Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

@zerozerozero confirmed dead

always feels eerie to me knowing that someone who use to roam here and possibly spoke to me has passed away. Hope he is in a better place now
I didn't even believe he was going to do it until he went quiet on Friday. Even then I still had some doubts since I thought he was just trying to leave the forums for good. There's been so many fake suicide threads over the years. The boy who cried wolf effect. I was I could have convinced him not to do it since suicide achieves nothing & just gives femoids & normies a victory.
I think some lie just cuz they ascended but they don’t wanna admit it so they lie and say shit like that

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFVFaYN77Lo

Pouring one out 4200829989
Can’t believe this is real
Everyone who calls in "wellness checks" deserves to die the most gruesome death, you fucktard. Legit one of the reasons I could kill myself - being sodomised by militarised police. Fuck the guy who did it. Hopefully @zerozerozero succeeded in his suicide and wasn't raped in the anus / beaten to a pulp by sex-having Christian thugs.
Well so far in this thread, we have seen a couple of users convince themselves that something must be untrue, based mainly on feelz.

@light statements might be true, or they might not. I'm not convinced they're a fabrication tbh.

And zero's sui note thread rang true to me.
Another innocent soul has fallen.

May you rest in peace and slay those 72 virgins up in Incelhalla brother
Real. RIP, @zerozerozero.

It's terrible when one of us ropes out of despair. We should be encouraging and uplifting each other here whenever possible. I'd hate to think any of my femdom comments pushed him further into despair and alienation. :feelsbadman:
Real. RIP, @zerozerozero.

It's terrible when one of us ropes out of despair. We should be encouraging and uplifting each other here whenever possible. I'd hate to think any of my femdom comments pushed him further into despair and alienation. :feelsbadman:
Are you an anti-femdom fag? Because I'm solely into femdom, and I hate how I had to censor myself during those brief interactions I had (people on Discord called me "poofter").
Are you an anti-femdom fag? Because I'm solely into femdom, and I hate how I had to censor myself during those brief interactions I had (people on Discord called me "poofter").
You're pro-femdom and calling others a fag? JFL

Anyway, don't take a shit in this thread here. Have some respect for a fallen brocel. If you want to loosen the hinges and talk about how much you love getting stepped on by a muscular woman or some other faggy shit, make another thread.
Overdosing on sodium nitrite is not a pleasant way to go from what I’ve heard. It gives you a really bad headache, makes your heart beat really fast, gives you shortness of breath…
SN is still the best and most accessible way. Better than trying to knife yourself. Not everyone has rope or knows where to tie it. Let alone tall buildings or trains.

And yes, I'm speaking of myself. Sounds trash, but foids do it, so can I.
Not even the bottom of the first page has people accusing OP of faking the funk. Guys, how old are we? We all know different fonts can be configured to look certain ways on OS. Give him the benefit of a doubt.
Fucking brutal Rip @zerozerozero
One of zerozerozero's friends he used to videocall with and who knew his full name and location added me on discord and sent me this. Theyre the one who called the cops on him
Those who know:
Not even the bottom of the first page has people accusing OP of faking the funk. Guys, how old are we? We all know different fonts can be configured to look certain ways on OS. Give him the benefit of a doubt.
It's notoriously difficult to ascertain the deaths of online people. Blogger Evropa Soberana disappeared, probably died of old age. The Japanese girl who messaged me in 2023 seemed to have died in Feb 2024, only to reappear in Jan 2025 (maybe she was never Japanese or a girl). The only way is livestreaming a voice call.

But on the other hand, people who call it all fake are gay - they probably can't imagine suicide at all, but it happens. Why wouldn't it? Life is pointless, and often times it's worse than pointless, it sucks. What argument for life even are there? That you get rich and go to Thailand? That a nuclear war happens and you see normies die? Or that AGI singularity gives us AI waifus?

These copes even sound delusional. Face it, some can make their existence borderline bearable, but others might not. It's only natural to catch a glimpse of those who choose to man up and end it. Screaming "fake" is so normie... Even if this particular case is fake, what does it change anything? We know that incel suicide is real. Only foids consider inceldom an insufficient reason for suicide.
Are you an anti-femdom fag? Because I'm solely into femdom, and I hate how I had to censor myself during those brief interactions I had (people on Discord called me "poofter").
That a nuclear war happens and you see normies die?
Sheeeesh, I hope that does happen. Watching TND this century would be the ultimate life fuel.
As a Mormon, I just prayed him into heaven.
It should have been you instead, normie
Because I cared about his soul? Or the souls of those who do such things?
Only ungodly people can speak so hatefully. Unfortunately, this forum consists mostly of kids (around 20 years old). I'm approaching 40 and now look at many things in a more differentiated way.
Brutal if true
Because I cared about his soul? Or the souls of those who do such things?
Only ungodly people can speak so hatefully. Unfortunately, this forum consists mostly of kids (around 20 years old). I'm approaching 40 and now look at many things in a more differentiated way.
prost, darauf erstmal nen Korn
wonder how his mother who kept threatening to kick him out feels now.
Can you PLEASE stop making this thread about you? Thanks.
Lots of users made this thread about themselves. If he actually killed himself without a doubt, it doesn't matter if some chat messages are edited or some other shit. Just leave it be.
I didn't even believe he was going to do it until he went quiet on Friday. Even then I still had some doubts since I thought he was just trying to leave the forums for good. There's been so many fake suicide threads over the years. The boy who cried wolf effect. I was I could have convinced him not to do it since suicide achieves nothing & just gives femoids & normies a victory.
better to go wasian asperger way in fortnite
inceldom is no joke F. i hope he found peace where he is now.
Der hat seinen Überlebens Instinkt überwunden und sich einfach ausgeknipst . Basiert aber tragisch " während wir Tag ein Tag aus gecuckt werden . Wäre diese Welt nicht so Gynokrarisch und gegen " den Durchschnitts Man , währe der Typ bestimmt noch hier.

Gut das wir nicht arbeiten müssen . Ein Untermensch und Arschkriecher zu sein in so einer Zeit , da gehste kaputt alter .

@Friezacel @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Gott _mit _uns94 @Ecstasy
Sorry leute schau hier nur alle paar monate rein wenn ich dicht bin. Um wen gehts?
Can we move this thread to ID as it brings more attention to all users and can we have one final virtual funeral for our fallen soldier @Fat Link @proudweeb @PPEcel ?
Can we move this thread to ID as it brings more attention to all users and can we have one final virtual funeral for our fallen soldier @Fat Link @proudweeb @PPEcel ?
Like one final post
truly saddening
May he finally rest in peace, it’s sad knowing we lost another brocel, but we must keeping fighting for him
Yet more blood on the hands of society...

How can anyone say "Inceldom won't kill you" after seeing this?
fuck this world and society we live in. The best of best humans being tortured everyday simply for the way they look
it's always the good people that die young. RIP @zerozerozero
May he rest in peace and in the love of our Sweet Lord Jesus who has called him Home.

@zerozerozero made a reply or two too my posts that were always kind despite his troubles. You will be missed.

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