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It's Over 10 year old incel boy kills himself aftER suffERing bullying. Parents say they complained to school 20+ times

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Bs3IhrtDs/?igsh=ZnRicWVnaXJ2NHcx

Brutal. At least his suffERing is ovER now. He nevER had a chance to begin with due to being born with incel genetics. The univERse is cruel and unforgiving. Either god doesnt exist or god is an evil psychopath

I was picked on a bit when I was that age, but I was mild in comparison to HS: In fact, some of the few good memories I have are from that period of my life.

As sad as it is, he got out before shit got really rough: I already know what this kid would endure in HS, and just thinking of it makes me sick.
Bullies are scum
Bullies are some of the lowest life-forms on Earth.
killing yourself at 10 years old is fucking brutal
At that age, I don't think I even knew what the concept of killing yourself/suicide even was, and might not have even comprehended it: In fact, it's due to my parents sheltering me so much has led to tons of my issues.
normies know no limits and will indirectly execute anyone who isnt a part of their group
Normies are extremely tribalistic, but not in the good way: They will simply engage in communal narcissism, and seek to "punch-down" on others in order to exert themselves on the social hierarchy.

In fact, I'd say normies, especially lower-tier ones both in looks & social-status, are the ones who are most likely to do this; Chad/Chadlite doesn't need to because they already are at the top & are constantly validated to prove it.

The normies who were the worst to me weren't the "popular" normies, it was the ones who were lower/lowest on that hierarchy who spent the whole of HS climbing the ladder whilst I was trying to be accepted by them. :blackpill:
This is just what happens when society is run by bullies and for bullies. Teachers always defend bullies, parents tell boys to just uplift themselves by the bootstraps.
Most of the "measures" they take against bullying in American schools are a joke to begin with, I can speak from experience.
I'm surprised that a White boy can even make it in the news in 2024 as the apathy towards White males is ever increasing.
Unless he's "racist" a shooter, or a kid(remember, kids are loved unconditionally) then yeah.
Boyo never had a chance with those bonecrusher teeth:feelsbadman::worryfeels:. Literal millimetres of enamel are the difference between life and death now for children:feelsohgod:.
The memes are now reality- the difference between living a life of happiness or suffering & then roping at a young age is literally millimeters of bone/
his father should do a columbine
His father seemed incompetent, like most parents
Fuck those parents as well. You complain to the school 20+ times but you won't pull him out to be homeschooled or transfer schools? The fuck? I would have given him a weapon to take to school if I was his father (in videogame ONLY)
As proven here- if they complained that much, yet nothing was being done, they should have decided to just take him out at least until hey found something else.
pussy he can't even endure the suffering on all of those years
kys incel shamer
He was bullied most likely because he was white. Being white and a man is a death sentence in schools today, that's why the majority of suicides are white males. Fuck this modern society, this is what multiculturalism has done to our youth!

Not surprised, a democrat school with democrat anti-white system.
yup, but don't let some users here catch you saying that, or else they'll sperg-out on you & throw reddit-tier arguments your way as to why Whites somehow "deserve" this.
Now that he has ended it, you just know that entire school of little cunts will receive wall-to-wall counseling and trauma care.

Including the bullies, and everyone else who enabled it, watched and laughed.
Yup they will all be told that it's "not their fault" they're all "sweet innocent angels" etc etc.

Honestly, we need to be more harsh on kids: This type of mentality is why they are the way they are, it just enables them.
The Principal who said they have a "zero-tolerance approach to bullying",
Every school in America just so happens to have this, yet is it working?
and the Superintendent who LIED to the media that the parents never complained about the bullying, will probably pat themselves on the back for how wonderfully their school "comes together to support each other in this time of grief." Because empty weasel words like that seem to ne how everything works now.
Buzzwords & the such govern society, especially in Shitmerica.
They should all be told they're shit human beings and they should kill themselves too.
I wish someone would, especially to the bullies & their parents.
Brutal teethpill. But you ethnic fakecels will say that he would be a slayer in future. Fuck off. JBW my ass. You would bully him to death.
As per what I said to @The Darkcel above, tons of ethnics here sound like Redditors when arguing about race issues: Genuinely, their comments would not be out of place on some SJW twitter or normiegram account.

And from my experiences in Shitmerica, Hispanics & Blacks bullied much worse in comparison to Whites: Both when it came to bullying their own, and also bullying Whites.

I still hate the normies of my race, but compared to Hispanic & Black normies, they were a breath of fresh air.

@Adolf Hitler @Corvus
Poor kid. He never did anything wrong, he was born and it was already over. At least the suffering is over. Rest in peace youngcel :feelsbadman:
At least he got out early.
Very true, all of my bullies were ethnics. They are brutal and inhumane. They want us dead
I'll be fair, I had kind of a mix, but ethnics were worse compared to Whites.
Parents should've home-schooled him. Extremely easy nowadays with how advanced the internet had become, endless amount of courses and tutorials online, far better than some fag teacher lecturing you in person. I wish I had all this shit available when I was growing up.
Homeschooling is objectively better tbh: It's in your own environment you feel safe in, it's self-paced, and like you said with the internet nowadays it's much easier.
Every institution and policy in america is designed to intentionally undermine and hurt whites, in inner city schools, unless you are a wigger you are guaranteed to experience this kind of treatment by feral niglets.
Seems like it.
Gen A never stood a chance, stories like this are becoming all too familiar.
I've been seeing more like this, I might make a thread/post on it.
Most whites are animals and their education system is designed to raise them with maximum brutality and supress sympathy, so their governments can continue their ruthless oppression of the weak.

In Iran for example systematic/continued bullying doesn't exist. I was never bullied like that. I never saw anyone get bullied. I never heard of anyone getting bullied. When my cousin was planning to migrate to England his dad had to actually teach him what bullying is because he knew it existed in the west.

Yes I got bullied in isolated occasions, and I saw others get bullied too, but a systematic continuous bullying of someone who is considered the weak or the laughing stock of the class is non-existent in Iran. Actually if some kids try to do it to someone, others will come forth and tell them that's enough. I've seen that happen many times in school.

The violence and apathy of the whites is their trump card in conquering the world. Their governments know this and capitalize on it to keep their population as brutal and apathetic as possible.
Lol at thinking bullying only happens in white countries and it's somehow more brutal than what happens in the third world :feelstastyman:

https://jobsinjapan.com/living-in-japan-guide/bullying-crisis-in-japan-the-problem-of-ijime/ you could find examples in every country, utter nonsense you've spewed there buddy
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Incompetent parents, shitty system, human nature...
He avoided a long life of suffering. Braver than all of us put together.
Bad teeth and glasses, brutal combo. Money can fix it, but if you aren't moneymaxxed then it's ovER.
I don't know why school system like this exists in the first place.
It's deliberate. Key term to unlock this topic is "Prussian schooling system". This model of schooling comes from 1800s Germany, as do so many other bad ideas.
There should be a segregation. Nerds with nerds, athletes with athletes, dumb violent scum with the same scum etc
The whole point of having educational establishments is to segregate the nerds away from the rest of society so they can safely refine their minds. This was when education was a privilege, not a right, and academies would be picky about who they admit, and they would expel people who disrupted their intellectual environment.

Athletes have gyms where they can be among other athletes. Violent scum have prisons. This is a problem humanity solved a long time ago. What we lost was the willingness to implement the solution.
Putting people of different temperament, different physical and intellectual abilities in one place looks like very bad idea.
It doesn't make sense to have a race between a swimmer and a chemist, each doing their own activity. Yet this is what we do in schools.
Those who started this schooling thing are worse than pedophiles.
I'm pretty sure they were pedophiles. Think about it, what other job can you find that guarantees you'll be surrounded by minors of a specific age?
Normies are truly the devils lol.
killing yourself at 10 years old is fucking brutal

normies know no limits and will indirectly execute anyone who isnt a part of their group
This is why we should form a secret society dedicated to erasing evil normies and reforming their brain to be much gooder
Probably got bullied for having a woman hating toxic personality :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
He was bullied most likely because he was white. Being white and a man is a death sentence in schools today, that's why the majority of suicides are white males. Fuck this modern society, this is what multiculturalism has done to our youth!

Not surprised, a democrat school with democrat anti-white system.
I agree with you 100%, they do not care about white male students at all we are basically Canon father unless you are born a Chad and then you get to be worshiped by everybody Honestly though the woke crowd has really created a society which forever vilifies the non-chad white male I hate this system so fucking much the kid had no role models to look up to and probably didn't have a very good home life a lot of shitty parents make it worse with the bullying Lord knows it happened to me I don't know why I'm still here
They want to get rid of all inferior males, nothing can stop their sense of eugenics, if you are weak you are seen as the lowest of the low by foids, they want power and to perpetuate the violent cycle of nature

And yet they (foids) complain when they themselves are the victims of the same violence which they pERpetuate via their mate selection critERia (prioritising the selection of low IQ, violent and aggressive, animalistic thugs ovER supreme gentlemen and civilized men of intelligence), the absolute irony of it all, just shows you that the avERage foid has zER0 self-awareness, they r closER to being an animal than they are to being a human, who the fuck gave these creatures rights lol. Its such a joke

men (in genERal) are the “true” humans (in tERms of level of consciousness, wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment). “Human rights” exist only for humans (it’s in the name itself). Foids shouldn’t have human rights given the fact that they aren’t even human to begin with
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And yet they (foids) complain when they themselves are the victims of the same violence which they pERpetuate via their mate selection critERia (prioritising the selection of low IQ, violent and aggressive, animalistic thugs ovER supreme gentlemen and civilized men of intelligence), the absolute irony of it all, just shows you that the avERage foid has zER0 self-awareness, they r closER to being an animal than they are to being a human, who the fuck gave these creatures rights lol. Its such a joke

men (in genERal) are the “true” humans (in tERms of level of consciousness, wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment). “Human rights” exist only for humans (it’s in the name itself). Foids shouldn’t have human rights given the fact that they aren’t even human to begin with
Foids evolved to only select for extremely primitive displays of power such as height and propensity to violence, the only thing their brains understand is brutal and vicious power hierarchies, they are not the kind gender, but rather the meat grinder gender. If you don't conform to the standards set by our biology since our caveman days, you will be eviscerated by foids, they will just leave you to die. Empathy and high IQ don't matter to them because they don't signal immediate primal power, which is why they will always love thugs.
When the exacto opposite happens, i wish Death upon all boomers who turn a blind eye like cowards.

They secretly celebrate the Death of this kid.

Whatever efforts this kid would bring to this bastard World, no One would have appreciated him.

Dude was 1 X Chromosome away from being treated Like aristrocracy , Sad.

Imagine giving a man Bug Eyes , Early Glasses and Horse teeth but No compensation for It . :feelsclown:
Watch all the normies cry on tv and say he was a good kid who didn’t deserve this. Little girls especially like to do this, but they all laughed and supported his torture.
They’ll never give any names, they all fucking know who did it, hell it was probably most if not all of them. You all know how normies behave, they’re pack animals.

Every single little shit in his class is guilty unless they give names.
Fakecel. His parents didn't join the bullying and abuse.
My teeth are kind of crooked like his. Absolutely over for me
teeth affect your jaw, which affects the structure of your whole face, being a teethcel or bucktoothcel, means its over, speaking a horse mouthed bucktoothcel with a horseface and no jawline :feelsbadman:
looks like younger me but with worse teeth...rip brocel
When the exacto opposite happens, i wish Death upon all boomers who turn a blind eye like cowards.

They secretly celebrate the Death of this kid.

Whatever efforts this kid would bring to this bastard World, no One would have appreciated him.
I dont usually feel much sadness when an adult commits suicide, however its very sad when a pre puberscent child does it, I didnt even understand suicde was an option at that age so the child must experience incredible pain to not only comprehend at as an option, but to also follow through on it
Yeah same here- I genuinely do not know how this kid was able to learn of it, attempt it, and complete it.

He must have really suffered a lot, like the bullying must have gone beyond usual "teen" bullying & likely would have accelerated towards
I think the blackpill being more known or accessible is a double edged sword, it would unironically save lives in some cases and improve an incels quality of life, but sometimes I think people just cant take it, who knows if this kid even knew what the BP was, however 10 is not a very innocent age anymore if their parents throw them an iPad and leave them be.
This is what I've been thinking about- the blackpill going "mainstream" and being easily accessible due to how integrated the internet has became to our lives is definitely a "double edge sword" since it can lead to some improving their quality of life by looksmaxxing & the such, but it also could be harmful. It honestly depends on the person, their mental state, etc.

In fact, maybe this kid knew of it & decided it was over at that age?
Well I was bullied pretty badly as a kid at his age and here I am, its safe to say if he stayed around the same group of people he could have easily been incel due to poor social status, maybe a bit of non NT due to not having friends
He was probably non-NT, let's be honest.
Watch all the normies cry on tv and say he was a good kid who didn’t deserve this. Little girls especially like to do this, but they all laughed and supported his torture.
They’ll never give any names, they all fucking know who did it, hell it was probably most if not all of them. You all know how normies behave, they’re pack animals.

Every single little shit in his class is guilty unless they give names.
Based response, I was thinking the same.
He must have really suffered a lot, like the bullying must have gone beyond usual "teen" bullying & likely would have accelerated towards
Yeah I was bullied at that age but never contemplated suicide or anything like that
In fact, maybe this kid knew of it & decided it was over at that age?
Maybe thats what the kid thought but who knows, I don't think he would have made the best most educated decision on that
He was probably non-NT, let's be honest.
Yeah, I think with his looks if he was giga NT he could just get by as a normie on the social hierarchy in the meantime until clearing up his teeth and glasses issues

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