Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

You will never have friends on black pill insight alone. Power attracts all mankind.



Jan 2, 2018
They will only use you to some end. If you are black pilled, and you black pill people, their primal cerebral-status scanner (most all humanity is genopatterned with this) will see you as a means to an end. The reason being a chad, stacy, or any kind of primal prodigy is the real desire/ end in of itself for MOST people is because that's where they are satisfied. We're genowired to be satisfied here. Everyone by and large, low energy or chill frat boy still secretly (by geno-ordinances) wants power. Looks, money, status, competence, achievement, prominence, prowess, power are the main constituents that serve as the channel of traits that constitute power on the primal hierarchy. Any other channel of traits will be subconsciously read undesirably, only desirable in relation to their primal desire, and will be compartmentalized as nerdy/ stupid/ weak/ for losers, etc.

People will keep this subconscious standard from being conscious to be normies-by-day (another essential element in comfort and status). But they will also want to ensure that whoever they end up getting, even ugly chicks, do not feel overly judged. Sane people feel they can only brings about the air/judgment of superiority on channels of traits whereby they are of value/ substance also. They don't discriminate unless they're capacitated. Although a lot of them also don't which is amusing to me.
That the fact that you even know what the blackpill is means you've absolutely failed at life and it's hopeless.
You might as well have just said that everyone wants value and call it a day
Eugenicist said:
They will only use you to some end. If you are black pilled, and you black pill people, their primal cerebral-status scanner (most all humanity is genopatterned with this) will see you as a means to an end. The reason being a chad, stacy, or any kind of primal prodigy is the real desire/ end in of itself for MOST people is because that's where they are satisfied. We're genowired to be satisfied here. Everyone by and large, low energy or chill frat boy still secretly (by geno-ordinances) wants power. Looks, money, status, competence, achievement, prominence, prowess, power are the main constituents that serve as the channel of traits that constitute power on the primal hierarchy. Any other channel of traits will be subconsciously read undesirably, only desirable in relation to their primal desire, and will be compartmentalized as nerdy/ stupid/ weak/ for losers, etc.

People will keep this subconscious standard from being conscious to be normies-by-day (another essential element in comfort and status). But they will also want to ensure that whoever they end up getting, even ugly chicks, do not feel overly judged. Sane people feel they can only brings about the air/judgment of superiority on channels of traits whereby they are of value/ substance also. They don't discriminate unless they're capacitated. Although a lot of them also don't which is amusing to me.
People don't give a fuck about insight for the sake of insight. Even when our black pilled format is extremely tantalizing for those who want bare bones brutal realism. But a lot of women want that pinterest inspirational shit. Which blue pills them into the luxuriant loftlens of reality they want to see through. Talking to them about their own problems overburdens them and makes them shift away. Major caveat that even libtards believe is that you CANNOT tell a woman anything she is uncomfortable to believe. The major reason a woman chases Chad is because of the feelings that couple with it, and the status which also gives good feelings. Not because of anything logical or Eugenic. A woman predicates her inclusion of something because it feels good, and same primarily applies to our insights.
mylifeistrash said:
That the fact that you even know what the blackpill is means you've absolutely failed at life and it's hopeless.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]People don't give a fuck about insight for the sake of insight. Even when our black pilled format is extremely tantalizing for those who want bare bones brutal realism. But a lot of women want that pinterest inspirational shit. Which blue pills them into the luxuriant loftlens of reality they want to see through. Talking to them about their own problems overburdens them and makes them shift away. Major caveat that even libtards believe is that you CANNOT tell a woman anything she is uncomfortable to believe. The major reason a woman chases Chad is because of the feelings that couple with it, and the status which also gives good feelings. Not because of anything logical or Eugenic. A woman predicates her inclusion of something because it feels good, and same primarily applies to our insights.

Yes, women may judge you by your abilities but the overall luxuriance they abstract by your identity. And being someone who has your views in the dark brings about them giving you a grim, creepy, unluxuriant, got the bad end of the deal-esque association. 

Women and their cuntish processing system of judgment/ evaluation/ essence of discernment/ philistine knowledge base/ concept clumping assignation/ trajectory of criticism. It all outputs to being value suckers/ parasites, and not purveyors of helping build, maintain, advance civilization.

St.Tropez said:
You might as well have just said that everyone wants value and call it a day
That attitude is why no one really goes in deep dissection about women even on the dark web. Kind of pathetic.
Eugenicist said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]People don't give a fuck about insight for the sake of insight. Even when our black pilled format is extremely tantalizing for those who want bare bones brutal realism. But a lot of women want that pinterest inspirational shit. Which blue pills them into the luxuriant loftlens of reality they want to see through. Talking to them about their own problems overburdens them and makes them shift away. Major caveat that even libtards believe is that you CANNOT tell a woman anything she is uncomfortable to believe. The major reason a woman chases Chad is because of the feelings that couple with it, and the status which also gives good feelings. Not because of anything logical or Eugenic. A woman predicates her inclusion of something because it feels good, and same primarily applies to our insights.

Yes, women may judge you by your abilities but the overall luxuriance they abstract by your identity. And being someone who has your views in the dark brings about them giving you a grim, creepy, unluxuriant, got the bad end of the deal-esque association. 

Women and their cuntish processing system of judgment/ evaluation/ essence of discernment/ philistine knowledge base/ concept clumping assignation/ trajectory of criticism. It all outputs to being value suckers/ parasites, and not purveyors of helping build, maintain, advance civilization.

That attitude is why no one really goes in deep dissection about women even on the dark web. Kind of pathetic.

I have read your post and it is good insight. But kinda outdated. These thinhs have been talked about to death,and in the end you have the modern value dating paradigm as the ultimate blackpill and pretty much where all discussion ended.. But meh I suppose everything we say here has already been said mostly.
St.Tropez said:
I have read your post and it is good insight. But kinda outdated. These thinhs have been talked about to death,and in the end you have the modern value dating paradigm as the ultimate blackpill and pretty much where all discussion ended.. But meh I suppose everything we say here has already been said mostly.
I'm verbalizing facets people have not put into proper context. Geno terms, hierarchical terms having to do with a mind-state, channel of traits in people's trajectory of notability/ emphasis. People's notability and emphasis is highly derived from their inner essence and its level of baseness. My paradigm is not prevailing, and needs to be spoken. The facets are incomplete. 

The environment today is pretty much blue pilled brain poison. But because it's the vogue, people are bidden to value it by general geno-process. Humanity has to sharpen a sword using lego pieces as their grindstone to slay the dragon of dimness and innate obscurity because of the social pressures/ lack of resources to gain these insights. I just hit the nail on the head more precisely than what everyone else is getting at. I've turned the lego piece into a black diamond by which can sharpen a sword instantly. Why not give it to them and see what kind of loot they get from their dragon of obscurity that the Libtards/ Vaginal Jews have fed and strenghtened?

Again, if I left as is, and just said yeah yeah "peeps want da val you", with everything left said on the matter, there would be facets a bit more unpressed than what I've left here. I truly believe that no one wants to give people due credit that is worthy of being proud of. People innately are geno-wired to rebound with dismission in order to keep the equilibrium of no one being prevailing at play.

But that mechanism doesn't work when it comes to being a chad. Looks/ high genetic quality/ primarchial substance typically take the cake against any kind of dismission/ ridicule. Essentially the only value metric our everyday criticism format takes is trying to demean people on the LMS trait channel/ primal hierarchy based self-worth. If that's what we're geno-wired, in intellectual consent to use to minimize people, then that's a tacit indicator that humanity bases its self-worth on primal traits, more than anything. Why prominently pattern attack on our self-concept in relation to those traits if we're not viscerally attached to them? It wouldn't cause pain, suffering, or anger if we didn't. Showing a lot about our goals, our ideas, desires, etc. if we're strictly tethered to superficial substance/ primarchial predicated properties... and nothing besides.

"Outdated" is a bit of an irrelevant detail to derive your dismission of my perspective. It's like saying that you don't want to use a rocket launcher in the middle of a gang-war because it's too salty. An irrelevant detail to blow off its utility. These truths are also timeless, so they are only outdated in relation to our dissemination of them. You're probably not finding your definement on the value of my narrative based on a metric of how often it's been publicized, but on its universal truth component. But the former is a bit irrelevant. It should be unconsidered, but since you think my insistence of value more leaned in on how different I am than others, rather than the truth I am trying to reveal, then I GUESS you can couple the assignation "Outdated" to my narrative.

When I'm talking about nigh unchanging primordial ever-existential truths/ verbalizing them in full knowledge that they'd only been lukewarmly brushed on before, then I know that the revolutionizing is not where I'm going to manifest completely. "Outdated" while taking an algebra class is irrelevant to be the detail of definement in your value of the material is a bit nonsensical wouldn't you say? Ingrained details about the universe are timeless and shouldn't be defined of value via when it was first disseminated. Date of dissemination is an irrational metric in defining the value of something else. Like defining an apple by its foldability. The concept of apple, and what value it holds is essential towards the edibility, and the mechanics of its utility have nothing to do with its foldability. The former's concept should not be determined by the latter. It misses the fundamental use/ design the apple can have in the grander scheme of its existence.

On the dynamic of reality, our subconscious picks it up and it's been discussed before, I'm not denying that. But you can only get at the heart of the issue so many times, yes. These truths are essential to primordial functionality of physics/ chemical forces that contribute to reality. It just needs to be done properly, and I'm only going to build on it. Putting the assignation "outdated" on my narrative is just as irrelevant as if I found a new formula for conducting euclidean distance. Just because the material has been brushed on before, doesn't mean my new method is invalidated of value. So what I am pontificating is that if you standardize all of my message as a new branch of knowledge for it to meet your criteria of full positive discernment, no, and you shouldn't here, because we're recycling the same material... we are just trying to verbalize it better than everyone else.
Everyone wants value and good day.
Well its good to see another high IQ cel joining our ranks.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]People will keep this subconscious standard from being conscious to be normies-by-day (another essential element in comfort and status). But they will also want to ensure that whoever they end up getting, even ugly chicks, do not feel overly judged. Sane people feel they can only brings about the air/judgment of superiority on channels of traits whereby they are of value/ substance also. They don't discriminate unless they're capacitated. Although a lot of them also don't which is amusing to me.

Meant to say here that people want power, but keep this subconscious standard subconscious to be a normie by day, regulated... but more to make other people feel they are not judgmental. Giving them a higher selectivity pool in feigning their humility. Also because they're afraid to judge people, if they're ugly or incel, by superficial traits. Even though they'd rather do that than judge people by the inner essence. Preferring bond > Primal Capital is an incel cope. People only discriminate what they feel they are capacitated in. People are afraid to bring in the climate of criticism they can also be hurt by. Which is good, but some do still try to squeeze a way in. And don't have the demeanor bequeathed to their identity. 

Fat losers, dumpy Asian chicks should not be overly judgmental, but they are. They try to squeeze their identity's merit in some medium to translate their presence into primacy. They'd rather do that with what they have even if they're better suited to be a good person. Sad. Even though by the same flame/force/matrix of dismission they give to others, and if society or the general judgment systems combined perceived them, then they'd also be eliminated.
He's not high IQ.

Key feature of high IQ is being concise.

Being verbose is the exact definition of being dumb as fuck.
mylifeistrash said:
He's not high IQ.

Key feature of high IQ is being concise.

Being verbose is the exact definition of being dumb as fuck.
IQ is 146. Brevity is a mismetric fallacy for determining conciseness and intelligence. Arbitrary. Based on cope-centric perspectives you hold to give your ego its dismission from others that you want it to. 

You falsely pedestal the brevity model as intelligent to create the primary frame of metric which determines the worth of something around the pillars of brevity. To minimize the merit of my post/ message here. 

People pedestal formats in the atmosphere of conversations to serve their purposes and influence human judgment. Typically it is the person who is the most primologically powerful whose atmosphere wins out. Imagine Einstain compared to the Rock in a debate. Rock is talking about how the world is flat, while Einstein is explaining string theory.

People will instinctively take the Rock's stances than Einstein. The power the people abstract from the rock, the primacy momentum the rock can generate physically, the veiled threat from his body language/ halo effect. He has the vantage point to pollute the conversational atmosphere because of the default format of people's system/format of emphasis/ consideration/ instinctive discernment. To the point where his halo effect and primal dominance veiled by society's euphemistic reality (which people can mockingly enjoy) will play the greater impact upon people. 

Although people may rationally agree with Einstein, rational compliance doesn't comprise everything in a conversation. Einstein may give him SOME primal capital. But ultimately it's determined by apparency/ gleaning the power within the environment. That is the tide people will ride by. 

What you're trying to do is set the emotional tone within people through criticizing something by a certain standard. Typically a two way conversation doesn't work like a microsoft computer scanner, where everything can be assessed and addressed mathematically/ rationally. It's where you leave off everything/ all information to whatever the interpretation the other person can take from the information flow. Doesn't have to be rational. And it can be criticism made to draw attention to primal inadequacies. You're trying to do that so that someday you get the leverage here to pollute the atmosphere with your primal capacities you've seeded as the Rock does subsequently with his halo effect.

You're unitiated to me, and I've given you no reason to be objectively responsive to me, if possible. People prioritize ego over objectivity. It's the geno-inherent pattern of the human race. 

Causes your mind to run its dismission game, and it helps you gloss haughtily over my points intellectually. If I was kissing your ass your delivery would be different, as I would be someone appropriately conjoined to your ideal narcissistic image of ideal existence. You're magnifying the traits that convey me as someone beneath you in the primal hierarchy. From the channel of traits deriving in this conversation off intelligence. Which will cause other people to abstract that I am a pseudointellectual from their glean gradual gain of data from this conversation. And will label me lesser than you in their mind-library. Compartmentalizing you as higher status in relation to me, and cumulatively from others. 

Since people are extremely status conscious in their psychstructure, then that will lead people to molding their matrix of interpretation/ emphasis/ discernment/ criticism and praise around what gives them primal capital. We're primopaths. We crave to be the tyrannical dynamic pillar in every social interaction. 

People, like you, inherently frame and convey others in a way that glosses over intellectual discourse, and engage in the minimization/ compartmentalization game. Evading ratioanlity and relaying their veiled manipulations as honest, fair, mellow, untroubled discourse. Whatever kind of vibe will procure YOU as greater than the one you're minimizing. Your hidden ambition to distort me as the lesser will have people recognize you better in people's mental library of compartmentalization.
Eugenicist said:
They will only use you to some end. If you are black pilled, and you black pill people, their primal cerebral-status scanner (most all humanity is genopatterned with this) will see you as a means to an end. The reason being a chad, stacy, or any kind of primal prodigy is the real desire/ end in of itself for MOST people is because that's where they are satisfied. We're genowired to be satisfied here. Everyone by and large, low energy or chill frat boy still secretly (by geno-ordinances) wants power. Looks, money, status, competence, achievement, prominence, prowess, power are the main constituents that serve as the channel of traits that constitute power on the primal hierarchy. Any other channel of traits will be subconsciously read undesirably, only desirable in relation to their primal desire, and will be compartmentalized as nerdy/ stupid/ weak/ for losers, etc.

People will keep this subconscious standard from being conscious to be normies-by-day (another essential element in comfort and status). But they will also want to ensure that whoever they end up getting, even ugly chicks, do not feel overly judged. Sane people feel they can only brings about the air/judgment of superiority on channels of traits whereby they are of value/ substance also. They don't discriminate unless they're capacitated. Although a lot of them also don't which is amusing to me.

sorry, I'm confused, its a bit jumbled
saddupbro said:
sorry, I'm confused, its a bit jumbled
Women see you as a means to an end, not an end in of itself. Your value to them is pendulumed by your primalescence (LMS, Power, Prominence, Prowess). Their sense of self wellness is toned after being self-absorbed. Their novelty, relational self-concept of superiority... that is FAR more important than anyhting any guy can provide in terms of bond/ companionship. They want that. The reason chad, stacy of any kind of primal prodigy (The Nirvana/ Zenith of the Geno-Ingrained Primal-Priority is to be a Primal Prodigy, to be literal chad or stacy) is because we are innately narcissistic. The LMS, Prodigy of Primacy properties is precisely the channel of traits that act as the real currency on the ledger of Sexual Market Value. Any other properties on a different trait channel will be insignificant. Women want to be ideally defined by the PRIMAL HIERARCHY, because of the utility/ seduction of the baseness of mankind. Women want to master the baseness of mankind, to manipulate the psychstructure of the census... they do not think that being humanitarian/ bettering humanity is a truly reliable notion to establish their mind. They know that men only care about LMS in terms of women, and that the world is innately competitive. They just wanna be on top of the shit pile intrinsically. 

Of course, people will keep this truth subconsciously. They don't want to be fully aware/ stanced on their valid traits. It will be at odds with the normie-pressures their psyche faces. To fit in.

A ton of people WANT to be judgmental. But a lot of them are afraid of the psybration (psychic vibration) they put into the atmosphere. An ugly girl calling a hot girl ugly puts the ugly girl at a disadvantage. Because the environment's new structure of standard/ trajectory of discrimination has been raised to be judgmental of appearance. And the ugly girl who puts it forth can't afford to have that. A lot of people WANT TO BE TYRANNICAL. But they can only put up a climate of criticism in which their value-capital in the trait channels that are being discriminated against are greater than the amount/property which gets discriminated. 

All people are an aspiring tyrant in waiting. Trying to rack value capital up to the point where they can establish a climate of criticism/ atmosphere of discernment that puts others under a dis-esteeming dimension. Because of the evidence/ essence of the negativity of the traits being purveyed of the victim. It's just up to the person who establishes this, through dis-esteeming insult, or through subtle action that the judgment of the surrounding congress of the status-determining masses are not also going to see worse flaws/ negatives within the person who is criticizing. 

Women wants chads because women can primalesce (put judgment upon others and show their primal superiority via superiority of power/ having people abstract that they are the winners in the overall game of domination and survival in life) with a better looking man. Higher status, money, etc. And for them to look good. Then they can put up criticism-climates that will be derogating of any value capital lesser than theirs when they delineate the negative traits of their status subtraction victims. They will delineate the traits of their status victims that will make evident the lowness of their existence relative to the criticizer. And people will be drawn to see the higher status girl as their matriarch. 

It is the innate proclivity for people to follow the alpha/ dominant individual. People will follow those who they predict will be superior if surrounding people become opposing physical forces to those people and will still lose. People want that bad-ass identity for themselves, and will establish leadership because of that. Like beauty and the beast, and how the town established Gaston as their leader.
Eugenicist said:
IQ is 146. Brevity is blah blah...

The human brain will read about four words of your posts and determine you're a fucking idiot.
friends is based on being in the right place at the right time (work, school, whatever) and common interest

nothing to do with being bluepill, lmao
People look at your face and subconsciously read your genes and abilities. It's not rocketscience to get the conclusion people want to be around those who have the highest possibility to lead a group and help them to survive. Men who display Alpha characteristics get the most attention (Strong jawline, height, deep voice tone etc)
mylifeistrash said:
That the fact that you even know what the blackpill is means you've absolutely failed at life and it's hopeless.
Someone ban this humblebragging idiot.
somebody do a word count of many words op has posted in this thead. just lol if u think i read any of that btw
lostcel said:
somebody do a word count of many words op has posted in this thead. just lol if u think i read any of that btw
Then you can't glean if I was really irrational from your subjective slant on my post.

Homosapicuckus said:
People look at your face and subconsciously read your genes and abilities. It's not rocketscience to get the conclusion people want to be around those who have the highest possibility to lead a group and help them to survive. Men who display Alpha characteristics get the most attention (Strong jawline, height, deep voice tone etc)
It's tantamount to brain surgery, something perhaps even more complex. Marginalizing it is your own detriment. I'm not trying to allege that it's "rocket science", that's an idiom regarding the text/ selection I've written with overarching complexity. But it is still complex/ nuanced and shows the inner character of our identity as a species. We are what we love, and our personality reflects/ is greatly impacted by our values. We want primalescent prowess, and so that translates into us having a primarchial system of esteem. It translates into my identity. Just take a look at how people are bashing me on this forum, and you can plainly see that I'm correct. If you wanna minimize a human being, you strike at making feel like he has a disparity, truthfully or ostensibly to what he ideally prides himself on/ what he considers his ideal identity/ sacredtrait. Emotions are pendulumed selfishly. And typically sacred-traits that are egosyntonic or circumsyntonic to their ideal existence/ identity. The emotions that are on the sacred-plane of self. When those are impeded, then people become angry. It's just most of the time that one's standards of ideal circumstances are commingled in with a sense of being of visceral attachment. Our justice is predicated on being selfish. So we are initially self-absorbed.
Eugenicist said:
Then you can't glean if I was really irrational from your subjective slant on my post.

It's tantamount to brain surgery, something perhaps even more complex. Marginalizing it is your own detriment. I'm not trying to allege that it's "rocket science", that's an idiom regarding the text/ selection I've written with overarching complexity. But it is still complex/ nuanced and shows the inner character of our identity as a species. We are what we love, and our personality reflects/ is greatly impacted by our values. We want primalescent prowess, and so that translates into us having a primarchial system of esteem. It translates into my identity. Just take a look at how people are bashing me on this forum, and you can plainly see that I'm correct. If you wanna minimize a human being, you strike at making feel like he has a disparity, truthfully or ostensibly to what he ideally prides himself on/ what he considers his ideal identity/ sacredtrait. Emotions are pendulumed selfishly. And typically sacred-traits that are egosyntonic or circumsyntonic to their ideal existence/ identity. The emotions that are on the sacred-plane of self. When those are impeded, then people become angry. It's just most of the time that one's standards of ideal circumstances are commingled in with a sense of being of visceral attachment. Our justice is predicated on being selfish. So we are initially self-absorbed.

Human existence is primary egoistic and any attempt to help to realize the cold truth would destabilize social norms. People with more Machiavellian characteristics will herd to majority and create the illusion of freedom to empower themselves to stay at the top.  People here think that black pill start with the realization that your genetic and physical outlook significantly reduce your success in terms of having sex but the black pill starts once you get to see other flaws of existence. People will laugh at you if you mention genetic manipulation and the long term planning to enslave humanity into a form of existence when they never be able to question or rationalize anything.
Machiavelli 2.0?

I take back calling you a retard in the other thread
Eugene! Good to see you here!
saddupbro said:
sorry, I'm confused, its a bit jumbled
Yeah he has a tendency to do that.
Earthbound said:
Eugene! Good to see you here!
Yeah he has a tendency to do that.
Lol. I didn't see you there. I prioritize blackpillwisdom above camaraderie. At least to mentalcels who won't initiate conversation with me anyway because of general disassociation. 

But yeah a lot of my thought are put here in an unrefined state to see if the hidden meaning behind the autistic veneer can be gleaned. It's because a thought is best brought through not being taught... but by being wrought. When people work for the idea itself, their ego will be more readily available to confirm it as their own doing/idea. It's to ensure that it gets past the ego. Our psychstructure is built to resist control. I just provide the groundwork material with periodic concision if something needs transference.

Homosapicuckus said:
Human existence is primary egoistic and any attempt to help to realize the cold truth would destabilize social norms. People with more Machiavellian characteristics will herd to majority and create the illusion of freedom to empower themselves to stay at the top.  People here think that black pill start with the realization that your genetic and physical outlook significantly reduce your success in terms of having sex but the black pill starts once you get to see other flaws of existence. People will laugh at you if you mention genetic manipulation and the long term planning to enslave humanity into a form of existence when they never be able to question or rationalize anything.
Yes. Negativity etches itself into the identity of mankind that can't commonly be contended with. They get afflicted, and then dismissive of the psybration (psy-vibration). Women need to life a life in luxuriance. And no, about where the black pill starts. But they think so because that's where it begins to affect the common-psyche. Which is evidence of another black pill about the egotistic psychstate mankind is geno-ingrained with. Which is that our system of emphasis only holds things of relevance when they come into our range of primalescence. We could give a fuck less about a million starving africans, but our emotions are pendulumed to give a shit primarily about girls, and what htey think of our appearance. Because it falls under the umbrella of our selfish existence. 

You cannot know or neutralize negativities in existence if you are numb to them. The universe is almost ubiquitously negative, and falls under leaning towards negative circumstances. The nucleus of negativity is nature, and positivity is never a natural resource. It is only just a concept which we can use as a blueprint to model existence after. And it's almost usually so arbitrary and fantastical that we have to just constrict the outline to movies/ books and create fantasy novels. But we must attempt to augment and craft existence to what is ideal nonetheless. All organisms fell off the high-sentience privilege and many became quadripeds. Tigers, sheep, elephants, horses, etc. The disgraces of nature fell on them. Humans are ascended, but not fully evolved. We need to complete our geno-ascendency. And I intend to do it by keeping the fun in the world. We can ease our repitilian brain by adapting life into a fun video game, and having people with perfect genes. Life can be a utopia. 

It's just political correctness these days. People traditionally follow the "every man for himself" model of existence by following/ veneering the virtues of the vogue. It's just now that the vogue is designed to be the clearing for any who are judgmental/ create primal distinctions as public... so that the void of that will give way to the natural-negative-incline where niggers and chinks can multiply indiscriminately like rats in peace. Without management, nature will default everything into discrepitude/ dilapidation. Whites subconsciously know this is all happening, but they're follow the model of guilt because they'd rather sit tight, enjoy being fake with their fauxmanitarianism, having social status because of it, and using it to gain status than to follow any real virtue for the sake of art/ culture/ civilization. They're faux liberals trying to just have status with other white people... at the expense of everything that they cherish for short term gain. Like a Snake eating itself at the promise that it will become a dragon. Or like how they want to party on the titanic, so they can enjoy a cruise banquet with a bonfire, even though it'll ultimately destroy all the substance they love. 

They are preferring individualism over and above the sake of civilization. I think whites being Low-T gives way to being compassionate and considerate, but it also makes them unable to resonate against negativity and find themselves through adversity. This is where you create the normful meekness/ humility/ etc. what was instilled into Christianity. Jesus is really a reflection of the European-nurturing spirit. Whereas Muhammad in Islam is a psychopath by contrast, as he reflects the innate sand-nigger in the spirit of their existence. The blood of the people brings the soul of the culture. 

It's just now it's killing us. People are PC/ humanitarian because victim-pity is linked as a gamechanging/ necessary component to your status, where having it or not is a huge component of how you'll be generally received. Sure, you can be attractive/ high SMV and a Nazi, but all it will take is for someone to insist on how you are an asshole because of it, and people will begin to tribal mob you (not for humanitarianism, but because they like to see people who are naturally platformed with primacy to get undermined). 

It is the veiled cultivation of numbness towards negativity by needing to blue pill people into being good, or sensitive, or euphemistic. But if you do not refine life in accordance with what builds up the human ideal, I.E. civilization/ art/ culture/ etc. all things that Nazi Germany espoused... then you get nicaragua, zimbabwe, cambodia, shit holes.
Lol. I didn't see you there. I prioritize blackpillwisdom above camaraderie. At least to mentalcels who won't initiate conversation with me anyway because of general disassociation.

But yeah a lot of my thought are put here in an unrefined state to see if the hidden meaning behind the autistic veneer can be gleaned. It's because a thought is best brought through not being taught... but by being wrought. When people work for the idea itself, their ego will be more readily available to confirm it as their own doing/idea. It's to ensure that it gets past the ego. Our psychstructure is built to resist control. I just provide the groundwork material with periodic concision if something needs transference.

Yes. Negativity etches itself into the identity of mankind that can't commonly be contended with. They get afflicted, and then dismissive of the psybration (psy-vibration). Women need to life a life in luxuriance. And no, about where the black pill starts. But they think so because that's where it begins to affect the common-psyche. Which is evidence of another black pill about the egotistic psychstate mankind is geno-ingrained with. Which is that our system of emphasis only holds things of relevance when they come into our range of primalescence. We could give a fuck less about a million starving africans, but our emotions are pendulumed to give a shit primarily about girls, and what htey think of our appearance. Because it falls under the umbrella of our selfish existence.

You cannot know or neutralize negativities in existence if you are numb to them. The universe is almost ubiquitously negative, and falls under leaning towards negative circumstances. The nucleus of negativity is nature, and positivity is never a natural resource. It is only just a concept which we can use as a blueprint to model existence after. And it's almost usually so arbitrary and fantastical that we have to just constrict the outline to movies/ books and create fantasy novels. But we must attempt to augment and craft existence to what is ideal nonetheless. All organisms fell off the high-sentience privilege and many became quadripeds. Tigers, sheep, elephants, horses, etc. The disgraces of nature fell on them. Humans are ascended, but not fully evolved. We need to complete our geno-ascendency. And I intend to do it by keeping the fun in the world. We can ease our repitilian brain by adapting life into a fun video game, and having people with perfect genes. Life can be a utopia.

It's just political correctness these days. People traditionally follow the "every man for himself" model of existence by following/ veneering the virtues of the vogue. It's just now that the vogue is designed to be the clearing for any who are judgmental/ create primal distinctions as public... so that the void of that will give way to the natural-negative-incline where niggers and chinks can multiply indiscriminately like rats in peace. Without management, nature will default everything into discrepitude/ dilapidation. Whites subconsciously know this is all happening, but they're follow the model of guilt because they'd rather sit tight, enjoy being fake with their fauxmanitarianism, having social status because of it, and using it to gain status than to follow any real virtue for the sake of art/ culture/ civilization. They're faux liberals trying to just have status with other white people... at the expense of everything that they cherish for short term gain. Like a Snake eating itself at the promise that it will become a dragon. Or like how they want to party on the titanic, so they can enjoy a cruise banquet with a bonfire, even though it'll ultimately destroy all the substance they love.

They are preferring individualism over and above the sake of civilization. I think whites being Low-T gives way to being compassionate and considerate, but it also makes them unable to resonate against negativity and find themselves through adversity. This is where you create the normful meekness/ humility/ etc. what was instilled into Christianity. Jesus is really a reflection of the European-nurturing spirit. Whereas Muhammad in Islam is a psychopath by contrast, as he reflects the innate sand-nigger in the spirit of their existence. The blood of the people brings the soul of the culture.

It's just now it's killing us. People are PC/ humanitarian because victim-pity is linked as a gamechanging/ necessary component to your status, where having it or not is a huge component of how you'll be generally received. Sure, you can be attractive/ high SMV and a Nazi, but all it will take is for someone to insist on how you are an asshole because of it, and people will begin to tribal mob you (not for humanitarianism, but because they like to see people who are naturally platformed with primacy to get undermined).

It is the veiled cultivation of numbness towards negativity by needing to blue pill people into being good, or sensitive, or euphemistic. But if you do not refine life in accordance with what builds up the human ideal, I.E. civilization/ art/ culture/ etc. all things that Nazi Germany espoused... then you get nicaragua, zimbabwe, cambodia, shit holes.

Key feature of high IQ is being concise.

Being verbose is the exact definition of being dumb as fuck.

This is actually pretty legit.

Being concise means conveying a lot of information with very few words...being verbose is conveying little information with a lot of words. The former is efficient, the latter is simply the equivalent of taking more steps to arrive at the same destination...it has no benefits over being concise and does nothing more than waste time for all parties involved.
This is actually pretty legit.

Being concise means conveying a lot of information with very few words...being verbose is conveying little information with a lot of words. The former is efficient, the latter is simply the equivalent of taking more steps to arrive at the same destination...it has no benefits over being concise and does nothing more than waste time for all parties involved.
He's low IQ for not taking the complete meaning by which being thorough is required. I was concise consistently. His low sentience was unable to detect it because he falsely conjoined long text = verbose.
criminally negligent or outright retarded. He creates misassignations from conflating concepts clumsily.

Please stop sprinkling English-Literature fairy dust on everything you write, we don't care that you know a bunch of big words. It makes it tedious to read and extract a point from quickly. Thank you.

Please stop sprinkling English-Literature fairy dust on everything you write, we don't care that you know a bunch of big words. It makes it tedious to read and extract a point from quickly. Thank you.

Blaming verbosity on my part instead of your own laziness and attention span. Typical of primality humanity.
Pointless moldbuggy thesaurus-channeling self inflating garbage. Its amusing imagining what you looked like while furiously writing this ROFL.
Pointless moldbuggy thesaurus-channeling self inflating garbage. Its amusing imagining what you looked like while furiously writing this ROFL.
Surgical fury my friend. The world is full of injustice. Only I out of what I've seen have the ability to fully define it. You're all just my puppets supplying me snippets of insight.
Blaming verbosity on my part instead of your own laziness and attention span. Typical of primality humanity.

i had the attention span to read all of the shit you wrote and its just common sense spanned out to a fucking 10k words essay, nothing actually insightful. imagine roleplaying high iq on incels forum, its fucking OVER for you buddy.
i had the attention span to read all of the shit you wrote and its just common sense spanned out to a fucking 10k words essay, nothing actually insightful. imagine roleplaying high iq on incels forum, its fucking OVER for you buddy.
I call contrivance on your calculations. Sad.
This is all just because people are butthurt that I have the ability to hurt others without conscience while you all are compassioncels. Unable to increase your SMV through cynical means.
i had the attention span to read all of the shit you wrote and its just common sense spanned out to a fucking 10k words essay, nothing actually insightful. imagine roleplaying high iq on incels forum, its fucking OVER for you buddy.
Completely counterfeited calculation just to desperately inject me with psychdoubt. Pathetic.
Why else did you fucktards believe that my first post here, I.E. this was filled with autism? Don't be so easily manipulated.
amazon prime autism
Would've been cleverer as fuck to say autazon prime. But you're shit is only good for being an uninspired parroter of people who probably do this shit better than you.
It's nice to see some IQ and high effort on this nice little board. I will read everything later. Gotta take a pee now.

My 0.02$: I agree. And I want to gain more power and status but I want to do it through honest means.
It's nice to see some IQ and high effort on this nice little board. I will read everything later. Gotta take a pee now.

My 0.02$: I agree. And I want to gain more power and status but I want to do it through honest means.
Life is unequal to you, and because of your bad position which was implied from your desire to gain power and status..., then people will most assuredly not be honest with you. You're not being unfair or dishonest when you're being that way to those who were that way to you, no, you're just being equal to them.
bro ive met some high iq people and they didnt sound like you cmon man.

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