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LifeFuel You wake up like this guy



Nov 13, 2019
The night before you prayed to God to cure you from inceldom. Next day you wake up like this :


What would you do ?

- I would first delete my incel account (obviously)
- Cancel all my therapist appointments as my social anxiety would be cured by simply looking in the mirror
- Feign interest in girls who brutally rejected me in the past only to reject them just before sex

All the rest is the obvious stuff (become IG famous; modeling; getting laid from tinder multiple time a day until I get bored of it and find a giga stacy to LTR etc)
Get on Tinder and fuck sloots, find a cute girl and have her dress up as an anime schoolgirl then fuck her until my dick hurts
I would become a Volcel and rise up.
For a week straight I would just have sex and come on girls
I would become a Volcel and rise up.

How is that different from your current situation?
I'd become famous and use my looks to start a charity organization to fund incel surgerymaxxing, I wouldn't be ugly so normies would just think I'm using surgery to cure "toxic misogyny".
R-word my oneitis and than get acquitted by the judge for being a Chad
I would immediate jack off
I would reinstall Tinder, set the maximum age to 18-20 and also start approaching like there was no tomorrow. I think my first 3 months of having those looks would be only this, also having sex and dates with foids of course.
The guy on the pic isnt that attractive. Although he mogs the entire forum 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times, so yeah he could get a 7/10 girl
I would install Tinder on my phone.
This post is suicidefuel.
I'd become famous and use my looks to start a charity organization to fund incel surgerymaxxing, I wouldn't be ugly so normies would just think I'm using surgery to cure "toxic misogyny".
I'd keep posting here and let you buddy boyos know of my ascending adventures as a chad until I get banned
Just enjoy everlasting happiness basically.
I would reinstall Tinder, set the maximum age to 18-20 and also start approaching like there was no tomorrow. I think my first 3 months of having those looks would be only this, also having sex and dates with foids of course.
I would install Tinder on my phone.
Were you the person I remember having an argument about attractiveness with? I think so. If I remember correctly I was arguing that good looking people have features that are better related to survival and thus better genetics overall. You were arguing about fisherian runaway and mutational load. Well, I found this quote on the incel wiki:

Feedback loops in sexual selection such as Fisherian runaway and sensory bias[11] can explain why secondary sexual characteristics are overcomplicated and enlarged in some animals, and they can also explain the immense sexual attraction to very specific shapes (few millimeters of bone) despite them having barely any relevance for survival except "social survival".

Another explanation of beauty is that it acts as an honest signal of e.g. health, mutational load and intelligence, can thus signal good genes overall. These two opposing views the Good Geners vs Fisherians lead to significant academic rivalry since the 1990s, but the good genes hypotheses has largely been refuted since. The relation between beauty to health and ability is only relevant for certain cases like disfigurement, certain syndromes and skin rashes and the like. Beauty and health are only weakly related when disregarding these extremes,[12][13][14] but slight fitness advantages could have also initiated feedback loops in sexual selection.

I'm going to look into the sources/studies about this but it turns out you were right.

I still stand behind the basic premise though, a good browridge is better at protecting the eyes, but like the last sentence says, this could have had a slight fitness advantage which lead to a fisherian runaway effect.
Too bad I wake up like this guy
The night before you prayed to God to cure you from inceldom. Next day you wake up like this :


What would you do ?

- I would first delete my incel account (obviously)
- Cancel all my therapist appointments as my social anxiety would be cured by simply looking in the mirror
- Feign interest in girls who brutally rejected me in the past only to reject them just before sex

All the rest is the obvious stuff (become IG famous; modeling; getting laid from tinder multiple time a day until I get bored of it and find a giga stacy to LTR etc)

why would you pay therapist just cuz u have social anxiety jfl
I'd make nationalsocialism great again
I would fuck the most hot girls I could and secretly record them and I'd also ask for nudes and share them with my incel friends
I would become a vocal, ardent anti-feminist and anti-women's rights and I would still fuck bitches.
are we even the same species?
Were you the person I remember having an argument about attractiveness with? I think so. If I remember correctly I was arguing that good looking people have features that are better related to survival and thus better genetics overall. You were arguing about fisherian runaway and mutational load. Well, I found this quote on the incel wiki:

I'm going to look into the sources/studies about this but it turns out you were right.

I still stand behind the basic premise though, a good browridge is better at protecting the eyes, but like the last sentence says, this could have had a slight fitness advantage which lead to a fisherian runaway effect.

I only recently learned about Fisherman runaway (though I knew sexual selection can lead to aberrations, I just didn't know the name for it). It certainly is part of the explanation.

To me though, the most central explanation has to do with koinophilia.

In a way, sexual selection is an attempt for the cognitive system to evaluate physical fitness by looking at the visible phenotype only. This can never be perfect, and can only rely on guesswork. One simple strategy is to check for the existence of any discrepancy from the typical phenotype of a member of the species. Anything that looks odd or unusual is deemed abnormal and assumed to denote low fitness level, even if there is always a chance such abnormality would actually be neutral or beneficial.

Interestingly, this tendency might be in conflict with an other one I've read about recently. It was an article attempting to explain why we all have so different faces despite being genetically very similar when compared to other species. The explanation was our social nature, that made it very important to distinguish ourselves with one another. It is very possible that this extreme variability of our facial features conflicted with the koinopilic nature of sexual selection and resulted in the extreme variability in male sexual attractiveness once female got total control over who they'd mate with.

I mean, have you never thought that beautiful people tend to look like one another ?
Post on looksmax.org for ratings
I only recently learned about Fisherman runaway (though I knew sexual selection can lead to aberrations, I just didn't know the name for it). It certainly is part of the explanation.

To me though, the most central explanation has to do with koinophilia.

In a way, sexual selection is an attempt for the cognitive system to evaluate physical fitness by looking at the visible phenotype only. This can never be perfect, and can only rely on guesswork. One simple strategy is to check for the existence of any discrepancy from the typical phenotype of a member of the species. Anything that looks odd or unusual is deemed abnormal and assumed to denote low fitness level, even if there is always a chance such abnormality would actually be neutral or beneficial.

Interestingly, this tendency might be in conflict with an other one I've read about recently. It was an article attempting to explain why we all have so different faces despite being genetically very similar when compared to other species. The explanation was our social nature, that made it very important to distinguish ourselves with one another. It is very possible that this extreme variability of our facial features conflicted with the koinopilic nature of sexual selection and resulted in the extreme variability in male sexual attractiveness once female got total control over who they'd mate with.

I mean, have you never thought that beautiful people tend to look like one another ?
Good explanation. Distinguishing oneself makes sense, but I also think that the modern day lifestyle has a small effect. Also, humans today have had alot more gene mixing, like different cultures and populations mating as humans explored the globe for the last few thousand years, as well as how many humans exist today. Most other large mammals live in small groups or populations that are within a few hundred miles.

Koinopilic would relate to the composite average face typically being the most desirable, which I think both of us brought up before. Plenty of scientific evidence backing that up.
Spend every waking hour fucking Stacies, maybe go to some third world country and be crowned king.
The only difference between you and him, your life and his life, right in this moment,
is pure chance.
Fuck a foid, VP or higher position, so I can land an i-banking/consulting gig.

I would still like to moneymaxx.
Kill myself. One less chad in the world lol.
I would fuck prime foids for the first months, then moving to cuck some cuck just for shits and giggles then, dunno, making lots of money with a modeling career.
Wouldn't your parents notice somethings off? Or your coworkers/classmates?
I'd probably get serious psychological problems because of the transformation. Also, the way I would be treated would probably be infuriating because of my past experiences. Overall I'd hate it, and I would become a more bitter person probably.
I would become a Volcel and rise up.
Nigga you'd go balls deep in the first bitch that invited you to fuck, ah skeet skeet muhfugga.
I would see what my max on the bench is at the gym
Chadfishmaxx and show the media
The night before you prayed to God to cure you from inceldom. Next day you wake up like this :


What would you do ?

- I would first delete my incel account (obviously)
- Cancel all my therapist appointments as my social anxiety would be cured by simply looking in the mirror
- Feign interest in girls who brutally rejected me in the past only to reject them just before sex

All the rest is the obvious stuff (become IG famous; modeling; getting laid from tinder multiple time a day until I get bored of it and find a giga stacy to LTR etc)
Literally can't lose in life with that face imo. I would just chadfishmaxxx and gymmaxx as much as I could and at the same time being a pseudo-NEET supermodel or even become an actor for that matter, I just dont feel like working too hard for this society. Then I'd try to find a tall supermodel gigastacy to settle with.Even if I didnt do all of this shit and went homeless people would still give me money, opportunities and job offers. Obviously I cant post all of my thoughts here but thats what I would undenyingly do.
If it somehow fixed my brain chemistry, I still think I'd be fucked up mentally.
Kill myself, I don't want to wake up as that which I hate, to me that would be no different as waking up as a woman, and in that case I'd also kill myself, I've already set myself on a path of revenge against society, it would be a cruel irony to just wake up as Chad, it would ruin everything for me

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