Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

@zerozerozero confirmed dead

Overdosing on sodium nitrite is not a pleasant way to go from what I’ve heard. It gives you a really bad headache, makes your heart beat really fast, gives you shortness of breath…
What country is zerozero from?
What an idiot.
Now there is no going back and the devil is laughing.
Nigfa duck tou for calling him an idiot. Hw was a kid srill, at that age and obviousely a neglected kid.
Overdosing on sodium nitrite is not a pleasant way to go from what I’ve heard. It gives you a really bad headache, makes your heart beat really fast, gives you shortness of breath…
That's the opposite of what I've heard. It seems to be the current go to for suicide by poisoning because its so effective.

I also read a thread on Sanctioned Suicide where a guy deliberately set up a situation where he'd get medical attention immediately and survive a suicide dose so he could report on whether it's painless or not; he claims it is and it just makes you extremely fatigued until you eventually pass out and die.

He might have been lying to get people to kill themselves, there are almost certainly creeps like that over there, but more likely it's an issue of proper dosing.
I hope this is all fake and no incel killed himself.
Everyone who calls in "wellness checks" deserves to die the most gruesome death, you fucktard. Legit one of the reasons I could kill myself - being sodomised by militarised police. Fuck the guy who did it. Hopefully @zerozerozero succeeded in his suicide and wasn't raped in the anus / beaten to a pulp by sex-having Christian thugs.
I dunno anything about wellness check but I hope zerozerozero is not dead and did not even try it either.

If he did, I hope he won't get punished in the afterlife or whatever for suicide.

I believe that this live is punishment for somethinf and suicide is an "easy" way out which would then get punished also.
R.I.P @zerozerozero
died 15.02.2025
discord: lowbloww
Rip mango
May the Lord show mercy on this soul and angels receive him in the pearly gates
Nigfa duck tou for calling him an idiot. Hw was a kid srill, at that age and obviousely a neglected kid.
I've gone a little too far, but I'm annoyed when such a young person does something like that.
I've gone a little too far, but I'm annoyed when such a young person does something like that.
You should be saddened, not annoyed. If the pain of a fellow incel does not affect you, I don't know man, you ain't got a heart
You should be saddened, not annoyed. If the pain of a fellow incel does not affect you, I don't know man, you ain't got a heart
Yeah man. It saddened me to. @light himself wants to do it this year as well. If you didn't know. A lot of users have already supposedly died this month alone. No small part because of Valentines Day. I do also like how you seem to recognize the young people here, such as myself. With age comes wisdom, as you probably know lol
remember, the troons out there want you to do this to yourself. Better to live just to spite your enemies
remember, the troons out there want you to do this to yourself. Better to live just to spite your enemies
but zerozero gets to rest now while I’m still out here suffering
but zerozero gets to rest now while I’m still out here suffering
the fact that you are alive wasting space on earth makes THEM suffer
remember, the troons out there want you to do this to yourself. Better to live just to spite your enemies
Yeah sure but imo everyone should just do whatever they want. If one wants to kill himself, it is entirely up to him. Life moves on with or without us after all
Yeah sure but imo everyone should just do whatever they want. If one wants to kill himself, it is entirely up to him. Life moves on with or without us after all
NO, we can't just be another statistic.

Incels lives may not matter to fags and foids, but they matter TO ME
NO, we can't just be another statistic.

Incels lives may not matter to fags and foids, but they matter TO ME
The reality is, you don't have control over what other incels do. They do what they do :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
I don’t care about their suffering as much as I care about my own
incels are the only hope against a gynocentric world order
You should be saddened, not annoyed. If the pain of a fellow incel does not affect you, I don't know man, you ain't got a heart
I'm both. I care about his soul above all else because I believe in a Creator and fear the worst.
How many more will there be for society to change? Can't see it ever doing that, rip.
Ok that just seems like it must be fake. Nobody here is close enough to anybody to tell them their full legal name and location, let alone have family that wants to chat with you enough to give you THEIR FULL NAME AND LOCATION TOO.

I’ve chatted with the same guys here for almost a year and none of them know my face, name, or city. Maybe some incels themselves would be trusting enough to tell this stuff to another incel, but they aren’t gonna go telling info about their family. Also, family members ain’t gonna be that interested in you to wanna talk like that.

We are incels, social pariahs, outcasts. Am I really supposed to believe that his family immediately wanted to be buddy buddies with you online for no apparent reason and tell you all that shit? Might happen for Chad but certainly it us.
@To koniec @KillNiggers
I was friends with zero though and I knew what he looked like, his name and other stuff I think he knew he was gonna die and didn’t care anymore
I was friends with zero though and I knew what he looked like, his name and other stuff I think he knew he was gonna die and didn’t care anymore
[IMG alt="kcarrots"]https://data.incels.is/avatars/m/72/72377.jpg?1739647214[/IMG]


Discord, misterbigcarrot
Joined Jan 6, 2025
Last seen 3 minutes ago · Viewing thread @zerozerozero confirmed dead
[IMG alt="kcarrots"]https://data.incels.is/avatars/m/72/72377.jpg?1739647214[/IMG]


Discord, misterbigcarrot
Joined Jan 6, 2025
Last seen 3 minutes ago · Viewing thread @zerozerozero confirmed dead
I added him on discord after he was talking about suicide wanted to see if he was alright but I do agree i look suspicious
I added him on discord after he was talking about suicide wanted to see if he was alright but I do agree i look suspicious
I believe that much. He told me on discord he was gonna kill himself in the next few months. But there’s no way he told you his real name
Incels lives may not matter to fags and foids, but they matter TO ME

I wish blackpilled incels could be like prison Muslims and look out for each other to that extent. Though I suppose it’s hard to do that when the only thing that binds us all is a common form of suffering
I hope this is all fake and no incel killed himself.
I wish that's true. Being a khv with shitty wage job, roping thoughts come to mind one day or other.
I would suggest that suicide threads be punished, that should not be encouraged here under any circumstances. This should be dealt with in a similar way to those who sneak in here and want to manipulate users into becoming fags/trannys.
It can't be right that 20-year-olds are throwing their lives away unless they are terminally ill and in terrible pain every day.
i have no words how stupid you are...


Rest in Heaven man...
remember, the troons out there want you to do this to yourself. Better to live just to spite your enemies
It's worth living if you can get NEETbux or if you have a high iq and make a lot of money. Life is trash for us incels that have shitty lives outside of inceldom.

I'm sick of waking up at 4am every day to wage slave in a factory for minimum wage just to come home and sleep in an empty bed.
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He has ascended to the great forum in the sky and gets 6 million white virgin foids. RIP.
Der hat seinen Überlebens Instinkt überwunden und sich einfach ausgeknipst . Basiert aber tragisch " während wir Tag ein Tag aus gecuckt werden . Wäre diese Welt nicht so Gynokrarisch und gegen " den Durchschnitts Man , währe der Typ bestimmt noch hier.

Gut das wir nicht arbeiten müssen . Ein Untermensch und Arschkriecher zu sein in so einer Zeit , da gehste kaputt alter .

@Friezacel @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Gott _mit _uns94 @Ecstasy
That's Lot of germancels
That's horrible news. may he have more mercy in the afterlife than this cruel world. :feelsbadman:

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