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Would you be an incel if you had a good job?

How much do you think you'd need to be earning to stop being incel?

  • About the average would be enough

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Double the average

    Votes: 9 14.8%
  • Five times the average

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Ten times

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • Fifty+ times

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I'd be incel no matter what I was earning

    Votes: 27 44.3%
  • Swamp knives

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters


Cursed OGcel
Nov 7, 2017
Who here thinks they just need a good job to attract foids?
Just be a billionaire bro
having a good job can help fund surgeries so yes

but having a good job alone wont make u attractive to foids lol unless u want to be a betabux
I have a job well above Brazilian standards (remembering that the unemployment rate in Brazil is high), I have my own house, car, I have no debt, I go to the gym, and I am still incel.
I once heard a foid tell another foid that I would need to pay her a million dollars for her to even consider me. That seems about right. And since I lack the motivation and drive to become a millionaire, it's better for me to just LDAR.
Increases my chances of betabuxxing.
Depends on your theoretical scenario. If I made enough money, say $1 million, I’d just move to SEA and get some cute asian wife and live off my savings the rest of my life there.

In the West? I don’t think any amount of money could help me.
If I sea max I won't be an incel, petty much 100% sure. Just need money to sea max and I'm good.
having a good job can help fund surgeries so yes

but having a good job alone wont make u attractive to foids lol unless u want to be a betabux
tbqh if surgeries can help you ascend you're not truecel to begin wtih
Money will not stopd from being incel. Betabuxxing or whoremaxxing - still incel
you could ascend by wealthmaxxing prb

I put my tinder profile in Tailand and got matches. Not a lot but some. I would have a chance at least. Compared to Canada where it's otherwise fucking over beyond over.
Money is cope. It can get you prostitutes, be them a one-time thing or full-time, and that's it.
I don’t know how much the average is but if I made twice as much as I do now I will be driving in a brand new Mercedes and wearing Gucci and shit.
I need a good job to attract top surgeons and be able to live normally despite my mental problems. Time has shown working 8 hours for me is impossible.

Asian men, wtf are you waiting to rise up ?

As for the main topic : if I were really rich, I'd look for good looking prostitutes whose company I enjoy and I'd hire them to just follow me everywhere I go and let me fuck them whenever I want.
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Tbh if it takes money to get you a gf you might as well just escortmaxx instead. No need for drama just direct sex
depends on how much ur willing to spend tbh
has anyone ever ascended from trueceldom to high tier normie from surgeries alone though? If you actually have examples that'd be cool, I just have yet to see it
whats swamp knives?
I know an ugly millionaire in his 20s that betabuxxes roasties and spends on average 10-15k euros each month for him and the roastie. I guess that 10 times the average is a good Number in order to ascend then, who says double or fifty Is just coping hard I think.
If I earned enough to surgerymaxx before it's too late, I'd use surgical salvation to become a human and escape The West. Then I would be volcel instead of incel because I'd be at least average looking and good enough for the landwhales I would reject. To be fair, I would reject stacy too because I hate foids that much. Being a good looking volcel to me is better than sharing a bed with a femoid who has fucked other men before you.
has anyone ever ascended from trueceldom to high tier normie from surgeries alone though? If you actually have examples that'd be cool, I just have yet to see it

its more like truecel -> low tier normie though

its more like truecel -> low-mid tier normie though
he literally jsut fixed his skin. If you only have one fixable feature pulling you down to trueceldom then yeah I guess it's possible, but for most truecels it's a plurality of factors that all require unique surgeries and will result in an unnatural uncanny as fuck appearance should they get surgery for every single one of their lacking traits
he literally jsut fixed his skin. If you only have one fixable feature pulling you down to trueceldom then yeah I guess it's possible, but for most truecels it's a plurality of factors that all require unique surgeries and will result in an unnatural uncanny as fuck appearance
nah his jaw was completely fucked pre surgery


Honestly, paying women so you can bed them is like prostitutecelling.
Here gentlemen Is a lifefuel for skincels, and an implementation of Just date men theory.
For semantics sake I'm just gonna put out there that a betabuxxer probably has sex once or twice a year so they aren't incel. 100k is easily enough to become a betabux as well. As for how much I'd need to earn to actually be happy and not some foid's bank account? Probably over 50 million a year, with that much money I could pay to shit on foids like the oil arabs do!
This makes me feel like either a volcel (I'm just not choosing to apply myself enough to earn lots of money?) or a bluepil (I'm overestimating my appeal), but when I googled the average earning in my province (27.50 per hour, 53k per year) I can't help but think if I earned that much, I might actually be able to take steps to have at least brief sexual liasons.

Locationcel is definitely a real and prominent factor in my life, because the idea of pursuing women simply doesn't occur to me because I do not live alone. I have never considered having anyone over. I don't have privacy. I don't have autonomy.

Pretty much the only way out of this (and even then, temporarily, unreliably) would be to become an utter workcel, so I couldn't even aspire to ascend to a nearcel.

I don't think I'll ever be okay with betabuxxing or whoremaxxing but my thirst is probably so great that I would end up being cucked into doing those unconsciously if I tried for LTR material. The best I can hope for is to never provide anything for women and see if they'll fuck me if they think I lack resources to give to them. But I can't even get a bachelor apartment to live in. Costs are too high hear, and I don't know how to live elsewhere. I'm terrified of change but I know it is inevitable.
Sugar baby too. Wouldn't be so bad.
I wish I could pay to kiss and have a date with a young teenage girl. You usually can't kiss with prostitutes, and neither you should kiss them.

Sugar daddying is too expensive and cucked tbh. A one time thing would work better for me.
he literally jsut fixed his skin. If you only have one fixable feature pulling you down to trueceldom then yeah I guess it's possible, but for most truecels it's a plurality of factors that all require unique surgeries and will result in an unnatural uncanny as fuck appearance should they get surgery for every single one of their lacking traits
Which deformities do you have? Did surgery help at all?
I put my tinder profile in Tailand and got matches. Not a lot but some. I would have a chance at least. Compared to Canada where it's otherwise fucking over beyond over.
So what's the problem? If you're from Canada (where the minimum wage is higher than what a doctor earns in Eastern Europe), it shouldn't be too hard to save up for a week in Bangkok and see how you do.
So what's the problem? If you're from Canada (where the minimum wage is higher than what a doctor earns in Eastern Europe), it shouldn't be too hard to save up for a week in Bangkok and see how you do.
Thailand's currency is surging at the moment so I wouldn't count on that.
5 times above average would be more than enough.
ten times and my personality would be irresistable for femoids at that point.
Nothing to do with jobs for purely attraction, is that 12yo kid wif his girlfriend making bank?
yes because betabuxxing is not ascension
I think your job does jack shit to your SMV. Maybe some super money and statusmaxx shit like rockstar, movie star or big shot politician so I voted 50+ times the average wagie salary.
I wish I could pay to kiss and have a date with a young teenage girl.
That's called enjo kosai in Japan.

Not sure if there's any laws against it as long as you don't fuck them.

Would love to read tutorials/reviews of this practice for foreigners.

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