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Serious Would your dad be an incel if he grew up in this generation?


  • Yes

    Votes: 38 54.3%
  • No

    Votes: 32 45.7%

  • Total voters
Rope Gang

Rope Gang

Jul 3, 2018
My dad would be. He’s 5’9, ethnic, big nose and bad teeth.

If my mom divorced him right now he would be incel tbh.
My father was a Chad in his youth.
My father was a Chad in his youth.
makes me more and more envious whenever he tells me stories of his success with various women
Yes he would I suspect.
my dad is actually quite a player. he had kids with 2 different women before i was born (my mum was the third) and now he is married to some thai woman.
My dad is a slayer even now. Got plenty of suifuel comments in junior high from girls who met him at school events. Clerk at the Russian foodstore asked my mom if he was her son.
My father was a Chad in his youth.
makes me more and more envious whenever he tells me stories of his success with various women
my dad is actually quite a player. he had kids with 2 different women before i was born (my mum was the third) and now he is married to some thai woman.
My dad is a slayer even now. Got plenty of suifuel comments in junior high from girls who met him at school events. Clerk at the Russian foodstore asked my mom if he was her son.

your mums let you down
My dad is a slayer even now. Got plenty of suifuel comments in junior high from girls who met him at school events. Clerk at the Russian foodstore asked my mom if he was her son.

Just shows you JBs love "mature" dick. What did the girls in Junior high say exactly about your dad?
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No, my father is a complete chad. German/Native america hybrid. Strong as fuck jaw, good hair, muscular. Extremely charasmatic. I'm not bragging, I'm just describing how he fucking mogs me in every goddamn way. He could get tight pussy in any generation.
What the fuck?
Why are all of our fathers either Chads or Chadlites but we're all incels?
I always knew my mother brought the worst genetics I have but I always figured I was alone on this.
EDIT: judging by the votes I'm clearly wrong
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Dudes short like 5'6 I think.
Pretty sure my mom was a skank back in her day tbh.
No he looked pretty good back in the day, plus hes from Nigeria.
If he grew up in this country then 100% he would be incel
I dont have one. Cant answer. Sorry op. (Srs)
My Dad is a highinib manlet. Nothing else to say.
My dad looked like Marlon Brando. After he died people started leaving me, including family.

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No way. My dad's a chad at 6"2 with hunter eyes high cheekbones with a square skull. He tans nice too. He was my mom's first boyfriend and got her virginity ( i kno cause i asked). He retired as a colonel in the military. He's low inhib. He'd go farther in life with his personality if he grew up in my generation.
This hurts me the most cause I love my old man but I cant be like him.:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:
Yeah, my dad was Chad too. 6'1 Olympic tier gymnast with 8/10 face. That's where my bro got it from. Unfortunately he was also a heavy psychedelic user and my bro and I were born 2.5 months premature. I almost died, and after 7 weeks in an incubator I finally went home weight under 5 lbs. My growth was forever stunted and here I am.
Nah my dad was an 7.5/10 facially and physically in his youth, he would've likely slayed lol.
The only thing i mog him on is height and dick size (according to him)
This thread is both one of the 'realest' I've read so far, and also somehow heavy af..
What the fuck?
Why are all of our fathers either Chads or Chadlites but we're all incels?
I always knew my mother brought the worst genetics I have but I always figured I was alone on this.
EDIT: judging by the votes I'm clearly wrong

Lmao right. Everyone in the comments is saying their dad is Chad, how come their Chad genes didn’t pass on I wonder
Lmao right. Everyone in the comments is saying their dad is Chad, how come their Chad genes didn’t pass on I wonder

For me it was my 4'11 mom and drug use by my dad that lead to complications during delivery and stunted development.
Lmao right. Everyone in the comments is saying their dad is Chad, how come their Chad genes didn’t pass on I wonder
I got a really awkward 50/50 jumble of features from my parents, including the mental disorders (insomnia from my father, anxiety from my mother, etc.).

Found this just as I was writing this post and looking up a technical term:

"An 11-Year-Old Got Most Of Her Genes From Her Dad, And Almost None From Her Mom"
Probably not. He was a Chad in his 20s and had a high lay count. It was ovER for him once he started losing his hair, married my mom, and became an alcoholic though.
almost every gen x and boomer was an out of shape piece of garbage who is a few inches shorter than this generation.

very few would NOT be incel if they were in their prime today.
More like 50/50
The old fart has bones and thick neck.
Honestly I have no clue.
Nope. My daddy ran thug game.
No, my father is Chad who slayed in his past
My dad is pretty beta and ugly. Bossed around by my mom. I hate my dad..idk why though. Prob cuz he is low IQ and I get my goofiness from him.

I've seen pictures of him when he was my age. He is prob a 4/10. Not Tyrone by any means. My dad does have a huge dick though and my mom said he is good in bed. He also would never cheat or anything.
No, my father is 6'4" inches and much lower inhib. I also remember seeing him hit on a lot of different women when I was a kid.
For me it was my 4'11 mom and drug use by my dad that lead to complications during delivery and stunted development.

How did drug use by your dad lead to premature birth? Sounds like your mom has a bum womb.

Also my dad is Chadlite, he gets occasional compliments on his looks, people are friendly and attracted toward him. He is NT but a true introvert in that he needs his time away from people, can be superficial and emotionally unavailable, keeps people at arms distance. Doesn't matter, people still love him and are constantly trying to get him to hang out with them.
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My dad mogs me now and his 17 year old self would mog me even more.
How did drug use by your dad lead to premature birth? Sounds like your mom has a bum womb.

Also my dad is Chadlite, he gets occasional compliments on his looks, people are friendly and attracted toward him. He is NT but a true introvert in that he needs his time away from people, can be superficial and emotionally unavailable, keeps people at arms distance. Doesn't matter, people still love him and are constantly trying to get him to hang out with them.

My dad was a heavy LSD user, alcohol abuser, and pot smoker. You don't think that can affect your sperm? I'm just saying his genes are good, while my mom's.. not so much.
My dad would still be slaying landwhales like he always had
Hell no, my dad is in his 50s and hes a fucking god tier chad ( especially for his age)
probably not, my dad was chadlite when he was young and he is still high tier normie for his age.
Reading all these replies is disheartening. It must suck being incel with a chad dad. Your dads must look at you guys like you’re fuck ups
6'6, but birdfaced and extremely passive
No, pretty unlikely, although he is 5'11 only, but he still could have some chances nowadays.
Reading all these replies is disheartening. It must suck being incel with a chad dad. Your dads must look at you guys like you’re fuck ups
Women at walmart have approached my dad and he has to explicitly tell them I'm his son and he's married, he mogs me that much
I'm invisible next to him and I hate it (Although I'm invisible next to almost anyone really)
My dad is a total chad and married a 15 years younger girl (my mother) who won a beauty contest. Yet here I fucking am :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelscry::feelsrope:

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