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Blackpill Your opinion on Hitler



Jan 13, 2021
Was he based or cringe?

Adolf hitler color by ral9010ns de6h8tf fullview

I think that he managed to make one of the biggest and most advanced nations on earth (also strongest militarily) his bitch is based as fuck. :feelshaha:

Not the gay democracy crap that is for 4 years like in America, I mean a REAL BITCH. Absolute total, unlimited power. More power than a fucking king.

Also he conquered all of Europe and almost the world and he is arguably the most popular leader in history (his people died for him voluntarily, he didn't force them). And he achieved all that just with the power of his CHARISMA and WILL. It doesn't get more based than that. He also BTFO Christianity, jews, gays, trannies, niggers and countless other groups and he made retarded Chads fight each other to the death while he watched and drank tea. :feelskek:

He also created an entire political ideology from scratch. He is the closest thing to an Nietzschean Übermensch anyone ever got.

But yeah obviously he did also mistakes.


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I wonder what my life would be like in a world where the man in the high castle would be a reality
Being ethnically german, I would at least be able to live and prosper
Beyond based, we need more people like him in the world tbh.
The vast majority of men did not die FOR adolf hitler. They died for Germany, or simply fulfilling their duty(a concept foreign to many these days). Hitler would not go far without having financial support of rich women(he had sugar mommies) and industrial magnates supporting him(seeking profits war time economy).
Was he based or cringe?

View attachment 469784

I think that he managed to make one of the biggest and most advanced nations on earth (also strongest militarily) his bitch is based as fuck. :feelshaha:

Not the gay democracy crap that is for 4 years like in America, I mean a REAL BITCH. Absolute total, unlimited power. More power than a fucking king.

Also he conquered all of Europe and almost the world and he is arguably the most popular leader in history (his people died for him voluntarily, he didn't force them). And he achieved all that just with the power of his CHARISMA and WILL. It doesn't get more based than that. He also BTFO Christianity, jews, gays, trannies, niggers and countless other groups and he made retarded Chads fight each other to the death while he watched and drank tea. :feelskek:

He also created an entire political ideology from scratch. He is the closest thing to an Nietzschean Übermensch anyone ever got.

But yeah obviously he did also mistakes.
I think both. I have heard shit about this motherfucker, it was stated that he once drank a fucking piss from a fucking bitch whom he had sex with. I forgot about the whole context of it but this is just what I have remembered. I suddenly lost some respect for this guy because he was actually sissified from women. Anyways here are articles about his fetishes.




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Being an incel and cheering for Hitler, is a bit like being a turkey and voting for an early thanksgiving.

I don't think he was a fan of genetic trash...
The vast majority of men did not die FOR adolf hitler. They died for Germany, or simply fulfilling their duty(a concept foreign to many these days).
In fact they did, retard. Read it yourself.


But the brilliance is that it doesn't make a difference. If the war was won, Hitler would have been the biggest conqueror in history and a legendary figure. They died for Germany AND for Hitlers prestige.
Hitler was a failure
Just like his supporters
"Just read the propaganda bro"


This ricecel had a bigger cult of personality than hitler did :feelsYall:

Also: Hitler had bad strategic and, most importantly, logistic sense. He is the reason Germany ended up losing the war. The early swift conquests were because of two things:
a) international cucks trying to pacify german expansionism.
b) Wehrmacht generals adapting a new style of warfare, alongside a culture of personal initiative from commanders at the front.
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Speer was drowning in pussy.
Also got off easy because bullshit talked the judges. He is a prime example of Machivellian Chad.
"Just read the propaganda bro"

View attachment 469813

This ricecel had a bigger cult of personality than hitler did :feelsYall:
Doesn't count, because for ricecels personality cults are the most normal thing in the world.

Now when you manage to convince whites that you are important shit and a genius, that's something fucking else. (Obviously I'm not talking about today, since whites degraded a lot, but back then they were the lords of the earth)
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Doesn't count, because for ricecels personality cults are the most normal thing in the world.

Now when you manage to convince whites that you are important shit and a genius, that's something fucking else. (Obviously I'm not talking about today, since whites degraded a lot, but back then they were the lords of the earth)
The convincing was easy mainly due to economical factors. When you are jobless and barely scraping by for your family, you are already much more receptive of certain ideologies. But you are correct: traditionalism played big part in what the Japanese people were receptive of.

Nowadays we live in a world devoid of ideology. We drift aimlessly from one dopamine burn to the next.
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The sheer number of Chads that perished fighting for him is impressive tho, plus I get to watch documentaries about his army and him when I am bored so a nice entertaining part of history, plus bankrupted brit empire and rose the numbers of trained veterans disproportionately high so they had to ultimately leave as a consequence, so good overall
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The sheer number of Chads who perished fighting for him is impressive tho, plus I get to watch documentaries about his army and him when I am bored so a nice entertaining part of history overall
wish Indians had some based nigga like Hitler. cuck ghandi could've freed us in 1914. dumb faggot homo. Nehru and Ali Khan mog cuck Ghandi hard same with the Nazi collaborator curry, forgot his name.
wish Indians had some based nigga like Hitler. cuck ghandi could've freed us in 1914. dumb faggot homo. Nehru and Ali Khan mog cuck Ghandi hard same with the Nazi collaborator curry, forgot his name.
Hitler had a fully industrialised economy and country at his disposal, India on the other hand was a pre industrial dumpyard of low quality british mass produced shitty products which they sold at a disproportionately high price so there's no comparison, cuck Gandhi and socialist demagogues like Nehru wished it remained that way cos dumbos didn't understand simple economics and were Oxford educated lawyers, what a shitty piece of education to have for the money spent:feelshaha:
Hitler had a fully industrialised economy and country at his disposal, India on the other hand was a pre industrial dumpyard of low quality british mass produced shitty products which they sold at a disproportionately high price so there's no comparison, cuck Gandhi and socialist demagogues like Nehru wished it remained that way cos dumbos didn't understand simple economics and were Oxford educated lawyers, what a shitty piece of education to have for the money spent:feelshaha:
India has been probably fucked economically due to those niggers legacy for decades. Economic growth delayed.

wish this nigga would have freed India and led it to a golden age, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subhas_Chandra_Bose
NVM nigga also was cucked tho not as much as Ghandi or nehru
India has been probably fucked economically due to those niggers legacy for decades. Economic growth delayed.

wish this nigga would have freed India and led it to a golden age, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subhas_Chandra_Bose
Pakistan on the other hand began industrialization on the agricultural excesses of East Pakistan and like every time with industrialization it lead to social strife and a civil war. Industrialisation always leads to social strife and a destruction of societal values, loss of culture and family if done and in extremely rapid industrialization it leads to famines like the Holodomor in Ukraine and Bengal famine of 1942.
Pakistan on the other hand began industrialization on the agricultural excesses of East Pakistan and like every time with industrialization it lead to social strife and a civil war. Industrialisation always leads to social strife and a destruction of societal values, loss of culture and family if done and in extremely rapid industrialization it leads to famines like the Holodomor in Ukraine and Bengal famine of 1942.
Industrialization sadly is a necessary evil for a civilization to progress and many lives have to be sacrificed. Sadly us curries weren't willing to pay the toll for success unlike our Chinese counter parts.
and ofc curries are far more divided than Chinese ever were
Industrialization sadly is a necessary evil for a civilization to progress and many lives have to be sacrificed. Sadly us curries weren't willing to pay the toll for success unlike our Chinese counter parts.
and ofc curries are far more divided than Chinese ever were
Industrialization can never happen in a democracy with universal suffrage, a modern democracy with universal suffrage is essentially a weak state and would collapse under the pressure of that enormous social strife, Pakis only failed cos they're separated by thousands of kilometers and the resources from east Pakistan were used to industrialize west Pakistan
Industrialization can never happen in a democracy with universal suffrage, a modern democracy with universal suffrage is essentially a weak state and would collapse under the pressure of that enormous social strife
yup all the succesful Asian countries were once dictatorships for decades before becoming democratic. India and Pakistan failed in this regard. Bangladesh rn is making progress rn due to its pseduo one party system.

still too little too late
Hitler in heaven watching the world fall apart:
Beyond based, we need more people like him in the world tbh.
I think both. I have heard shit about this motherfucker, it was stated that he once drank a fucking piss from a fucking bitch whom he had sex with. I forgot about the whole context of it but this is just what I have remembered. I suddenly lost some respect for this guy because he was actually sissified from women. Anyways here are articles about his fetishes.




Yeah I'm sure them jewspapers wouldn't lie.
Hitler in heaven watching the world fall apart:

The world lost ww2:
Beyond based, we need more people like him in the world tbh.
man how many times are you guys going to say this?

Joseph Gobbels 5'5, head of propaganda

Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS and weak chin'd

Albert speer, head architect and balding

Rudolf Hess, deputy Fuhrer and brown eyes

View: https://odysee.com/@Slammdcrxx:8/Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-Never-Told-(full-movie):c
Hitler was the last true leader of Europe and the entire world would have been better off had only he and the NS won WWII.
Sex is not an ideology, but I get the pun.
Too ambitious and incoherent
the kids who support him are cringe
We wouldn't be living in this shit if that cuck actually killed the jews.
he was ok but I would have done a better job and won the war. My 500 speedruns in HOI4 confirm this :feelsUgh:
Majority of brocels on this board wouldn't exist if he succeeded, which is a good thing. :feelsokman:
Was he based or cringe?

View attachment 469784

I think that he managed to make one of the biggest and most advanced nations on earth (also strongest militarily) his bitch is based as fuck. :feelshaha:

Not the gay democracy crap that is for 4 years like in America, I mean a REAL BITCH. Absolute total, unlimited power. More power than a fucking king.

Also he conquered all of Europe and almost the world and he is arguably the most popular leader in history (his people died for him voluntarily, he didn't force them). And he achieved all that just with the power of his CHARISMA and WILL. It doesn't get more based than that. He also BTFO Christianity, jews, gays, trannies, niggers and countless other groups and he made retarded Chads fight each other to the death while he watched and drank tea. :feelskek:

He also created an entire political ideology from scratch. He is the closest thing to an Nietzschean Übermensch anyone ever got.

But yeah obviously he did also mistakes.
Very based assessment.
He was based. I'll make a pros and cons list.

  • Hitler brought Germany out of the economic despair that was caused by the Jews/ Allies after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler openly wrote about racial hygiene in "Mein Kampf", just look at how white chads mog all other races.
  • The Nazis urged members of the party to have children, breed as many good-looking children as possible.
  • Handicap people were not allowed to breed, a bit harsh, although their children would be spared from a life of ridicule.
  • Germany was thriving in the 1930's, while the United States was suffering during the Great Depression.
  • Smoking cigarettes was not encouraged for German women, because the Nazis wanted German women to retain their beauty.
  • Hitler was a vegetarian towards the end of his life, and he made it a law that animals be slaughtered in a humane way.
  • Men in the SS were encouraged to pay off their debts, so they would be more respectable.
  • German youth were forced to exercise, being a fat lazy piece of shit was not an option.
  • The Jews who were able to write the history books, following a Jew - Einstein creating the atomic bomb which was dropped on Japanese civilians twice - say that Hitler exterminated somewhere between 6 - 11 million Jews... looking at Hollywood I'd say he missed quite a few.
An underdog, an ugly non-NT male rising from the ghettos of Vienna to the top of one of the world's strongest countries.
He created an ideology (or let's say developed it, he didn't create it from scratch).
He caused one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history in which he seemed to have good chance for at least a partial victory in the beginning.
The greatest villain in human history, his name, his ideology and the movement he created are still feared and despised to this day, even though they've been gone from the mainstream world for more than 75 years now.

In some sense, I respect his achievements as an ugly, non-NT male from a dysfunctional family.

He also made lots of mistakes, he gathered much more enemies he was able to handle, and eventually became a victim of his own delusions of grandeur.
I also cannot relate to the Chad and Stacy worshipping part of his ideology. Incels who admire him and think that they would prosper under his reign are just as delusional as he was in the last years of WWII.
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I also cannot relate to the Chad and Stacy worshipping part of his ideology.
Yeah but don't forget he made these guys fight to the death.

He forced tall, handsome Chads to go to the SS and die in Russia. :feelshaha:

Chads wouldn't have nowhere near the same comfy life in the Reich as today. They wouldn't be allowed any degeneracy and would be forced to become blind fighting machines.
Anti incel.
He would've sent every ethnic, disabled, or mentally ill/non-NT man and woman into the gas chambers if he had his way.

But I respect that he bombed Britain's cities and scared the fuck out of the Jews that they had to create an ethnostate for themselves,
Hopefully, something like this will happen to degenerate America before Globo homo and neoliberalism enslave us, goyim. :feelsLSD:
Iranian Protesters Burning USA Flag
He would've sent every ethnic, disabled, or mentally ill/non-NT man and woman into the gas chambers if he had his way.
The fabricated gas chambers where he gassed 6 million trillion gazillion jews with Zyklon B? :feelskek:
I don't really care about the Jews, the world would have been better off if he was never born

Without him we would have had less stormfront's, less JBW, less racism, less lookism, less hate, and less war, which all sounds like a better world to me
I'm black so fuck him
He really believed and thought he was forging a new destiny for his nation. He had an immense force of will. This cannot be take away from him.

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