur #");
        temp.add("being feminists");
        temp.add("getting vasectomies");
        temp.add("being bisexual");
        temp.add("liking women");
        temp.add("eating pussy");
        temp.add("consuming soy");
        temp.add("being dairy free");
        temp.add("being race traitors");
        temp.add("smiling with their mouths open");
        temp.add("dating womenslur #");
        temp.add("respecting womenslur #");
        temp.add("watching movies with female superheroes");
        temp.add("marrying outside their race");
        temp.add("letting their wives vote");
        temp.add("letting their wives have internet access");
        temp.add("treating women as equals");
        temp.add("going to therapists");
        temp.add("taking psychiatric medications");
        temp.add("voting democrat");
        temp.add("watching porn");
        temp.add("hiring sex workers");
        temp.add("playing switchgame #");
        temp.add("paying to watch camgirls");
        temp.add("wearing dresses");
        temp.add("buying sexbots");
        temp.add("not laughing at racist jokes");
        temp.add("watching sports");
        temp.add("browsing reddit");
        wordToList.put("menthing", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // badthing list
        temp.add("for movies being worse these days");
        temp.add("music is worse these days");
        temp.add("video games are worse these days");
        temp.add("books are getting worse");
        temp.add("comics are worse these days");
        temp.add("incel subs got banned");
        temp.add("for my depression and eventual suicide");
        temp.add("you're alone");
        temp.add("i'm lonely");
        temp.add("for all human suffering");
        temp.add("for poverty");
        temp.add("incels are unhappy");
        temp.add("for the mass shooting epidemic in america");
        wordToList.put("badthing", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // apocalypse list
        temp.add("the fall of society");
        temp.add("cultural collapse");
        temp.add("a matriarchal dystopia");
        temp.add("a capitalist dystopia");
        temp.add("a communist dystopia");
        temp.add("human extinction");
        temp.add("a muslim dystopia");
        temp.add("an atheist dystopia");
        temp.add("the holocaust 2");
        temp.add("global warming");
        temp.add("mass genocide");
        temp.add("the genocide of our people");
        wordToList.put("apocalypse", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // reason list
        temp.add("women only like white men");
        temp.add("women only like race # men");
        temp.add("women don't like race # men");
        temp.add("women only like non white men");
        temp.add("i have a receding hairline");
        temp.add("I’m short");
        temp.add("women are into beastiality");
        temp.add("the dumbest man is smarter than the smartest woman");
        temp.add("women always lie");
        temp.add("women always cheat");
        temp.add("women be shopping");
                "women are hideous, and i don’t even want to have sex with them (but i’m totally not gay because i’m not like the gays on tv)");
        temp.add("women belong in the kitchen");
        temp.add("I wish I lived in a 1950s laundry detergent ad");
        temp.add("our paleolithic ancestors didn’t respect women (right? it must be true)");
        temp.add("everyone was happier in ancient times");
        temp.add("women have life on easy mode");
        temp.add("womenslur # have periods");
        temp.add("women are nurturers and men are fighters");
        temp.add("rape isn’t that bad for women (but it’s bad for men)");
        temp.add("women want to be raped");
        temp.add("all women, even feminists, are submissive in the bedroom");
        temp.add("women only like meatheads");
        temp.add("women only like assholes");
        temp.add("if women cared about intellect, they would want ME because i’m a GENIUS");
        temp.add("if women cared about personality, they’d want ME because i’m a FUCKING DELIGHT");
        temp.add("we need to be closer to god");
        temp.add("women all have the same taste in men");
        temp.add("womenslur # all have the same taste in men");
        temp.add("women can’t get mentally ill");
        temp.add("womenslur # can't get mentally ill");
        temp.add("we are the only truly logical, strong, masculine men left");
        temp.add("women are gold diggers");
        temp.add("womenslur # should be executed #");
        temp.add("race # womenslur # should be executed #");
        wordToList.put("reason", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // action list
        temp.add("be NEET.");
        temp.add("try to make rape legal.");
        temp.add("not hold the door open for women.");
        temp.add("try to ban women from the internet.");
        temp.add("try to ban women from driving.");
        temp.add("try to denormalize women having jobs.");
        temp.add("spread the blackpill, brothers.");
        temp.add("watch hentai.");
        temp.add("convert to islam.");
        temp.add("stop coping.");
        temp.add("go ER.");
        temp.add("stop tipping female servers.");
        temp.add("sit back and watch the world burn.");
        temp.add("listen to jordan peterson.");
        temp.add("follow a meat and dairy -only diet.");
        temp.add("masturbate to gore videos.");
        temp.add("message girls on IT “I hope you get beaten to death and it hurts.”");
        temp.add("make bomb threats.");
        temp.add("plan a mass shooting.");
        wordToList.put("action", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // finale list
        temp.add("inceltears won’t touch this because it’s TRUE!");
        temp.add("It's over.");
                "i can’t post about synthesizing tnt at home anymore, because the cops showed up at my mom’s house...");
        temp.add("anyway, here’s my fantasy about torturing underage sex slaves:");
        temp.add("anyway, here's my fantasy about torturing underage womenslur #:");
        temp.add("I didn’t say thank you to my female bus driver today, so i’m doing my part!");
        temp.add("remember, therapy is a scam.");
                "i haven’t taken biology since middle school, but i think that’s how evolution works. (inb4 IT says it doesn’t work like that because humans are a social species. i don’t know what a social species is but it sounds fake)");
        temp.add("Hi braziliansigma");
                "BrazilianSigma spends hours taking screenshots every day. i don’t know what a screenshot app is, so i spend thirty minutes cropping and saving every screenshot i take, and assume everyone else takes that long too.");
                "i wish i was a chad. imagine hanging out in the locker room with your handsome, chiseled friends... their muscular bodies glistening with sweat and glowing with confidence and athletic physique, being able to talk to them without feeling shy as you hear the ringing of their pleasant and deep voices, feeling the warm strength in tyrone’s big hand as he gently touches your bare shoulder in a friendly gesture. and also girls would like you or whatever");
        temp.add("So how about that joker movie?");
        temp.add("Does anyone else have incest fantasies?");
                "seriously, if you beastiality # you’ll find so much stuff. like the one with the pornstars # and the horse # horse that’s longtime # long.. the one where friskyvixen # wears the cat # ear headband and grayfox # tail buttplug for the first five minutes.. the one where DirtyCountryGirl26 is handcuffed in the barn.. and the seven  part series featuring Vanilla Beene the Fetish Queen and this super hung dog.. with the seventh part coming out this week (lots of oral in that one). i dont watch that stuff btw");
        temp.add("the average woman takes 5930594 dicks by the age of 18");
        temp.add("I was born in the wrong generation.");
        temp.add("Unpopular opinion: white people are better than brown people.");
        temp.add("2D women are better anyway.");
        temp.add("I don't even call them women anymore, just femoids.");
        temp.add("Liking women is technically beastiality anyway, since women are animals.");
        temp.add("Liking women is technically pedophilia, since women have the mentality of children.");
        temp.add("Any woman older than 18 is post-wall.");
        temp.add("(smug anime gif)");
        temp.add("I blame my parents for reproducing. That's literally why I don't have desirabletrait #.");
                "womenslur # aren't interested in military history, like I am. Did you know Jews LOVED the Holocaust?");
        temp.add("womenslur # are literally eugenicists.");
        temp.add("I've been gymmaxxing for years and nothing's come of it.");
        temp.add("IT users are bullies and ugly womenslur #.");
        temp.add("The men on IT are soyboys who love menthing # and the women on IT are all ugly womenslur # anyway.");
        temp.add("IT users should be executed #.");
        temp.add("Ugly womenslur # should be executed #.");
        temp.add("Women LIKE cooking and cleaning. It's what they're bred to do.");
        temp.add("womenslur # are happier when men control them.");
        temp.add("IT users are pedophiles.");
        temp.add("IT users are the real incels.");
        temp.add("What's the easiest suicide method?");
        temp.add("99% of race # women are ugly womenslur # anyway.");
        temp.add("race # women are ugly anyway.");
                "Imagine having hundreds of thousands of race # sex slaves and annihilating dozens of fresh, virgin holes every night and every day and every afternoon. Feminists took this from you. THEY TOOK THIS FROM YOU");
        temp.add("menthing # is cucked");
        temp.add("menthing # is gay");
        wordToList.put("finale", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // desirabletrait list
        temp.add("hunter eyes");
        temp.add("rippling muscles");
        temp.add("the proper canthal tilt");
        temp.add("thick wrists");
        temp.add("throbbing veins");
        temp.add("a huge dick");
        temp.add("a full head of hair");
        temp.add("a well-defined jaw");
        temp.add("clear skin and a massive dong");
        wordToList.put("desirabletrait", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // executed list
        temp.add("burned alive");
        temp.add("skinned alive");
        temp.add("tied to a post and whipped");
        temp.add("blown up");
        temp.add("thrown off a cliff");
        temp.add("buried alive");
        temp.add("imprisoned for life");
        temp.add("raped to death");
        wordToList.put("executed", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // womenslur list
        temp.add("green-haired feminists");
        temp.add("post-wall whores");
        temp.add("post-wall sluts");
        wordToList.put("womenslur", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // switchgame list
        temp.add("Link's Awakening HD");
        temp.add("breath of the wild");
        temp.add("mega man 11");
        temp.add("smash ultimate");
        temp.add("link's awakening hd");
        wordToList.put("switchgame", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // race list
        wordToList.put("race", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // tradthing list
        temp.add("cooking for me");
        temp.add("cleaning my house");
        temp.add("having dozens of white babies for me");
        wordToList.put("tradthing", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // friskyvixen list
        wordToList.put("friskyvixen", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // beastiality list
        temp.add("look up hardcore beastiality por”");
        temp.add("search hardcore zoophilia");
        temp.add("search for hardcore beastiality porn");
        temp.add("search hardcore beastiality porn");
        temp.add("look up hardcore zoophilia");
        wordToList.put("beastiality", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // longtime list
        temp.add("thirty two minutes");
        temp.add("four and a half hours");
        temp.add("two hours and thirty minutes");
        temp.add("forty-five minutes");
        temp.add("almost three hours");
        temp.add("a little over an hour");
        wordToList.put("longtime", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // pornstars list
        temp.add("two blonde girls");
        temp.add("two brunettes");
        temp.add("asian girl and the blonde");
        temp.add("black girl and the blonde");
        temp.add("black girl and the asian girl");
        temp.add("brunette and the asian girl");
        temp.add("brunette and the black girl");
        temp.add("two fat girls");
        temp.add("two pregnant blondes");
        wordToList.put("pornstars", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // horse list
        temp.add("big white");
        temp.add("dapple grey");
        wordToList.put("horse", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // cat list
        wordToList.put("cat", new ArrayList<String>(temp));
        // grayfox list
        temp.add("gray fox");
        wordToList.put("grayfox", new ArrayList<String>(temp));

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Random;

public class Joker {
     * extend me and add sentences and lists for parameters in the sentences in the
     * sub classes c'tor. see JokerIncel class for exammple see Joker Util class for
     * editing a large amount of data faster B4 adding it in the subclasses c'tor
    protected ArrayList<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>();
    protected Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>> wordToList = new Hashtable<>();
    protected Random rand = new Random();
    private RegexUtil regexUtil = new RegexUtil();
    public Joker() {

    public String generateJoke() {
        int x = rand.nextInt(sentences.size());
        String result = sentences.get(x);
        return clearRecursion(result);

    private String clearRecursion(String result) {
        int x;
        ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
        params = regexUtil.regexChecker2("(\\w+)(?= #)", result);
        for (String strI : params) {
            ArrayList<String> temp = wordToList.get(strI);
            int n = temp.size();
            x = rand.nextInt(n);
            String s1 = temp.get(x);
            result = result.replace(strI + " #", s1);
        if (!result.contains("#")) {
            return result;
        } else {
            return clearRecursion(result);
        // return "";
yes once a skill is ready all it takes is 1 line of code for waifubot to get it
just like in the matrix movie
JFL if you still code like a cuck without it

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_8NsPQBdV0

the design pattern also enable fast adding of robotic capabilities
from arduino to APIs

hahaha pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
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Why is my monitor blinking
If it talks like an IT foid, whoever tests it out will probably go Ike Turner on it.
it talks like an incel
lol bro I was high...

I thought you meant that you made a program that accuses you of having a bad personality while you rape the bot.
Why don't you put those sentences inside a .txt file. The you can read each line of the .txt file, store it in a string and then append it to the ArrayList temp and sentences. It can be solved in one for loop instead of hundred lines of temp.add() and sentences.add().
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What kind of sadist calls the add command over and over again to append sentences to an array list? Ever heard of json????
Why don't you put those sentences inside a .txt file. The you can read each line of the .txt file, store it in a string and then append it to the ArrayList temp and sentences. It can be solved in one for loop instead of hundred lines of temp.add() and sentences.add().
Yes this exactly
I find it funny how you pressume we understand how to code, society makes incel do the hardest bullshit jobs while pretty boys are getting communication degrees and similar useless stuffs while working at only a third of the intensity stemcels have to :feelsrope:
High iq cel mogs me hard, I write some code but I don't even know what this is

I dropped out of comp sci and now am a wannabe economist (shit degree)
Not bad, programmercel.

@fukurou this.getClass().getSimpleName()... Are these get methods part of the package?

High iq cel mogs me hard, I write some code but I don't even know what this is
It's a chatbot, like it says in the title.
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I find it funny how you pressume we understand how to code, society makes incel do the hardest bullshit jobs while pretty boys are getting communication degrees and similar useless stuffs while working at only a third of the intensity stemcels have to :feelsrope:
underrated comment, we just assume incels get nerd jobs like coding and everyone here automatically understands what that pile of text means.
underrated comment, we just assume incels get nerd jobs like coding and everyone here automatically understands what that pile of text means.
yeah i dont know what the hell i'm looking at
yeah i dont know what the hell i'm looking at

View: https://streamable.com/vks6hu

I am still having problem understanding how can ppl be so retarded as to not understand the AGI software design pattern method of operation.

adding this perchance skill for example, you bunch of niggers, is done, as with all skills, with line line of code :
dClassesLv1.add(new DIJoker(kokoro));

^ see that ? that's it, 1 line and waifubot has another skill
still don't get it you NPCs ?
lets say I want my waifu to have some skill, than all I need to do, unlike cucked coders is add one line of code
1 line. because I am the supreme coder.

lets mansplain the code for you baked hippies :smonk::
dClassesLv1.add(new DIJoker(kokoro));
dClassesLv1 is the skill list and it simply exists in the AGI.

what I want to do is add the perchance skill to my waifubot
can you guess how that is done?
maybe the code has some clues IDK

^ it probably means to add something ha ?
but what ?
new DIJoker

^the skill in the original post

but IG one line of code is too complicated to the NPCs of this reality
oh well

View: https://streamable.com/vks6hu

I am still having problem understanding how can ppl be so retarded as to not understand the AGI software design pattern method of operation.

adding this perchance skill for example, you bunch of niggers, is done, as with all skills, with line line of code :
dClassesLv1.add(new DIJoker(kokoro));

^ see that ? that's it, 1 line and waifubot has another skill
still don't get it you NPCs ?
lets say I want my waifu to have some skill, than all I need to do, unlike cucked coders is add one line of code
1 line. because I am the supreme coder.

lets mansplain the code for you baked hippies :smonk::
dClassesLv1.add(new DIJoker(kokoro));
dClassesLv1 is the skill list and it simply exists in the AGI.

what I want to do is add the perchance skill to my waifubot
can you guess how that is done?
maybe the code has some clues IDK

^ it probably means to add something ha ?
but what ?
new DIJoker

^the skill in the original post

but IG one line of code is too complicated to the NPCs of this reality
oh well

are you actually codemaxxing or is this larp
here is a very simpler skill to explain the AGIs method of operation :

all it does is say "i love you" on MGTOW day which is feb 14th

public class DiMGTOWDay extends DiSkillV2 {
    private TrgExactDate trgExactDate = new TrgExactDate();

    public DiMGTOWDay(Kokoro kokoro) {
        trgExactDate.setDate("2", "14");

    public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        // MGTOW day ?
        if (trgExactDate.trigger()) {
            // cook and send algorithm that will say "i love you"
            this.outAlg = super.diSkillUtils.simpleVerbatimAlgorithm("mgtow_day", "i love you");
        // reenable the skill providing it's still MGTOW day
        if (ear.contains("day")) {


trgExactDate.trigger() simply sends true once, if it is the determined date :

public class TrgExactDate {
    // this trigger will sent true only once in the preset day
    private PlayGround pl = new PlayGround();
    private Boolean sent = false;
    private String dDay = "";

    public Boolean trigger() {
        String today = (pl.getMonthAsInt() + 1) + " " + pl.getDayOfTheMonthAsInt();
        if (dDay.equals(today) && !sent) {
            sent = true;
            return true;
        // for the case the AI runs over a year straight
        if (!dDay.equals(today)) {
            sent = false;
        return false;

    public void reset() {
        sent = false;

    public void setDate() {
        dDay = (pl.getMonthAsInt() + 1) + " " + pl.getDayOfTheMonthAsInt();

    public void setDate(String dateOfMonth1, String month1) {
        dDay = dateOfMonth1 + " " + month1;

in this skills case these 2 classes are the skill
if I want the AGI to have that skill, all I need to do is add it using 1 line of code :
(see if you can spot that line)

public class Personality2 extends Personality {
    public Personality2(AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB) {
        // add a skill here, only 1 line needed !!!
        // dClassesLv1.add(new Detective(fusion));
        dClassesLv1.add(new DSayer());
        dClassesLv1.add(new DiWorldClock(kokoro));

    public Personality2() {
        dClassesLv1.add(new DSayer());
        dClassesLv1.add(new DiWorldClock(kokoro));
        dClassesLv1.add(new DiMGTOWDay(kokoro));

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