everyone with the same values and culture can live together regardless of race
Not true, look at Latam
. western countries just do a terrible job at assimilation and selecting which immigrants since it's individualistic. countries like the UAE (and yes non-white countries receive a lot of immigrants too contrary to the self-victimizers here)
>Claims we self-victimize
>Goes on about colonialism which my lineage had nothing to do with.
And yes, I am aware other countries receive immigrants, but this is because we're talking about what impacts us: However, it is an issue for Japan as well & many others.
The UAE also is an awful country when it comes to treatment of workers, and is a literal Capitalists wet-dream.
What people don't know, is that many communities there actually do live quite separated. And also, we do our best to try & assimilate others, even accommodating them at various times.
Also, just why are you so opposed to ethnonationalism, especially White Ethnonat? I just don't get why ethics here make it such a big deal, and despite me trying to be reasonable I find a lot of their attitudes very disingenuous over it.
do a better job at assimilating
because they're different. if only your kind experienced real colonialism
Seriously, don't be disingenuous now
Ireland? Come on
you would be a lot more panicked than just seeing an influx of poor brown savages.
Your point? And I never said all browns were savages, I just dont' think they belong
You're following the typical leftist attitude of putting words in others mouth to push your narrative
which is bad too but these people aren't even in a position of power
more of your money is going to the military than to random joses on welfare.
Both are a drain
welfare in USA is pretty weak or nearly nonexistent anyways
Not always the case, food stamps are a big issue
I was mainly referring to the ones that support a unity or ally with the white race of some sort
Well, as per tons of stats & studies I've shown -which I've yet to see anything like from you- White areas are better generally.
I also don't have pride, but I do admire historical achievements made which improved human conditions.
hardly anyone native white supports or cares about it anymore.
Not an argument, and I'm sick of hearing it
I could say the same back about Communism, I'm sure half of Europe would love to be under that again.
culture evolves and modern white culture is secular liberalism
Which is an issue, mainly the Liberal part
this isn't the result of jewish brainwashing, this is just what your race evolved to adapt to as a result of development and wealth
It's part of it
And also, it shows that my race is capable of progress and development, aka the industrial revolution.
I do agree, wealth is part of the reason for this & decadence. However, it is disingenuous & reductive to deny that Jews have played a hand in how culture has become. They promote the societal ills which come with development as wealth, whilst also taking advantage of it.
1957-1965 seems like an outdated timeframe. civil rights just barely existed then. are there modern stats that prove this? I would be impressed since it actually adjusts for economic status
Did you even read it? They were born then, and during the 1980s were in their mid-late 20s when they had that cash