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It's Over Young people explaining why they are single is terrifying



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZasUiPi7Wc

It seems like the ugly guys by far have the lowest self esteem, and always have a cope to hide that shame. Even normie guys are blackpilled. Like, it would be ridiculous for a relatively handsome white kid a few years ago to complain about how being 2 inches off makes him completely unfuckable, but now its happening.

Every bitch on here is avoidant as fuck, they just want to fuck around with Chads and live on their own planet. Women don't have to put ANY work into a relationship, and they know it. They know they can get simps infinitely and Chads to fuck them-- they know that this is the options they have for 'men' out there, and it BORES THEM.

They all know that men are fucking absolutely worthless, and even the one at the end explained very well that even an old lady is more interesting and cute than men.
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20151112 jihadi john
01:20 :blackpill::feelsrope:

He has a “good personality” too by the looks of it.

Hmm. I wonder why he’s single. :feelsstudy:
@SlayerSlayer you should pin this maybe.
I have watched these sorts of videos before, watching people react to them.
An interesting paradigm I have seen pointed out is that the foids are always happy, meanwhile the men are not, sometimes the men even seem slightly sad, over it or just depressed.

The very first clip is a perfect example, look at how happy she is with her bullshit, her life is an ignorant bliss. Meanwhile the few guys I saw did not seem that happy at all.

I relate to the first guy though, a relationship for me where the foid does weed vapes or is a heavy drinker, that just wouldn't last for me, but you are cutting out quite a large portion of foids doing that already, then you factor in that 9/10 foids exclude manlets like me on dating sites, statistically you end up looking for a needle in a haystack.
They all know that men are fucking absolutely worthless,
That's what they think because they are too autistic to actually know men.

All the men I know have something special, a passion, a perk, something to look for. Foids however, most of them are just trying to cope against their biological clock and pretend they don't want men, don't want kids ...

They go to fancy restaurant, travel in exotic places, don't save money and don't really project themselves into the future. Because they just want to forget the void of their existence, being the good careless consumers the capitalistic upper class needs in the process. But in all the couple I know, foids are always the ones who ultimately wanted the relationship and the kids.

Foids in this vid are deluded 20 something immatures who probably rely on hook up culture more than they would admit. What they currently think is pointless and has an expiration date.
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Foids gonna Foid . Most of Them are Virtue Signaling or Very Promiscous .
That's what they think because they are too autistic to actually know men.

All the men I know have something special, a passion, a perk, something to look for. Foids however, most of them are just trying to cope against their biological clock and pretend they don't want men, don't want kids ... They go to fancy restaurant, travel in exotic places, all that to forget the void of their existence, being the good careless consumers the capitalistic upper class needs in the process. But in all the couple I know, foids are always the ones who ultimately wanted the relationship and the kids.

Foids in this vid are deluded 20 something immatures who probably rely on hook up culture more than they would admit. What they currently think is pointless and has an expiration date.
How's that cope ? The opinion of these foids is trash, and your IQ is very low if you don't understand this basic truth.

They are making stupid mistakes they mothers didn't at the same age. As long as they are young and fresh, behaving like royalty may work for them. But at some point, men will just stop give a shit about them. And our younger generations are less naive than the one of our fathers on that matter.
Video ends around 8:10, when the last man talks. I skipped every toilet answer
How's that cope ? The opinion of these foids is trash, and your IQ is very low if you don't understand this basic truth.

They are making stupid mistakes they mothers didn't at the same age.
women will never regret the way a man can regret things, because women have delusional levels of pride by simply having a vagina
women will never regret the way a man can regret things, because women have delusional levels of pride by simply having a vagina
You don't know foids irl cuck
Holy shit at 4:18 those 3 foids are really acting like how IT paints us, so when foids say men are shit no one gives a fuck but if some incels say foids are shit well "You are a mysoginist no wonder you are single" :foidSoy:
But foids talk like that and are not single ever.
Holy shit at 4:18 those 3 foids are really acting like how IT paints us, so when foids say men are shit no one gives a fuck but if some incels say foids are shit well "You are a mysoginist no wonder you are single" :foidSoy:
But foids talk like that and are not single ever.
DING DING DING, we have an epiphany here good sir! :soy: :soy: :soy:
Reality is going to hit these cunts like a ton of bricks one day let's not pretend like a toilet's smv is infinite there is a wall sure there's still beta orbiters but after getting gang banged by chads some beta will never interest them or ever be good enough and at a certain point even the beta orbiters start to dry up or die off. These cunts will be in retirement homes being abused by other cunts who work there and nobody will give a fuck because either they're a cat lady and nobody is left, they end up single moms and abused their sons so their sons no longer care about them or their daughters well it's foids and foids are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and are even barely capable of caring about Chad as they quickly jump to the next one without a second thought.
a toilet's smv is infinite
Let's be real, none of the foid in this video is above 5 out of 10. Chad is cursing his ancestry if he somehow put his dick in that.
Let's be real, none of the foid in this video is above 5 out of 10. Chad is cursing his ancestry if he somehow put his dick in that.
lets be real, if she wanted she could get dick to teleport to her. The value of this power will last long after she hits the wall. You will never be able to do this
Reality is going to hit these cunts like a ton of bricks one day let's not pretend like a toilet's smv is infinite there is a wall sure there's still beta orbiters but after getting gang banged by chads some beta will never interest them or ever be good enough and at a certain point even the beta orbiters start to dry up or die off. These cunts will be in retirement homes being abused by other cunts who work there and nobody will give a fuck because either they're a cat lady and nobody is left, they end up single moms and abused their sons so their sons no longer care about them or their daughters well it's foids and foids are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and are even barely capable of caring about Chad as they quickly jump to the next one without a second thought.
man, you're coping even harder than @Fancy Alcoholic
lets be real, if she wanted she could get dick to teleport to her. The value of this power will last long after she hits the wall. You will never be able to do this
I don't really want dick teleported to me.
man, you're coping even harder than @Fancy Alcoholic
Hardly cope men die younger and old men aren't racing out to cuck for old ladies ontop of that if they can't fend for themselves they aren't fending for elderly toilets.


  • us-gender-gap-smoking.jpg
    97.5 KB · Views: 106
it's so fucking over

we're literally being deprived of a human necessity
Holy shit at 4:18 those 3 foids are really acting like how IT paints us, so when foids say men are shit no one gives a fuck but if some incels say foids are shit well "You are a mysoginist no wonder you are single" :foidSoy:
But foids talk like that and are not single ever.
That’s why I suggested on pinning this and I’m glad you brought it up. Literal clown world.
All the comments are full of retarded normgroids. Eventually they'll discover what a waste life has been. Most likely by then they'll have roped. Can't say I feel sorry for them.
Nose piercings is an automatic no
The blackpill is honestly mainstream now. Cause of tinder experiment videos among others; anyone who’s not a idiot from inceltears, and has a brain knows that foids are extremely looks focused
The blackpill is honestly mainstream now. Cause of tinder experiment videos among others; anyone who’s not a idiot from inceltears, and has a brain knows that foids are extremely looks focused
Blackpill started going mainstream once normies started realizing that they need to be tall to be attractive as a man.
Reality is going to hit these cunts like a ton of bricks one day let's not pretend like a toilet's smv is infinite there is a wall sure there's still beta orbiters but after getting gang banged by chads some beta will never interest them or ever be good enough and at a certain point even the beta orbiters start to dry up or die off. These cunts will be in retirement homes being abused by other cunts who work there and nobody will give a fuck because either they're a cat lady and nobody is left, they end up single moms and abused their sons so their sons no longer care about them or their daughters well it's foids and foids are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and are even barely capable of caring about Chad as they quickly jump to the next one without a second thought.
MGTOW and redpill talk cope. At 60 a woman has more SMV than every guy on this forum including the fakecels.

View: https://youtu.be/FUWw_W-DTlc?si=x_DoKr0KkoMOro1J
Fkn brutal man. Fkn brutal.

So the ethnic and short men got the lowest attraction and confidence.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZasUiPi7Wc

It seems like the ugly guys by far have the lowest self esteem, and always have a cope to hide that shame. Even normie guys are blackpilled. Like, it would be ridiculous for a relatively handsome white kid a few years ago to complain about how being 2 inches off makes him completely unfuckable, but now its happening.

Every bitch on here is avoidant as fuck, they just want to fuck around with Chads and live on their own planet. Women don't have to put ANY work into a relationship, and they know it. They know they can get simps infinitely and Chads to fuck them-- they know that this is the options they have for 'men' out there, and it BORES THEM.

They all know that men are fucking absolutely worthless, and even the one at the end explained very well that even an old lady is more interesting and cute than men.

very long winded way of saying im a whore at the beginning. jesus christ its 3 words. stupid bitch.
it's so fucking over

we're literally being deprived of a human necessity
And nobody is to blame but foids. We need to take their rights away, they shouldnt have them in the first place. The world is going to hell now that they have way more than they can comprehend
Holy shit at 4:18 those 3 foids are really acting like how IT paints us, so when foids say men are shit no one gives a fuck but if some incels say foids are shit well "You are a mysoginist no wonder you are single" :foidSoy:
But foids talk like that and are not single ever.
Exactly blatant sexism LMAO but we're wrong when we do it
Last girl is borderline lesbian cause she's subconsciously ruled out all guys and instead says (paraphrasing) most women have something beautiful/special about them unlike men. Nah, more and more foids are taking the lesbian pill cause there aren't enough Chads to go around
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The toilets were talking about finding someone respectful but go on to bash men so unapologetically
I call for mass rape
Why are they allowed to speak without repercussion???
Zoomers girls hate men
And our younger generations are less naive than the one of our fathers on that matter.
Maybe too cynical to agree with your whole comment, but definitely agree with this one. The 'sexist' grandfathers, fathers, and uncles of ours don't speak remotely close to the degrading manner in which the younger generations speak about foids, which of course is a good thing. But despite all the rage that's been built up from encountering the appalling and disturbing truths about foids, it hasn't amounted to anything. The whole thing just feels like a long-running soap-opera where nothing ever happens.

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