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You’re elected Homecoming King



Voidcel: Friendless Truecel
Jan 13, 2018
BUT it was done as a joke and you’re not getting so much as a dance from the Homecoming Queen. You get people to pretend they’re your friends, to pose with cute girls, and are recognized in the yearbook as Homecoming King. Would you accept?
No. Just pull a Carrie if that happens. That'll teach them.
No. Just pull a Carrie if that happens. That'll teach them.
You mean cover the queen in pigs blood or the brutally murder everyone with your psychic powers part?
You mean cover the queen in pigs blood or the brutally murder everyome with your psychic powers part?

Yes, yes, that's exactly what I mean.
There are bettER ways to celebrate being elected.
So both?
Man if you have psychic powers why aren't you using those to get laid
Please don't kill me with your powers though.
I wouldn't. In fact, considering you're a wizard, I think you may have some powers you haven't tapped into yet. You're a wizard, lvl32wizard.
In high school I might have reluctantly accepted. I still had confidence back then that if I acted like a "nice person," maintained a sense of humor, tried to play off bullying like it wasn't a big deal, maybe some femoid would find me attractive. Just take things in stride, be cool, someone will eventually see my better qualities inside, right?

Right guys? Eventually it will happen, right?
I wouldn't. In fact, considering you're a wizard, I think you may have some powers you haven't tapped into yet. You're a wizard, lvl32wizard.
I mean i cant say ive never tried brutally murdering people with my mind but so far sadly no exploding heads yet, I'll keep trying
I mean i cant say ive never tried brutally murdering people with my mind but so far sadly no exploding heads yet, I'll keep trying
Practice makes perfect boyo!!
maintained a sense of humor
Yeah, this doesn't work. Being funny doesn't get you any fems attracted to you. I was the classclown and nobody was ever interested in me romantically. They only liked me platonically, but that's it.
I would go ER if that happened
Yeah, this doesn't work. Being funny doesn't get you any fems attracted to you. I was the classclown and nobody was ever interested in me romantically. They only liked me platonically, but that's it.
Being funny attracts plenty of femoids to you... if you're attractive enough to gain femoid attention to start with. If not, you are at best a jester or some kind of object or animal to be laughed at.
Nope social anxiety kicking in
Being funny attracts plenty of femoids to you... if you're attractive enough to gain femoid attention to start with. If not, you are at best a jester or some kind of object or animal to be laughed at.
Anything Chad says can be perceived by females as "humorous"
Being funny attracts plenty of femoids to you... if you're attractive enough to gain femoid attention to start with. If not, you are at best a jester or some kind of object or animal to be laughed at.
Well, I'm 2/10 in looks, so being attractive at all goes right out the window, giga kek. I was, and I can definitely assure you this, not laughed at. They would always laugh with me. I was one of the few ethnic guys in school, so maybe that contributed to it as well.
If you're attractive everything you say is funny according to stacy anyway.
Being funny attracts plenty of femoids to you... if you're attractive enough to gain femoid attention to start with. If not, you are at best a jester or some kind of object or animal to be laughed at.

This describes the guy that inspired this thread, he’s a jester in real life and online. If he was anything close to a sympathetic character, I’d kinda feel bad for him.
Well, I'm 2/10 in looks, so being attractive at all goes right out the window, giga kek. I was, and I can definitely assure you this, not laughed at. They would always laugh with me. I was one of the few ethnic guys in school, so maybe that contributed to it as well.
I tried very hard, but I am definitely autistic, and so I know some of the time they were laughing at me. Sometimes it was with me, though.

It never mattered, though. Having a good sense of humor might make the difference if you are at least attractive enough to "compete" with other men the roastie finds attractive (Chad, mostly) but some of us don't even register as sexual or romantic entities. No amount of being funny is going to convince a woman to be romantically interested in you if you are genetic garbage.
We don’t have any of this BS in the UK thankfully

I’m sure my class wanted to elect me as a joke but they knew I’d never show up. There was a guy that CRAVED females merely talking to him and he was a fat blackcel with mental impairments. EVERYONE goaded him on until he followed a girl in the bathroom. He ended up getting the title of King but a few girls did dance with him and his mother thought he was accepted by the class.
i would not let them humilate me like that. now if i got a danse...
jfl at even going to the prom as a sub 5 autistic ogre.
i would not let them humilate me like that. now if i got a danse...

Don’t...no....stay strong. Dance for you, dick from Chad.
In high school I might have reluctantly accepted. I still had confidence back then that if I acted like a "nice person," maintained a sense of humor, tried to play off bullying like it wasn't a big deal, maybe some femoid would find me attractive. Just take things in stride, be cool, someone will eventually see my better qualities inside, right?

Right guys? Eventually it will happen, right?

Had you even took your daily showers?
Well, he thought he had built cache as a wrestler.
Was refering to my self here. Wrastling is gay, i was good at boxing and jewdo and did a bit of powerlifting in my highschool years.
I am a 28 kv now.
Had you even took your daily showers?
I think by that point I may not have been putting in maximum effort. Probably wasn't showering every day, my hygiene in high school wasn't perfect. I did, of course, improve it later after things grew more desperate. It never made a difference.
Was refering to my self here. Wrastling is gay, i was good at boxing and jewdo and did a bit of powerlifting in my highschool years.
I am a 28 kv now.

Yeah, I know but that description most DEFINITELY applies to the guy in question. Sports are no remedy for inceldom barring being a top offensive player in football (QB, WR, maybe RB). In college, it seems to be basketball and football stars that get the girls despite looks.
lets be real here, would such a scenario even happen anyway?
lets be real here, would such a scenario even happen anyway?

Most of us are merely ugly so no. It has to be notable ugliness and/or weirdness to get voted Homecoming King.
I think by that point I may not have been putting in maximum effort. Probably wasn't showering every day, my hygiene in high school wasn't perfect. I did, of course, improve it later after things grew more desperate. It never made a difference.

Its just a lame running gag.
I tried very hard, but I am definitely autistic, and so I know some of the time they were laughing at me. Sometimes it was with me, though.

It never mattered, though. Having a good sense of humor might make the difference if you are at least attractive enough to "compete" with other men the roastie finds attractive (Chad, mostly) but some of us don't even register as sexual or romantic entities. No amount of being funny is going to convince a woman to be romantically interested in you if you are genetic garbage.
Right. That's the substantial difference between us. I am not autistic. Yeah, you're right. Except I'm not genetic garbage. I just managed to get into two unfortunate accidents which in turn have resulted in a facial deformity.
My he senior year homecoming was cruel. Chads and Stacie’s decided to nominate two male straight incels as king AND QUEEN. Luckily I wasn’t one of them... went they went up to be coronated, you could tell they felt it was OVER.
My he senior year homecoming was cruel. Chads and Stacie’s decided to nominate two male straight incels as king AND QUEEN. Luckily I wasn’t one of them... went they went up to be coronated, you could tell they felt it was OVER.

What they probably considered afterwards:

no, I'd probably never show up at school again if this happened

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