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LifeFuel Won an Argument Against Agecucks

  • Thread starter lonelysince2006
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Cumming in Amelie Cheung is my life goal
Jan 10, 2024
I just had to post this because the agecuck copes were ridiculous.

For context, these guys are UNDERAGE THEMSELVES. THESE GUYS 17-YEAR-OLDS.

This guy (who is a tallfag, by the way) starts off by saying this 23-year-old had relations with a 17-year-old.

I said "What's wrong with that? The age of consent is 16 [in Canada]."

"Well, it's still fucking weird. He was 23 and she's 17."

"No, it's literally the law. I don't give a fuck if a 23-year-old fucks a 16-year-old, a 70-year-old fucks a 16-year-old, or an 80-year-old fucks a 16-year-old!"

(I forgot this part.)

"Yeah, but it's called underage because she's 17."

"Why would that matter? The age of consent is 16."

"That's literally pedophilia, dude!"

"No, pedophilia is attraction to a person below 13. TELL ME ONE PLACE in the DSM-5 where it says attraction to a 16-year-old is a disorder."

... He goes away to contemplate (I believe at this point in the conversation).

"Look, it's wrong because most people say it is!" - verbatim

"Why would I care what people think? Do you think I give a fuck what the public thinks?" - This is also an appeal to the majority (logical fallacy).

"You are a pedophile, bro!" - another dude I was with in that group

"Don't call me that if it's IN THE LAW. If you call me a pedophile, call the government too because that's literally what they say."

"[Blah blah blah, it's fucking weird, constant pedophilia accusations, muh public opinion, le heckerino muh 16-year-old innocent angels!!!... endless copes]" - The underage agecuck's babyface starts turning red and he spews spit while towering over me, talking frantically and furiously (his copes are starting to end).

Then, somehow, somewhere in between this argument, he says "Pedophilia is a preference." (I don't know what he was trying to prove.)

"No, just like being heterosexual or homosexual isn't a preference, pedophilia isn't a preference either. It's all genetic."

"No, it is [+ some other stuff I forgot]."

"You saying pedophilia is a preference means you're trying to justify it! It's a disorder."

"It's not, it's a preference." ← Agecuck doesn't even know who or what he stands for, just spews bullshit, unsubstantiated, baseless assertions. Cognitive dissonance too. :feelshaha:

We get into a shouting match where he accuses me of pedophilia and I accuse him of justifying pedophilia by saying it's "a preference."

"When I was 10, I still liked girls! It's not a choice."

"No, it's a choice because you can change."

"No, I can't just make myself attracted to men."

"Yes, you can. You just don't know it."

... [Some other stuff I forgot]

"It's not a disorder. It's a preference. It can change."

"No, it's a disorder according to DSM. And castration is the only way to fix it."

Argument ends after we decide to change topics (and he says I'm in the right, but only to end the convo). At the end, the dude who was a third wheel basically calls me a "creep."

Bottom of the barrel ad hominem insult
Grahams Hierarchy of Disagreement

I plan to argue again tomorrow to tell them that it's basically all ad hominem and the "pedophile" term is a buzzword.


Edit: This guy, at some point, also tried to pull out the formula bullshit (age/2 + 7 brainwashed crap), which is when I said I don't give a fuck if an 80-year-old grandpa dates an 16-year-old because IT'S LEGAL!!!
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dnr you couldn't get a teen foid even if it was legal, you lost against blackpill
dnr you couldn't get a teen foid even if it was legal, you lost against blackpill
I will still believe in what I believe.
Changes nothing. We don’t choose what we like and don’t like. And most pedophiles don’t act out on their “preference”.
I will tell them this too, even though being attracted to 16-year-olds is legal in Canada because of the AOC. Good point.
14 year old foids from my friend's school dated college guys.
It's bad only if the dude's  not chad.
Changes nothing. We don’t choose what we like and don’t like. And most pedophiles don’t act out on their “preference”.
I will tell them this too, even though being attracted to 16-year-olds is legal in Canada because of the AOC. Good point.
It's almost impossible (and damn-near paradoxical) to be a heterosexual male and NOT attracted to teen foids, anyone who says otherwise is a lying cuck, you're neither special or strange for finding feminine curves and features sexually stimulating no matter the age, the lizard brain doesn't need permission from a number to like what it sees
"Why would I care what people think? Do you think I give a fuck what the public thinks?"
based:chad:fuck those jew cock sucking faggots, don't they know that law and morality is relative to the people that controls the society? In the past marrying 15-18 years old foids was nothing weird but now touching 17 years old roastie is a pedophilia by agecucks even tho it's natural to fuck 14-18 years old foids and making babies with them.
Flip the switch and say getting with anyone under 80 is pedophilia.
14 year old foids from my friend's school dated college guys.
It's bad only if the dude's  not chad.
It's always the Chad that deflowers all foids. And then foids getting crazy and Chad becomes their new standard. There is no hope for Human species anymore, cheap ways of the transport, easy access to the internet with social media + tinder and destruction of morality through decaying values in society destroyed everything. I'm waiting for the inevitable collapse but first normies going to get killed through Gate's new plandemic of the vaxxxed.
Don't argue with idiots. Don't argue with brainwashed idiots. Don't argue with brainwashed idiots who are incapable of comprehending anything beyond what society, culture, and people in power tell them to believe and accept.
14 year old foids from my friend's school dated college guys.
It's bad only if the dude's  not chad.
I hate how these guys (and the general public) try to medicalize (calling it pedophilia; it's ephebophilia, WHICH ISN'T A MEDICAL DISORDER AND SHOULDN'T EVEN BE CALLED ONE OR LABELED SEPARATELY FROM TELEIOPHILIA BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY NORMAL SEXUAL ATTRACTION FOR ADULT MEN), criminalize (calling it a crime, advocating to increase the age of consent arbitrarily, without considering that at this age, most females are sexually mature and in the last stages of the Tanner scale of physiosexual development), ostracize (social ostracism, becoming a social pariah), and mislabel (basically, all of the above, like saying it's "pedophilia" despite that term meaning something completely different) a normal, genuine expression of male sexuality and COMPLETELY LEGAL, GOVERNMENT-APPROVED ONE.
It's almost impossible (and damn-near paradoxical) to be a heterosexual male and NOT attracted to teen foids, anyone who says otherwise is a lying cuck, you're neither special or strange for finding feminine curves and features sexually stimulating no matter the age, the lizard brain doesn't need permission from a number to like what it sees
Exactly, here's something the high-IQ user @Edmund_Kemper once said:
Our biology doesn't respond to laws or morals or social norms. Chronophilia is innate and biological. We are attracted to physical development, not age

I am literally being a law-abiding citizen and being OSTRACIZED and SLANDERED for going by the letter of the law. Fuck these guys. I will die on this fucking hill because it's literally a hill the government stands on.

This also means I won't get in trouble with authority (teachers, etc.) if they hear this, because there's nothing wrong to what I'm saying. I'm not advocating for anything illegal.
based:chad:fuck those jew cock sucking faggots, don't they know that law and morality is relative to the people that controls the society? In the past marrying 15-18 years old foids was nothing weird but now touching 17 years old roastie is a pedophilia by agecucks even tho it's natural to fuck 14-18 years old foids and making babies with them.
I will remember this and tell them that. Thanks for the high-IQ take. Yes, morals change and I'll tell them that the public back then said it was ok, the public now says it's not, and the public in the future might say it's illegal if you like people below the age of 30!
Flip the switch and say getting with anyone under 80 is pedophilia.
I will, bro. Thanks.
It's always the Chad that deflowers all foids. And then foids getting crazy and Chad becomes their new standard. There is no hope for Human species anymore, cheap ways of the transport, easy access to the internet with social media + tinder and destruction of morality through decaying values in society destroyed everything. I'm waiting for the inevitable collapse but first normies going to get killed through Gate's new plandemic of the vaxxxed.
I will die on this hill of mine before I give into bullshit, made-up "moral standards."
Don't argue with idiots. Don't argue with brainwashed idiots. Don't argue with brainwashed idiots who are incapable of comprehending anything beyond what society, culture, and people in power tell them to believe and accept.
I will argue with them tomorrow and see what happens. I will try to bring them on my side. If they don't like what they're hearing or keep denying it, I'll tell them to go fuck themselves.
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I will argue with them tomorrow and see what happens. I will try to bring them on my side. If they don't like what they're hearing or keep denying it, I'll tell them to go fuck themselves.
Do it for your own entertainment, but don't go back thinking you'll "win them over." JFL
Do it for your own entertainment, but don't go back thinking you'll "win them over." JFL
Ok, thanks. :feelsokman:

Always appreciate the guidance of oldERcels.
@Destroyed lonely @Bianor @NoIdeaWhatToDo @starystulejarz @Copexodius Maximus @based_meme The faggot also said "Are you a lawyer?", thinking he had a gotcha moment, and I said "I don't need to be a lawyer to know law; I don't need to be a scientist to know the Earth is round" and he sort of moved his head back (you know, when normies want to say your statement is ridiculous and stupid and contradictory with their brainwashed upbringing without actually refuting your points—microaggression) and said nothing. These faggots try to pull every logical fallacy and use bottom-of-the-barrel ad hominem attacks.
@Destroyed lonely @Bianor @NoIdeaWhatToDo @starystulejarz @Copexodius Maximus @based_meme The faggot also said "Are you a lawyer?", thinking he had a gotcha moment, and I said "I don't need to be a lawyer to know law; I don't need to be a scientist to know the Earth is round" and he sort of moved his head back (you know, when normies want to say your statement is ridiculous and stupid and contradictory with their brainwashed upbringing without actually refuting your points—microaggression) and said nothing. These faggots try to pull every logical fallacy and use bottom-of-the-barrel ad hominem attacks.
Those normalfags think that you can only say something about the subject if you have a diploma but only if it goes against their societal norms if it's the same then you don't need to be an expert. I can't wait for the day they all are going to die thanks to the vax. Billy accelerate it now
when i was 16 i was also against older men fucking girls my age bc i thought they were stealing them from me but in the end it is about societal incentives that made me a youngcel
Those normalfags think that you can only say something about the subject if you have a diploma but only if it goes against their societal norms if it's the same then you don't need to be an expert. I can't wait for the day they all are going to die thanks to the vax. Billy accelerate it now
I know a better way to accelERate it. :feelsLSD:

But seriously, this is natural selection at its finest. These guys ate up those boosters (six or something in total) when they came out like sheeple. Now, these retards will die like nature intended.

"NATURAL SELECTION. Kill all retards, people with brain fuck ups, drug addicts, people who can’t figure out how to use a fucking lighter. Geeeawd! People spend millions of dollars on saving the lives of retards, and why. I don’t buy that shit like “oh, he’s my son, though!” so the fuck what, he ain’t normal, kill him. Put him out of his misery. He is only a waste of time and money, then people say “but he is worth the time, he is human too.” No he isn’t, if he was then he would swallow a bullet cause he would realize what a fucking ... he was." — Eric Harris, April 10, 1998
when i was 16 i was also against older men fucking girls my age bc i thought they were stealing them from me but in the end it is about societal incentives that made me a youngcel
Maybe this is why these guys are coping with this agecuckery bullshit? Who knows.
@Destroyed lonely @Bianor @NoIdeaWhatToDo @starystulejarz @Copexodius Maximus @based_meme The faggot also said "Are you a lawyer?", thinking he had a gotcha moment, and I said "I don't need to be a lawyer to know law; I don't need to be a scientist to know the Earth is round" and he sort of moved his head back (you know, when normies want to say your statement is ridiculous and stupid and contradictory with their brainwashed upbringing without actually refuting your points—microaggression) and said nothing. These faggots try to pull every logical fallacy and use bottom-of-the-barrel ad hominem attacks.
You should tell him males are attracted to youthfulness. It is an attractive quality. But normal people are not attracted to prepubescent kids. There’s a big difference and the nuance should not be lost. There’s nothing magical that happens at 16 or 18, other than we have to make an arbitrary line somewhere. If society says 16 is the line, we need to accept it. If it says 18, we need to accept that. If he lives in Canada, he needs to accept the line is 16 here. The only problem would be that she’s in highschool still, which would be awkward.
how is it possible teens can clearly have bigger tits ass and better bodies than many roasties you sick pedo. idk retard im just a virgin who is more pure than many walking this retard nig ger world.

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