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RageFuel You don't deserve a gf if you don't contribute to soyciety

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Saiyan Prince
Feb 16, 2024

ITfags saying it out loud we don't deserve to be loved because we don't message up to a certain criteria established by a society that has done nothing for us, a society which created us due to extreme neglect, and what exactly are you implying that if incels just become Mcwageslaves we'll magically get girlfriends, newflash dumbass alot of incels of jobs and they are still loners who have no chance and a girlfriend. what a fucking corporate bootlicker mindset to have btw, you most work zee job to have any value in life. What a cruel thing to say to imply that some people are unworthy of love because they unemployed, this nigga probably thinks the homeless should just drop dead because no one should love them either. Holy fuck IT really showing their real colors here

Not only is this asinine and a cruel thing to say, it's also just not true. there a dozens of women who literally do fuck all for society who get love and sex all the fucking time, i guess to these fags women don't count. Plenty of guys are fucking bums but they are loved because they are attractive, and that's not to even mention the thousands of men who are loved despite being a negative for society, Richard ramerez, Ted Bundy, Jermery Meeks. Do I need to go on? I mean for fuck sakes there are women that literally just exploit vulnerable men (findom) to make money by doing fuck all, do you really think women on onlyfans taking pictures of their taint and selling it online to desperate lonely men is a positive to society? it's fucking not, if it is then by that logic It would be better for me to be a drug dealer dealing drugs that could easily kill someone then to be a incel who writes mean things about women on small corner of the internet. yea fuck off filthily fucking faggot ass retard.
Basically they want betabuxx. lol
Guys like Jeremy Meeks, Sean O'Pry, Francisco Lachowski really contribute a lot to society.
just be betabux and women will start noticing you theory.
when i worked my life wasn't better, all i got was stress, anxiety, exhaustion, depression.

'don't just be nice to the foid, buy her a yacht, inkwell :soy: '

that just makes you an even more corny version of a niceguy, she will hate you more
Chad can be a drain on society & still have no trouble finding love.
amazing how ITcels went from 'have a good pERsonality, inkwell' to 'actually personality doesn't matter' in an instant

shows how serious they are about their bluepilled wingcuckery
amazing how ITcels went from 'have a good pERsonality, inkwell' to 'actually personality doesn't matter' in an instant

shows how serious they are about their bluepilled wingcuckery

ITfags saying it out loud we don't deserve to be loved because we don't message up to a certain criteria established by a society that has done nothing for us, a society which created us due to extreme neglect, and what exactly are you implying that if incels just become Mcwageslaves we'll magically get girlfriends, newflash dumbass alot of incels of jobs and they are still loners who have no chance and a girlfriend. what a fucking corporate bootlicker mindset to have btw, you most work zee job to have any value in life. What a cruel thing to say to imply that some people are unworthy of love because they unemployed, this nigga probably thinks the homeless should just drop dead because no one should love them either. Holy fuck IT really showing their real colors here

Not only is this asinine and a cruel thing to say, it's also just not true. there a dozens of women who literally do fuck all for society who get love and sex all the fucking time, i guess to these fags women don't count. Plenty of guys are fucking bums but they are loved because they are attractive, and that's not to even mention the thousands of men who are loved despite being a negative for society, Richard ramerez, Ted Bundy, Jermery Meeks. Do I need to go on? I mean for fuck sakes there are women that literally just exploit vulnerable men (findom) to make money by doing fuck all, do you really think women on onlyfans taking pictures of their taint and selling it online to desperate lonely men is a positive to society? it's fucking not, if it is then by that logic It would be better for me to be a drug dealer dealing drugs that could easily kill someone then to be a incel who writes mean things about women on small corner of the internet. yea fuck off filthily fucking faggot ass retard.

imagine hearing it from women when most important jobs which run the whole world is mostly men
Just ignore those itfags they won’t understand our points
So richfags who became rich just by inheritance didn't contribute for anything in society.
Therefore shouldn't be able to marry and spread economic inequalities generation after generation.
They deny me pussy, so why the fuck im supposed to help the ones that denied me sex, fuck off those niggers id rather be terrorist than helping the goberment:feelsseriously:
people on IT is just spewing hatred for their failures in life out on us, we're their scapegoats. Just look at this.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/selfimprovement/comments/187dtgc/how_to_stop_doubting_myself/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/194k9l6/need_some_help_dealing_with_an_extremely/


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/1bbyoi3/i_think_im_on_the_verge_of_another_break_up_and/
Guys like Jeremy Meeks, Sean O'Pry, Francisco Lachowski really contribute a lot to society.
I don't know any of these but I'll assume they're serial killers
I am an engineer meanwhile homeless drug dealer chad gets leagues more love and affection than I could ever dream of.

Maybe if I was a heinous serial killer or rapist like Bundy or Ramirez I would get love letters like they did. Unfortunately I have no drive to be violent.

'Just be useful to society broh' what utter nonsense. Oftentimes it's the exact opposite. Those born with wealth or attractiveness don't need to be 'useful' to society as they get everything without working for it. The system squeezes as much labor out of the uggos as much as possible by using this mantra as a carrot and stick but more young men are starting to wake up to the grand fallacy.
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I was close enough.
there is no social contract.

that fag has no idea what he's talking about.

the contract was broken the moment that boomers decided it's fine for their teen daughters to take dick in every hole since puberty.
IncelTears poster, I agree that this should be how dating and society works. The useful people in a functional society should build with each other and be rewarded.

But, alas, this is not how society works, and especially not how dating works. Which you're well aware of.
Absolutely comical from (IT)

ITfags saying it out loud we don't deserve to be loved because we don't message up to a certain criteria established by a society that has done nothing for us, a society which created us due to extreme neglect, and what exactly are you implying that if incels just become Mcwageslaves we'll magically get girlfriends, newflash dumbass alot of incels of jobs and they are still loners who have no chance and a girlfriend. what a fucking corporate bootlicker mindset to have btw, you most work zee job to have any value in life. What a cruel thing to say to imply that some people are unworthy of love because they unemployed, this nigga probably thinks the homeless should just drop dead because no one should love them either. Holy fuck IT really showing their real colors here

Not only is this asinine and a cruel thing to say, it's also just not true. there a dozens of women who literally do fuck all for society who get love and sex all the fucking time, i guess to these fags women don't count. Plenty of guys are fucking bums but they are loved because they are attractive, and that's not to even mention the thousands of men who are loved despite being a negative for society, Richard ramerez, Ted Bundy, Jermery Meeks. Do I need to go on? I mean for fuck sakes there are women that literally just exploit vulnerable men (findom) to make money by doing fuck all, do you really think women on onlyfans taking pictures of their taint and selling it online to desperate lonely men is a positive to society? it's fucking not, if it is then by that logic It would be better for me to be a drug dealer dealing drugs that could easily kill someone then to be a incel who writes mean things about women on small corner of the internet. yea fuck off filthily fucking faggot ass retard.

Images 19

I don't want a gf, I want sex.

JFl you should make a post and mod should pin this
The 30years old dude who tells us to contribute while he lives with his mommy and write that shit on Reddit

I work out I dress nice, my room is very clean and I do take care of myself.

This sort of thing comes off as callous and cold, and just projection really.

No matter how hard I try I cannot erase my face and autism which have tainted every miserable interaction I have ever endured. It was always over.
Even if I were to take what they say at face value, I love how they basically accept that you need to be able-bodied and NT to find love. So if you are unable to work or give anything back to society, IT thinks you should die alone. IT is an ableist bullying sub.
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ModERn soyciety is a kike expERiment about social engineERing

ITards are still contradicting their own arguments and still call us low IQ.
Holes don’t even want me to beta bux because I’m ugly and too fucking short!
Chads and Foids dont need to be useful for society though, they just get whatever the fuck they want . We gotta suffer for it though.

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