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SuicideFuel ”1 in 50 British fathers is unknowingly raising a child who is the biological child of another man“

  • Thread starter hindustan_zindabad
  • Start date


Nov 7, 2017
Most of us will never make it this far but eventually some of us may be careercels in their late 20s that will succumb to betabux.

Well, just don’t forget about AF/BB. What am I talking about? Paternity Fraud.

“Paternity fraud, also known as misattributed paternity or paternal discrepancy, is when a man is incorrectly identified to be the biological father of a child.”

AKA when a roastie tries to make you raise someone elses baby.

The topic of paternity fraud is controversial. In the Journal of Medical Ethics, Heather Draper writes that: "claims for reimbursement and compensation in cases of misattributed paternity produce the same distorted and thin view of what it means to be a father that paternity testing assumes, and underscores a trend that is not in the interests of children."[1] Lyn Turner says that the concept of paternity fraud is about the "demonization of mothers".[7]
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only 1 in 50?

this is cope it's much higher
If getting a dna sample of every child at birth is mandatory, then so should paternity testing of every child.
Those are pretty good odds tbh.

A foid having your kids is the ultimate compliment and if 49/50 guys I see with kids are indeed their fathers, then maybe there's hope for me too?
Ascending is a lie
Friendly reminder of where the world cuckold comes from.

Reed warbler cuckoo

TBH, 1/50 doesn't seem so bad. I had heard about a number closer to 1/5.
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I thought that ratio was much higher. Still it is brutal though. Shows how much degenerate and evil an average hole is.
Just lol at people arguing in the replies

>"It's only 2%"

>"No, it's actually 20%. 2% isn't so bad."

Me (a high-IQ-cel): "It should be -2%"
"underscores a trend that is not in the interests of children "

All humans are born and remain equal before the Law. The interests of the child do not prevail over the interest of the adult.

People have the right to own private property. A mother and her child are not entitled to anyone's possession.
Paternity testing should be legally mandatory. Would save the court system a lot of time and money.
Its not just about foids being disloyal holes but also how scientific institutions like this one support this degeneracy. This is what happens when you let foids inside institutions.
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That's punishment for their colonialism.
In some places, we should start with making it legal.

Men who live in countries where it's legal have no excuse.

People talk a lot about countries being "cucked", but France banning paternity tests is literally the definition of cucked.

I don't understand why people are so eager to come down on men who have been cuckholded and insist they pay for a child they did not sire. No one ever discusses how the real deadbeat dad (ie the man the gf/wife cheated with) has evaded personal responsibility.

And the other man isn't always a chad either, it could be a darktriad maxxed normie that the gf/wife cheated with when she was "bored".
One question about paternity tests : how likely is it that the lab will just give false results ?

Are there any MRA organization that test their integrity by sending samples from individuals with known filiation?
I thought I was 1 in 3. 1 in 3 makes sense. Say the avg father has 2 kids. Means 1 in 6 kids is either a product of cheating or being raised by a stepfather.
mmh britain has undoubedly the ugliest population among whites. So its much worse in other white countries
Over for britcucks
There is no fucking way it's only 1 in 50. I'd guess 1 in 4 is more likely
1/50? is this 2009 or something?
It's 1/10 MINIMUM.
Women are biologically hard wired to cheat.
It's way higher than 1/50. United Cuckdom is full of branch swinging whores.
2% accounting everywhere too, it's 5% in big cities, those are the true stats
More like 1 in 5

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