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It's Over Young people explaining why they are single is terrifying

The blackpill is honestly mainstream now. Cause of tinder experiment videos among others; anyone who’s not a idiot from inceltears, and has a brain knows that foids are extremely looks focused
Wishful thinking. It is mainstream in the same way incels are. Just gross misrepresentation. The sentiment will always sway between right-wing-christ-cuck red-pill and grifters like tate's red-pill for normie men.
All the men I know have something special, a passion, a perk, something to look for. Foids however, most of them are just trying to cope against their biological clock and pretend they don't want men, don't want kids ...
Foids have no reason to pursue hobbies or self-improvement when they can slap on makeup and get anything they want.
A lot of men would rather slay pussy, travel the world and eat great food without a care in the world instead of having 'hobbies'.

Hobbies are really just a primitive way to reinforce our primate brains that we're actually useful to the tribe, thereby preventing us from killing ourselves because we're now not worthless omg.

Either way in relation to the video most men are single because no woman loves them, most women are single because they want to be.
Foids have no reason to pursue hobbies or self-improvement when they can slap on makeup and get anything they want.
A lot of men would rather slay pussy, travel the world and eat great food without a care in the world instead of having 'hobbies'.

Hobbies are really just a primitive way to reinforce our primate brains that we're actually useful to the tribe, thereby preventing us from killing ourselves because we're now not worthless omg.

Either way in relation to the video most men are single because no woman loves them, most women are single because they want to be.
Because Chad doesn't want them. The whole "I want to be" rhetoric is low quality cope. Foids are hard wired to rely on others, thus why the state is far more helping them than men, soyciety, and also why they "date up" so that they can be taken care of intellectually, physically ,or simply financially by a man. Pretending otherwise is a low IQ feminist trope. And even men who are more independant by nature are rarely true MGTOW. Even if they tend to be more self reliant, less infuenced, more autonomous ... True loners are statistical anomalies.
You should watch it. The contrast between the boys and the girls says everything you need to know about the “real world.”
Incorrect. Women are just the children that weren't beaten enough with a belt as a kid.
The first girl: "With anyone in my life, I have a lot of intention with them"
> prefers short-term relationships
I don't think she understands that investing a lot of feelings and time into someone (and that person most likely /falling for her) comes with consequences.
Or she does know and she's just laughing about it like it's some silly little thing. Like, what?
This is a blackpill goldmine. Thank you for the good find, @SlayerSlayer
DING DING DING, we have an epiphany here good sir! :soy: :soy: :soy:
That’s why I suggested on pinning this and I’m glad you brought it up. Literal clown world.
Meanwhile the men are trying to be introspective and reflect on themselves and their lives, none of the men go "incel mode" like those foids even though alot of foids actually are just shit.
There are millions of "good" normie men out there that they could live happily ever after with but they all chase chad instead.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZasUiPi7Wc

It seems like the ugly guys by far have the lowest self esteem, and always have a cope to hide that shame. Even normie guys are blackpilled. Like, it would be ridiculous for a relatively handsome white kid a few years ago to complain about how being 2 inches off makes him completely unfuckable, but now its happening.

Every bitch on here is avoidant as fuck, they just want to fuck around with Chads and live on their own planet. Women don't have to put ANY work into a relationship, and they know it. They know they can get simps infinitely and Chads to fuck them-- they know that this is the options they have for 'men' out there, and it BORES THEM.

They all know that men are fucking absolutely worthless, and even the one at the end explained very well that even an old lady is more interesting and cute than men.

Gives me some hope actually that men are more broadly waking up to the way things really are. Incels have really just been ahead of the curve for awhile seems to me. And yeah, the women have no clue — it’s like they’re from another planet. If they want sex or a relationship all it takes is hopping on Tinder and filtering through a couple hundred guys for the best and off you go. Men and women live in complete different worlds. Now Chad and women live in about the same world perhaps net but that is a very small portion of men.
The future is incel.
Soon we will be the majority, if we are not already.
And even men who are more independant by nature are rarely true MGTOW. Even if they tend to be more self reliant, less infuenced, more autonomous ... True loners are statistical anomalies.
It seems like the ugly guys by far have the lowest self esteem, and always have a cope to hide that shame. Even normie guys are blackpilled.
It's because when you can smell something on the tip of your tongue but you cannot have it you start to rationalize a lot more on the reason why. The ugly guys 2-3 SMV points away from even being in the tier where a woman will entertain the idea of giving them any attention. To them there is no need to rationalize about why they are single. It's like a fish rationalizing why it can't fly.
Of course there's a chink on the thumbnail :lul:
Am honestly so done with caring about this shit anymore. I got up at 2pm today and spent the entire day watching 9/11 videos
Another reminder that giving w0men rights was a big mistake.
Reality is going to hit these cunts like a ton of bricks one day let's not pretend like a toilet's smv is infinite there is a wall sure there's still beta orbiters but after getting gang banged by chads some beta will never interest them or ever be good enough and at a certain point even the beta orbiters start to dry up or die off. These cunts will be in retirement homes being abused by other cunts who work there and nobody will give a fuck because either they're a cat lady and nobody is left, they end up single moms and abused their sons so their sons no longer care about them or their daughters well it's foids and foids are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and are even barely capable of caring about Chad as they quickly jump to the next one without a second thought.
A 70-year-old foid may be more miserable than a 20-year-old man, but if you look at people of the same age - for example, N - it's always true that an N-year-old foid is either happier or more alive than an N-year-old man. Cumulatively, this difference in happiness adds up to foids being extremely privileged.
Foids have no reason to pursue hobbies or self-improvement when they can slap on makeup and get anything they want.
A lot of men would rather slay pussy, travel the world and eat great food without a care in the world instead of having 'hobbies'.

Hobbies are really just a primitive way to reinforce our primate brains that we're actually useful to the tribe, thereby preventing us from killing ourselves because we're now not worthless omg.

Either way in relation to the video most men are single because no woman loves them, most women are single because they want to be.
I will be happy if the first girl becomes my gf but she Chad only
A 70-year-old foid may be more miserable than a 20-year-old man, but if you look at people of the same age - for example, N - it's always true that an N-year-old foid is either happier or more alive than an N-year-old man. Cumulatively, this difference in happiness adds up to foids being extremely privileged.
It's notable that what the second guy is REALLY saying in spurning drug use is that he wants a long-term relationship, not short-term pleasure. It provides a strong contrast with the first woman.
4:34 is very interesting. The woman's friend says that she's single because her therapist told her she should be

Her therapist is doubtlessly female too, and this sheds light on an important dynamic in modern relationships

Females will bitch about their boyfriend or husband to their female acquaintances, and given that all these acquaintances hear is the bitching and bad parts, they will naturally advise their friends to break up

It's as though female friendships facilitate splitting behavior, where the boyfriend or husband becomes "all-bad," and the female becomes "all-good"
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They're so fucking jaded and delusional (in the case of sub 6 men). Young women these days grow up with too much social media flexing and comparing themselves to all the other girls on social media e-bragging about everything, from career, to educational background, to places they travel, to their fashion, the types of guys that they have fucked from the age of 15 and up.

By the time foids get to 22, they're basically ruined by all the short-term chad chasing, that they live in denial as to what they truly want, which is a high value Chad that will stay long-term.

As for the men explaining why they're single? Denial... because they don't really know it's their looks, that prevent even getting a chance. So they cope away with having endless goals and hobbies, and self-improvement.

3 decades ago young people didn't have to think too much about all this shit and rationalize it. Why? because it was normal for average men and women to socialize irl all the time, and not constantly compare themselves to high tier men and foids.

What a toxic piece of shit society we live in these days. It's getting closer and closer to Blade Runner 2049 or whatever the name of that movie is.
It's as though female friendships facilitate splitting behavior, where the boyfriend or husband becomes "all-bad," and the female becomes "all-good"

It's always been that way, even back in the day. Difference is, these days men have such low value, to none at all, that women collectively know this, and actively encourage other women to throw in the towel, and move on because holes have such hyper-inflated value and egos these days. It's honestly sick.

Men on the other hand, will encourage a good friend to stay with a woman, if she hasn't done anything bad like cheating, or controlling him too much. It's basically like, "yeah, that's just women being women, bro."
cope. it wouldn't begin for you: you would get nothing even if you had 0 standards
if stacy was drinking but gave you the time of day you'd think it's "hot" and wouldn't give a fuck

noo don't drink that turns me off :soy: :soy:
You missed the point, I could elaborate further if you like but my intuition tells me you probably do not really care.
And yeah, the women have no clue — it’s like they’re from another planet. If they want sex or a relationship all it takes is hopping on Tinder and filtering through a couple hundred guys for the best and off you go. Men and women live in complete different worlds.

"Privilege is often invisible to those who have it" :feelshehe:

never even clicked on the video :feelzez:
Hobbies are really just a primitive way to reinforce our primate brains that we're actually useful to the tribe, thereby preventing us from killing ourselves because we're now not worthless omg.
I don’t give half a shit about being usefull to my “tribe”

In fact the more i parasite the better i feel
man, you're coping even harder than @Fancy Alcoholic
Young women live on a completely different frequency than men, and especially incel men.

On the other hand, middle aged and old women are the only kind of women that can understand even 1% percent of the incel experience. As they age, they get wrinkly and fat and the vast majority of men stop desiring them and start seeing those women in a completely asexual way (beside the occasional guy with a granny fetish). This experience humbles the middle aged (excluding those that are milf material) and old women.
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Am honestly so done with caring about this shit anymore. I got up at 2pm today and spent the entire day watching 9/11 videos
Young women live on a completely different frequency than men, and especially incel men.

On the other hand, middle aged and old women are the only kind of women that can understand even 1% percent of the incel experience. As they age, they get wrinkly and fat and the vast majority of men stop desiring them and start seeing those women in a completely asexual way (beside the occasional guy with a granny fetish). This experience humbles the middle aged (excluding those that are milf material) and old women.
Lol granny escorts have tons of clients
I dont see tons of simps salivating after grannies on insta.

Sure old women can get dick but they are simply not desirable to most
Look for granny escorts

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZasUiPi7Wc

It seems like the ugly guys by far have the lowest self esteem, and always have a cope to hide that shame. Even normie guys are blackpilled. Like, it would be ridiculous for a relatively handsome white kid a few years ago to complain about how being 2 inches off makes him completely unfuckable, but now its happening.

Every bitch on here is avoidant as fuck, they just want to fuck around with Chads and live on their own planet. Women don't have to put ANY work into a relationship, and they know it. They know they can get simps infinitely and Chads to fuck them-- they know that this is the options they have for 'men' out there, and it BORES THEM.

They all know that men are fucking absolutely worthless, and even the one at the end explained very well that even an old lady is more interesting and cute than men.

Did anyone realize that 92% of the femgroids are actually sub5? And most of them have been in "relationships" even though not being in a relationship doesn't mean they aren't sleeping around
>started watching the video
>sees retarded chink whore (already 90% mad)
>chink admits to being a whore
>closes the video
Because your average zoomer is a homosexual and a degenerate

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