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Serious My sincere advice to those in their early 20s.



Jun 12, 2023
During my 20s and early 30s I was generally optimistic about life and tried everything to get a gf. Although I failed, I know that now, at age 40, I can at least look back and tell myself that I've done my due diligence. So if nothing else, I don't have to think "if only I did this or that in my 20s, I would have found a gf".

It's still over for me. But now I just deal with the pain of lifelong inceldom. And not the pain of inceldom combined with the torture of knowing I could have prevented inceldom if only I did this or that in my 20s.

Believe me when I say this, but if you're in your early 20s, you still have a chance. (Of course, if your face is deformed or you have a birth defect then it never began for you, so please exit this thread right away.)

Otherwise, if you're in your early 20s, it's entirely possible that your issues are psychological in nature and that you're just exaggerating your ugliness to yourself. Why do I say this? Because if some people think they're more handsome than they really are, then it's also possible for the inverse to be true, i.e., some would think they're uglier than they really are.

If you're in you're early 20s and dont have a hideous deformity, are you absolutely 100% sure are you that you are as ugly as you think?

If you're a normal dude with unattractive features or a skin or weight problem, you still have a chance. Try looksmaxxing and personalitymaxxing. Become active socially. Yes, you will face brutal rejections and get mogged on a daily basis. But you must learn to be thick skinned and endure everything. If you last long enough you might find a gf.

There's no guarantee but it greatly increases the likelihood of finding a gf.
Dnr its over boomer
It is better than LDAR'ing
Believe me when I say this, but if you're in your early 20s, you still have a chance. (Of course, if your face is deformed or you have a birth defect then it never began for you, so please exit this thread right away.)
You don't need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It's over for me". Being sub-5 in the 2020s is over enough.
Otherwise, if you're in your early 20s, it's entirely possible that your issues are psychological in nature and that you're just exaggerating your ugliness to yourself.
Reddit gaslighting.
Why do I say this? Because if some people think they're more handsome than they really are, then it's also possible for the inverse to be true, i.e., some would think they're uglier than they really are.
If you're in you're early 20s and dont have a hideous deformity
Again, you do not need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It is over".
are you absolutely 100% sure are you that you are as ugly as you think?
Reddit gaslighting, part 2.
If you're a normal dude with unattractive features or a skin or weight problem, you still have a chance.
The naivete.
Yes, you will face brutal rejections and get mogged on a daily basis.
You don't know what those things are, if you are downplaying then, which you are.
But you must learn to be thick skinned and endure everything. If you last long enough you might find a gf.
Again, the naivete.
If you need to try at all in the 2020s as a Sub-5, it is done.
There's no guarantee but it greatly increases the likelihood of finding a gf.
By 0,001% yes.

Call me defeatist all you may. I think you are naive and being willfully ignorant of the state of the World, and women's ego right now.
You don't need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It's over for me". Being sub-5 in the 2020s is over enough.

All I'm saying is that if someone is in their early 20s and isn't hideously deformed, he still has time to claw his way out of the abyss. He may or may not make it, but it's still worth the struggle.

I don't know about your situation, but it's not reddit gaslighting to say some incels in their early 20s might be exaggerating or amplifying their ugliness. It's entirely within the realm of possibility.
It's over. We do not live in the same dating climate that you did when you were 20. You did not have social media normalizing hypergamy
I'm a manlet, it never began for me

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tuf59ex-U0

Chad didn't have to looksmaxx, gymaxx, mew, moneymaxx. You are busting your ass for leftovers. Go to a gym and watch the coping manlets lifting alone hoping that once they reach that new personal record, someone will love them. Then notice the Chad and Stacy who went there to do light exercise so they don't get fat, their bodies were already attractive without the gym.
I'm a manlet, it never began for me
Same, Actually, I wish I was black pilled around the age of13 right at the stages of puberty. I would have been a lot better off. As an adult knowing, I didn't have to waste my time trying to impress women and it would have prevented me from socializing with people that I had admired that we're fucking women. I would have been completely alone and I could have invested my time in reading books and lifting weights. What garbage is the pick up artist community, the damage that it caused people like us.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tuf59ex-U0

Chad didn't have to looksmaxx, gymaxx, mew, moneymaxx. You are busting your ass for leftovers. Go to a gym and watch the coping manlets lifting alone hoping that once they reach that new personal record, someone will love them. Then notice the Chad and Stacy who went there to do light exercise so they don't get fat, their bodies were already attractive without the gym.

Of course, Chads have it easy. Just like how rich kids have it easy. That doesn't mean we lie down and give up completely.

If you're in your early 20s and you're not hideously deformed you still have time to do whatever it takes to find a gf.

If you've reached your mid 30's and you've tried everything, then and only then can you say with certainty that it's absolutely over.
Bluepill asf.

By 16 you know whether it's over or not.
even if you ascend it will most likely be with some 20-something used goods whore. you should definitely try escorts though before you develop ED.
If you're in you're early 20s and dont have a hideous deformity, are you absolutely 100% sure are you that you are as ugly as you think?
I never really thought I was ugly, but strangers coming up to you in public to make fun of you kinda forces you into one direction
You don't need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It's over for me". Being sub-5 in the 2020s is over enough.
Boomers refused to get this through their thick fucking skull its not 2000 anymore grandpa the internet isn't just chat rooms and shitty porn its now an international social hierarchy that is much more strict about aesthetics, yesterdays normies is todays sub 5, yesterday sub 5 is today's giga trucel
Of course, Chads have it easy. Just like how rich kids have it easy. That doesn't mean we lie down and give up completely.

If you're in your early 20s and you're not hideously deformed you still have time to do whatever it takes to find a gf.

If you've reached your mid 30's and you've tried everything, then and only then can you say with certainty that it's absolutely over.
You talk like a redpilled faggots, this is blackpilled you retard fuck off
Boomers refused to get this through their thick fucking skull its not 2000 anymore grandpa the internet isn't just chat rooms and shitty porn its now an international social hierarchy that is much more strict about aesthetics, yesterdays normies is todays sub 5, yesterday sub 5 is today's giga trucel
Bluepill asf.

By 16 you know whether it's over or not.
Yup, the amount of niggas that were virgins in their mid to late twenties without having sex but managed to get some is low as fuck
Boomers refused to get this through their thick fucking skull its not 2000 anymore grandpa the internet isn't just chat rooms and shitty porn its now an international social hierarchy that is much more strict about aesthetics, yesterdays normies is todays sub 5, yesterday sub 5 is today's giga trucel
social media created a caste system that segregates social outcasts even further, not having mainstream social media is the modern equivalent of wearing a yellow badge in nazi germany.
Of course, Chads have it easy. Just like how rich kids have it easy. That doesn't mean we lie down and give up completely.
You aren't understanding this, Reddit Boomer...

It's not, "Chads have it easy". It's, sub-5s don't have it at all.

In the 2020s, where you refuse to live in, sub-5 niggas are invisible to any woman. This is a FACT. A OBJECTIVE FACT.

"But my friend of my cousins friend cousin knows a guy who knows a guy that is a 3/10, and has a hot girlfriend"

Exceptions don't mean anything. There are exceptions to LITERALLY everything in life. There are happy homeless people, and miserable suicidal millionaires people. There are fat ugly niggas that fucked more women then chad.

It does not matter.
social media created a caste system that segregates social outcasts even further, not having mainstream social media is the modern equivalent of wearing a yellow badge in nazi germany.
Its like the opposite the armbands make you visible not having social media makes you invisible, most zoomer types I met in college met foids through snap or insta if you don't have those your fucking done. And guess what those apps are just a collection of pictures that say nothing about le (((personality))) it just shows how hot you are over for photogenicels
It's not, "Chads have it easy". It's, sub-5s don't have it at all.

In the 2020s, where you refuse to live in, sub-5 niggas are invisible to any woman. This is a FACT. A OBJECTIVE FACT.

As long as they're not deformed, Sub-5s in their early 20s have time to change their lives and find a GF. That's a fact, regardless of what year is it.

(Now don't get it twisted. Of course, they'll be invisible to women who have better options. But that's besides the point as I wasn't talking about them in the OP).

Being a non-deformed sub-5 is akin to starting off dirt poor. You can either say "it's over" and continue to live in poverty. Or you can struggle to learn skills and develop business savviness. Doing so won't guarantee you riches, but it will greatly increase your chances of getting out of poverty.

Of course, being poor and being sub-5 are two different things. But resilience and hard work can make a huge difference to improve the situation. That's my only point.

"But my friend of my cousins friend cousin knows a guy who knows a guy that is a 3/10, and has a hot girlfriend"

That wasn't my argument at all. I never implied that it's possible for sub-5s to find a hot gfs.

Plenty of sub-5s are clueless about the blackpill, yet they somehow end up with their looksmatches.
As long as they're not deformed, Sub-5s in their early 20s have time to change their lives and find a GF. That's a fact, regardless of what year is it
Agree with that, the rest, the fact that you are saying is a fact, still shows your brain is in the 80s.
(Now don't get it twisted. Of course, they'll be invisible to women who have better options. But that's besides the point as I wasn't talking about them in the OP).
We are still falling back on the "You have be a Berserk deformed monster to be considered an Trucel" right?...
Being a non-deformed sub-5 is akin to starting off dirt poor. You can either say "it's over" and continue to live in poverty. Or you can struggle to learn skills and develop business savviness.
No point in continue engaging with you, because you are still talking like we are living in the 1980s, and still under the belief that only deformed niggas can be trucels.
Of course, being poor and being sub-5 are two different things. But resilience and hard work can make a huge difference to improve the situation. That's my only point.
DNR your advice is futile to me. We are from 2 radically different generations. As a matter of fact, fuck you for being the fire to the fuse that made my generation and the ones that followed it so godawfully horrible, desensitized, numb, and rotten. Sexual revolution, the internet, social media, jewish news monopolies, phony politicians. FUCK YOU
im mid tier normie average looks and 5'10" with a good frame, but i'm autistic as hell so its over. body count 0
That wasn't my argument at all. I never implied that it's possible for sub-5s to find a hot gfs.

Plenty of sub-5s are clueless about the blackpill, yet they somehow end up with their looksmatches.
I agree
My destiny as a Incel has been set in stone no use fighting it now
This is not entirely true, because the major part of inceldom is inflicted from outside. It's a societal problem. You can still be normal looking and fail. You can do everything right and fail. The only way to guarantee success in life is by being a woman.
This is not entirely true, because the major part of inceldom is inflicted from outside. It's a societal problem. You can still be normal looking and fail. You can do everything right and fail. The only way to guarantee success in life is by being a woman.

"Society" is just other people. They're not omnipotent. They're mostly NPCs. They have flaws. And they can be outsmarted. They can only control your happiness if you allow them to. Don't make gods out of people and don't fear them.

If normal looking people fail, it's because they failed in other aspects of life or had other deficiencies. Not because "society" (i.e., other people) caused them to fail.
"Society" is just other people. They're not omnipotent. They're mostly NPCs. They have flaws. And they can be outsmarted. They can only control your happiness if you allow them to. Don't make gods out of people and don't fear them.

If normal looking people fail, it's because they failed in other aspects of life or had other deficiencies. Not because "society" (i.e., other people) caused them to fail.
Women do act collectively. It's why rejection is so absolute and constant in our lives.

Yikes, This last phrase enters the area of boomer advice. "Just pick yourself up by your bootstrap, be a man, have a firm handshake and work hard!". It doesn't work like that anymore, external factor are much more influential.
Women do act collectively. It's why rejection is so absolute and constant in our lives.

We're rejected primarily because we're ugly. Not because women act "collectively".

Yikes, This last phrase enters the area of boomer advice. "Just pick yourself up by your bootstrap, be a man, have a firm handshake and work hard!". It doesn't work like that anymore, external factor are much more influential.

Even if it's boomer advice, what exactly is wrong with "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" or "work hard"?

As for "external factors", everything revolves around money. If you have enough of it, you can bend external factors to your will, regardless of how you look.
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I’m in 30s :feelsbadman:
Chances are slim boyo :feelsbadman:
I would rather stay with my brocels rather than act like a desperate cuck and do whatever I can just to get a glimpse of human pussy.

Anyway once you met the blackpill, you can't go back.
We're rejected primarily because we're ugly. Not because women act "collectively".
If women weren't a hivemind we'd see more variation in their behaviors and inceldom would be less of a problem.

Even if it's boomer advice, what exactly is wrong with "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" or "work hard"?
The problem with boomer advice is that it doesn't apply to our reality. If we hard work and picking our bootstrap worked we already would have done it. We already did it.
Are you a 40 year old virgin?
that's it? "Just bee yourself bro"
I thought it would be advice on how to moneymaxx

Change the age to 15, by that age it's not over yet
that's it? "Just bee yourself bro"
I thought it would be advice on how to moneymaxx

My message wasn't "just be yourself bro", but ok.

Also I'm all for moneymaxxing. I've touched on that topic in the posts in this thread.

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You don't need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It's over for me". Being sub-5 in the 2020s is over enough.

Reddit gaslighting.


Again, you do not need to look like a Berserk monster to say "It is over".

Reddit gaslighting, part 2.

The naivete.

You don't know what those things are, if you are downplaying then, which you are.

Again, the naivete.
If you need to try at all in the 2020s as a Sub-5, it is done.

By 0,001% yes.

Call me defeatist all you may. I think you are naive and being willfully ignorant of the state of the World, and women's ego right now.
Well Put . Its Like These Retards want you to keep running in circles / against a Wall . The World will let you know If your Ugly or Not .
Your advice will be useful to the fakecels on here.
235 post fed trying to get us back to work
sorry buddy no pussy NO WORK
What about those of us who are no longer in our early 20s
Nah, you're pretty much fucked as soon as your prime-school years are gone, then you might as well be ready to wageslave (for no reason) for decades and then eventually off yourself, because one day you'll say "why not?" and that'll be the end of the story for guys like us.
DNR your advice is futile to me. We are from 2 radically different generations. As a matter of fact, fuck you for being the fire to the fuse that made my generation and the ones that followed it so godawfully horrible, desensitized, numb, and rotten. Sexual revolution, the internet, social media, jewish news monopolies, phony politicians. FUCK YOU
But I like OP though
I disagree with op.

I wish I hadn’t tried so hard for so long. I wouldn’t be completely burnt out like I am now. If I had discovered the black pill in my early twenties, I’d have saved myself a lot of pain, time, money, and embarrassment.

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