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Would you see a prostitute if it was legal?

  • Thread starter Manosphere Maniac
  • Start date
I've been seeing prostitutes for 10 years. Its legal here for now. Its not a cure but it is treatment. It could definitely prevent some people from going ER. Anyone on the fence should definitely go and see one.
The transition period will be a long one, it's going to _really_ suck for men for probably the next 10-20 years. Legalizing prostitution will only make this issue worse as the legalized form will not have the same anti-discrimination laws that your typical business would have. Your local coffee shop can't choose for instance not to serve a black man, these same rules will not apply to prostitution as any form of prostitution that would be legalized will be pro-feminist in nature in the western world. Meaning that they could for instance.. withdraw "consent" in the middle of the transaction, or all sorts of things.

I really don't think legalisation would change much. In my native country a lot of prostitutes. Especially eastern European ones won't see black guys. Normally because of bad experiences. I'd say the majority won't see Pakistani guys because they are always robbing and scamming. I myself operate a side business fixing cars and i simply will not do any work for Pakistani or most Indians because all they do is haggle and they will never pay. Technically we have anti discrimination laws here, i don't take any notice. Most escorts are independent here. You can't really make them do anything.

Secondly. As someone who has been seeing escorts for 10 years i actually find them less feminist than the general population. Feminists actually for the most part seem to oppose legalised prostitution. For example, look at Canada. It was feminists and moral pearl clutching conservatives who passed the laws introducing the "Swedish model" where its legal to sell but not to buy. Then look at the worlds most feminist countries: Sweden, Iceland, Norway. Ironically Ireland, France and Northern Ireland have all joined the ranks along with Canada. All progressive feminist sewers.

Most prostitutes I've seen oppose the nordic model.

There is nothing to stop a woman "withdrawing" conscent at any time whether its legal or illegal. That being said the fact she's a prostitute doesn't make her a very credible witness for the prosecution. Not to mention you will have a record of communication between you organising a meet up for sex. I really can't see any case holding water in court.
I really don't think legalisation would change much. In my native country a lot of prostitutes. Especially eastern European ones won't see black guys. Normally because of bad experiences. I'd say the majority won't see Pakistani guys because they are always robbing and scamming. I myself operate a side business fixing cars and i simply will not do any work for Pakistani or most Indians because all they do is haggle and they will never pay. Technically we have anti discrimination laws here, i don't take any notice. Most escorts are independent here. You can't really make them do anything.

I'm not sure where you live, specifically though I was talking about the western world where discrimination laws can be taken very seriously. I agree legislation won't change much, it's the mainstream embrace of it whether illegal or legal that will.

Secondly. As someone who has been seeing escorts for 10 years i actually find them less feminist than the general population. Feminists actually for the most part seem to oppose legalised prostitution. For example, look at Canada. It was feminists and moral pearl clutching conservatives who passed the laws introducing the "Swedish model" where its legal to sell but not to buy. Then look at the worlds most feminist countries: Sweden, Iceland, Norway. Ironically Ireland, France and Northern Ireland have all joined the ranks along with Canada. All progressive feminist sewers.

I live in Canada, all feminists certainly are not unified around it. I'm not really saying it is part of feminist ideology, what I am saying is that if you look at the groups of women pushing for legalized safer sex-work, THEY almost always also identify as feminists as well. It was more so the Conservative party that pushed that through and there are many schools of thought within that community on it.

Most prostitutes I've seen oppose the nordic model.

Again this comes down to multiple ideologies within feminism surrounding prostitution. Feminists who do not agree with legalized prostitution support the Nordic model because it criminalizes men and not the sex-workers. Feminists who support prostitution do not support the Nordic model as it provides no benefits or safeties for sex-workers themselves. This isn't an issue of feminism, what I'm saying is that the initiatives to legalize it and all of the pro sex-worker groups also happen to be a variety of feminist and thus will push for legalization that is feminist in nature (meaning it will orient itself around the needs and desires of the women, not their clientele).

There is nothing to stop a woman "withdrawing" conscent at any time whether its legal or illegal. That being said the fact she's a prostitute doesn't make her a very credible witness for the prosecution. Not to mention you will have a record of communication between you organising a meet up for sex. I really can't see any case holding water in court.

I was simply providing a off the top of my head example of where that may lead. The main point I was making is that it will not be treated the same as other businesses as women while wanting legalized sex-work will not want to treat it as a fair business and maintain their privilege to discriminate.
can you describe to me what "light-screening" is?
Like she'll get your linkdin or facebook or something so she can have something to link back to in case something happens. It's just for femoids who are paranoid, even though most men are only there to fuck and pay and go.
I would never, its humiliating and all the whore wants is your money. The thought of 1000+ cocks being jammed into the roastie as well is disgusting.
I'm not talking strictly about the dollar value of prostitutes, that is a zero-sum game, so yes if you're resolved to simply pay for affection for the rest of your life then sure. But what you're not accounting for is those "girls next door" types charging $100, used to give attention to men for free. That's an increase of $100 where as previously you may have had a chance of getting her attention for free. What I am talking about is that overall the value of ALL women goes up if more and more women can charge for attention they previously would have given for free.
As someone who has zero chance with the girl next door anyway, that sounds more like it would hurt the chadlites,not me. Besides it's not like all women are suddenly going to become prostitutes. There's still going to be plenty of Stacy's and Becky's for Chad's and Chadlites to score with for free. Besides some men just like to chase women, and women like to be pursued. All and all I see things remaining much the same except less sexually frustrated men. You could look at Nevada for a sample size of what would actually happen.
Only if the bitch paid me.
if it was legal yeah. hell if i had the money i'd marry one. at least whores are honest.

Why should I pay for something I’m entitled too?

Besides most whores here are ugly Romanians
As someone who has zero chance with the girl next door anyway, that sounds more like it would hurt the chadlites,not me. Besides it's not like all women are suddenly going to become prostitutes. There's still going to be plenty of Stacy's and Becky's for Chad's and Chadlites to score with for free. Besides some men just like to chase women, and women like to be pursued. All and all I see things remaining much the same except less sexually frustrated men. You could look at Nevada for a sample size of what would actually happen.

So if you could get laid, and paid for it, you wouldn't? I feel as though there is a significant underestimation here on how many women might peruse that career if it's made a viable option. It will bump all men down a notch. Nevada is perhaps a great example, as one of the most superficial and materialistic states. Is it easier, or harder for men to find a woman without currency attached there? (I don't have any hard data on the numbers, but I have a suspicion it's probably harder )
So if you could get laid, and paid for it, you wouldn't? I feel as though there is a significant underestimation here on how many women might peruse that career if it's made a viable option. It will bump all men down a notch. Nevada is perhaps a great example, as one of the most superficial and materialistic states. Is it easier, or harder for men to find a woman without currency attached there? (I don't have any hard data on the numbers, but I have a suspicion it's probably harder )
And I think you're overestimating just how many women would sell themselves. Nevada only has 21 brothels in the entire state, even though they've had them since the 80's. You can imagine that's not a very large pool of sex workers, even though it's viable easy work. There has to be some reason there isn't a brothel on every corner like McDonald's. Probably because there's just less women interested in selling their bodies then you believe.
And I think you're overestimating just how many women would sell themselves. Nevada only has 21 brothels in the entire state, even though they've had them since the 80's. You can imagine that's not a very large pool of sex workers, even though it's viable easy work. There has to be some reason there isn't a brothel on every corner like McDonald's. Probably because there's just less women interested in selling their bodies then you believe.

Or its that in the age of the internet brothels are no longer needed. I refer you to the #findom hashtag i mentioned earlier.
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Like she'll get your linkdin or facebook or something so she can have something to link back to in case something happens. It's just for femoids who are paranoid, even though most men are only there to fuck and pay and go.
sounds like a good way to get blackmailed by a hooker
It's not my thing.

I will say prostitutes probably understand men better than the average woman, and respect them more. I don't think going with a prostitute is wrong or degrading. Find the right one.
Non-incels swear up and down that incels do not want to see prostitutes and that the legalization of prostitution would not help at All, but I disagree. I think the legalization of prostitution would be the first step towards giving men across the board more choices when it comes to being intimate with the women they desire because the incel movement is merely the byproduct of all men not just incels having less members of the opposite sex as a choice for intimacy than women do. I am not sure what the exact ratio is between women and men in the US but on two analytical sources suggested that men out number women by around 5 to 10 percent so yea when you consider this one factor Alone it would make sense that a we have a group of people who are incel. I also saw an analytic source that suggested men outnumbered women by around 3 percent, but keep In mind in that the this data included women that were decades passed their paternity window , that men die at an accelerated rate in their 30's, and even in this data women that were 30 and below were outnumbered by men by around 5 percent. I know that a lot of incels would like a girlfriend but at the same time I doubt that the average incel would turn down a hot prostitute, but lets say that prostitution became legalized and 5 or 10 percent of incels took advantage of it. That helps to calm 5 to 10 percent of sexually frustrated men down. I know 1 guy who is depressed about women and even though he does not know what an incel is he is basically an incel. He gets real depressed about his female problems and anytime this man would get money he would spend it on a prostitute. I do not know what he is doing now because I had to distance myself from him because he would dump his baggage on me, was unproductive, and not trying to better his life. He is my close friend from a distance now. I have another friend who lives the incel lifestyle that would like to see a prostitute, but he does not want to get arrested. I have 1 or 2 other examples of incel guys dealing with prostitutes as well so I think all those people that are ignoring the sexual frustration factor to being an incel are spreading false info to non-incels in their video's and tweets. It's not all about sex but it is partially. Even if legalizing prostitution only helps a little bit I say every little option counts. The girl in this Youtube video swears up and down that prostitution will not help as if she is a man with a cock and balls. Don't you guys just love it when women think they can tell you what you really want?

1. Please try some paragraphing dude, when someone sees a post like this, they're less likely to want to read if its all jumbled

2. I agree completely, I've always said that one of my goals if possible is to try to get prostitution legalized world wide, if I could hold the world ransom that is what I would do. I'd continue to hold the ransom after legalization for a year or so to let men get used to having access to sex like that, and then give up the threat, after that it would be too late to revert the laws even if they wanted to, men would rebel en masse.
1. Please try some paragraphing dude, when someone sees a post like this, they're less likely to want to read if its all jumbled

2. I agree completely, I've always said that one of my goals if possible is to try to get prostitution legalized world wide, if I could hold the world ransom that is what I would do. I'd continue to hold the ransom after legalization for a year or so to let men get used to having access to sex like that, and then give up the threat, after that it would be too late to revert the laws even if they wanted to, men would rebel en masse.

Damn I wish somebody would have corrected my punctuality from the beginning. I do not want my ideas to go over the heads of people due to my punctuality.
I couldn't do it with a prostitute. I don't think I'm sentimental or any shit like that. I was in the army once and other guys fucked prostitutes. I never did. I thought about it, but every time I did I kept imagining a woman taking her clothes off, lying on the bed and saying, "Come on. You've got 15 minutes. Shoot your load and let me get back on the street." Desperate as I am for sex, I couldn't get it up for that. Fuck No! I'll stay home and jerk off!
too awkward for the idea of having sex even if it's a prostitute
I couldn't do it with a prostitute. I don't think I'm sentimental or any shit like that. I was in the army once and other guys fucked prostitutes. I never did. I thought about it, but every time I did I kept imagining a woman taking her clothes off, lying on the bed and saying, "Come on. You've got 15 minutes. Shoot your load and let me get back on the street." Desperate as I am for sex, I couldn't get it up for that. Fuck No! I'll stay home and jerk off!

You are an egoist, kill yourself, guys like you are the worst kinds of incels that only hold us back, body of a subhuman, mind of chad, you are only harming yourself. JFL at denying yourself pleasure when the world has already decided to do that to you already, this is some stockholm syndrome level fuckery I see in some of you on this site. Literally punishing yourself in place of society because you've gotten used to the abuse and grown to somewhat like it.
Easily. I was drunk and I drove home to fetch my credit card and these fucking gypsies decided to go to a brothel where there were only three hookers. One of them was passable, one of them was too old and the worst one was the bad bitch who is only submissive when chad is around and treats all other guys like shit. I paid for those guys and then had a foursome (I know it's againsts the rules to brag, but this is not bragging because the attitude of the ho made me incapable of having sex). They just charged me for everything they could think of and had the one hour alarm switched to thirty minutes. So I ended up just licking their stinky cunts (that have been fucked by thousands of guys) and paying more than I make in two months. I would go back and ask for a refund, because the credit card history doesn't lie, but I'm too ashamed to do so. A large bitter pill to swallow. And don't make me start about the pretended orgasms. I know they were thinking of the new gucci handbag they're going to buy. I quit drinking and now is my sex life composed of hardcore degrading porn and masturbation. I do have the money, but no longer the courage to go find a hooker. Maybe I can kidnap a girl and hold her in a basement one day. The ultimate dungeon master. :)
So you paid a whore to lick her pussy. You have zero fucking room to speak. Go kill a dozen women and maybe you'll redeem yourself.
You are an egoist, kill yourself, guys like you are the worst kinds of incels that only hold us back, body of a subhuman, mind of chad, you are only harming yourself. JFL at denying yourself pleasure when the world has already decided to do that to you already, this is some stockholm syndrome level fuckery I see in some of you on this site. Literally punishing yourself in place of society because you've gotten used to the abuse and grown to somewhat like it.

It is refreshing to see that you feel so strongly about the legalization of prostitution eventhough I disagree with telling anyone to go kill themselves. The truth is that a lot of these men who call themselves incels have never gone through sh!t or experienced rejection as much as some of us have. I want you try waking up everyday for two years straight on days when you do not have to work approaching attractive women every time you see one. I use to approach so hard that I hated going home if I only approached one woman or no women. I was not the best or tallest looking guy but I was far from the worst. Keep in mind that I have approached more women since that period I. I estimate that I have spoken to thousands of women in my life time and succeeded in getting around 50 to 100 numbers but was unsuccessful at sealing the deal with around 90 to 95 percent of the females who gave their phone numbers to me. After going through all that grief from rejection it would be a relief to me and men like me if the government legalized and gave full support to prostitution.
Prostitution is legal where I live but it is too expensive. It should be covered by the social government just like they pay birth control devices and medicine.
It is refreshing to see that you feel so strongly about the legalization of prostitution eventhough I disagree with telling anyone to go kill themselves. The truth is that a lot of these men who call themselves incels have never gone through sh!t or experienced rejection as much as some of us have. I want you try waking up everyday for two years straight on days when you do not have to work approaching attractive women every time you see one. I use to approach so hard that I hated going home if I only approached one woman or no women. I was not the best or tallest looking guy but I was far from the worst. Keep in mind that I have approached more women since that period I. I estimate that I have spoken to thousands of women in my life time and succeeded in getting around 50 to 100 numbers but was unsuccessful at sealing the deal with around 90 to 95 percent of the females who gave their phone numbers to me. After going through all that grief from rejection it would be a relief to me and men like me if the government legalized and gave full support to prostitution.

I'd say I only approached around 100+ women, not nearly as much as you, and my success rate is absolute zero lol. A normie would probably say in this case "hey just try for 900+ more rejections like the guy you're talking to, and you'll get laid once" JFL. What normies don't seem to get is constant endless rejection begins to eat away at you, the hatred begins to build and it just molds together with depression, and your body and mind or now in this weird frenzy state where you don't even know if you want to just die or continue to live for revenge, the hate keeps you going and the depression makes you want to die, its like a curse lol.

I do believe guys like that should just kill themselves though because they want to die anyways and they will ironically be a detriment to the cause, you may think I'm exaggerating but its these same guys that news networks will plaster all over the media to misrepresent us to lower our chances of truly spreading our message or getting our points across, take for example @jackbud and his interview, that shit set us way back.

Lol just listen to the first words he says, the irony smh, his first words LITERALLY UNDERMINES YOUR ENTIRE THREAD

"I guess I would say the incel movement doesn't really have a goal" JFL

We do have goals, those things haven't been unanimously decided yet because most of the "members" lack the conviction and will to do so and become a "leader". But prostitution being legalized should be an obvious goal for the incel movement.

He even said in the video that he is going to "steer" the movement in a certain direction away from misogyny, ban misogynist posters, and even invite women into incel forums. You seriously telling me these guys shouldn't just kill themselves or be killed when their only purpose is to impede our goals.

So were here talking about trying to get prostitution legalized, and guys like him will get plastered on the tv saying we have no goals, were "just a support group", they are "against misogyny" and they want to allow women into our group.

Sorry I have to strongly disagree, these guys NEED to kill themselves or BE KILLED. the next ER shouldn't be a mass shooting, it just should be an assassination of @jackbud , so that no other fakecel would ever dare to do what he did with his misleading performance which was nothing more than a power play for him, he is literally a traitor to the movement.
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I'd say I only approached around 100+ women, not nearly as much as you, and my success rate is absolute zero lol. A normie would probably say in this case "hey just try for 900+ more rejections like the guy you're talking to, and you'll get laid once" JFL. What normies don't seem to get is constant endless rejection begins to eat away at you, the hatred begins to build and it just molds together with depression, and your body and mind or now in this weird frenzy state where you don't even know if you want to just die or continue to live for revenge, the hate keeps you going and the depression makes you want to die, its like a curse lol.

I do believe guys like that should just kill themselves though because they want to die anyways and they will ironically be a detriment to the cause, you may think I'm exaggerating but its these same guys that news networks will plaster all over the media to misrepresent us to lower our chances of truly spreading our message or getting our points across, take for example @jackbud and his interview, that shit set us way back.

Lol just listen to the first words he says, the irony smh, his first words LITERALLY UNDERMINES YOUR ENTIRE THREAD

"I guess I would say the incel movement doesn't really have a goal" JFL

We do have goals, those things haven't been unanimously decided yet because most of the "members" lack the conviction and will to do so and become a "leader". But prostitution being legalized should be an obvious goal for the incel movement.

He even said in the video that he is going to "steer" the movement in a certain direction away from misogyny, ban misogynist posters, and even invite women into incel forums. You seriously telling me these guys shouldn't just kill themselves or be killed when their only purpose is to impede our goals.

So were here talking about trying to get prostitution legalized, and guys like him will get plastered on the tv saying we have no goals, were "just a support group", they are "against misogyny" and they want to allow women into our group.

Sorry I have to strongly disagree, these guys NEED to kill themselves or BE KILLED. the next ER shouldn't be a mass shooting, it just should be an assassination of @jackbud , so that no other fakecel would ever dare to do what he did with his misleading performance which was nothing more than a power play for him, he is literally a traitor to the movement.

This guy had no talking points or stances, but I do not wish death on him he just got in front of that camera and either forgot or just does not understand the gravity of this whole Incel situation. He has not approached female after female getting rejected countless times or he just forgot what it feels like. He was not a strong representation at all and his actions might hinder. If someone can reach this guy to help him realize his faults so that he represents the right way it might help. He should have rejected the interview

The incel community needs talking heads to get behind who are not so quick to back down when a camera is in their face and it might not be a bad idea to change the name incel to a name that better describes what we go through as men instead of a name that some woman came up with. I am not even 100 percent sure if I am considered an incel. All I know is that I have problems getting laid or even companionship and it is not getting any easier, but at the same time I am not like a lot of guys on this site who have barely or never had friends in their life. The incel movement is being dragged to the mud by bad representations all around. It's cool that people are talking about incels now but I hate that it had to be because Alex ran over random women besides the incel movement is partially the result of a shortage in physically attractive women, so It honestly does not make sense to takeout women. If there is one thing I know about people is that you are less likely to get people to sympathize with you by hurting someone else than you would if you were to hurt yourself. I'm not condoning any type of violence I am just stating what I know to be true.
If there is one thing I know about people is that you are less likely to get people to sympathize with you by hurting someone else than you would if you were to hurt yourself.

Its a good thing I'm not looking for sympathy because sympathy gets you nothing, if you really think were going to be able to woo normies by "being nice" into legalizing prostitution you are naive, whats going to get this done is mass attacks happening all over the world with a clear and vocal cause of trying to get prostitution legalized. They will have no choice because this will be nothing like islamic terrorism, you can't "screen" a male to determine if he'll go ER, society will never feel safe.

The only way we'll ever get these goals achieve IS THROUGH VIOLENCE, if you aren't prepared for that then just give up and stop wasting your time.
No because you'd have to wear a condom and still wouldnt no what a pussy feels like. I've heard countless times how normies and Chads say the best thing about a gf is she let's you fuck them with no condom which is far superior, refuse to wear condoms after experiencing actually pussy. So why the fuck pay money for some dirty loose hoe, wear a condom, and still dont know what sex feels like?
No. I'm not paying for sex. Even in an ideal place to escort like Brazil, I still wouldn't do it.

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