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You ain't getting laid in England unless you look like this

Rotting since 09

Rotting since 09

Mar 22, 2018
These guys clean up in the UK. Even educated women with careers and money date these guys. It's not uncommon in the UK to see a woman estate agent or teaching assistant driving these guys around and taking care of them. If you look like this you don't even need to work in the UK, the women will take care of YOU. Women start Facebook wars and council estate wars with their best friends for trying to "steal their man" and it's always a dude like this at the centre of it.

These guys are not immune to cucking, but they can only be cucked by another guy that looks just like them but is doing slightly better in life. So a guy like this who is on the bus may get cucked by a guy also like this but who is driving a clapped out modified Vauxhall Corsa. Or one of these guys may get cucked by another one who has access to better weed, or something like that. But overall these guys are the BIGGEST SLAYERS in the UK. Most have 2 or 3 baby mothers by the time they are 22 while the average middle class Britcel slugs it out in his dreary derivative office job all year long.

It should be noted too that the girls these guys get are solid 6's and 7's, some even get prime 8's. The older ones usually get looking women too. The best looking women in the area whether they are working women or full time single moms who have been around the block will always hit the high streets with a skinny "lad" like this that wears the same adidas sweatsuit for a week straight and always has a can of Carling in his hand.

How do these guys do in America?

Yeah the UK is home of the chavs.
In the first pic, I see three nearcels.

The ironic thing is that the Jeremy Kyle show is presented as some sort of periodic parody of a make-believe world that people don't believe really exists. They think it's just some big freak show purely for comedic value. And yet the stuff you see on that show really does happen and anyone who lives on or near an area like that can attest to it. Men with absolutely nothing going for them in life except looking forward to the next time it "kicks off" down the pub have 4-5 women a time fighting over them and jumping each other in the streets over them. Women will do ANYTHING to hang on to these guys despite having better offers from smarter or more educated men.

Like I said though, even classier women with careers and money and prospects in life are now bagging themselves a Chav lad and looking after him. It's no longer just the "dregs of society" mingling with each other or a like attracts like thing.


But legit though, the gays always home into the shit that women love but just won't admit it
Chavs are your version of trailer trash and wiggers right? Ghetto boys and girls from the slum.. with ratchet class.


But legit though, the gays always home into the shit that women love but just won't admit it

lol. Looking at that first pic again, there does look to be something fruity about it. I think it's the 2 staged looking guys in the middle giving off the gay vibe. Gay chavs are a thing though? My God, you learn something new everyday!
Chavs are your version of trailer trash and wiggers right? Ghetto boys and girls from the slum.. with ratchet class.

Dunno the US equivalent tbh. I always assumed wiggers were like middle class white guys who try hard to present themselves as coming from an tough, impoverished, ghetto background and end up looking corny, as the rappers would say. The Chavs do actually come from poverty but they have certain mannerisms, slang, etc which differentiates them from the blacks in the same environment.
Chavs are slayers of extremely low class often disgusting girls. The class divide in the UK is insane, the biggest slayers are middle-upper class Chads with a good upbringing.
As a fellow ukcel you are totally correct.

Being an incel in the Uk is literally fucking cancer, i wouldnt advise any incel to come here.
chavs dont get laid

patagonia frat guys do
My sixth form was full of rich 6ft+ Chads with high IQs who would mog these guys into oblivion. Those are the real slayers of the UK.
Yeah the high IQ rugby lads are the uk chads.
These guys clean up in the UK. Even educated women with careers and money date these guys. It's not uncommon in the UK to see a woman estate agent or teaching assistant driving these guys around and taking care of them. If you look like this you don't even need to work in the UK, the women will take care of YOU. Women start Facebook wars and council estate wars with their best friends for trying to "steal their man" and it's always a dude like this at the centre of it.

It should be noted too that the girls these guys get are solid 6's and 7's, some even get prime 8's. The older ones usually get looking women too. The best looking women in the area whether they are working women or full time single moms who have been around the block will always hit the high streets with a skinny "lad" like this that wears the same adidas sweatsuit for a week straight and always has a can of Carling in his hand.
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Can confirm. All true. I've seen it first hand. I used to hang out on the chav streets when I was a teen pot head. It's a total fuck fest for the chavs. They all do and deal drugs. All the orbiting girls become single mothers by 18 and get given free houses and income to live on and their current bfs stay rent free. Taxpayers are financing all this degeneracy. Socialism breeds chaos. All Jeremy Kyle stuff is real too.
Most of this hasn't applied since 2005 lmao.
Selling drugs is not going to get them pension in later years.
I don’t see taxpayers financing this degeneracy much longer.
I like living in the UK but the femoids here are just plain evil

Also the society here is getting very degenerate so I can only hope it collapses into a black hole one day

Also the fact that subhuman chavs get pussy all the time triggers the fuck out of mw. Muhhhh just improve your personality bro
Some lookism dooshbag challenged you OP

check his thread
they seem like wiggers trying to be gangstas lol.
Just tuck your trousers into your socks and you'll slay boyo.
It's the same shit in the US, same in Canada, and everywhere else in the god damn world.
This thread seems like a massive cope.

Brazilian guys speak exactly the same shit, our "chavs" are calleed "Zé Droguinhas".

OFC its a failed redpilled theory.
Welcome, fellow UKcel. Yeah, these chavs are the British equivalent of a “gangsta” asshole who drives around pumping out hip hop and wears a backwards baseball cap. Female objects flock to them like sharks to blood. As op correctly states, it’s often the hottest middle class women who have jobless asshole chad boyfriends like this.

Of course, it should be noted that the UK isn’t different in this way; all countries have the same phenomenon. Jobless asshole chads are often to the most attractive to femoids, for some reason.
The ironic thing is that the Jeremy Kyle show is presented as some sort of periodic parody of a make-believe world that people don't believe really exists. They think it's just some big freak show purely for comedic value. And yet the stuff you see on that show really does happen and anyone who lives on or near an area like that can attest to it. Men with absolutely nothing going for them in life except looking forward to the next time it "kicks off" down the pub have 4-5 women a time fighting over them and jumping each other in the streets over them. Women will do ANYTHING to hang on to these guys despite having better offers from smarter or more educated men.

Like I said though, even classier women with careers and money and prospects in life are now bagging themselves a Chav lad and looking after him. It's no longer just the "dregs of society" mingling with each other or a like attracts like thing.

Yeah, the JK Show is totally real. The amazing thing isn’t the people on don’t get paid, either - THEY GO ON FOR FREE. They actually WANT to go on the show and express to the world what scum they are. A relative of an acquaintance of a workmates of a friend of mine once went on, it was the same thing, some slut Stacy fighting another roastie over an unemployed chad in a Nike shellsuit.
Chavs are slayers of extremely low class often disgusting girls. The class divide in the UK is insane, the biggest slayers are middle-upper class Chads with a good upbringing.

Honestly dude, I’ve seen TONS of middle class hot educated stacies go out with total loser chav chads. They often get pregnant and married with them too. Also, the lower class stacies are often the hottest, sadly.
Welcome, fellow UKcel. Yeah, these chavs are the British equivalent of a “gangsta” asshole who drives around pumping out hip hop and wears a backwards baseball cap. Female objects flock to them like sharks to blood. As op correctly states, it’s often the hottest middle class women who have jobless asshole chad boyfriends like this.

Of course, it should be noted that the UK isn’t different in this way; all countries have the same phenomenon. Jobless asshole chads are often to the most attractive to femoids, for some reason.

Yeah, the JK Show is totally real. The amazing thing isn’t the people on don’t get paid, either - THEY GO ON FOR FREE. They actually WANT to go on the show and express to the world what scum they are. A relative of an acquaintance of a workmates of a friend of mine once went on, it was the same thing, some slut Stacy fighting another roastie over an unemployed chad in a Nike shellsuit.

Honestly dude, I’ve seen TONS of middle class hot educated stacies go out with total loser chav chads. They often get pregnant and married with them too. Also, the lower class stacies are often the hottest, sadly.

Which chad??? i see no chad in these photos.
Cope, they’re all chad. [Blackpill] Men can’t tell what women find attractive.
That was probably the most LowIQ response that someone already gave me onde this fórum and you also dont know what a chad is.

You are the kind of member that cucktears use to say that we cant get laid because we are retarded, not because we are ugly.
This thread is the kind of thread that i would expect to see in TRP, not here.

"Hurdur wymen just like unenployed badboys"
"badboys are chads hihi"
That was probably the most LowIQ response that someone already gave me onde this fórum and you also dont know what a chad is.

You are the kind of member that cucktears use to say that we cant get laid because we are retarded, not because we are ugly.

Oh wait, I just noticed you’re a Latin American communist. Ok, nevermind. No point wasting my words.
Oh wait, I just noticed you’re a Latin American communist. Ok, nevermind. No point wasting my words.
But here in Brasil man think EXACTLY like you. That girls like "chavs" (we call them Zé Droguinhas in Brasil) because they are "chavs", not because of their looks.

Your mentallity is the same of the average brazilian normie and you really think you are blackpilled as fuck.
Tá de parabéns.
But here in Brasil man think EXACTLY like you. That girls like "chavs" (we call them Zé Droguinhas in Brasil) because they are "chavs", not because of their looks.

Your mentallity is the same of the average brazilian normie and you really think you are blackpilled as fuck.
Tá de parabéns.

Hopefully Pinochet will be resurrected and he’ll sort you guys out.
Oh wait, I just noticed you’re a Latin American communist. Ok, nevermind. No point wasting my words.

1 free helicopter ride coming right up...

God bless St Pinochet (Peace be upon him).
Honestly dude, I’ve seen TONS of middle class hot educated stacies go out with total loser chav chads. They often get pregnant and married with them too. Also, the lower class stacies are often the hottest, sadly.

I leave the basement on a regular basis and I can't think of a time I've ever seen this once in my life

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