A person who has a very high IQ usually won't be interested in jobs that don't challenge them enough, like farming, unless they see they can improve/invent something in that area. High IQ people always go for STEM because their high IQ lets them figure out that it is the smart thing to do.
This isn't true lmao.
here's an example. You're just wrong here. People with high IQ's don't inherently go for STEM or scientific fields.
Yes they do. It's called public school. If one has a very high IQ it will be noticed by his teachers in his middle/high scholl years by his grades/results/behaviour and he will be railed towards STEM.
Again, not in this day an age, the public school system is vehemently anti male, even when you're put into an advanced class, most courses aren't designed around male brained thinking, it's why women on average get better grades in ALL school subjects. Do you know how many girls were in these classes? Much more than the boys for sure. Does this mean women are more high IQ? They seem to go college much more than men aswell. I never got any scholarships, after I got my IQ test done I remember the teacher (who didn't like me by the way) was in utter shock but didn't do much at all after that.
The only exception is if you are born in 3rd world slums or something like that. But even then if you have a very high IQ you will figure out a way to get yourself out of such situation.
Not necessarily, if you're born in a 3rd world slum, even if you're a genetic anomaly with a high IQ, you're still going to be more prone to average chemical differences of your race vs another. Secondly just because you have a high IQ doesn't mean you're some MacGyver who can get out of any situation. Several people in the higher echelons of the Nazi party had high IQs, and while they worked together to make Germany a better place, it sure didn't help them getting out of the losing the war did it? IQ does not mean you're always right either, etc.
Again, IQ is processing power, it is your ability to understand things, make things click in your head. You can easily make the wrong things click with bad information you think comes from a trustworthy authority, you can not be interested in researching things, etc. You can have completely contrary interested based on your race/gender. Look, I wish there was some Golden Ticket that if you waved your IQ score around you'd be able to do or get into anything, but you can't, it's not how the real world works.
You also didn't address any of my other points, but i'm not sure why you this Godly esteem on IQ. It's obviously some sort of cope. Is it important? Of course, people with a 100 IQ and lower are generally pretty dull, but you're putting way too much weight and credence and faith on this misinformed concept that just because you're a genius you're basically a superhero God among men who can get anything done. I just don't see it. I see a lot of people with above average intelligence and geniuses who are wasted potential, and I see a lot of supposed geniuses nowadays in corrupt fields of work, or aren't the most wisest or informed bunches. Most people rise to the top based on looks, inheritance, connections, manipulation, circumstantial luck, etc. A lot of people in high positions in the higher echelons of IQ are for the most part usually only between 110-120 IQ, more so around the 110 mark if not lower, which is only a bit above average in most western countries. Geniuses do not run most major governments, corporations, or organizations.