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- May 27, 2024
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of course they do
of course they do
Eh, I dunno. Personally speaking, if it's somebody from a culturally close country, then sure, but when it comes to countries my one has basically nothing in common with, there's no reason why I should see them as closer to me than somebody who actually lives here, speaks my language and so on.This is a lie made up by self-hating libtarded Europeans that the international world ate up for whatever reason. The average white European absolutely sees himself as ancestrally and culturally closer to a white European from another country than some ethnic that’s “assimilated” into the culture of his own country.
True. Which is a pretty funny, though quite annoying if you happen to be targeted by it, consequence of those two ways of looking at the world merging. Anglos and Nords have never seen Slavs and other EEs as "their own people" or as their equals, however, since its discrimination on a racial basis, rather than national/ethnic one, which has been pushed by the US' soft power and cultural hegemony as the ultimate sin, Slavs/EEs have ended up being just about the sole foreign group that Anglos and Nordics can freely shit on without being shamed for it.The entire reason Anglos and Nords feel comfortable shitting on Slavs publicly is because they recognize them as white people. Nigs and MENA commit way more crime per capita than Slavs in the UK and Scandinavia, but they don’t get shit on ‘cause that would be “RayCiSs”
A European will identify with their culture/ethnicity/nation over what's considered white by American standards, but I think they would still think of themselves as white, as in they're part of a greater more broad European cultural group, as a secondary identity even if it takes priority after their culture and country. A German will obviously say they're a German first and a white person/European second. But that doesn't mean they don't consider themselves white just because it's a less important distinguishing trait for them to define themselves by.
Most people in general outside of America identify with their nationalities.
everywhere except america and mixed places care more about nationality than race, chinese in japan are treated like shit, nigerians in south africa are treated like shit, the concepts of "black" "asian" are pointless in their home continent, like these are the countries which tore each other apart and you expect them to huddle up and say "we are WHITE/ASIAN/BLACK, so we Must love one another" no mf their ancestors wiped millions of each other out