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@ZkinnyG Vs @gymletethnicel Why islam is the truth

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9301
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Deleted member 9301

Deleted member 9301

Jihad against women
Jun 17, 2018
You may ask Why Should you belive in religion?

You also may ask

-which religion is right there’s tons of them
This is where islam shines islam is the only religion out of all which backs itself up with scietific claims and predictions no other religion does have as acurate and astounding predictions of the future as islam have.
Here are the scientific facts


A mobile phone is clearly something that was put together in an organised way, so it would be rational
to believe that it must have an organiser. In the same way, when we see the order in the universe
around us, isn’t it rational to say that the universe has an organiser?
“We shall show them our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them
that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your lord is the witness of all things?”[Quran, 41:53]

Origin of life
The fact that living things consist mostly of water was discovered only after the invention of the
microscope. In the deserts of Arabia, the last thing someone would have guessed is that all life came
from water.
“We made every living thing from water? will they not believe?”[Quran, 21:30]

“We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly
fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made
the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14).

Sky’s protection
The sky protects the earth from the lethal rays of the sun. If the sky did not exist then the sun’s radiation
would have killed off all life on earth. It also acts like a blanket wrapped around the earth, to protect it
from the freezing cold of space. The temperature just above the sky is approximately -270oC. If this
temperature was to reach earth then the planet would freeze over instantly. The sky also protects life
on earth by warming the surface through heat retention.
“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!” (Quran 21:32)

Iron is not natural to the earth. It did not form on the earth but came down to earth from outer space.
This may sound strange but it’s true. Scientists have found that billions of years ago the earth was stuck
by meteorites. These meteorites were carrying Iron from distant stars which had exploded (M. E.
Walrath, History of the Earth’s Formation)
“We sent down Iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind.” (Quran

Seas and Oceans:
Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier
between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and

He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not
transgress. (Quran, 55:19-20).

Sun’s orbit
The belief that the Sun is stationary was widespread amongst astronomers until the 20th century. It is
now a well-established scientific fact that the Sun is not stationary, but is moving in an orbit around the
centre of our Milky Way galaxy.
“It is He who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit.”[Quran, 21:33]


the surface of the earth. Mount Everest, the height of which is approximately 9 km above ground, has a
root deeper than 125 km.
“Did we not make the earth a resting place? and the mountains as stakes?”[Quran, 78:6-7]

Universe expanding

“And it is We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power and keep expanding it.”[ Quran,

Skin pain receptors
For a long time it was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent on the brain. However,
it has been discovered that there are pain receptors present in the skin. Without these pain receptors, a
person would not be able to feel pain.
We shall send those who reject our revelations to the (hell) fire. When their skins have been burned
away, We shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to feel the pain: God is
almighty, all-wise.”[Quran 4:56]

It is commonly thought that waves only occur on the surface of the ocean. However, oceanographers
have discovered that there are internal waves that take place below the surface of the ocean. These
waves are invisible to the human eye, and can only be detected by specialist equipment.
“Darkness out in a deep ocean which is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are
clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly
see it. Those God gives no light to, they have no light.”[Quran, 24:40]

Lying & Movement

this same region (frontal lobe) is responsible for the lying function of the brain. One such study at the
University of Pennsylvania in which volunteers were asked questions during a computerized
interrogation, it was found that when the volunteers were lying there was significantly increased activity
in the prefrontal and premotor cortices.
him: “No indeed! if he does not stop, We will seize him by the forehead, his lying, sinful
forehead.”[Quran, 96:15-16]. Allah does not call this person a liar, but calls his forehead (the front
part of the brain) ‘lying’ and ‘sinful’, and warns him to stop.

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95% of your entire thread is plagiarized. You can't just copy-paste a bunch of shit from the internet. I won't bother unless you put in the integrity to write yourself.
Bruh why does it matter if it is copied isn’t it still true?
@gymletethnicel wins
95% of your entire thread is plagiarized. You can't just copy-paste a bunch of shit from the internet. I won't bother unless you put in the integrity to write yourself.
I used to write verses from quran just for you m8 I swear I spend 15 minute to write comment to your reply you probably didn't even read those verses
not going to read
I used to write verses from quran just for you m8 I swear I spend 15 minute to write comment to your reply you probably didn't even read those verses
If you go to college or university and you perform plagiarism you will be kicked out of the university and even risk a fine. Don't copy. You put in no effort and you expect me to refute everything. Write yourself or I am out. Write, use your own brain or I am out.

I read the entire Qur'an lol
This nigga already left he didn’t even refute a single claim :feelstastyman::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:@gymletethnicel
he probably didn't even read himself, since he copy-pasted everything.
Ok do you want me to write one myself? I will glady do it for your retarded ass
You could literally also copy paste a link and i would respond to everything

Also i read everything
lmao at this low effort postmaxxing
>this thread
I read the entire Qur'an lol
I was talking about specific verses that I've sent to you about sunnism and their wrongdoings don't worry you are murtad of religion of sunnism not islam you have never left islam because u was never in it m8 I hope you will understand Quran's message one day and realize all of the things people said about islam is false and there's completely different religion in the real message I hope god guides you to straight path of Quranic Islam
Whoever can piss himself more often, within the next 2 days, will be the winner.
You may ask Why Should you belive in religion?

You also may ask

-which religion is right there’s tons of them
This is where islam shines islam is the only religion out of all which backs itself up with scietific claims and predictions no other religion does have as acurate and astounding predictions of the future as islam have.
Here are the scientific facts


Islam talks about How all life have water
( “And I created every living thing out of water” Qur’an, 21:30 ).

With the science today we know that every biological creature contains h3o

in 700 century arabia this would be the last thing Someone would guess life was made out from

Iron wasn’t orginally on the earth

And We also sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind…” (Quran 57:25)

modern astronomical findings have disclosed that the iron found in our world has come from giant stars in outer space.

Refute these 2 first @gymletethnicel and then i will write more
I’m on the phone i literally can’t write a whole essay on the phone if i was on the pc i would write all that shit myself:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:
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This islam thing got out of hand
This threads blowing up
So the so-called miracle is that the Qur'an claims that every living thing is made out of water? This is not new knowledge. Thales of Miletus said that everything, that includes life, was made of water. He even wrote about the transitions of water. The legend of Vahara has stated something similar. Nothing new.

h3o isn't water

Nothing new either. Ancient Egyptians knew this already.
The thing you don’t get is that all of these are still true if all of the predictions in the quran is copied tell me how there isn’t a single false one in the quran?
I do not practice Islam nor do I follow it but one thing I do know that as a Christian, we are brothers alike @ZkinnyG . We all believe in the one God of the Abrahamic religions.
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He’s litteraly retarded legit i wrote a whole essay on my phone and he responds with some lines :feelsUnreal:

Us muslims and christians are brothers man
@gymletethnicel’s point is that you cant just use these things, known long before the quran was written, as evidence that the quran is all true. I can put down the speed of light in my book but that doesnt mean anything because someone already figured out the speed of light and all i did was put it in my book.
There are mistakes in the Qur'an. First, let me understand why you believe in the first place. The evidence you have provided has nill value. I will get to my own questions later.

There are 3 minimum requirements that must be met for a claim of scientific miracles to be proven.
1. The knowledge didn’t exist
2. The statements are scientifically accurate
3. There is no possible alternative meaning

Not a single claim made for the Qur'an meets them.

first of all 3 is bullshit

Second of all there is some Predictions in the quran which weren’t mentioned before The quran want me too post them here?

Third of all do i even have to explain the 2rd one? Everything i’ve said is accurate
@gymletethnicel’s point is that you cant just use these things, known long before the quran was written, as evidence that the quran is all true. I can put down the speed of light in my book but that doesnt mean anything because someone already figured out the speed of light and all i did was put it in my book.
Ok let me get some predictions and scientific facts which hasn’t been mentioned before islam
And the claims are still a good example on why islam is the truth because there was no way to prove that they were true before the evolution of science(sorry for bad english im on the phone)
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Didn't read bro won't lie
do what you want bro, if you are here you aren't exactly making an impact on the world so what you do/think/believe doesn't matter to anyone but you
It's not, if all tafsir works have different interpretations then there is surely no miracle. Allah did a bad job, I'd say if that is the case.

You haven't posted any so-called predictions, just basic science.

No, but the example of the so-called embryology miracle requires some explanation because the so-called miracle is extremely far-fetched.
I didn’t say that i have posted some predictions on the thread yet.
Do you want me to post some?

Honestly i could literally give you every fact in the quran and you still wouldn’t belive your hearth is closed and it’s dark
debating religion is pointless, no one is going to be convinced either way. Obviously, the quran is not a scientific textbook, its a religious book, filled with all kinds of inaccuracies and crazy stories.

Even if we could prove that some of the claims in the book are true, would that somehow prove the existence of god? That mohammed rode a horse to heaven? These are not things which can be proved. Theyre just religious beliefs. There is no point in debating them because they are not scientific claims or hypotheses, they are stories and allegories about life and spirituality and religion.

Religion is not something people pick up because they were convinced of the scientific evidence. Im not going to pretend that science and religion are the same thing
I thought we were talkin about science. If you are going to change topics, then let me pose a few questions first.

Then you though wrong there’s a lot more i want to discuss and

go ahead and ask me

also don’t try to post any questions related to the existence of god were talking about why islam is a false/true religion not about the existence of god

i’m here to refute your claims to why islam is false
(My fingers hurt by all the typing on the phone tbh :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: )
I've read tthe quran and as I was really into theological arguments when it was popular years ago, I can debunk most if not all of these.
You are a bit annoying man. :feelswhat:
I've read tthe quran and as I was really into theological arguments when it was popular years ago, I can debunk most if not all of these.
You can’t debunk all of this because literally in a sense there is no right answer or wrong if islam is correct or wrong but there is hope for some The quran isn’t a book of science it’s a book of guidence
You are a bit annoying man. :feelswhat:
He asked for the debate nigga :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:
The reason why the quran says that you shouldn’t ask question about the islam is so that people don’t go away from the path of islam it’s simple

the qurans says that we shouldn’t follow our ancestors religion because it’s mindlessly following someone way of thinking. Yes i would still be muslim i have studied many religions by now and i still think islam is the most logical one.

You can’t disprove or prove miracles
I don’t have the answer to the last question only allah knows
Wtf I didn't get an alert

You haven't responded to all my questions. You were born Muslim, say whatever you want, but you were born into Islam and that is why you are Muslim.
How you gona make the asumption that the reason that i’m still a muslim is because i was born into it you don’t know that ffs

There’s literally tons of muslim reverts were they born into islam? no now tell me how they’re muslim?
Cba to read but I hope a god is real
Statistically almost every Muslim is born into the religion. So I assumed. But answer my questions.

7 out of 10 converts eventually leave Islam.
First of all sources?

second of all the reason why revert leave islam is because nobody helps them they just became a muslim and everyone is congratulating him but then everyone leaves him to be alone again what do you think will happen to him when that happens?

the reason why they leave isn’t because of the religion and what it contains in it but because of other muslims.

What point are you trying to make?
Worst post I've seen in a longass time. Unless you're some ISIS fanatic who actually believes that the sun sets in the mud and that Mhd has magic powers, believing in islam is pointless. It's over for "moderate" copers tbh.
Thinking that skydaddy watches over you won't make your benis penetrate a pussy.

TLDR gigacope

Just blow yourself up sandnigga.
Worst post I've seen in a longass time. Unless you're some ISIS fanatic who actually believes that the sun sets in the mud and that Mhd has magic powers, believing in islam is pointless. It's over for "moderate" copers tbh.
Thinking that skydaddy watches over you won't make your benis penetrate a pussy.

TLDR gigacope

Just blow yourself up sandnigga.
I’m a Jihadist
Jfl this greycel :lul::lul::lul::lul:
Suicide is haram Greycel:feelstastyman:
Either this dude I'm speaking to should inject IQ, or he's just awkwardly trying to "flex" his knowledge of the poop religion.
I know straight up hanging yourself from the livingroom ceiling fan or shooting yourself is haram. I thought you would understand that what I'm talking about, is strapping Semtex to your stomach and going crypto-ER in a crowded street. Martyrdom is OP, my dude.

Next time I'll speak in a more simple way, maybe with pictures and arrows so you will understand.

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