ive had clear opportunity to lose my virginity three times.
Number 1) girl asked to meet me, I said I was shy because Im a virgin and wanted to see her nudes first. She ignored me.
Number 2) Girl really liked me but I didnt see, I was talking to her friend who was also a girl and she said she used to like you but not any more
number 3) girl messaged me on facebook, started talking to me being flirty. Instead of being a chad. I asked her why she messaged me because im ugly and shes good looking.
I can not talk to people normally, I have family history of mental illness and have had surgery
I am retarded, no girl will ever like me.
I hate my life.
Im not good looking enough to be aspie, I need to looksmax more.
saddupbro said:
oh my god, that is a severe case of crippling mentalcelism.
but its ok, mentalcels are the incels most ready to ascend.
by the way, how did your tuesday night date go?
she said work called her in for a shift and can we meet up friday, I said im busy lets meet up next week and she told me ok
and then she stopped responding cause I asked her if she likes her job
i said, I dont have problems with work because im unemployed, do you like your job?
she read and never responded.