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Blackpill Life as a sub-5 is a humiliation ritual



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Aug 18, 2023
You’re expected to do everything for foids and normies otherwise they will reject humiliate and outcast you. Nobody takes sub-5s seriously. They’re seen as pawns that normies can use to use and abuse. When a sub-5 fights back he’s publicly humiliated.

Nobody will take a sub 5 seriously normies will always come up with a new ways to fuck with you mentally.

You’re expected to do a 1000 different things for 0 returns. Life as a sub-5 is a scam. Sub-5s are expected to be NT self hating jesters that normies can point and laugh at. Everybody thinks sub-5s are jokers. They will never experience the genuine lust and the love of a foid.

When you try to rope and normfucks fuck up your attempt you’re locked up against your will and they will shove jewpills down your throat that will make you an empty shell of a person. So you have to be really careful if you’re serious about roping.
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Psychiatry was never meant to help incels it was only made to sedate and pacify them and turn them into neutered castrated passive cucks.


As a sub-5 you’re truly alone even so called “mental health” institutions will work against your best interest and even ruin your life. The “help” and “therapy” also wants to make you a passive cuck that they can control. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere to run without people fucking us over. Trust no one. Stay paranoid stay schizo.

If you agree to live as a sub-5 you agree to be used and abused, you agree to miss out on teen love, you agree to let society overwork you while you get the bare minimum and you agree to be a jester to foids and normies whether you want it or not…
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Only socially. Sometimes we also choose to get humilliated when we exposed and jestermaxx among normfags.
Only socially. Sometimes we also choose to get humilliated when we exposed and jestermaxx among normfags.
Chads can just exist and they’ll be seen as funny
You’re expected to do everything for foids and normies otherwise they will reject humiliate and outcast you. Nobody takes sub-5s seriously. They’re seen as pawns that normies can use to use and abuse. When a sub-5 fights back he’s publicly humiliated.

You’re expected to do a 1000 different things for 0 returns. Life as a sub-5 is a scam. Sub-5s are expected to be NT self hating jesters that normies can point and laugh at. Everybody thinks sub-5s are jokers. They will never experience the genuine lust and the love of a foid.

When you try to rope and normfucks fuck up your attempt you’re locked up against your will and they will shove jewpills down your throat that will make you an empty shell of a person. So you have to be really careful if you’re serious about roping.
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Psychiatry was never meant to help incels it was only made to sedate and pacify them and turn them into neutered castrated passive cucks.

View attachment 1173829
As a sub-5 you’re truly alone even so called “mental health” institutions will work against your best interest and even ruin your life. The “help” and “therapy” also wants to make you a passive cuck that they can control. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere to run without people fucking us over. Trust no one. Stay paranoid stay schizo.
High IQ take, there is no winning as autist, there is no winning as Sub5, even if you are high status NT arch billionarie you will be always fucked over in a way, shape or form.
High IQ take, there is no winning as autist, there is no winning as Sub5, even if you are high status NT arch billionarie you will be always fucked over in a way, shape or form.
Life as a man in general is an elaborate humiliation ritual but it applies 100x harder to sub-5s
Being a court jester is the fate of subhuman.
If you will try to resist your place in the hierarchy you will be bullied to death.
Being a court jester is the fate of subhuman.
If you will try to resist your place in the hierarchy you will be bullied to death.
Mark zuckerberg is non NT as fuck and also sub-5 despite his jew statusmaxxing moneymaxxing skills normies joke about him all the time
High IQ take, there is no winning as autist, there is no winning as Sub5, even if you are high status NT arch billionarie you will be always fucked over in a way, shape or form.
Even in a psych ward psycho sadistic foid bitch nurses make fun of sub-5 autists and non NT niggas. There’s nowhere to run bro. 99% of people hate us by default
Even in a psych ward psycho sadistic foid bitch nurses make fun of sub-5 autists and non NT niggas. There’s nowhere to run bro. 99% of people hate us by default
Geckobus was right about foids
Modern psychology is a meme that can only exist in the context of neoliberal capitalism where you need to take drugs and lie to yourself so you can continue working for your boss instead of killing yourself or actually making a change in society.
They were never meant to help you they were only meant to get you to become another BARELY functional cog in the fucked up system called soyciety and that means doing the bare minimum and dehumanising niggas by making them drugged up retards.

There’s a good reason these drugs make you retarded it’s so that you become easy to control and can’t smart your way out of the system they imprison you in.

Psych meds have never truly helped anyone it just gave an illusion of it. It just makes niggas retarded with zero thoughts or emotions and memory loss + chemical castration.

It just makes niggas numb robots. Perfect for making wageslaving workERs to carry big cooperations profits no matter the corrupt shit they do behind the scenes
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Even in a psych ward psycho sadistic foid bitch nurses make fun of sub-5 autists and non NT niggas. There’s nowhere to run bro. 99% of people hate us by default
never leave your basements
never leave your basements
Truth but even in our basements they still come after us like what happened to that 60 year old Slav trucel. They just have to say we’re a pedo or some bullshit and they’ll get away with killing us
Just like lobotomies are now seen as medical malpractice today with the benefit of hindsight, if the world was a just place things like HRT and psychiatry will be viewed the same way with derision and disgust in the far future.
if the world was a just place things like HRT and psychiatry will be viewed the same way with derision and disgust in the far future.
Psych drugs are essentially just lobotomies but in chemical form it doesn’t help mental health BS is a joke these days we’re still in the dark ages.

People don’t speak out against psychiatry and their shit drugs because people see psychiatry and their shitty institutions as an easy way to get rid of people who are nuisances. Nobody gives a shit these days
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Psych drugs are essentially just lobotomies but in chemical form it doesn’t help mental health BS is a joke these days we’re still in the dark ages.

People don’t speak out against psychiatry and their shit drugs because people see psychiatry and their shitty institutions as an easy way to get rid of people who are nuisances. Nobody gives a shit these days
The more things, the more they stay the same. Same as back then and now, the people in charge are driven by the same selfish desires and greed to keep the soyciety they inhabit stable in order to safeguard the status quo they benefit from at the expense of everyone else they marginalize and nobody gives a crap about.
Jestermaxxing is the most cucked thing you can do. Remember they're laughing at you, not with you
Most women in my life (pretty non existent and am literally just referring to one toilet, after goin to an international uni, and after one year a half, she talked to me) used me for homework help, where i basically helped her do her whole homework and put her in my group assignment where we (I) GOT AN A. I AM PLANNING ON KILLING HER (JOKE I PROMISE).
Most women in my life (pretty non existent and am literally just referring to one toilet, after goin to an international uni, and after one year a half, she talked to me) used me for homework help, where i basically helped her do her whole homework
I wish I didn’t do this. I was such a retard. They were fake flirting with me just so I could do their bullshit work :lul: and then afterwards they would just ignore me.
I asked out the ugly girl who was fake flirting and I got rejected hard as fuck. I felt the same
Let me see her in the night alone and when there is nobody and am wearing a mask and lets see how nice will i be, or when i know where she lives and sneak in and start beating the living shit out of her.(in chess)
Let me see her in the night alone and when there is nobody and am wearing a mask and lets see how nice will i be, or when i know where she lives and sneak in and start beating the living shit out of her.(in chess)
If you were in Germany you would probably get community service for that and not prison :feelskek: they love sands
If you were in Germany you would probably get community service for that and not prison :feelskek: they love sands
Thats why i love and hate Europe, for one thing i can inflict the most damage on these dirty modern feminists whores and get a slap on the hand, and those whores wont even report me since it would be racist and on the other hand I hate how it treats my fellow European incels and their struggles with a gay government that hates them.
Thats why i love and hate Europe, for one thing i can inflict the most damage on these dirty modern feminists whores and get a slap on the hand, and those whores wont even report me since it would be racist and on the other hand I hate how it treats my fellow European incels and their struggles with a gay government that hates them.
Holy based
This is why we have to be vigilant, and find quiet ways to fuck society over.
Most women in my life (pretty non existent and am literally just referring to one toilet, after goin to an international uni, and after one year a half, she talked to me) used me for homework help, where i basically helped her do her whole homework and put her in my group assignment where we (I) GOT AN A. I AM PLANNING ON KILLING HER (JOKE I PROMISE).
It's butal when you talk to a girl as an infatuated emotional youngster full of hope and love and it means the world for you but she has that interesting and glorious life full of events and attention that makes you less important for her than a dog crap on the sidewalk. It brings back memories :cryfeels: i think i can't come back from those L's. But many zoomers nowadays are probably not even good enough to be orbiters. Maybe it's for the better and saves them from the pain.
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are you saying i should kill myself as an act of rebellion
You’re expected to do everything for foids and normies otherwise they will reject humiliate and outcast you. Nobody takes sub-5s seriously. They’re seen as pawns that normies can use to use and abuse. When a sub-5 fights back he’s publicly humiliated.

Nobody will take a sub 5 seriously normies will always come up with a new ways to fuck with you mentally.

You’re expected to do a 1000 different things for 0 returns. Life as a sub-5 is a scam. Sub-5s are expected to be NT self hating jesters that normies can point and laugh at. Everybody thinks sub-5s are jokers. They will never experience the genuine lust and the love of a foid.

When you try to rope and normfucks fuck up your attempt you’re locked up against your will and they will shove jewpills down your throat that will make you an empty shell of a person. So you have to be really careful if you’re serious about roping.
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View attachment 1173827
Psychiatry was never meant to help incels it was only made to sedate and pacify them and turn them into neutered castrated passive cucks.

View attachment 1173829
As a sub-5 you’re truly alone even so called “mental health” institutions will work against your best interest and even ruin your life. The “help” and “therapy” also wants to make you a passive cuck that they can control. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere to run without people fucking us over. Trust no one. Stay paranoid stay schizo.

If you agree to live as a sub-5 you agree to be used and abused, you agree to miss out on teen love, you agree to let society overwork you while you get the bare minimum and you agree to be a jester to foids and normies whether you want it or not…
Title reminds me of Synthetic Man videos
are you saying i should kill myself as an act of rebellion
No find copes in this life while you still can. If everything fails then you can kill yourself. I’m not gonna do it over foids. I’ll do it when everything fucks up.
You’re expected to do everything for foids and normies otherwise they will reject humiliate and outcast you. Nobody takes sub-5s seriously. They’re seen as pawns that normies can use to use and abuse. When a sub-5 fights back he’s publicly humiliated.

Nobody will take a sub 5 seriously normies will always come up with a new ways to fuck with you mentally.

You’re expected to do a 1000 different things for 0 returns. Life as a sub-5 is a scam. Sub-5s are expected to be NT self hating jesters that normies can point and laugh at. Everybody thinks sub-5s are jokers. They will never experience the genuine lust and the love of a foid.

When you try to rope and normfucks fuck up your attempt you’re locked up against your will and they will shove jewpills down your throat that will make you an empty shell of a person. So you have to be really careful if you’re serious about roping.
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View attachment 1173826
View attachment 1173827
Psychiatry was never meant to help incels it was only made to sedate and pacify them and turn them into neutered castrated passive cucks.

View attachment 1173829
As a sub-5 you’re truly alone even so called “mental health” institutions will work against your best interest and even ruin your life. The “help” and “therapy” also wants to make you a passive cuck that they can control. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere to run without people fucking us over. Trust no one. Stay paranoid stay schizo.

If you agree to live as a sub-5 you agree to be used and abused, you agree to miss out on teen love, you agree to let society overwork you while you get the bare minimum and you agree to be a jester to foids and normies whether you want it or not…
It's not just a scam but also a curse on being sub 5

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