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Discussion You Can BAN one Thing GLOBALLY and LEGALIZE one Thing GLOBALLY, What Do You Choose?



Feb 28, 2018
Me personally, I think this is the perfect combo for returning more leverage to average men in the sexual market:
Ban: Makeup (Surgeries & Other Alterations Included)
Legalize: Prostitution

1. Most women have an overinflated sense of self because of makeup, they literally rate themselves based on their "makeup face" rather than their actual face, and they use the trickery of makeup to looksfraud and pursue men outside of their league. Taking away makeup would be a huge blow to this BS and it would humble a lot of women.

Of course women will still be pursued by all tiers of men, but this will lower the rate at which it happens, and it will make women less brazen in their attempts to try and monkey branch. Most women literally walk around catfishing their entire lives, I'd ban makeup to give them all a well deserved reality check, and to humble them and their future generations.

Women aren't really all that attractive when you look at them in their regular state. Usually when were all thinking about a "beautiful woman", 9 times out of 10 it's a woman who is altering her appearance. Be it makeup to looksfraud their face, pushup bras to make their breasts look better, heels to accentuate their height and their ass, plastic surgery to make themselves look younger or to change body parts, etc.

Very few women are actually naturally beautiful.

Sadly this is the standard that they set for themselves, because they refuse to be reasonable and to stop trying to monkey branch to men above their league. They know full well that men don't give a fuck about makeup, they use it to looksfraud so that they can reach for branches that naturally would be too high for them.


2. Legalizing prostitution would destroy the monopoly civilian whores (everyday women) have over sex, it will cheapen the act and cheapen the cultural perception of women and sex. It will take a few decades, but after a while even simping will start to go down, as it becomes more and more normalized for men to just pay for sex and the stigma is gone. From there very few men will be willing to play the "dating game" of "gamble for pussy", and risk being used for free food and entertainment.

Men who struggle with dating will just accept their lot in life and visit brothels, women will lose out on a lot of the perks they enjoy because simps are desperate and think they have a chance.

Without a monopoly over sex, women will lose a lot of control that they have in society.

Having an abundance of sex workers is like when illegal aliens come over into America and do jobs for less money lol. It fucks up the leverage that regular workers have because they will do the same job for a lower price. Legalizing prostitution does the same thing to the sex market, because over time competitive pricing becomes the norm, and prices get lower and lower until they reach an optimal threshold.

Women will literally price themselves out of the market. This will be to men's benefit.

3. Some of you might be wondering why I didn't just ban women from being able to work, own property, etc.

Well I think "reversing" the laws and putting women back in the home would be letting them off easy. They already fucking destroyed the working world and the economy by saturating the market with employees. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, after women joined the workforce they increased the supply of workers by twice the amount but the demand remained the same for employers, so wages became lower and began to stagnate. There's too many people working and not enough jobs, so the employers have all the leverage.

It's women that fucked up the employment economy, this were great before they did that shit. It was easy to provide for a family.

I don't think women should be allowed to just "go back" after fucking shit up like this, they should have to work and slave away their best years, and then have to panic in their 30's to try and lock down a guy and have a baby lol.

But marriage rates are getting lower and lower too, so sooner or later they won't even be able to get the consolation prize of marrying a beta buxxer.

I think returning women to the kitchen would be letting them off easy. That's why I didn't go the "ban women's rights" route.

They changed the entire course of the species, they should have to live with and face the consequences of that. Men will adapt and change as we always have, it's going to be amusing to see how women try to adapt to the oncoming social changes of their decisions.

Incel mass shootings is just one extreme example, but what women have done is having a lot more minor effects that go unnoticed and will only be apparent when it's too late to change them.

I have my popcorn ready :feelsPop:.
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prostitution is already legal where I live so I obviously choose banning make up:y'all:

Ban : Simping.
Legalize : Assault weapons for everyone.
The rights of foids must be curtailed, also the rates of escorts should be diminished!
I would ban:

Interracial dating and reproduction.

I would legalize:

Prostitution completely.
prostitution is already legal where I live so I obviously choose banning make up:y'all:
Noted, changed the title to include "globally", so it affects the entire world.
Ban all form and acts of sex outside of marriage. Legalize human cloning and owning one with edited personality for extreme obedience and loyalty.
Ban all form and acts of sex outside of marriage. Legalize human cloning and owning one with edited personality for extreme obedience and loyalty.
fuck yeah :incel:
Ban: race mixing when it involves white people, ethnics can mix with each other all they want. legalize: prostitution.
nothing else to add really
except foids will still be chad only
Ban miscegenation.

Legalize human cloning, I guess. I don't really care what gets legalized tbh.
Ban: female rights

Legalize: rape

Ban miscegenation.
no fuck you

im going to fuck an asian foid and have 2 sons with her "Ninevah" and "Azerath"

JFL at being so brain washed by the jews :feelskek:
Ban : Foids existence
Legalize : m4a1 full modified carried on streets with 50+ mags and grenade launcher
no fuck you

im going to fuck an asian foid and have 2 sons with her "Ninevah" and "Azerath"

JFL at being so brain washed by the jews :feelskek:
you will fuck the sheboone and you will be happy.
Ban: Democracy.
Legalize: Putting all whores to death.
1. Most women have an overinflated sense of self because of makeup, they literally rate themselves based on their "makeup face" rather than their actual face, and they use the trickery of makeup to looksfraud and pursue men outside of their league. Taking away making would be a huge blow to this BS and it would humble a lot of women.
Usually done be ugly and average women in order to compete with Stacies so that they MIGHT have an opportunity for Chad to marry them (will never happen, because Chad might be dumb enough to sleep with them, but when he wakes up with her in the morning and the makeup is gone, he is out of there).
Of course women will still be pursued by all tiers of men, but this will lower the rate at which it happens, and it will make women less brazen in their attempts to try and monkey branch. Most women literally walk around catfishing their entire lives, I'd ban makeup to give them all a well deserved reality check, and to humble them and their future generations.
Agreed. It's time women grew up and take responsibility for their actions. Minimise female priviledge as much as possible.

2. Legalizing prostitution would destroy the monopoly civilian whores (everyday women) have over sex, it will cheapen the act and cheapen the cultural perception of women and sex. It will take a few decades, but after a while even simping will start to go down, as it becomes more and more normalized for men to just pay for sex and the stigma is gone. From there very few men will be willing to play the "dating game" of "gamble for pussy", and risk being used for free food and entertainment.

Men who struggle with dating will just accept their lot in life and visit brothels, women will lose out on a lot of the perks they enjoy because simps are desperate and think they have a chance.

Without a monopoly over sex, women will lose a lot of control that they have in society.

Having an abundance of sex workers is like when illegal aliens come over into America and do jobs for less money lol. It fucks up the leverage that regular workers have because they will do the same job for a lower price. Legalizing prostitution does the same thing to the sex market, because over time competitive pricing becomes the norm, and prices get lower and lower until they reach an optimal threshold.

Women will literally price themselves out of the market. This will be to men's benefit.

Sex robots is a way better idea. With legalising prostitution, women will lose out on SOME of their power, but men will still pay women for sex. With realistic sex robots, men will pay absolutely 0$ to women.
Very few women are actually naturally beautiful.

Sadly this is the standard that they set for themselves, because they refuse to be reasonable and to stop monkey branching. They know full well that men don't give a fuck about makeup, they use it to looksfraud so that they can reach for branches that naturally would be too high for them.
Just like most men are not naturally beautiful. I agree.

3. Some of you might be wondering why I didn't just ban women from being able to work, own property, etc.

Well I think "reversing" the laws and putting women back in the home would be letting them off easy. They already fucking destroyed the working world and the economy by saturating the market with employees. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, after women joined the workforce they increased the supply of works by twice the amount but the demand remained the same for employers, so wages became lower and began to stagnate. There's too many people working and not enough jobs, so the employers have all of the leverage.

I don't think women should be allowed to just "go back" after fucking shit up like this, they should have to work and slave away their best years, and then have to panic in their 30's to try and lock down a guy and have a baby lol.

But marriage rates are getting lower and lower too, so sooner or later they won't even be able to get that.

I think returning women to the kitchen would be letting them off easy. That's why I didn't go the "ban women's rights" route.

They change the entire course of the species, they should have to live with and face the consequences of that. Men will adapt and change as we always have, it's going to be amusing to see how women adapt to the oncoming social changes of their decisions.

Incel mass shootings is just one extreme example, but what women have done is having a lot more minor effects that go unnoticed and will only be apparent when it's too late to change them.
Even in a trandcon society, women still have it easy, because they won't die in some (((war)))
Ban: Foid rights
Legalize: Massacre of foids
Ban : Simping.
Legalize : Assault weapons for everyone.
I was gonna say "don't allow women to get hold of weapons", but then I realised that most guns are too heavy for the average woman's hand.
Ban: extramarital sex

Legalize: foid slavery
Ban Capitalism
Legalise sexual marxism
Ban: Foids and chads
Legalize: Chemical weapons, explosives, bladed weapons, full auto firearms
Ban third world countries from reproducing

Legalize guns and the purge! this is so thirdworld subhumans kill each other to extinction so there will be less subhumans in the world

I would like to participate in the purge so I can finally do whatever I wanted to do:feelsLSD:
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Ban all form and acts of sex outside of marriage. Legalize human cloning and owning one with edited personality for extreme obedience and loyalty.
good thread it should be pinned
not surprisingly, most of the posts are coming from stormfront snowniggers
it’s like they forget they are the ones who gave women rights and created the most degenerate cultures in history
bbbut muh joos :soy::feels::incel:
Me personally, I think this is the perfect combo for returning more leverage to average men in the sexual market:
Ban: Makeup (Surgeries & Other Alterations Included)
Legalize: Prostitution

1. Most women have an overinflated sense of self because of makeup, they literally rate themselves based on their "makeup face" rather than their actual face, and they use the trickery of makeup to looksfraud and pursue men outside of their league. Taking away makeup would be a huge blow to this BS and it would humble a lot of women.

Of course women will still be pursued by all tiers of men, but this will lower the rate at which it happens, and it will make women less brazen in their attempts to try and monkey branch. Most women literally walk around catfishing their entire lives, I'd ban makeup to give them all a well deserved reality check, and to humble them and their future generations.

Women aren't really all that attractive when you look at them in their regular state. Usually when were all thinking about a "beautiful woman", 9 times out of 10 it's a woman who is altering her appearance. Be it makeup to looksfraud their face, pushup bras to make their breasts look better, heels to accentuate their height and their ass, plastic surgery to make themselves look younger or to change body parts, etc.

Very few women are actually naturally beautiful.

Sadly this is the standard that they set for themselves, because they refuse to be reasonable and to stop trying to monkey branch to men above their league. They know full well that men don't give a fuck about makeup, they use it to looksfraud so that they can reach for branches that naturally would be too high for them.


2. Legalizing prostitution would destroy the monopoly civilian whores (everyday women) have over sex, it will cheapen the act and cheapen the cultural perception of women and sex. It will take a few decades, but after a while even simping will start to go down, as it becomes more and more normalized for men to just pay for sex and the stigma is gone. From there very few men will be willing to play the "dating game" of "gamble for pussy", and risk being used for free food and entertainment.

Men who struggle with dating will just accept their lot in life and visit brothels, women will lose out on a lot of the perks they enjoy because simps are desperate and think they have a chance.

Without a monopoly over sex, women will lose a lot of control that they have in society.

Having an abundance of sex workers is like when illegal aliens come over into America and do jobs for less money lol. It fucks up the leverage that regular workers have because they will do the same job for a lower price. Legalizing prostitution does the same thing to the sex market, because over time competitive pricing becomes the norm, and prices get lower and lower until they reach an optimal threshold.

Women will literally price themselves out of the market. This will be to men's benefit.

3. Some of you might be wondering why I didn't just ban women from being able to work, own property, etc.

Well I think "reversing" the laws and putting women back in the home would be letting them off easy. They already fucking destroyed the working world and the economy by saturating the market with employees. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, after women joined the workforce they increased the supply of workers by twice the amount but the demand remained the same for employers, so wages became lower and began to stagnate. There's too many people working and not enough jobs, so the employers have all the leverage.

It's women that fucked up the employment economy, this were great before they did that shit. It was easy to provide for a family.

I don't think women should be allowed to just "go back" after fucking shit up like this, they should have to work and slave away their best years, and then have to panic in their 30's to try and lock down a guy and have a baby lol.

But marriage rates are getting lower and lower too, so sooner or later they won't even be able to get the consolation prize of marrying a beta buxxer.

I think returning women to the kitchen would be letting them off easy. That's why I didn't go the "ban women's rights" route.

They changed the entire course of the species, they should have to live with and face the consequences of that. Men will adapt and change as we always have, it's going to be amusing to see how women try to adapt to the oncoming social changes of their decisions.

Incel mass shootings is just one extreme example, but what women have done is having a lot more minor effects that go unnoticed and will only be apparent when it's too late to change them.

I have my popcorn ready :feelsPop:.
I agree with all the point

But what the hell :feelskek:you forgot , the ultimate weapon game changer that is social media & smartphone.
good thread it should be pinned
not surprisingly, most of the posts are coming from stormfront snowniggers
it’s like they forget they are the ones who gave women rights and created the most degenerate cultures in history
bbbut muh joos :soy::feels::incel:
That’s one of the thing , that I always find funny.

For them kikes are 100% responsible for today world.

It’s not possible, this globo homo feminism culture is going stronger because there are a majority of white people supporting that culture
I agree with all the point

But what the hell :feelskek:you forgot , the ultimate weapon game changer that is social media & smartphone.
banning women from having internet access would probably be my choice
Banning: foidsects human status in the law
That’s one of the thing , that I always find funny.

For them kikes are 100% responsible for today world.

It’s not possible, this globo homo feminism culture is going stronger because there are a majority of white people supporting that culture
It’s incredible that whites have no grasp of their own history, all the while whining that white culture is superior. If you look into world history, you’ll see that it’s been whites mostly who have been turning things into a bad direction in history.
Why it happens here? It’s incels trying to feel better about something in their pathetic existence, their muh master race which they were kicked off from for having too low quality genes (despite being white :feelskek:)
First thread of @BlkPillPres I seen turn comical in months. I wonder how his projects are going
Ban : Simping.
Legalize : Assault weapons for everyone.
legalize prostitution
Ban racist/degrading practices in various workforces
Ban: Prostitution, porn, OnlyFans.. (all the same to me). Making money just bc you have a pussy is a joke. Stupid cucks..

Legalize: assisted suicide
Ban: romantic relationships

Legalize: prostitution
First thread of @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/4/4144.jpg?1635652057 [/UWSL]@BlkPillPres I seen turn comical in months. I wonder how his projects are going
Wdym :feelshehe:
Ban: Prostitution, porn, OnlyFans.. (all the same to me). Making money just bc you have a pussy is a joke. Stupid cucks..

Legalize: assisted suicide
This has to be a troll post, this is literally a feminists wet dream. Sex will become even more monopolized so women will have even more leverage on the dating market, and the men they don't even want to see much more fuck will be conveniently killing themselves.

Literally every thing you chose benefits women. You can't even really ban prostitution for women anyways because prostitution is innately tied into human courtship rituals anyways (dating, marriage, etc). Women will just be "escorts" and go out on "dates".

A lot of you guys are in denial about human nature, you say you won't pay for sex (buy pussy) but you'd ironically go out on a date (gamble for pussy), it's the same thing at it's core. You're really just coping by saying otherwise, men are always paying women for sex and/or companionship.

Yeah, at this point I have to assume that you are possibly a woman larping, ain't no way a man with working brain cells thought this up and said to themselves - "yeah, this benefits me and incels".
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BAN: mobile phones with access to the internet
LEGALIZE: bullying
Yeah, at this point I have to assume that you are possibly a woman larping,
It is like always Bro, you are wrong! You better stop assuming anything. Do you remember assuming I was an LDAR-Incel? So now I am a woman huh? Oh Boi!!
This has to be a troll post, this is literally a feminists wet dream.
A lot of women, especially lefti feminists, want to legalize sex work.

Neon Feminism GIF by INTO ACTION
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You're really just coping by saying otherwise, men are always paying women for sex and/or companionship.
I love this one tbh. It is my fav meme. If you truly believe in this, then you are the biggest coper around here.
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Ban: All manners of degeneracy: faggots, trannies, whores(adultery) etc.
Legalize: weapons (to kill faggots, trannies, and whores) *in video games :feelsdevil:

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