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LifeFuel You can FINALLY ascend! ...Maybe!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22571
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Deleted member 22571

Deleted member 22571

20 yrs old, 5'3" tall, ugly blackcel
Nov 12, 2019
Okay, listen up incels.

Don't ask me where I got this information from, but just know that it comes from an extremely credible and high IQ source.

So, apparently three days from now on December 21st, 2020, there will be a gigantic solar flare that will affect the entire planet forever.

Apparently this solar flare will cause a massive nuclear explosion that will ooze this white, fog-like gas all over the earth that allegedly has supernatural properties that allows it to unlock DNA and grant you anything you desire, as long as your genes allow you to do it.

This is where the ascension part comes in.

What if you, as an incel, went out into this magical white gas, and imagined in your head the most giga-chad, alpha male, hyper masculine version of yourself?

You would instantly go from incel to giga-chad pussy demolisher due to the power of the white mist unlocking those dormant genes from within your DNA!

If everything I'm saying is true, this is our one and only chance to ascend the miserable life of inceldom.

Make sure to spread the word to every incel you know.
not gonna happen.
Cope that wont fucjking happen
Cope that wont fucjking happen
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But on December 21st, if you see white gas outside, at least give it a try.
That white "gas" in the winter is called snow brainlet :feelshaha:
Gas the kites!
cope but if legit jfl
Will do remind me.
Okay, listen up incels.

Don't ask me where I got this information from, but just know that it comes from an extremely credible and high IQ source.

So, apparently three days from now on December 21st, 2020, there will be a gigantic solar flare that will affect the entire planet forever.

Apparently this solar flare will cause a massive nuclear explosion that will ooze this white, fog-like gas all over the earth that allegedly has supernatural properties that allows it to unlock DNA and grant you anything you desire, as long as your genes allow you to do it.

This is where the ascension part comes in.

What if you, as an incel, went out into this magical white gas, and imagined in your head the most giga-chad, alpha male, hyper masculine version of yourself?

You would instantly go from incel to giga-chad pussy demolisher due to the power of the white mist unlocking those dormant genes from within your DNA!

If everything I'm saying is true, this is our one and only chance to ascend the miserable life of inceldom.

Make sure to spread the word to every incel you know.
Yeah sure whatever
Dumb as the current state of the world.
so you're saying the mayans were just off by 8 years
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Okay, listen up incels.

Don't ask me where I got this information from, but just know that it comes from an extremely credible and high IQ source.

So, apparently three days from now on December 21st, 2020, there will be a gigantic solar flare that will affect the entire planet forever.

Apparently this solar flare will cause a massive nuclear explosion that will ooze this white, fog-like gas all over the earth that allegedly has supernatural properties that allows it to unlock DNA and grant you anything you desire, as long as your genes allow you to do it.

This is where the ascension part comes in.

What if you, as an incel, went out into this magical white gas, and imagined in your head the most giga-chad, alpha male, hyper masculine version of yourself?

You would instantly go from incel to giga-chad pussy demolisher due to the power of the white mist unlocking those dormant genes from within your DNA!

If everything I'm saying is true, this is our one and only chance to ascend the miserable life of inceldom.

Make sure to spread the word to every incel you know.

Imagine being so retarded you choose to just become good looking instead of making yourself immortal with super powers
December 21st 2020 is the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn.

Exactly 8-years prior to this was December 21st 2012 (Mayan doom)

December 21st is exactly 8 1260-day measures since Waco.

10,108 days /1260= 8

The 1260 Days in the Book of Revelation:
https://adventistbiblicalresearch.org/sites/default/files/pdf/1260 Days in Revelation.pdf

8 is the key number for many reasons, especially as it pertains to the Apocalypse, infinity and 'new beginnings'-

"Pythagoras says this about numbers; “All is number.” The number 8, which the arithmeticians call the first actual square-

Eight is represented in “The Magic Star of Venus,” and by the Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus. Amongst the Jews, 8 is the number of circumcision- In Christianity there are eight beatitudes. The story of Noah’s Ark in which the deluge was commemorated by eight persons who had been saved in the ark. This is also represented in Freemasonry as the degrees of the Royal Ark Mariners, the Noachites, and the Ark and Dove.

For example, the Tower of Belus in Babylon is made of eight square towers. In Egypt, Thoth had eight disciples which was the number of the balance and of the cosmic order and according to Herodotus, the reign of gods in Egypt would have started with a first group of eight gods to the head of which was Pan. The Greeks had dedicated the number 8 to Dionysius who was born in the eighth month of the year."

"The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning.

“Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012 … The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days … For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years,”

12/21/2012 + 2,948 days= Jan. 16th 2021

19 years, 11 months, and 1 days before 12/21/20 is 1/20/01, the date of the first inauguration of George W. Bush.

66 weeks, a 6 days before 9/11/01 is 5/31/00, the date of the last great conjunction of Saturn, and Jupiter.
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Let me add more.

Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction dates:
• 1345: Bubonic plague begins
• 1518: Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses to the door of the Church
• 1914: WWI begins
• 1918: Spanish Flu
• 1947: Israel formation, CIA formation, Cold War, Roswell UFO incident, poliomyelitis epidemic in England
• 1982: Recession, AIDs epidemic, Falkland war, Israeli invasion of Lebanon
• 2020: Self explanatory
Saturn/Pluto square & opposition dates:
• 1939: WWII begins
• 1974: Nixon resignation
• 1992: War in Yugoslavia
• 2001: 911
• 2010: devastating earthquake in Haiti (On January 12th--the same date as the 2020 conjunction)
Let me add more.

Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction dates:
• 1345: Bubonic plague begins
• 1518: Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses to the door of the Church
• 1914: WWI begins
• 1918: Spanish Flu
• 1947: Israel formation, CIA formation, Cold War, Roswell UFO incident, poliomyelitis epidemic in England
• 1982: Recession, AIDs epidemic, Falkland war, Israeli invasion of Lebanon
• 2020: Self explanatory
Saturn/Pluto square & opposition dates:
• 1939: WWII begins
• 1974: Nixon resignation
• 1992: War in Yugoslavia
• 2001: 911
• 2010: devastating earthquake in Haiti (On January 12th--the same date as the 2020 conjunction)

I will go outside and bask in the eclipses light (with my eyes closed of course, that shit can blind you)

If I get powers you all will know because i'll wipe out a village in india or something IDK lol
By thinking with reasons, this will fail 100%
Imagine being so retarded you choose to just become good looking instead of making yourself immortal with super powers
Why not become good looking and also get super powers?
Why not become good looking and also get super powers?

Gaining powers and caring about looks is like............. well gaining powers and caring about your taxes or 401K, you can literally just take whatever you want, money, taxes, etc, none of that even matters to someone like you

Looks is only a factor when you are bound by human limitations, so you have to fall in line with human rules of consent, human norms of "attractiveness", etc

If you had powers, women would actually flock to you even if you were a 3/10 (if you were the leader of a criminal organization), or you could simply just claim any woman you want by force

IDK but it just seems to me that you are ironically being freed from the limitations of humanity, but you're so absorbed in that way of thinking that you are still mentally a slave to it regardless of being physically free from it

You are still seeing things under the perspective of a human with human limitations when you are no longer "just a human"

I don't really care about looks now (I care about wealth) and I definitely would not even care about looks if I got powers (especially if the powers were very useful)

Caring about looks if you got powers, is like a 5'10" tall basketball player waking up to be 7'8" tall and caring about working on his jump height :feelskek:, at that height with a relative arm length, he can just place the ball over the net and let it go

Do you get my point

My point is:
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Most impressive cope Ive seen :feelswhat:
The dumbest shit I've ever heard. Space isn't even real my nigga
Your avi looks hilarious with snow on his head!

I wouldn't know...

I only rarely allow images and always turn off holiday js crap.

But, I'm glad it amuses you.
Okay, listen up incels.

Don't ask me where I got this information from, but just know that it comes from an extremely credible and high IQ source.

So, apparently three days from now on December 21st, 2020, there will be a gigantic solar flare that will affect the entire planet forever.

Apparently this solar flare will cause a massive nuclear explosion that will ooze this white, fog-like gas all over the earth that allegedly has supernatural properties that allows it to unlock DNA and grant you anything you desire, as long as your genes allow you to do it.

This is where the ascension part comes in.

What if you, as an incel, went out into this magical white gas, and imagined in your head the most giga-chad, alpha male, hyper masculine version of yourself?

You would instantly go from incel to giga-chad pussy demolisher due to the power of the white mist unlocking those dormant genes from within your DNA!

If everything I'm saying is true, this is our one and only chance to ascend the miserable life of inceldom.

Make sure to spread the word to every incel you know.
Can I just get vaporized from the nuclear explosion and skip the mystical white fog?
Fuck being Chad
so once my physical body ages too much I can take over some Chad level body and live again

Pick one

JFL I don't think you know what you really want (or more like you know what you really want but you don't want to admit it to yourself)

I mean your end goal in the "back of your mind" still just seems to be "becoming Chad", seems really convoluted to wish for psionic powers to eventually attain an immortal body when you can just get psionic powers and have your current body become immortal to begin with (if you have a choice why not just skip all the unnecessary steps?)

Seems like you subconsciously just chose the roundabout method so that it includes you getting a "Chad body"
Gaining powers and caring about looks is like............. well gaining powers and caring about your taxes or 401K, you can literally just take whatever you want, money, taxes, etc, none of that even matters to someone like you

Looks is only a factor when you are bound by human limitations, so you have to fall in line with human rules of consent, human norms of "attractiveness", etc

If you had powers, women would actually flock to you even if you were a 3/10 (if you were the leader of a criminal organization), or you could simply just claim any woman you want by force

IDK but it just seems to me that you are ironically being freed from the limitations of humanity, but you're so absorbed in that way of thinking that you are still mentally a slave to it regardless of being physically free from it

You are still seeing things under the perspective of a human with human limitations when you are no longer "just a human"

I don't really care about looks now (I care about wealth) and I definitely would not even care about looks if I got powers (especially if the powers were very useful)

Caring about looks if you got powers, is like a 5'10" tall basketball player waking up to be 7'8" tall and caring about working on his jump height :feelskek:, at that height with a relative arm length, he can just place the ball over the net and let it go

Do you get my point

My point is:
I will ascend with your female familiy members
Lol, dumbass, psionic powers require you to be able to destroy entire multiverses and create something from nothing before they let you truly be immortal, no matter how powerful this white mist is I will only get regular level psionic powers and have to cultivate it myself.

IDK kinda seems like you are the dumbass, this is one of the stupidest wishes I've ever heard, its a waste of time and effort, its so pointlessly convoluted, if some crazy white cloud can grant you psionic powers, it can make you immortal too (that would be a lesser feat actually)

Super intellect (like braniac tier) would be much more useful an ability, you could just genetically engineer yourself to be immortal (among other things), you could accomplish this in 5 years, and you could do a lot more too, for humanity even (psionic powers by itself can't do shit for anyone though)

Like Arthur C. Clarke said - “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

You would literally be spending thousands of years to do what an advanced humanoid artificial intelligence could do in a few years, in 2 decades at most

I might live as a literal ant for a few decades

Definitely retarded :feelskek:

The irony of you calling anyone a dumbass, you'd become a literal fucking ant for no fucking reason at all other than to "see what its like" lol

hell I might even become a woman (lesbian though) for some added spice to my life


JFL at this, everything really leads back to Chad, lol at the "lesbian though" part, yeah right, you full well plan to get fucked thoroughly by Chads if you decide to become a woman, its true when people say the obsession many incels have with Chad borders on the line of homoerotic.

No straight man is going to go out of his way to get holes to get fucked

WTF do you mean by "added spice", you want to experience what it feels like to be penetrated?, you want to finger fuck yourself?, get "eaten out"?, this sounds like some closet faggotry, if you think you won't end up fucking dudes you are deluded, this is a slippery slope

Who the fuck would choose to be a woman after everything you know about them and the nature of their existence

I'd literally kill myself if I woke up a woman tomorrow, I wasn't even waiting around to find out anything, I'd just be done with life

I think I'll end this back and forth here lol, enjoy being a woman though if this shit happens for you
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The wish I make to this white mist is under the premise it offers me genetic-based powers.
But science can't touch the soul
no matter how advanced humanity becomes until you can separate the soul from the body and exist solely as a soul you will never be immortal.

You are not the kind of person who listens to their rationalizations are you? lol

So lets get this straight

1. The white mist can only grant you genetic (biological) powers

2. Science for some reason being within the realm of biology and genetics can't be used IN ANY MANNER AT ALL to help you become immortal

3. You are going to use powers you gained through genetic (biological) means to attain a soul based immortality that is outside the realm of science even though you used a science based phenomenon to jump start that process

Yeah that makes perfect sense :feelskek:

You are assuming that souls even exist, and if souls did exist then God and the Devil probably do too, and they are still going to use you like a plaything in their little game, a psionic immortal soul can burn in hell all the same)
Imagine being so retarded you choose to just become good looking instead of making yourself immortal with super powers
Bro I’m telling you these guys are some idiots. If they got 1 absolute wish to grant anything they’ll choose to be chad out of all things.
psionic is weak as shit most overrated superpower I have better ones
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Bro I’m telling you these guys are some idiots. If they got 1 absolute wish to grant anything they’ll choose to be chad out of all things.

This forum is filled with Chad obsessed idiots, and I half think some of these guys want to get fucked by Chad rather than be one, the level of obsession is unreal, too many guys keep throwing out these weird random fantasies of becoming a woman

If I could be granted 1 absolute wish with no limitations, the best wish is obvious, the ability to grant yourself wishes, with my next wish I'd make myself immortal with an undying body invulnerable to any and everything, and I'd call it a day, time to go take over the universe, nobody could oppose me then lol
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This forum is filled with Chad obsessed idiots, and I half think some of these guys want to get fucked by Chad rather than be one
We definitely have some closet fags on this forum.
If I could be granted 1 absolute wish with no limitations, the best wish is obvious, the ability to grant yourself wishes, with my next wish I'd make myself immortal with an undying body invulnerable to any and everything, and I'd call it a day, time to go take over the universe, nobody could oppose me then lol
Damn you going for that godly power I don’t blame you. For me I’ll just wish for absolute force the ability to manipulate any existing force e.g gravity,electromagnetic(physical force’s) etc and to create any type of force be it spiritual,psionic if they don’t exist.

If they do I still control them since it’s a type of force.
Damn you going for that godly power I don’t blame you. For me I’ll just wish for absolute force the ability to manipulate any existing force e.g gravity,electromagnetic(physical force’s) etc and to create any type of force be it spiritual,psionic if they don’t exist.

If they do I still control them since it’s a type of force.

Ironically it would be you who would be "going for that Godly power", if you can manipulate any existing force and create any force, then you can basically do anything, you are essentially the christian God, you could manipulate your very being to make yourself capable of being all knowing and eternal
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Ironically it would be you who would be "going for that Godly power",
True but you have absolute wish so nothing is stopping you from doing the same it’s an expression of omnipotence. Theirs this forum I work on

which have this I’ll show you.

This is one of my page made by me with some help from others
True but you have absolute wish so nothing is stopping you from doing the same it’s an expression of omnipotence. Theirs this forum I work on

which have this I’ll show you.

This is one of my page made by me with some help from others

I'm surprised things that super specific are categorized

You put a lot of thought into this

If you had to sacrifice a million people to get this power would you still do it? (and no, you couldn't just bring that back by manipulating forces lol)
If you had to sacrifice a million people to get this power would you still do it? (and no, you couldn't just bring that back by manipulating forces lol)
Yes of course! This is a one in a lifetime, who wouldn’t?
Yes of course! This is a one in a lifetime, who wouldn’t?

Who wouldn't?, the majority of this forum, the large majority, like 97% even

Me personally, I'd only go as far as 1 billion, not because there's a "too far" number for me, but because it would affect the world and the economy too much, I need people around to keep producing food and entertainment for me to enjoy lol

Today I saw a post with talking about a thread I made in the past and I was looking through my thread list (via the filter system) and I stumbled upon this one I made, and its one the most relevant and true threads I've made on this forum, the more users I interact with on this forum, the more I believe it to be true

If the average user on this site, who goes on and on about wanting a societal collapse, actually had a chance to cause one, they'd come up with an excuse, they wouldn't go through with it

The "personas" that the large majority of users on this site "act out" are exactly that, personas

Its a lie they tell themselves so they don't hate themselves for being so pathetic, for being so screwed by society and yet deep down being "alright" with it

Most users wouldn't even kill a random dog in the street for power, much more millions of humans, they are moralists, and as much as they think they are different from normies, they are really just normies that happen to be ugly, they aren't any different, same emotional NPC mindset
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@BlkPillPres i actually have that thread pin one of your best ones. I’ll be posting that anytime I see any lily daly hypocrites.

This is why I say a bunch of guys on here are just trying to edgemaxx. The blackpill for them makes them feel cool and dark. I swear they think they think they’re some main antagonist. They love the Joker but won’t do anything that Joker done.

The blackpill for me is reality everything goes together when I observe human nature ,society, childhood everything.

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