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JFL Yikerinos! Violent Redditors threaten to shoot, torture, and murder incels.



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018

Should law enforcement ever have so much free time to crack down on vague threats on social media, they would more likely than not start with the mentally ill cucks of Reddit. These SJWs belong on a watchlist.

Burgercels who are concerned for their safety can report violent Redditors and potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §875(c) on fbi.gov/tips.
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lets pay them back with the same coin
Free @JosefMengelecel
Toasty Roasties should be triggered every morning.:feelsLSD:
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So is this not actually illegal? They're threatening to kill a specific person as opposed to the usual threats of violence against "incels" as a whole.
That's more violence than I've ever read on .is
It's the main reason why I'd never go to an incel meetup. IT infiltrators will feel no remorse gunning us down
They cannot kill the bullies who bullied us, they will not kill the jeremy meeks, they will not dare to speak against feminist and gays but they want to murder incels. that speaks volumes about these bastards.
I do not care
Yet I’m supposedly the bad guy for promoting IT suicide. IT won’t touch this.
So is this not actually illegal? They're threatening to kill a specific person as opposed to the usual threats of violence against "incels" as a whole.
Well, the first two comments are much more suspect since the statement is directed towards a particular individual -- the degree of specificity involved makes it more likely that they will in fact act on their violent fantasies. The latter three comments are probably in the clear since they merely involve the vague encouragement of, or assertion of the rightness of, violence not directed at any particular individual or group.

Of course, this would most definitely fall into what they describe as "stochastic terrorism", such rhetoric increasing the certainty that a radicalized Redditor will take it into his own hands to violently murder incels.
Ha, I wouldn't be scared even if I had a gun pointed on my head by these manginas. Who are they threatening though? I got banned from subreddit for saying fatass
IT won’t touch this.
I'd like them to, I'd love to hear their soylent foid worshipping justification for gunning down an incel in cold blood while they sit back and pretend to be the reasonable ones.
So is this not actually illegal? They're threatening to kill a specific person as opposed to the usual threats of violence against "incels" as a whole.
Yet when incels celebrate a rostie getting beaten or killed by a normie they say we're making violent threats, and they're the ones who make actual violent threats to specific users. All cucks and whores know how to do is project, so whenever they blame us for something most likely they are 100 times more guilty, like fucking prepubescent kids.
Why do they want to kill us? Because we believe women shouldn’t have the same rights as men? Or because we believe all men are entitled to pussy every now and then?
If only internet threats actually carried any weight.
I bet none of those cowardly soyfags would want to fight an incel one on one.
Report their sub for targeted harrassment/threats :soy:
They actually think they can prove Mengelecel’s crime is sick by being just as sick as him. That logic doesn’t even work. It’s mere hypocrisy and nothing else
They actually think they can prove Mengelecel’s crime is sick by being just as sick as him. That logic doesn’t even work. It’s mere hypocrisy and nothing else
Never really a fan of the whole "I want to fuck kids" vibe, but it is hilarious how quickly Reddit melts down.
Why do they want to kill us? Because we believe women shouldn’t have the same rights as men? Or because we believe all men are entitled to pussy every now and then?
Ironically they believe women should have more rights than men and they think women are entitled to everything without being judged.
It’s too bad they’re too obese to get up from their dorito crumb ridden computer desk
They don’t have the mindset to kill humans or else they’ll find the banned user and do it
It’s too bad they’re too obese to get up from their dorito crumb ridden computer desk
People so obsessed with typing how they’d kill pedophiles in the goriest ways seem most likely to be actual pedophiles to me, as if they’re virtue signalling to hide it. Just look at those vatican priests who were outed as pedos, and the numerous feminist men who were actually rapists
People so obsessed with typing how they’d kill pedophiles in the goriest ways seem most likely to be actual pedophiles to me, as if they’re virtue signalling to hide it. Just look at those vatican priests who were outed as pedos, and the numerous feminist men who were actually rapists
Virtue signaling cucks are all trying to hide something, and any three digit iq person can tell they're the real "creeps" that they attack others for being.
Report their sub for targeted harrassment/threats :soy:
Cuckkit mods will never ban faggots who threaten anyone remotely right-wing or opposes their political views, you should know this by now
it looks like a CuckTears mod had the good sense to take down the concerning posts. But here are some of them:


JFL I hoped you saved these pages to the archive.org "wayback machine", the comments are deleted now
Why do they want to kill us? Because we believe women shouldn’t have the same rights as men? Or because we believe all men are entitled to pussy every now and then?
They’re ideological, narcissistic, delusional, fanatical libtards/SJW’s who think they’re smarter than smart and that we and anyone else that disagrees with them on any subject are primitive, dangerous, vile, low IQ reactionaries ruled completely by our base instincts.

They’ve so completely dehumanized us and psychologically projected what are actually more of their own character flaws upon us so thoroughly that I have no doubt many of them would get great joy and satisfaction from murdering us if they could get away with it and they wouldn’t have any pangs of guilt or conscience over this because once again they’ve so deluded themselves about us that they genuinely believe they’d be doing a good deed for the world by eliminating us.

In anycase I’d like to know Atavistic Autist’s take on this sometime if he stumbles across this thread.
JosefMengelecel is just trolling
This comment was deleted.
Yet we're supposed to be the "violent" and "dangerous" ones. Is anyone really surprised by IT's hypocrisy anymore?

Not that any of them would be able to actually kills any of us, considering they're all a bunch of morbidly obese landwhales and moralfag soyboys who spend most of their time virtue-signaling on the internet.
They deleted all their terrorist threats. Wow. Such bravery

"This comment was deleted" :feelshaha:
Can't be a virgin in 2021 anymore :feelsrope:
Ironically they believe women should have more rights than men and they think women are entitled to everything without being judged.
They never blame women.

Obviously larp. IT is too busy finding more child sex slaves to rape, they don’t have time to actually come after us JFL
it's gone now

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