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NSFW Would you seriously date a girl with a shitbag? Would you have "anal" with her?

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
Inspired by that news story of a teen girl having hardcore anal and destroying her ass to the point of having to have an ileostomy done, I was cuious if anyone here would be open to dating a girl with a shitbag or would that be a dealbreaker?


A quick google search reveals many cute girls with shitbags, but since it gets worse over time I dont think Id be able to do it


Also would you have "anal" with this?

I'd be okay with it if the girl looked like the first one. I'd consider it like when you go to a store and the last one they have of a product is kind of beat up or open boxed, so they give you a discount. And you're like "Sweet," because it still works even though it's banged up a bit around the edges and maybe you might not have been able to get it at all if that one wasn't available.

Good enough deal for me. I can't get a girl like that normally.
1st time in m life I've ever heard of such a thing. Shocking and gross.
You do realize my good friend that as incels, no matter how handicapped, disabled or disadvantaged they are, they would still wish to be fucked by Chad during each (rare) sex session do you?

Your questions basically is : would you betabuxx for her?

My answer is no because her hypergamy would porbably still look past all of the effort I'd do to make her happy.
Free way to get a BBC
1st time in m life I've ever heard of such a thing. Shocking and gross.

LMao a few weeks ago in the news there was a 16 yold girl who let a bunch of guys butt fuck her brutally and she ended up ruining her angus and having to have this procedure done

Of course feminists blamed porn instead of women being whores
Fuck no. Hell, I wouldn't do anal period.
That's gross but yes it wouldnt bother me much.
I would have sex with her.
LMao a few weeks ago in the news there was a 16 yold girl who let a bunch of guys butt fuck her brutally and she ended up ruining her angus and having to have this procedure done

Of course feminists blamed porn instead of women being whores
Shocking and gross
If given the chance IRL I would probably go for it
Edit: Just watched the video, so I’d simply pump and dump
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I would not all I can think of is the smell.
If you were a vegetarian, perhaps.
I would not all I can think of is the smell.

Just do not eat eggs, milk and meat that shit does not smell so bad. In other words, judging by the still low vegan population I find impossible.
Disgusting. I know there are no death sentences for foid, but if there were, this would be one of them.
Disgusting. I know there are no death sentences for foid, but if there were, this would be one of them.
I'd kill myself if I had to stay like this forever!

Or at least if I gave up I would become 100% vegan, imagine having a sack of shit eating meat, eggs, lots of cheese and milk.
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I dont really care. Im not into anal
i would fuck her in the ass so damn hard tbh
No the fuck not, even if they were 10/10 bombshells I wouldn't touch the whore with a 10 yard stick.
Not only does it look fucking disgusting and horrifying, but I wouldn't want to be with some roastie that was that big of a whore that she managed to have anal sex so hardcore her body was irreparably damaged by it. I don't even understand the concept of anal sex anyways, it just sounds gross and not at all something anyone would do, yet apparently it's some mainstream thing?

Though, hypotheticals like this are useless. It's hubris to think that just because a roastie has a prolapsed ileostomy that her dating prospects have dried up much at all, let alone dried up enough for some ugly incel to be a choice of partner they would take.
Idk about this, seems a bit unnerving while simultaneously being gross. I'm disgusted enough by the way our bodes function as it is, how am I going to deal with this? Tbh I don't think I could go on living if this happened to me, even with my parents still alive.

Also, I wouldn't do anal at all.
I’m not into anal at all. I’d much rather go for the pink pussy than the stinky poop chute
Watching that video made me feel sick...
I’m not into anal at all. I’d much rather go for the pink pussy than the stinky poop chute

Stinky pussies notwithstanding haha

Some guys here are like, “disgusting”, others are like, “it’s fine” lols
Is it only through anal trauma that these bags are necessary or are there genetic, digestive issues that cause it as well?

Jfl the things foids will go through for Chad. Fucking whores got what they deserved, have fun dealing with that shit from now on LOL.
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Is it only through anal trauma that these bags are necessary or are there genetic, digestive issues that cause it as well?

lmao. Imagine if every single person with a shitbag got it from getting their ass wrecked by a Chad train.


Also people that are saying "no" just don't realize this would be your absolute best and only chance you'd have to get a top tier Stacy gf and you're throwing it away.

Do you know what types of guys girls like this date when they don't have shitbags?


Yeah. Of course you do. And he doesn't look anything like you.
Also people that are saying "no" just don't realize this would be your absolute best and only chance you'd have to get a top tier Stacy gf and you're throwing it away.
I might be able to get used to it, but it just seems strange. Tbh I don't think I would date my looksmatch in this scenario. But a Stacy? Alright.
i don't know, that must suck tho, 2nd vid was pretty shocking
Wait wait wait. Some of those girls have shitbags because they have problems with bowels. That means shit goes into shitbag, and not through their butthole. So why anal with them is supposedly 'worse' if shit don't go through their butthole? Their butthole and end of the bowels could be perfectly normal + shit will never go through there. Like I said it depends, most of those girls have probably shitbags because they suffer with Crohn disease or Ulcerative Colitis(which actually activates itself in your teens or early 20's)
Also people that are saying "no" just don't realize this would be your absolute best and only chance you'd have to get a top tier Stacy gf and you're throwing it away.
Cope. Like I said, it's hubris to think that you stand a chance because a roastie has to use a shitbag.
There's plenty of desperate beta cucks that are probably better looking than you that will throw theirselves at a the rear of a foid with a prolapsed anus.

These hypotheticals don't matter because ultimately you won't meet a foid that has some physical deformity like this, and even if you do, chances are they still won't want to fuck you.
You're not blackpilled until you recognize this fact.
Cope. Like I said, it's hubris to think that you stand a chance because a roastie has to use a shitbag.
There's plenty of desperate beta cucks that are probably better looking than you that will throw theirselves at a the rear of a foid with a prolapsed anus.

These hypotheticals don't matter because ultimately you won't meet a foid that has some physical deformity like this, and even if you do, chances are they still won't want to fuck you.
You're not blackpilled until you recognize this fact.

lmao. I know that. But OP posted a hypothetical where you had a choice of getting a Stacy like that with a shitbag if you wanted her.

I would JUMP at the opportunity because it's still a fucking good deal and there is no way I'd get a girl like that outside of this "deal" I had been offered.

You'd have to have her missing some limbs or having major acid scars on her (at a minimum) before the deal might actually not be worthwhile.

Without the shitbag her SMV is stratospheric. Even with the shitbag she's out of my league and would probably get some average 5'10" white guy.
Wait wait wait. Some of those girls have shitbags because they have problems with bowels. That means shit goes into shitbag, and not through their butthole. So why anal with them is supposedly 'worse' if shit don't go through their butthole? Their butthole and end of the bowels could be perfectly normal + shit will never go through there. Like I said it depends, most of those girls have probably shitbags because they suffer with Crohn disease or Ulcerative Colitis(which actually activates itself in your teens or early 20's)
my thoughts exactly. you're onto something
That's gross but yes it wouldnt bother me much.

I just remembered that a couple of weeks ago you made a thread asking about shitting in bags instead of using the bathroom, you could probably get these and just tape them to your ass or just shit straight in them and then set them aside until you wanna dump them out
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I just remember that a couple of weeks ago you made a thread asking about shitting in bags instead of using the bathroom, you could probably get these and just tape them to your ass or just shit straight in them and then set them aside until you wanna dump them out

lmao. NEET Is getting grosser and grosser by the day.
Wait wait wait. Some of those girls have shitbags because they have problems with bowels. That means shit goes into shitbag, and not through their butthole. So why anal with them is supposedly 'worse' if shit don't go through their butthole? Their butthole and end of the bowels could be perfectly normal + shit will never go through there. Like I said it depends, most of those girls have probably shitbags because they suffer with Crohn disease or Ulcerative Colitis(which actually activates itself in your teens or early 20's)

I was referring to sticking it in their stoma, I think their actual asshole is sewn shut, I cant imagine leaving a hole in your body that leads straight to your abdominal cavity, but I wouldnt know, Im gonna look it up at some point and report back, too lazy to do it now
I was referring to sticking it in their stoma, I think their actual asshole is sewn shut, I cant imagine leaving a hole in your body that leads straight to your abdominal cavity, but I wouldnt know, Im gonna look it up at some point and report back, too lazy to do it now

Lol no, their butthole doesn't have to be sewn shut. Like I said it depends, but sometimes you need to have shitbag TEMPORALY for example when your bowels are too inflammed because of crohn disease for example. They can cut part of your bowel, and connect the rest. But it needs to HEAL. And shit CAN'T go through it when it's healing. So, they give you shitbag and wait till your bowels get healthy. They don't sewn shut your asshole because there's big chance, it's gonna be operational again. Bowels are actually quite long, and they can remove big part of it, and still after healing it can work quite good(you just gonna poop more often)
Yes, I’d fuck any non-landwhale foid.
Looking for the "volcel if you wouldn't "
im lonely and horny yes i would
I think anal sex is disgusting and have no interest in that shit
A cuck would even offer to drink it for her.
i got crohn so this topic is familiar to me. if i will ever need that thing i will legit rope.

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