In the 12 months I workceled in payroll and got an accountancy qualification, it was awful, but earning and saving money was a great feeling. I saved over 1/3 of my income. which has come in useful when I finished my contract and have been on NEETbux for 17 months now. I had delusions that I could stay in full time work and save 5/10K a year towards an early retirement in my 50s (not bad for someone without any wage until 28-29) as I knew I had no life or prospects for ever having a family.
I got a job in facilities last year but was kicked out after a week. I have come to the conclusion that I am simply too asocial to work, but I could never get on disabilitybux for it. I am trying to find a local part-time job just to get everyone off my back and still have free time to myself. I've given up on the idea of retiring early, but feel I could cope with a permanent part-time job at 2-3 days a week and could still save a few grand a year.
With being on NEETbux, hermitceling is the best way to be frugal and not get triggered by all that I am 'missing out' on by society. I can get by on 35USD a week after bills and could save about 70USD per month, or use it for fast food treats. I have come to be content with it and am very grateful for food and shelter, which are the absolute basics of survival. Basic Income is my dream, so I can truly LDAR at home without all the manufactured stress of work and dealing with people all the time.