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It's Over 10 year old incel boy kills himself aftER suffERing bullying. Parents say they complained to school 20+ times

Parents should've home-schooled him. Extremely easy nowadays with how advanced the internet had become, endless amount of courses and tutorials online, far better than some fag teacher lecturing you in person. I wish I had all this shit available when I was growing up.

However, most parents treat school as a free daycare center, to avoid the burden of babysitting their own kid all day. So fuck them. They love the pleasure from sex and creampies but hate the responsibility that comes with parenting.
When a 10 year old boy has more balls to rope than you do
I dont usually feel much sadness when an adult commits suicide, however its very sad when a pre puberscent child does it, I didnt even understand suicde was an option at that age so the child must experience incredible pain to not only comprehend at as an option, but to also follow through on it
Exactly, and women are just content to share, so long as it's Chad they're sharing. All I wanted was one woman who cared about me. I think a lot of guys here can relate to that.
Those bluepilled children's films were part of my childhood, sure, but I grew up. 20 was a good age to discover the blackpill.
This kid didn't deserve what he got. I wish an oldercel could've talked him down, told him how you get used to it, introduced him to healthy copes like something artistic or athletic. Primary schools across the West are blackpilling these young boys too early.
Yeah I just want one woman to keep me company, I want one GF to go to restaurants with or whatever idk its all in my signature anyway.

I think the blackpill being more known or accessible is a double edged sword, it would unironically save lives in some cases and improve an incels quality of life, but sometimes I think people just cant take it, who knows if this kid even knew what the BP was, however 10 is not a very innocent age anymore if their parents throw them an iPad and leave them be.
Bullies are scum and this school is a cesspit, but he’s way too young to qualify as incel, we can’t possibly know whether girls would’ve been interested in him come the age of 15/16.
Well I was bullied pretty badly as a kid at his age and here I am, its safe to say if he stayed around the same group of people he could have easily been incel due to poor social status, maybe a bit of non NT due to not having friends
The parents complained 20 times but did not think of pulling him from the school?

Anyway not like this is pain Olympics and I don't want to be a narcissist, I do feel for this boy but I reckon he didn't have it that bad compared to what I seen and experienced.
The parents complained 20 times but did not think of pulling him from the school?

Anyway not like this is pain Olympics and I don't want to be a narcissist, I do feel for this boy but I reckon he didn't have it that bad compared to what I seen and experienced.
His parents must done homeschooling
RIP little brother
He was an absolute mogger. He would be an Chadlite or HTN at the age of 15/16
Well I was bullied pretty badly as a kid at his age and here I am, its safe to say if he stayed around the same group of people he could have easily been incel due to poor social status, maybe a bit of non NT due to not having friends

But you don't how he’d look at 15y/o, you wouldn’t be an incel if you looked like Jeremy Meeks for example, status might make her interested and considerate, but looks is what makes them wet. This boy didn’t exactly look ugly, neither is he sexually mature to even be interested in girls yet. We just don’t know whether he’d become incel or not.
But you don't how he’d look at 15y/o, you wouldn’t be an incel if you looked like Jeremy Meeks for example, status might make her interested and considerate, but looks is what makes them wet. This boy didn’t exactly look ugly, neither is he sexually mature to even be interested in girls yet. We just don’t know whether he’d become incel or not.
Yeah well thats the tragedy of it, since its definitely a life taken too soon, he was certainly no chad at least as chad usually isnt getting bullied at any point
Parents should've home-schooled him. Extremely easy nowadays with how advanced the internet had become, endless amount of courses and tutorials online, far better than some fag teacher lecturing you in person. I wish I had all this shit available when I was growing up.

However, most parents treat school as a free daycare center, to avoid the burden of babysitting their own kid all day. So fuck them. They love the pleasure from sex and creampies but hate the responsibility that comes with parenting.
his parents already forgot him
But you don't how he’d look at 15y/o, you wouldn’t be an incel if you looked like Jeremy Meeks for example, status might make her interested and considerate, but looks is what makes them wet. This boy didn’t exactly look ugly, neither is he sexually mature to even be interested in girls yet. We just don’t know whether he’d become incel or not.
if other kids bullied him he would be for sure an incel and ugly. kids already try to eliminate other kids that look different. he wear glasses and the other kids not that could be the reason for the bullying. in the real nature nobody would wear glasses and we are not far away from apes.
incel or a to-be-incel boy?
Proof that schools are on board with bullies and complaints are worthless.

Less cucked parents would've put the kid through shooting lessons.
I don't think I even knew about suicide was when I was 10 never mind how to do it.
Beyond Brutal, he knew what his life would be like already, its the most sensible thing he could do tbh.
rest in peace. world is cruel
Gen A never stood a chance, stories like this are becoming all too familiar.
Proof that schools are on board with bullies and complaints are worthless.

Less cucked parents would've put the kid through shooting lessons.
Our Minds think alike.
This is akin to throwing a piece of meat to crocodiles, without learning how to shoot them down

Lack of skull shootings, Will produce scenarios such as these, since its all animals up in there
Now that he has ended it, you just know that entire school of little cunts will receive wall-to-wall counseling and trauma care.

Including the bullies, and everyone else who enabled it, watched and laughed.

The Principal who said they have a "zero-tolerance approach to bullying", and the Superintendent who LIED to the media that the parents never complained about the bullying, will probably pat themselves on the back for how wonderfully their school "comes together to support each other in this time of grief." Because empty weasel words like that seem to ne how everything works now.

They should all be told they're shit human beings and they should kill themselves too.
They'll probably have a "bullying awareness day" where they take off from normal school curriculum and play some videos that just tells the kids "to treat each other the way they want to treated" or "if you see something, say something."
Wish he had shot the bullies instead, not in the head that's too merciful, ass or dick is more humiliating and means they'd have to piss or crap through a tube or some shit until they die.
if other kids bullied him he would be for sure an incel and ugly. kids already try to eliminate other kids that look different. he wear glasses and the other kids not that could be the reason for the bullying. in the real nature nobody would wear glasses and we are not far away from apes.
Its true all the ugly kids were always outcasts, bullied and on the sidelines of school. Shit is brutal but I think it is good because it prepares people like me for the life ahead. You get acclimated to pain and social suffering from young age.
Here's a reminder to everybody that most school's anti-bully rules are designed in a way that bullies will abuse them, Poor Kid.
Very true, all of my bullies were ethnics. They are brutal and inhumane. They want us dead
Mainly spics and niggers, these fecal colored subhumans have a deeply ingrained inferiority complex. These goblins and orcs must be extinguished.
Every institution and policy in america is designed to intentionally undermine and hurt whites, in inner city schools, unless you are a wigger you are guaranteed to experience this kind of treatment by feral niglets.
how did he do it, was it by hanging? absolutely crazy if it was.
Would have grown up to be a mogger larping on fakecels.is as a 2029cel anyway
Don't know why people on here act like they give a shit about this kid.

If he grew up, he would have been shat on by the users on this forum for being a normie or a fakecel
Wish he had shot the bullies instead, not in the head that's too merciful, ass or dick is more humiliating and means they'd have to piss or crap through a tube or some shit until they die.
Handicapped to a wheel chair, there are certainly fates worse than Death other, than you know.. getting eaten Alive by shaRks
Its true all the ugly kids were always outcasts, bullied and on the sidelines of school. Shit is brutal but I think it is good because it prepares people like me for the life ahead. You get acclimated to pain and social suffering from young age.
Ohhhh yeaaaah massaaaah whip meeee HAAARRDDEERR!!!!

Such Bullshit.
Ohhhh yeaaaah massaaaah whip meeee HAAARRDDEERR!!!!

Such Bullshit.
im just saying that is how life enforces the natural order on us

it at least strengthens your psyche as the only benefit, unless ur too weak and kill urself

I dont get this kids tho if u gonna go ks in school u might as well ER
RIP little dude. Hope the bullies get whats coming to them

Its really funny coming from you
In so many ways...

Teeth, better eye color. Youthfulness (gone now);;

I bet he had no dad around telling him how to fight
The bullies parents should be sent to jail
There is something seriously wrong with schooling, and it propagates itself to society at large because everyone gets their start in the school system.

Parents seem to be really slow on the uptake regarding schooling. People have a superstitious belief that the classroom and government employee contribute something that's not in the textbook. To be fair, they do contribute a 10% chance they will sexually abuse your child. But that's not a plus.

Maybe it'll be like the covid vaccine. Those who take it die out or can't breed, leaving only those who didn't. Likewise with schools, only parents who took their kids out of them will propagate their seed.
I don't know why school system like this exists in the first place.
There should be a segregation. Nerds with nerds, athletes with athletes, dumb violent scum with the same scum etc
Putting people of different temperament, different physical and intellectual abilities in one place looks like very bad idea.
Those who started this schooling thing are worse than pedophiles.
Bullying is society's works of eugenics, they either bully you into hiding or kill you while trying. Poor kid.
killing yourself at 10 years old is fucking brutal

normies know no limits and will indirectly execute anyone who isnt a part of their group
The bullies should be sentenced to death by beheading. (In video game)
Foids are so fucking horrible. They allow this kind of things
They want to get rid of all inferior males, nothing can stop their sense of eugenics, if you are weak you are seen as the lowest of the low by foids, they want power and to perpetuate the violent cycle of nature
How tf did he kill himself. We live in such fucked up times. It makes me fuckin sick. RIP kid.
rest in peace
those bullies deserve the death sentence for what they did to him

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