I have my opinion so I don't believe you
Only some examples from France.
"The civilized world was painfully surprised by the Austro-German troops, who were therefore
de facto not part of the said civilized world".
Paul Pic, Professor of law, Lyon
"violence is inscribed in the German brain".
Joseph Lefort, Parisian lawyer
Louis Le Fur, a professor at the faculty of law at the University of Paris, mentioned "a barbarous and coarse nature" of Germans
According to the professor Rene Gonnard, Lyon, Germany "was hateful, resentful and jealous, devoid of proper qualities, always late, 'aping' more original and more cultured people, as old Germany with its Holy Empire aped the Roman empire".
G. Thery in "Civilization and barbarism" (1915) wrote: "It is often said: the Germans are barbarians, their acts are not those of civilized people... Wilhelm and his people are only the instruments of the Jewish occult power, which governs Freemasonry."