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16 year girl shitting on /r/CuckTears (GTFIH boyos)

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Weed said:
Didn't watch, anyone TL;DR ?
just a roastie complaining about problms that dont exist for herr

See this trash we're witnessing? Look how many pathetic beta white knight scum are going crazy over this 16 year old cunt. She's obviously doing this for attention because she knows what a bunch of losers you all are to orbit her. You really think a female can be "blackpilled"? You really think a female means any of the bullshit she mentioned in the video?

Time to fucking grow a brain incels.

A type of guy like this will go up and talk to her in the nearby future:

Especially because
1) She's not ugly
2) She's slightly above average
3) When she gets in college she'll look better with make up and slut around

Lol at thinking even right now she'd fuck any of you. God...this fucking forum really isn't blackpilled at all. Filled with betas and white knights. It makes me so angry.
anincelforlifelol said:

See this trash we're witnessing? Look how many pathetic beta white knight scum are going crazy over this 16 year old cunt. She's obviously doing this for attention because she knows what a bunch of losers you all are to orbit her. You really think a female can be "blackpilled"? You really think a female means any of the bullshit she mentioned in the video?

Time to fucking grow a brain incels.

A type of guy like this will go up and talk to her in the nearby future:

Especially because
1) She's not ugly
2) She's slightly above average
3) When she gets in college she'll look better with make up and slut around

Lol at thinking even right now she'd fuck any of you. God...this fucking forum really isn't blackpilled at all. Filled with betas and white knights. It makes me so angry.

truth the forum needs to be purged of cucks
anincelforlifelol said:

See this trash we're witnessing? Look how many pathetic beta white knight scum are going crazy over this 16 year old cunt. She's obviously doing this for attention because she knows what a bunch of losers you all are to orbit her. You really think a female can be "blackpilled"? You really think a female means any of the bullshit she mentioned in the video?

Time to fucking grow a brain incels.

A type of guy like this will go up and talk to her in the nearby future:

Especially because
1) She's not ugly
2) She's slightly above average
3) When she gets in college she'll look better with make up and slut around

Lol at thinking even right now she'd fuck any of you. God...this fucking forum really isn't blackpilled at all. Filled with betas and white knights. It makes me so angry.

Another voice of reason, this whole thread needs to be purged and anyone praising this girl banned for a day to reevaluate their life. Women cannot be blackpilled.
To all the people defending her in some way.
1. She's a female
2. She's an above average female
She's talking about problems that don't affect her as an above average femoid, and she's doing it for attention.
The cucks who are white knighting m'lady should be exiled.
Kointo said:
To all the people defending her in some way.
1. She's a female
2. She's an above average female
She's talking about problems that don't affect her as an above average femoid, and she's doing it for attention.

Mods seriously have to ban white knights on this forum. I despise fakecels/"mentalcels" more, but white knights...ugh...so pathetic. Especially on a fucking incel forum.

Solitarian_Walker said:
The cucks who are white knighting m'lady should be exiled.

Legit. We need to make a call out thread exposing all the white knights in this fucking thread, and the thread about "Chewbacca" and seeing pathetic white knights on there defend that ugly bitch and telling her "She can stay".
> Believing something a femoid says.
knajjd said:
then you'll be happy to know that the person (troll) in question was pretty active on discord a year ago and was banned after doxing more than one incel

damn, blackpill me on this
SteveMinecratf said:
how the fuck does she think she's ugly? she's goodlooking af

She's attention seeking. She knows 100% fucking well she's not ugly at all.
Total Imbecile said:
She is AVERAGE? LOL what kind of argument is that?! Does it matter if shes average? Id legit marry her in a heartbeat, if you are really incel shes way out of your league to even think about her rating, I think you just outed yourself as a troll boyo.

Regardless giving attention to her is not good. You have to snap out of it and realize shes doing it for attention, $999999999999 says shes not even a virgin. Everything coming out of her mouth = pure unfiltered lies. She doesnt really believe in any of what shes saying, its all a ploy to get us to orbit her and crown her our blackpilled queen and then worship her. Shes literally exploiting the fact that were starved for female attention to suck on our blood, this is literally how women tear communities apart. It happened to r/incels and lookism and r9k before that, and now its going to happen to this forum it seems.

My man.
I'd even say his brother or someone made her do it
anincelforlifelol said:

See this trash we're witnessing? Look how many pathetic beta white knight scum are going crazy over this 16 year old cunt. She's obviously doing this for attention because she knows what a bunch of losers you all are to orbit her. You really think a female can be "blackpilled"? You really think a female means any of the bullshit she mentioned in the video?

Time to fucking grow a brain incels.

A type of guy like this will go up and talk to her in the nearby future:

Especially because
1) She's not ugly
2) She's slightly above average
3) When she gets in college she'll look better with make up and slut around

Lol at thinking even right now she'd fuck any of you. God...this fucking forum really isn't blackpilled at all. Filled with betas and white knights. It makes me so angry.

brutal reminder ty I needed this, as soon as a good looking guy steps in the picture, its OGRE for me
iiiTeMpeR said:
brutal reminder ty I needed this, as soon as a good looking guy steps in the picture, its OGRE for me

Stop talking white knight. The posts you made on here were pathetic.
mikepence said:
honestly don't see why any woman would cuck to us but I guess it's possible she relates to us somehow.
There are people who have a scholar interest in inceldom. This phenomenom will be studied by future generation.
Are we worshiping females now?

Kek,men are pathetic,just exterminate us all.
non_factor said:
Are we worshiping females now?
Kek,men are pathetic,just exterminate us all.
the strong ones of us arent worshiping
anincelforlifelol said:
Stop talking black knight. The posts you made on here were pathetic.

fixed it jaani  ;)
ITT;JFL at the amount of thirsty Low-IQ posters who think shes serious.
Shes doing it for attention/orbiter recruitment of ugly dudes.
You really think a 7/10 woman cares about lookism/the problems ugly dudes face?

KEKEKEKEKEK retardssss.
Fuck this female whore just wants attention
Cynistic said:
ITT;JFL at the amount of thirsty Low-IQ posters who think shes serious.
Shes doing it for attention/orbiter recruitment of ugly dudes.
You really think a 7/10 woman cares about lookism/the problems ugly dudes face?

KEKEKEKEKEK retardssss.
Cynistic said:
ITT;JFL at the amount of thirsty Low-IQ posters who think shes serious.
Shes doing it for attention/orbiter recruitment of ugly dudes.
You really think a 7/10 woman cares about lookism/the problems ugly dudes face?

KEKEKEKEKEK retardssss.

Incels are so  guillable
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.

No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind.  She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can.  Yes, the members of some group like IncelTears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral.   Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.

But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them.  This girl will someday be a woman.  She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll.  She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil.  Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.

We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most.  So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.  

Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.
nazimods said:
Cynistic said:
ITT;JFL at the amount of thirsty Low-IQ posters who think shes serious.
Shes doing it for attention/orbiter recruitment of ugly dudes.
You really think a 7/10 woman cares about lookism/the problems ugly dudes face?
KEKEKEKEKEK retardssss.
Incels are so guillable
no u

TheWitchKing said:
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.

No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind.  She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can.  Yes, the members of some group like cucktears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral.   Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.

But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them.  This girl will someday be a woman.  She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll.  She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil.  Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.

We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most.  So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.  

Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.

wimen will always be childs
I lol'd. No girl like her has ever been with an ugly guy and she ain't going to be the first one to break tradition.
Delete this post, she’s looking for orbiters
iiiTeMpeR said:
16 year old qt shits on cucktears

we are both teenagers so its ok, 18 is still teen right??

Well unfortunately no. Ya see, neurotypicals think anyone who is 18 wanting to date a 17 or 16 y/o is creepy since 18 is already "adult" despite hardly any difference. And they will label you a pedo. However... she is in the UK and the AoC over there is 16, so... :)
They still won't have sex with us, so...
Raiden said:
Delete this post, she’s looking for orbiters

to be fair, 2 days ago -- after she made the IT video in the OP -- she mentioned she's quitting because of the resultant orbitting


knajjd said:
fukmylyf said:
I caught feels over this. wtf is wrong with me lately?
then you'll be happy to know that the person (troll) in question was pretty active on discord a year ago and was banned after doxing more than one incel

TheWitchKing said:
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.

No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind.  She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can.  Yes, the members of some group like cucktears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral.   Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.

But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them.  This girl will someday be a woman.  She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll.  She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil.  Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.

We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most.  So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.  

Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.

knajjd said:
then you'll be happy to know that the person (troll) in question was pretty active on discord a year ago and was banned after doxing more than one incel

aware us.
iiiTeMpeR said:
16 year old qt shits on cucktears

we are both teenagers so its ok, 18 is still teen right??

If you're 18, you're too young to be here kek
TheWitchKing said:
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.

No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind.  She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can.  Yes, the members of some group like cucktears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral.   Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.

But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them.  This girl will someday be a woman.  She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll.  She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil.  Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.

We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most.  So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.  

Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.

but we are not monsters bro.

Anyway, she is super cute though. Wish I could have a qtpatootie like her.
When will it be mine turn for blackpilled gf

Zielony4 said:
They still won't have sex with us, so...

I wonder what her bf looks like. Probably some 6 2 gigachad. Femoids always do the opposite of what they say
Facade said:
Holy shit

Is she serious?

lol what the fuk is this video, is this girl on our side or is she playing some mental gymnastic physcological bullshit
I guarantee you she'll at least go for a Chadlite.
Weirdcel said:
When will it be mine turn for blackpilled gf

I wonder what her bf looks like. Probably some 6 2 gigachad. Femoids always do the opposite of what they say

She was e-dating some ugly israeli guy. His picture was posted on /r9k/
She's legit crazy and self-harms.
Simp said:
She was e-dating some ugly israeli guy. His picture was posted on /r9k/
She's legit crazy and self-harms.

No gentiles allowed in her cooche then i guess
gstvtrp said:
Anyway, she is super cute though. Wish I could have a qtpatootie like her.

same tbh, lol @ the copers calling us "cucks" for acting upon our feelings, I would rather want to fuck girls then be a faggot
TheWitchKing said:
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.
No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind. She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can. Yes, the members of some group like IncelTears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes. An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral. Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.
But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them. This girl will someday be a woman. She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll. She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil. Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.
We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most. So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.
Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.

Very strong first post.

iiiTeMpeR said:
gstvtrp said:
Anyway, she is super cute though. Wish I could have a qtpatootie like her.
same tbh, lol @ the copers calling us "cucks" for acting upon our feelings, I would rather want to fuck girls then be a faggot

Yeah, this. The popular "you have a crush? You cuck" mentality here is retarded.
TheWitchKing said:
It's been a very long while since I've been exposed to something so bittersweet and, having said that, I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or resentful.

No one could dispute that there's something almost absurdly sweet about this young woman's little defense of the ugly, lost and left behind.  She's speaking of exceptionally controversial things with impunity as only a child can.  Yes, the members of some group like cucktears is taking pleasure in the misery of the unlovable, just as certainly as the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  An innocent adolescent speaking about such things will be treated with indulgent smiles; an adult will speak about suffering the implications of such truths, and the response will be a choir of voices demanding his funeral.   Having said that, there's something endearing about a little girl seeing a group of monsters in pain and, with the innocence only a child is capable of, is willing to mourn for them.

But as nice of as it is to be defended rather than derided for once, children eventually forget their simple truths and all of the sentiments inspired by them.  This girl will someday be a woman.  She'll eventually be subjected to the furtive glances of men she finds repulsive and feel her skin crawl; all of the tears she once shed for the unlovable as a teenager will become just as embarrassing as the ones she wept as a toddler for a broken toy or a torn doll.  She'll eventually recant her old blasphemies because only children can be excused for having even the tiniest degree sympathy for a devil.  Little girls may play with very ugly dolls, talk with them, consider them friends but, eventually, each of those hideous poppets is cast off in favor of something lovely when the harsh reality of adulthood intervenes.

We are all of us here toys this woman is playing with and, apparently subject to a kind of arrested development, may continue doing so slightly longer than most.  So I suppose we should all take what little pleasure we can in being treated as something akin to actual people by this person while she's still childish enough to mistake a monster for a man.  

Just don't be offended when she inevitably tires of childish things and tosses her misshapen, ugly old toys away and laughs, remembering there was a time she was foolish enough to hold such disgusting things dear.

That’s a great way to start an account. I’m a fan already.
KV3 said:
That’s a great way to start an account. I’m a fan already.
its Alia_harkonnen, I have no proof except that its a quality post, like alias

C450_4matic said:
If you're 18, you're too young to be here kek

puberty ends at what 15-16 max? if you're ugly at 18 you will always be ugly, unless your bones fix themselves (which they don't)
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.
Akarin said:
Daily reminder that if a girl like this gave you a hug you'd forget about blackpill, misogyny and incels.is.

And then she'd cuck you and it would all come flooding back.
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