Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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16 year girl shitting on /r/CuckTears (GTFIH boyos)

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Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

A hug? Just a hug?
Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

true as fuck, I wouldn't forget it but I would store it in the back of my mind until she cucks me for chad
iiiTeMpeR said:
its Alia_harkonnen, I have no proof except that its a quality post, like alias

puberty ends at what 15-16 max? if you're ugly at 18 you will always be ugly, unless your bones fix themselves (which they don't)

It's funny cause I have scoliosis (basically a fucked up spine)
subsaharan said:

made public some personal pics and home addresses of some incels in canino's server that orbited it. not anything else to give, the discord server was deleted and i think the female's account also was.
Kointo said:
A hug? Just a hug?

I feel butterflies just by looking at her. I don't give a shit about this forum, give me a girl like her and I will never log in here again. Maybe once to brag and get a permban.

Isn't this what we craved for all those years? A female touch, voice, scent and attention? Only some stubborn retards will deny that. They will call me a cuck or whatever will come into their mind but they want exactly the same thing as I do. But I'm at least honest with myself. I'd give her everything. Except a wedding ring because I'd never marry a non asian teheeeeee.
gstvtrp said:
but we are not monsters bro.

Anyway, she is super cute though. Wish I could have a qtpatootie like her.

We're not monsters?  Really?  We're incels, aren't we: the tiny minority of men that not a single woman wants and, by virtue of that, unable to live as human beings are meant to?  What are we if were aren't monsters?  

"Monster" is a fascinating term; I believe its etymology springs from the term "bad star".  A bad star is a harbinger of natural evil, not moral wickedness.  It's a sign that the normal course of things has suffered some severe deviation, that the natural order has been subverted, inverted, perverted in some essential way.  A murderer or rapist a woman loves is a bad man, while a kind abomination who goes to the grave unwanted is a good monster.  Never for a moment confuse natural evil for the moral kind.  They are and will always be fundamentally different things. 

Perhaps there's a God who'll one day weigh our kindness against our wickedness and, blind as all proper justice should be, judge us according to our deeds rather than our appearances.  It's a nice thought, a pleasant fantasy, something to dream about as we languish alone in the dead of night.  

But until that glorious Final Judgement comes, if it ever does, we're each and every one of us subject to a First Judgment.  Father God may or may not officiate the former after a man gasps his last breath, but we know without the slightest bit of doubt Mother Nature presides over the latter the moment he draws his first.  And in the case of the incels, the monsters, She has unequivocally pronounced us guilty.
TheWitchKing said:
We're not monsters?  Really?  We're incels, aren't we: the tiny minority of men that not a single woman wants and, by virtue of that, unable to live as human beings are meant to?  What are we if were aren't monsters?  

"Monster" is a fascinating term; I believe its etymology springs from the term "bad star".  A bad star is a harbinger of natural evil, not moral wickedness.  It's a sign that the normal course of things has suffered some severe deviation, that the natural order has been subverted, inverted, perverted in some essential way.  A murderer or rapist a woman loves is a bad man, while a kind abomination who goes to the grave unwanted is a good monster.  Never for a moment confuse natural evil for the moral kind.  They are and will always be fundamentally different things. 

Perhaps there's a God who'll one day weigh our kindness against our wickedness and, blind as all proper justice should be, judge us according to our deeds rather than our appearances.  It's a nice thought, a pleasant fantasy, something to dream about as we languish alone in the dead of night.  

But until that glorious Final Judgement comes, if it ever does, we're each and every one of us subject to a First Judgment.  Father God may or may not officiate the former after a man gasps his last breath, but we know without the slightest bit of doubt Mother Nature presides over the latter the moment he draws his first.  And in the case of the incels, the monsters, She has unequivocally pronounced us guilty.

Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

No. It would anger me because it would remind me of all the experiences with girls that I missed in my teens and early 20s.
It's a young girl that doesn't realize the power of her pussy yet.

Looks like she's already this forum's version of Eliza.

Please leave your name if you're one of those white knights so I can ignore you.
She seem's so sweet, i genuinely hope she isnt trolling us.
Grotesque said:
It's a young girl that doesn't realize the power of her pussy yet.

Looks like she's already this forum's version of Eliza.

Please leave your name if you're one of those white knights so I can ignore you.

white knights are grotesque

Incelibate anarchist said:
She seem's so sweet, i genuinely hope she isnt trolling us.

seems to good to be true
Grotesque said:
It's a young girl that doesn't realize the power of her pussy yet.

Looks like she's already this forum's version of Eliza.

Please leave your name if you're one of those white knights so I can ignore you.

Who the hell is Eliza?
iiiTeMpeR said:
white knights are grotesque

seems to good to be true

Yeah for real, ive never seen a female on our side before. The vid made my day better.
Kointo said:
Who the hell is Eliza?
Sort of cute girl that looked a lot like this on /r9k/.

The forum was littered with threads about her from white knights, and she ended up cucking a bunch of them for drug money.
Grotesque said:
It's a young girl that doesn't realize the power of her pussy yet.

Looks like she's already this forum's version of Eliza.

Please leave your name if you're one of those white knights so I can ignore you.

>doesn't realize

lul, she knows exactly what she's doing but she does it for her own amusement instead of financial profit
Grotesque said:
Sort of cute girl that looked a lot like this on /r9k/.

The forum was littered with threads about her from white knights, and she ended up cucking a bunch of them for drug money.

unrelated, how old r u?
any female who does this is just looking for incel orbiters. she wants incels to say "hey she's not like other women" when she really is like other women. this girl would only date Chad no matter what she says
Akarin said:
I feel butterflies just by looking at her. I don't give a shit about this forum, give me a girl like her and I will never log in here again. Maybe once to brag and get a permban.

Isn't this what we craved for all those years? A female touch, voice, scent and attention? Only some stubborn retards will deny that. They will call me a cuck or whatever will come into their mind but they want exactly the same thing as I do. But I'm at least honest with myself. I'd give her everything. Except a wedding ring because I'd never marry a non asian teheeeeee.
she's going to get a boyfriend, someone from school, and all these thoughts will fade away as she no longer is lonely and on the internet all the time. she'll look back and giggle to herself, just shrugging it off as a phase she was going through at the time.
kino said:
she's going to get a boyfriend, someone from school, and all these thoughts will fade away as she no longer is lonely and on the internet all the time. she'll look back and giggle to herself, just shrugging it off as a phase she was going through at the time.

"remember that time I used to defend ugly weirdos online? teehee :)"
All of you guys, don't be fooled. How are we sure that this femoid is truly sympathizing with us and isn't doing it to actually just gain attention?
Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

Only for as long as you are still in her embrace.
TheWitchKing said:
We're not monsters?  Really?  We're incels, aren't we: the tiny minority of men that not a single woman wants and, by virtue of that, unable to live as human beings are meant to?  What are we if were aren't monsters?  

"Monster" is a fascinating term; I believe its etymology springs from the term "bad star".  A bad star is a harbinger of natural evil, not moral wickedness.  It's a sign that the normal course of things has suffered some severe deviation, that the natural order has been subverted, inverted, perverted in some essential way.  A murderer or rapist a woman loves is a bad man, while a kind abomination who goes to the grave unwanted is a good monster.  Never for a moment confuse natural evil for the moral kind.  They are and will always be fundamentally different things. 

Perhaps there's a God who'll one day weigh our kindness against our wickedness and, blind as all proper justice should be, judge us according to our deeds rather than our appearances.  It's a nice thought, a pleasant fantasy, something to dream about as we languish alone in the dead of night.  

But until that glorious Final Judgement comes, if it ever does, we're each and every one of us subject to a First Judgment.  Father God may or may not officiate the former after a man gasps his last breath, but we know without the slightest bit of doubt Mother Nature presides over the latter the moment he draws his first.  And in the case of the incels, the monsters, She has unequivocally pronounced us guilty.

Alia, there's a journalist making a podcast on incels. Would you please represent us on her podcast? You'd do a better job than me.
Grotesque said:
It's a young girl that doesn't realize the power of her pussy yet.

Very legit concept. Women are really at their best in terms of disposition at this age or a little younger.
gstvtrp said:
Alia, there's a journalist making a podcast on incels. Would you please represent us on her podcast? You'd do a better job than me.

Alia?  I think you may have mistaken me for someone else.

Having said that, it would be great for one of us to speak to a journalist, wouldn't it?  We may be devils on the internet, but in the real world we're nothing more than ghosts.  And, quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure which is worse.  Would it be preferable to be hated or ignored?  However terrifying the possibility of burning in Hell for an eternity may be, I think we can all agree, as conscious beings, the prospect of oblivion is infinitely worse.  

Though I'd never admit it publicly, I'm tempted to say the former would be preferable to the latter.  These are occult things, matters that are only uttered in whispers, but isn't one of the primary motivations driving men like Rodger to commit their crimes the possibility of their pain being recognized, even if only for a brief while and in the most sinister light?  It's less than ideal, of course, it's horrible, but if you're incapable of singing a lovely song people want to listen to, a piercing scream becomes the only alternative to echoing into silence.   

Journalists should speak to us but, sadly, I suspect any one of us participating in one of their shows would find himself in the position of sideshow exhibit in very short order.  Because sex is so very important to the human experience, so essential to what it means to be an actual person, those who are alienated from it would inevitably become objects of morbid curiosity.  The world has become far too genteel for carnivals; no one is allowed to laugh at the bearded lady or the lobster boy any longer.  If men and women want a guilty giggle at Nature's mistakes in order to make themselves feel secure in their own joy, they no longer have recourse to anything or anyone except for us.  We are the only remaining children of Merrick's tribe, the deformed jesters still dancing in the court of the handsome king.

I would love to speak to a journalist, just as I would love every person who has ever posted in this place to speak to a journalist.  But the hour's grown late and we should probably be honest with each other.  The moment we spoke, the person interviewing us would stop her ears, look at our repulsive faces, and laugh.  After all, if she took a moment to listen her laughter may become weeping, and no one likes to feel sad.  

The carnival freak loses his value the moment he makes the carnival patron feel sad instead of grateful.  Which is why, I suppose, they gawk at us behind panes of glass where they can see our misery but never risk the possibility of hearing our voices.

We look like monsters but speak like men.

What could ever be more abominable than that?
TheWitchKing said:
Alia?  I think you may have mistaken me for someone else.

Having said that, it would be great for one of us to speak to a journalist, wouldn't it?  We may be devils on the internet, but in the real world we're nothing more than ghosts.  And, quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure which is worse.  Would it be preferable to be hated or ignored?  However terrifying the possibility of burning in Hell for an eternity may be, I think we can all agree, as conscious beings, the prospect of oblivion is infinitely worse.  

Though I'd never admit it publicly, I'm tempted to say the former would be preferable to the latter.  These are occult things, matters that are only uttered in whispers, but isn't one of the primary motivations driving men like Rodger to commit their crimes the possibility of their pain being recognized, even if only for a brief while and in the most sinister light?  It's less than ideal, of course, it's horrible, but if you're incapable of singing a lovely song people want to listen to, a piercing scream becomes the only alternative to echoing into silence.   

Journalists should speak to us but, sadly, I suspect any one of us participating in one of their shows would find himself in the position of sideshow exhibit in very short order.  Because sex is so very important to the human experience, so essential to what it means to be an actual person, those who are alienated from it would inevitably become objects of morbid curiosity.  The world has become far too genteel for carnivals; no one is allowed to laugh at the bearded lady or the lobster boy any longer.  If men and women want a guilty giggle at Nature's mistakes in order to make themselves feel secure in their own joy, they no longer have recourse to anything or anyone except for us.  We are the only remaining children of Merrick's tribe, the deformed jesters still dancing in the court of the handsome king.

I would love to speak to a journalist, just as I would love every person who has ever posted in this place to speak to a journalist.  But the hour's grown late and we should probably be honest with each other.  The moment we spoke, the person interviewing us would stop her ears, look at our repulsive faces, and laugh.  After all, if she took a moment to listen her laughter may become weeping, and no one likes to feel sad.  

The carnival freak loses his value the moment he makes the carnival patron feel sad instead of grateful.  Which is why, I suppose, they gawk at us behind panes of glass where they can see our misery but never risk the possibility of hearing our voices.

We look like monsters but speak like men.

What could ever be more abominable than that?

Ok, I'll show her this post.
gstvtrp said:
Ok, I'll show her this post.

Really?  Well, if she responds with anything other than shrieking laughter or the ambient crackle of radio silence, I'd appreciate it if you let me know.  

Maybe that morbid curiosity I was writing about goes both ways.

It would be interesting to find out one way or the other.
VLÖ said:
JFL if you think women aren't aware of this. Oh they are, they know exactly we feel like this. And they will milk every single drop of attention and validation they can.

I'm warning you all, you're getting played HARD. She cares about none of this shit, you'd think it be so obvious. A good looking FEMOID of all things talking about inceldom and looksim? Come on guys, you can smell the horseshit a mile away.
gstvtrp said:
Alia, there's a journalist making a podcast on incels. Would you please represent us on her podcast? You'd do a better job than me.

Alia has no intention of joining this site.  :(
iiiTeMpeR said:
until this guy enters the room 

but if she is truly blackpilled she will resist chads lure

impossible no femoid can resist the chad
Don't feed her any attention. I expect this community to be the last to orbit and feed attention whores.
AWALT. She would recoil if she saw the short ugly minorities here. Remember: biology over feelings. Maybe some of you 5/10 guys would be allowed to orbit her but that's it. She only submits to Chad. Us 1/10 and 2/10 guys have zero hope, so we don't have simp goggles on and cannot be fooled.
Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

>Implying this will ever happen
Literally no Femoid ever hugged me. The only people to ever hug were family members.
PEOPLE. shame on op for making this thread and giving her views @anincelforlifelol said everything I want to say and please no one respond so this thread can stop being bumped. or at least a mod please lock this thread. Fuck this cunt. This is the same fucking thing women did with MRA and anti feminist movement. they were untapped potential for beta orbiters there and women tapped into them and got famous and started making money on patreon off of them. We are an untapped resource of beta orbiter. she's tryna co opt the black pill. stop ur bullshit u bunch of fucking white knights. I will only enter the video once to dislike it and call her a fucking roastie then never opening it again. stop bumping the thread or responding.

You guys can hate mgtows all you want but at least i've never seen them accept a woman in their little movement. they're the true blackpilled people. fuck this
Jewsel said:
hehe xd said:
חחחח אם היא רצינית כל התיאוריה המפגרת שלהם הלכה לזבל

Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

stop bumping this. don't start a chat here. mods lock thread
Just lol. Look at the mod who I thought was legit blackpilled obsessing over her and orbiting her calling her a "qtpie"

This is fucking disgraceful and pathetic. What the fuck man? What the fuck with these people? What the fuck is wrong with the majority of you?
Kointo said:
To all the people defending her in some way.
1. She's a female
2. She's an above average female
She's talking about problems that don't affect her as an above average femoid, and she's doing it for attention.

Instant permaban to anyone who doesn’t realize this.
knajjd said:
made public some personal pics and home addresses of some incels in canino's server that orbited it. not anything else to give, the discord server was deleted and i think the female's account also was.

Didn't delta doxx himself? She just posted the pictures and obsessed over him after he meme orbited her
iiiTeMpeR said:
but if she is truly blackpilled she will resist chads lure

That's not how the black pill would affect women.  

Part of the black pill is being aware of how extreme hypergamy is and how much more value women have in the dating market compared to men.  This knowledge would make women MORE confident they can get Chad and MORE likely to reject men her looks level and even 2 or 3 points higher.  A black pilled woman would be aware of how easy it is to make money off of orbiters and exploit it as much as possible.  

Here's a shitpost I made a year ago on /r/incels that sums it up:

I will not hate her because she wouldnt fuck me.

I liked her because she has shown to have empathy, extremelly rare thing between females.
KilluminoidBR said:
I will not hate her because she wouldnt fuck me.

I liked her because she has shown to have empathy, extremelly rare thing between females.

she is probably putting on an act. she herself has probably made fun of incels. she doesn't have any empathy for ugly people. she's not ugly herself and even if she were ugly as fuck, she can't even begin to understand what an incel goes through. i don't know why anyone listens to a single word a woman says on the subject of lookism
Ryo_Hazuki said:
That's not how the black pill would affect women.  

Part of the black pill is being aware of how extreme hypergamy is and how much more value women have in the dating market compared to men.  This knowledge would make women MORE confident they can get Chad and MORE likely to reject men her looks level and even 2 or 3 points higher.  A black pilled woman would be aware of how easy it is to make money off of orbiters and exploit it as much as possible.  

Here's a shitpost I made a year ago on /r/incels that sums it up:


legit af. Years ago I knew a female exactly like that on a social anxiety forum. It's possible "she" was really a troll from lookism, but still. This is one of the reasons I feel uneasy about the whole the black pill crusade. I don't think it will benefit us in the end.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
iiiTeMpeR said:
but if she is truly blackpilled she will resist chads lure
That's not how the black pill would affect women.
Part of the black pill is being aware of how extreme hypergamy is and how much more value women have in the dating market compared to men. This knowledge would make women MORE confident they can get Chad and MORE likely to reject men her looks level and even 2 or 3 points higher. A black pilled woman would be aware of how easy it is to make money off of orbiters and exploit it as much as possible.
Here's a shitpost I made a year ago on /r/incels that sums it up:
plz lock this thread she doesn't deserve more views. we're giving her attention she's using us as beta orbiters JFL at thinking she gives a shit in the slightest about ugly men
TheVman said:
PEOPLE. shame on op for making this thread and giving her views @anincelforlifelol said everything I want to say and please no one respond so this thread can stop being bumped. or at least a mod please lock this thread. Fuck this cunt. This is the same fucking thing women did with MRA and anti feminist movement. they were untapped potential for beta orbiters there and women tapped into them and got famous and started making money on patreon off of them. We are an untapped resource of beta orbiter. she's tryna co opt the black pill. stop ur bullshit u bunch of fucking white knights. I will only enter the video once to dislike it and call her a fucking roastie then never opening it again. stop bumping the thread or responding.

You guys can hate mgtows all you want but at least i've never seen them accept a woman in their little movement. they're the true blackpilled people. fuck this
DeadInside said:
Didn't delta doxx himself? She just posted the pictures and obsessed over him after he meme orbited her

tell us more
Okay so, she's crazy as fuck. Basically when she was around 14-15 she wanted an incel bf so one of the saner teen incels decided to date her for a joke, then when he revealed it was a joke and ignored her she posted all the photos he sent her and then he doxxed himself because he thought she would likely doxx him. Just some retarded teen drama.
dumbshitter said:
tell us more

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Okay so, she's crazy as fuck. Basically when she was around 14-15 she wanted an incel bf so one of the saner teen incels decided to date her for a joke, then when he revealed it was a joke and ignored her she posted all the photos he sent her and then he doxxed himself because he thought she would likely doxx him. Just some retarded teen drama.[/font]

Garbage said:
lol she probably thinks she so wise beyond her years for stating something so obvious just another whore
i agree, i have talked to her for long periods and she's so fuking boring
DeadInside said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Okay so, she's crazy as fuck. Basically when she was around 14-15 she wanted an incel bf so one of the saner teen incels decided to date her for a joke, then when he revealed it was a joke and ignored her she posted all the photos he sent her and then he doxxed himself because he thought she would likely doxx him. Just some retarded teen drama.[/font]

i agree, i have talked to her for long periods and she's so fuking boring

This is why discord is complete fucking cancer. This shit is so disgustingly cheesy it's not even funny.
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