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The Enforcer

The Enforcer

Not fit to survive
Jul 25, 2021


The worst part about this post though isn't the fact that it's just another "i'm a virgin but not inkwell" guy who either doesn't know what the word refers too, or lacks the self awareness to grasp his situation (in this case it seems he's aware of his situation though)

No the worst part about this thread, in all the subs he posted it in, normies are consistently bullshitting him. Not only that, many are attacking him for still acknowledging his situation. 23 years old, 5'0 feet, autistic. The dude seems fully aware that these are massive hindrances, and have cause mistreatment and negative outcomes before. But as redditors do, they shame him repeatedly for having the nerve to mention and acknowledge this.

Definitely a good idea to focus on copes if you have to for sure though. Coping is the only way to deal with this fucked up existence. Although it's always brutal seeing this stuff. As if any normie cares whether or not an incel identifies as incel or not. In fact, 99.9% of incels the world over don't identify as incel (most have never heard of the word nor know what it means), yet society doesn't give a fuck. They're in the exact same situation for the exact same reasons. Normies will treat them just as horribly and with just as much vitriol.

For me what helped me was understanding that I wasn't made for being in a relationship, I have no redeeming qualities, as in being defective in body, mind, soul, everything, everything is broken, so trying to be in a relationship would be just a waste of time, and if a woman were to see my body she would most likely start throwing up and crying and it would be a traumatic experience for both of us.
This is a brutal paragraph. But if this has been a positive for him then the blackpill has helped him. Bluepillers would rather reject males spend their lives confused, lost, distraught, and on a path to suicide as a result. But I highlight this paragraph for a specific reason. People are giving him shit for this one. Some even accusing him of "misogyny" because they're to fucking stupid and have to much of a victim complex to realize that this comes from inward hate, not hatred of women.

It also stems from experience. People don't just say this shit for no reason. If people treat you piss poorly and react negatively due to how you look consistently, you can bet that this won't change. But of course, normies don't give a solitary fuck about the abuse and mistreatment he's likely faced throughout his life, nor the trauma he's likely developed as a result. And this goes for all reject males. Normies simply couldn't care less.

Hopefully this guy manages to maintain his copes and whitepillmaxx tbh. May normie scum stop trying to dictate his past and shame him for having experiences outside of his control. It's so obvious how much normies hate rejects. Their hate bleeds through their responses constantly. Best of luck to fellow brocel and enjoy your hobbymaxxing ngl.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1dx4vxo/you_can_stop_being_an_incel_without_a_girlfriend/

The Consequences of copium overdose
saw it not too long ago, beyond brutal. Let this poor dude cope with his pixel art.
saw it not too long ago, beyond brutal. Let this poor dude cope with his pixel art.
Tbh. I wish normies with nothing but hate and blame to throw at him would stop weighing in on shit they'll never understand.
Not Incel
Hes not Defective " per say , hes just Ugly Enough that Woman dosnt want to do shit with Him , And gets Gaslighted to Try Harder Because of That

Never have i seen a Ugly Faced / Fat Lazy / Vile etc Woman being Called Defective . :feelsclown: :feelskek:
Man, people with nothing going on really like writing these huge essays nowadays. What the fuck.

Nigga is gonna ghostwrite his book "How I Did It: The Full Story" and he didn't even do anything.
Hes not Defective " per say , hes just Ugly Enough that Woman dosnt want to do shit with Him , And gets Gaslighted to Try Harder Because of That

Never have i seen a Ugly Faced / Fat Lazy / Vile etc Woman being Called Defective . :feelsclown: :feelskek:
Thing is normies shit on him for saying he's defective... But who do you think has conditioned that idea in him? It's those same fucking normies who've been thinking it and telling him it for his whole life. They can fuck off with their virtue signalling crap.
5'0" never began tbh so it cant even be over because to over means something actually began. At 5'0" its beyond over, that is simply unredeemable.
Thing is normies shit on him for saying he's defective... But who do you think has conditioned that idea in him? It's those same fucking normies who've been thinking it and telling him it for his whole life. They can fuck off with their virtue signalling crap.
Hes made to believe hes Defective because of Bad Reinforcments / Negative Reinforcments , and then these Shitters have the Audacity to say its His fault and gets Gaslighted .

Meanwhile his Female counterpart is Praised by these Same Shitters . What a Gynocentric Bullshit really . :feelsclown:
talking about the redditor btw
Enforcer wants to remind people he still exists and is purple and it's understandable
these soys writing essays and talking up a storm in real life are a phenomenon that is getting out of hand
5'0" never began tbh so it cant even be over because to over means something actually began. At 5'0" its beyond over, that is simply unredeemable.
The short men where always in deserved of all the worlds respect.
The great cope
Hes made to believe hes Defective because of Bad Reinforcments / Negative Reinforcments , and then these Shitters have the Audacity to say its His fault and gets Gaslighted .

Meanwhile his Female counterpart is Praised by these Same Shitters . What a Gynocentric Bullshit really . :feelsclown:
Hopefully this guy manages to maintain his copes and whitepillmaxx tbh. May normie scum stop trying to dictate his past and shame him for having experiences outside of his control. It's so obvious how much normies hate rejects. Their hate bleeds through their responses constantly. Best of luck to fellow brocel and enjoy your hobbymaxxing ngl.
The reality is they don't actually want us to stop being incels. They just don't like that term because they lost control over it. So even if you try to be whitepilled and try to live your life in acceptance of your situation normies will still call you an incel because its not just about your mindset. They still want us to be separate from them and will shit on you regardless of whether you hate them or not.
Nice thread mang.

These judgemental normies piss me off to no end. Bullying people for things they can't control. I've been having more fantasy's of a normie laughing at me or trying to start shit so I can fuck them up.

If hell is real then I hope these niggas suffer in hell.
The reality is they don't actually want us to stop being incels. They just don't like that term because they lost control over it. So even if you try to be whitepilled and try to live your life in acceptance of your situation normies will still call you an incel because its not just about your mindset. They still want us to be separate from them and will shit on you regardless of whether you hate them or not.
Rejects are rejects. In their minds that makes us all worthy of death
Nice thread mang.

These judgemental normies piss me off to no end. Bullying people for things they can't control. I've been having more fantasy's of a normie laughing at me or trying to start shit so I can fuck them up.

If hell is real then I hope these niggas suffer in hell.
Hell is too nice a place for normies.
I'm very thankful that the normies refuse to associate themselves with us because everything they touch turns to ruin. We are the last remainder of a free thinking society. Let them suffer for their own stupidity.
Redditors are absolutely retarded
He's not wrong though, just about the method. You can stop being an incel by becoming a corpse.
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He's not wrong though, just about the method. You can stop being an incel by becoming a corpse.
As DJ yella said
"why do we call ourselves niggas for life?
'Cause if we die, we still gonna be some dead niggas"

We'd just be dead incels. But tbh true. Brutal macabrepill
But if we weren't outed as incels, that knowledge dies with us.
No one really has to know about it tbh. Inceldom's just a circumstance. It would die with us anyway tbh. Most people don't give a shit about rejects and don't remember them
im incel but i dont have any hate for anything its like everything i do and think is so useless i cant even bother hating something
im incel but i dont have any hate for anything its like everything i do and think is so useless i cant even bother hating something
IT erroneously believe that hate is somehow intrinsically a part of inceldom. That it's a requirement. But tbh they repeatedly showcase that they don't even know what the word "incel" means or what inceldom is so it's hardly surprising.

What I do find funny though is that when an incel has contempt for people who have mistreated them. They can't begin to conceptualize why. They're hypocritical retards. Also they don't understand causation. They mistake symptoms for causes.
Rejects are rejects. In their minds that makes us all worthy of death
We aren't human to them. Nobody actual wants to help incels, they either hate us and actively wants us dead or if they pretend to care its just because they want to use us as a tool for their purposes (grifting, playing the saviour, etc)
We aren't human to them. Nobody actual wants to help incels, they either hate us and actively wants us dead or if they pretend to care its just because they want to use us as a tool for their purposes (grifting, playing the saviour, etc)
Pretty much this most of the time. Also social brownie points for them for virtue signalling. The reason why many of them wont admit that out problems exist is because to do so, they'd likely have to admit to playing a part in it too. Which would bruise their egos as everyone likes to think they're not shallow.

Reject death is entertainment to them and after the fact they can virtue signal about it all after for even more social brownie points and to garner sympathy.
I do understand that some point in your life you should just accept some facts and move on but I really don't understand this type of mental gymnastics for proofing yourself that "I'm virgin but not incel :soy::feels:" "inceldom is just mindset I don't hate wahmen :feels::soy:" tbh. Sometimes I get to point that I don't wanna think or discuss about blackpill anymore because at the end of the day it is what it is. If you have a pain, constantly talking about how worse it is clearly doesn't help you if there's not cure but deluded yourself to there's no pain isn't good coping mechanism in slightest. Just take it like a man and move on. You don't need to proof some 40+ yo landwhale from reddit how being 30 yo kissles virgin actually isn't bad or how good virgin boy you are who doesn't hate wahmen.
I thought you just hung out in the banned users area, but based post. Holy fuck people like this exist :feelshaha:
I do understand that some point in your life you should just accept some facts and move on but I really don't understand this type of mental gymnastics for proofing yourself that "I'm virgin but not incel :soy::feels:" "inceldom is just mindset I don't hate wahmen :feels::soy:" tbh. Sometimes I get to point that I don't wanna think or discuss about blackpill anymore because at the end of the day it is what it is. If you have a pain, constantly talking about how worse it is clearly doesn't help you if there's not cure but deluded yourself to there's no pain isn't good coping mechanism in slightest. Just take it like a man and move on. You don't need to proof some 40+ yo landwhale from reddit how being 30 yo kissles virgin actually isn't bad or how good virgin boy you are who doesn't hate wahmen.
Tbh. Hell a lot of the people here have accepted it and just move on with life. But we're not denying what we are or our circumstances jfl. Nor attributing false traits to our circumstances. Also true about not needing to prove some point to reddit anons. Those people not only don't care, but they still hate you by default because you're a reject. Nothing has changed
I thought you just hung out in the banned users area, but based post. Holy fuck people like this exist :feelshaha:
I don't post all too often but I've got a number of threads up from a while ago
He is 23. Let's see how he feels as the years pass by and he is still playing with his pecker.

View attachment 1194112

The worst part about this post though isn't the fact that it's just another "i'm a virgin but not inkwell" guy who either doesn't know what the word refers too, or lacks the self awareness to grasp his situation (in this case it seems he's aware of his situation though)

No the worst part about this thread, in all the subs he posted it in, normies are consistently bullshitting him. Not only that, many are attacking him for still acknowledging his situation. 23 years old, 5'0 feet, autistic. The dude seems fully aware that these are massive hindrances, and have cause mistreatment and negative outcomes before. But as redditors do, they shame him repeatedly for having the nerve to mention and acknowledge this.

Definitely a good idea to focus on copes if you have to for sure though. Coping is the only way to deal with this fucked up existence. Although it's always brutal seeing this stuff. As if any normie cares whether or not an incel identifies as incel or not. In fact, 99.9% of incels the world over don't identify as incel (most have never heard of the word nor know what it means), yet society doesn't give a fuck. They're in the exact same situation for the exact same reasons. Normies will treat them just as horribly and with just as much vitriol.

This is a brutal paragraph. But if this has been a positive for him then the blackpill has helped him. Bluepillers would rather reject males spend their lives confused, lost, distraught, and on a path to suicide as a result. But I highlight this paragraph for a specific reason. People are giving him shit for this one. Some even accusing him of "misogyny" because they're to fucking stupid and have to much of a victim complex to realize that this comes from inward hate, not hatred of women.

It also stems from experience. People don't just say this shit for no reason. If people treat you piss poorly and react negatively due to how you look consistently, you can bet that this won't change. But of course, normies don't give a solitary fuck about the abuse and mistreatment he's likely faced throughout his life, nor the trauma he's likely developed as a result. And this goes for all reject males. Normies simply couldn't care less.

Hopefully this guy manages to maintain his copes and whitepillmaxx tbh. May normie scum stop trying to dictate his past and shame him for having experiences outside of his control. It's so obvious how much normies hate rejects. Their hate bleeds through their responses constantly. Best of luck to fellow brocel and enjoy your hobbymaxxing ngl.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1dx4vxo/you_can_stop_being_an_incel_without_a_girlfriend/

Brutal is an understatement, and hes still chronically coping.
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He is 23. Let's see how he feels as the years pass by and he is still playing with his pecker.
Normies say shit like "it gets better"... For them perhaps because whatever their menial problems are, tend to go away or become no longer relevant. Inceldom isn't like that if you're still affected by it.
Brutal is an understatement, and hes still chronically coping.
coping is all there is I guess. But some copes are better than others
coping is all there is I guess. But some copes are better than others

True, but the blackpill is always there just waiting and has a 100% strike record.
The years go by and you start to detest your copes. I am an oldcel and confirm this.
True, but the blackpill is always there just waiting and has a 100% strike record.
The years go by and you start to detest your copes. I am an oldcel and confirm this.
Same thing happened to me tbh. Everything you enjoy becomes a chore. And it's harder to pick up new things to enjoy because a lot of things in life that would be suited towards you, are stuff that involve other people. As a reject, that limits your options.
Normshits are such vile and disgusting bullies. All in all, they deserve some form of punishment. And reddit is the worse pos site that exists. A toxic hivemind full of dumb white psycho midwits. I ses this attitude even on unrelated topics. For example :

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/17qr5ac/mongol_invasion_is_ridiculous/

The amount of fanboys saying that the game is right, in opposition to all logic or common sense :feelshaha: what a bunch of subhumans. But it just seem to be the modus operandi of plebitors.
Damn, he is 150cm.
I just realized how absurdly small that is.
I remember my brother telling me about that absurdly small girl that was like 152.

Now imagine being even smaller than that as an autistic male.
School must've been hell for this dude.
23 years old, 5'0 feet, autistic



Sorry, but I can't blame this guy. I give him all my compassion.

Let him cope in peace.

This post makes me want to become a powerful warlord, capture a slut, and deliver her to this young gentleman.

Then, I would say " Timmy, here, I found a girl who's in love with you "

Timmy : " r-really ? "

Me, looking at the whore with fire in my eyes : " Of course. You're in love with Timmy, Jessica, aren't you ? "

Jessica : "y- yes... yes I am, I find you very hand-handome timmy ... "

Me : " Exactly. I shall let you together now. You will be nice Jessica, won't you ? "

Jessica : "Yes..."

And I would leave them together.
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